Top 3 Words to Guarantee Success in Business

Top 3 Words to Guarantee Success in Business

Top 3 Words to Guarantee Success in Business

Author: CarolAnn Millergren

Starting from Definition:

When you think about team success, what words come to your mind? Here at Progressive Dental we use: Engagement, Collaboration and Gratitude. Not only does our team use these words for our own success, but we encourage our clients to use them for their success with their team. Fully understanding what these words mean help us to put the definitions to practice in our careers.

The Top 3 Success Words

Engagement (noun): the act of engaging or the state of being engaged; involvement

Collaboration (noun): the act or process of collaborating

Gratitude (noun): the quality or feeling of being grateful or thankful

How Progressive Dental implements these success words daily for our clients?

  • Becoming engaged in our clients’ work and their passion for dentistry. We want to get to know our clients one-on-one and understand how they want to be successful as a business owner and that allows us to become dedicated to helping our clients grow.
    • Things we implement to make engagement possible:
      • Communication
      • Reporting
      • Success Stories
      • Innovative ideas
  • As an all-inclusive marketing company, it is important that we have collaboration. We work together internally to communicate and develop strategies to increase the leads and production for our clients’ campaigns and development projects.
    • How we collaborate as a team:
      • Internal meetings to review campaign success
      • Strategy development
      • Innovation team to develop new products and designs to keep up with today’s advancements in technology
  • We have gratitude for our clients because what makes them successful makes Progressive Dental successful. If it were not for our clients, we would not be able to do what we do on a daily basis.
    • What drives us as a company:
      • Our clients’ success stories
      • Our clients’ practice growth
      • Our relationships that we develop with our clients


Our goal is to change the lives of our clients so they can help change the lives of their patients!

The Sky is the Limit If You Put Your Mind to It

Contact Us!

Dental specialists interested in learning more about Progressive Dental Marketing's award-winning services and continuing education seminars are invited to contact the dental marketing company in Clearwater, FL. Progressive Dental Marketing can be reached by calling 727-286-6211 or by visiting Or feel free to explore our website and the several case studies we have!

If you are interested in hearing more from Bart Knellinger, come to one of our upcoming dental continuing education courses. Visit today to reserve a spot for you and your team!

Progressive Dental is more than just a marketing company, we are a company located in Clearwater, FL dedicated to dental practice growthOur team was founded on creativity, collaboration and hard work. We are constantly evolving and are passionate about providing the best suite of dental marketing services for our clients. They are the reason we jump out of bed!

The Top 3 Success Words For Progressive Dental

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