10 Things You Will Miss if You’re Not at Catalyst

10 Things You Will Miss if You’re Not at Catalyst

10 Things You Will Miss if You’re Not at Catalyst

  1. Team Building - The greatest impact from Catalyst will come from bringing your team. It is an excellent way to develop a stronger bond, increase motivation to grow your practice, and build momentum to take your practice to the next level.
  2. Expert Speakers - Get inspired by the most brilliant minds at Catalyst. Be the first to know about the newest systems & technologies to increase new patient flow and gain case acceptance for full arch cases.
  3. Community - Have you ever wondered what it would be like to build a thriving full arch practice and have financial freedom in your life? While most surgeons have not yet achieved that point yet, the next best thing is to learn from someone who has. Spend the weekend with doctors and team members that share your advanced clinical mindset.
  4. Innovative Sales Techniques - Marketing has become all about the dental implants themselves. Unfortunately with that strategy, patients think that all implants are the same, no matter who places them or what materials they are made of. Develop sales techniques to differentiate your practice and establish yourself as the leading dental implant clinician in your area.
  5. Flexible and Inclusive Financing Options - One of the biggest barriers between patients and their treatment is the inability to cash flow the procedure. At Catalyst, you will learn how to present your patients with financing options that are both creative and flexible.
  6. Streamlined Treatment Planning - We hear it time and time again, practices are spending too much time with patients that are unlikely to move forward with treatment. Learn how to streamline your process and triage out patients that are unqualified so that you can see more of the patients you want.
  7. Real-time Scripting - We have all been in the position where we thought that a patient would undoubtedly move forward with treatment, but then they leave the practice empty handed. Sometimes we are left wondering where we went wrong. At Catalyst you will receive scripting designed to discover the root of the patient’s holdbacks and overcome objections.
  8. Becoming Business Oriented - With the increase in competition and the commoditization of this market, dentists now really have to focus on adapting a true sales mentality when it comes to advertising for these large cases. At this time, you have to be able to compete for the business. Learn how to position your practice to stand out amongst your peers.
  9. Handling Price Shoppers - Reality is, we all price shop. When looking to purchase a new car, home, or large item, we do research on the cost and the details associated with it. Just because a patient is calling your office about price, doesn’t mean they aren’t qualified and cannot afford your services. Catalyst identifies a specific way to handle price questions, and helps you determine if the lead is qualified and can be converted into an appointment.
  10. Networking - What is better than a reception with course attendees at the end of a full day of learning? Grab a drink and have a good time while networking with colleagues.

Visit our website at https://www.progressivedentalmarketing.com/dental-implant-symposium/ to register for one of our upcoming Catalyst courses. The only course of its kind that teaches the processes that doctors and their teams need to acquire and convert multi implant and full arch cases. We look forward to seeing you at Catalyst!

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