Why To Keep Marketing Dental Implants During Inflation

Why To Keep Marketing Dental Implants During Inflation

Why To Keep Marketing Dental Implants During Inflation

Published: 10/14/2022
Author: Izzy Dalrymple
PPC Strategist

Oftentimes, when it comes to businesses, inflation is a big concern. The fear of making cost adjustments, laying employees off, and/or closing the practice is prevalent in today's climate. Fortunately, in the dental industry, this does not stand true. While the need for dental implants is projected to grow at 7.1%, according to Transparency Market Research, 2.3% of the world's population were edentulous in 2010.

This is expected to increase the dental implants market volume in the years to come. The practices’ who are not aware of the potential of marketing during this time end up making rash decisions. With this being the case, you have an increased chance of having your practice seen by leads.

a graphic showing a growth chart with a positive increase

Now, should you solely rely on the projection of the need for dental implants in addition to inflation? The answer is, no. At Progressive Dental, we take the time to adequately research the market growth, campaigns, leads, and help train our clients to effectively close high-volume cases. During this delicate time, we encourage clients to continue marketing. Practices who have either maintained or increased their budget for PPC, most of the time, benefit from fewer competitors bidding on keywords which will end up decreasing the actual cost per click. Thus, the campaign will operate at a lower cost, producing more leads and sales.

So, should you keep marketing during inflation? Yes, you should! Now is the best time to market.

The Closing Institute

Make sure to join us at one of dentistry’s number one full-arch business conferences. At our Closing Institute full-arch business courses, you can learn how to implement the best strategies and procedures into your dental practice to make sure you’re growing your business, even throughout inflation and economic hardships!

dr. nigalye speaking to the crowd at tci miami 2022.

You will hear from keynote speakers who are the leaders in full-arch growth. These speakers will consistently be giving strategies on never-before-seen content to dominate your market with dental implant rehabilitation!

Are You Looking For A Partner To Take Your Sales Team To The Next Level?

Interested in learning more about closing high-dollar cases? Here at Progressive Dental Marketing, we have a whole content team dedicated to delivering quality content for our ongoing dental SEO marketing clients. We are the experts when it comes to dental blog content!

Attend The Closing Institute to learn how to predictably scale implant production, by implementing advanced marketing and sales strategies from the leading experts in the industry! With courses in Clearwater, FL and Las Vegas, NV, this isn’t just theory. This is a tried and true method to grow your full arch production and develop your team to strategically and consistently close high-revenue, dental implant procedures.

Dental specialists interested in learning more about Progressive Dental Marketing's award-winning services and continuing education seminars are invited to contact the Closing Institute team! Progressive Dental Marketing can be reached by calling (727) 286-6211 or by visiting progressivedentalmarketing.com. Feel free to explore our website and the several case studies we have!

If you are interested in hearing more from Bart Knellinger, come to one of our upcoming dental continuing education courses. Visit theclosinginstitute.com today to reserve a spot for you and your team!

Progressive Dental is more than just a marketing company, we are a company dedicated to dental practice growth in Clearwater, FL. Our team was founded on creativity, collaboration and hard work. We are constantly evolving and are passionate about providing the best suite of dental marketing services for our clients. They are the reason we love what we do!

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