Is Your Dental Marketing Not Working, Or Is It Time To Train Your Staff?

Is Your Dental Marketing Not Working, Or Is It Time To Train Your Staff?

Is Your Dental Marketing Not Working, Or Is It Time To Train Your Staff?

Published: 05/20/2022
Author: Aparna Pawar

Working as a practice consultant for 6+ years, I’ve heard these statements time and time again. “My marketing is not working”, “Something is wrong, or something has changed”, or even “We are not getting qualified patients”. The list goes on.

Here are a few recommendations on how to analyze a few things before you make any major changes in either marketing, or internally within your practice.

Best Practices

Analyze Your Historical Marketing Data From The Last 12 Months

account manager aparna working with our progressive dental clients

Compile together some information for things such as how many leads you get per month for the budget you spend. Compare any current campaigns you have been running against the data from the previous year. For example, Q1 2022 against Q1 2021.

What is the CPL and CPC? Determine the cost acquisition. Check the competitive analysis to see any new competition in your market, understand market trends, and have new seasonal offers, etc.

Monitor And Discuss Phone Calls

I highly recommend having call tracking numbers on each campaign to see how the calls are being handled. I cannot emphasize how many times I hear calls handled poorly by the front desk, often your clients' first experience with your business.

progressive dental team members discussing marketing strategy

There are many barriers that can be created between the team member who is answering the phone and the patient if the call isn’t managed properly. Some of these include trying to go through pricing information with a patient before attempting to understand where the patient is in terms of affordability, not differentiating your practice and doctor on the calls, not creating urgency, or connecting with the patient with the right tonality. This is why call tracking lines and recording the phone calls are important, it allows training your team how to handle these calls properly and successfully schedule more patients.

Request Data From Your Financing Company

Most of the clients we work with are doctors who are focused on increasing their full-arch production. In order to do this you have to get a lot of leads because you have to close those patients who have the money or the credit scores that qualify for financing, because let’s face it, most edentulous people don’t necessarily have the means to pay for full-arch procedures. For this reason, it is very important to have finance options available by working with companies such as Proceed Finance in order to increase the amount of patients who can move forward with treatment.

If you work with 3rd party companies such as ProceedFinance, they will send you monthly data or provide it on your dashboard. Keep a watch on how many applications were submitted, what is the average FICO scores for the applications, how many applications were approved, and how many were actually funded.

Understanding all this information before just assuming that your marketing isn’t working is critical to seeing what needs your focus, whether it’s actually the marketing, sales training for your staff, or something as simple as providing finance options to close more cases.

some of the online tools used at progressive dental marketing

Just like anything in life, practice makes perfect, so make sure you invest in your team’s training to make sure they are equipped with the tools they need to increase your bottom line by closing more procedures. The Closing Institute will convert your treatment coordinators into Closers by providing additional training to help convert potential leads into patients thus improving the overall production.

Make Sure To Choose A Dental Marketing Company That Will Give You Results

The way Progressive Dental Marketing measures results is not by impressions, reach, likes or any analytics that the typical marketing agency uses. Instead, we focus on the bottom line. Bringing in leads through marketing is important for the success of a business but if the team can’t close those leads, then what good does it do?

That is why on top of marketing, we developed a revolutionary program, The Closing Institute, to give doctors of all specialties and their team the exact techniques to close high-dollar cases in volume. Over the years we have found that, besides the doctor, their team is the primary driving force to increasing production in the practice. The Closing Institute is the only program of its kind in dentistry, dedicated to coaching and training team members in sales mastery. At The Closing Institute we also have partners who are leaders in the industry to provide our attendees and clients with all of the resources they need to be able to predictably scale their practice and reach their goals.

If you think that these tools and processes will help your practice grow, then let us help you use them to turn leads into closed cases. Contact us to take your dental practice to the next level.

Give us a call!

Are You Looking For A Clear And Concise Marketing Partner For Your Dental Practice?

Interested in learning more about closing high-dollar cases? Attend The Closing Institute and learn how to predictably scale implant production by implementing advanced marketing and sales strategies from the leading experts in the industry! With courses in Clearwater, FL and Las Vegas, NV, this isn’t just theory. This is a tried and true method to grow your full arch production and develop your team to strategically and consistently close high-revenue, dental implant procedures.

Dental specialists interested in learning more about Progressive Dental Marketing's award-winning services and continuing education seminars are invited to contact the dental marketing company in Clearwater, FL. Progressive Dental Marketing can be reached by calling (727) 286-6211 or by visiting Or feel free to explore our website and the several case studies we have!

If you are interested in hearing more from Bart Knellinger, come to one of our upcoming dental continuing education courses. Visit today to reserve a spot for you and your team!

Progressive Dental is more than just a marketing company, we are a company located in Clearwater, FL dedicated to dental practice growthOur team was founded on creativity, collaboration and hard work. We are constantly evolving and are passionate about providing the best suite of dental marketing services for our clients. They are the reason we jump out of bed!

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