The Closing Institute Monthly Coaching Call

September, 2021

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[background conversation]

[laughing in background]

Veronica Makowski: Hey everybody! [silence] [inaudible] Hey Heather, how’s it going?

Heather Bonebreak: Hi. [laughs] I’m finishing with the pharmacy on one phone and [laughs]

Veronica: Oh, umm, thanks for joining us.

Heather: Oh, you should be along any second too.

[glitching sound]

Veronica: Cool. Alright, looks like we have a big group today. Hey Rebecca! Hey, Melanie! [pauses] Cool. Alright, well as people are going in here, um, I am so excited to show you guys the video, um, that we’re gonna go through this afternoon.

Uh, this is a video from Doctor Jeremy Thompson’s team, and actually, they started with the program, uh, last month, and after starting the program, they started implementing the systems. They went to closing an archer to every few months to last month. They closed seven-floor arches. So I’m really excited, like I said, to show you this video.

They do a really, really great job in the consult especially with all the patients at the end with the third ten, um, all of her objections. Like she wanted to talk to her husband, she need to think about it. Like she- almost everything in the book that, like, the patient would say was in this consult, and Felicia handled it beautifully. So, um, we’re just gonna go straight into it over here and, uh, show the consultation.

If you need anything or have comments along the way, questions along the way, as always, feel free to either raise your hand or put the comments in the comments, um, section. Sound good? Okay. I’m going to mute everybody.


[clicks tongue]

Alright, and since we’re just starting with the process, um, like I said, Dr. Thompson’s office just started implementing everything about a month ago. So this consultation’s a little different since Dr. Thompson actually starts the first ten and does the second ten, and then Felicia closes, but I thought it was a really great consult for you guys to see where, um, the treatment coordinator. They weren’t in the beginning how that may have affected her close because of the different things that were discussed, dis-discussed towards the beginning, and how she handled it at the end.
So I’m gonna share my screen.

[closes door]

Jeremy Thompson: I get all my homework. [laughs] Did you look at your X-ray and your whole situation there?

Martha: Mm-hmm.

Jeremy: Um, you’re not gonna see what we’re talking about [background noise] with. You just had a lot of damage to your [inaudible].

Martha: Mm-hmm.

Jeremy: And…

Martha: As a kid, I think the freshener to the dental status age and so any candy, gum, bubblegum, you know, sugar gum all the time. So I just never became a habit and even after years of dentistry, do you think I would be good? It wasn’t until about 4-5 years ago, and just went through some emotional things and separate from depression is that, uh, I don’t care anymore.

Jeremy: Yeah. Why can’t we, uh, that’s definitely a very emotional thing. I could see how that would affect you.

Martha: And yet she’s the bad habit and I take some things at night to help me sleep-homeopathic stuff. And so mint, um, [inaudible], you know [inaudible] takes it, I don’t know how to say it but-

Jeremy: Hmm-mmm.

Martha: So I don’t- I need to brush my teeth earlier and so at bedtime when I remember and the crack can’t do it now, and my medicine will work. So I don’t do it.

Jeremy: Okay. Well, what was the-

Veronica: So first thing right of the bat, um, we see that Doctor Thompson obviously, just like with his demeanor, super, um, compassionate, right? He’s very down to earth, he cares like, you can just see that naturally, which is awesome.

Um, one thing I wanna point out is you know, we- already the first minute and 40 seconds, we get a lot from the patient. Uh, she’s a younger patient. She was saying that she’s been going to the dent- dentist for work ever since she was 8 years old and just now, like it’s to the point where she’s facing depression and she needs to do something about that.

So I- like I want you guys to see how here with this first 10 with the treatment coordinator not being there in the process and actually hearing that from the patient and being, like in that communication process, it can really hinder the success, um, toward-towards the end with the close.

Jeremy: Triggering all that for you, what was the big moment when you just said, “Forget about that, I got to get this done.”

Martha: My husband’s been bugging me about it ’cause my breath is so bad, because I never brush and yet everything’s decaying. So, I put this stringing and now and then for him, you know, but now it’s just like, you know, I need to do something.

Jeremy: Okay, alright. Well, um, I have looked over your X-rays and looking at your current situation and I- I have to agree with you wholeheartedly that you’ve- and you’ve got a good jaw structure, you’ve got a good bone, but the teeth themselves have just bend through so much and- and like, like, you’ve already experienced… you and I are just starting over basically and then still having the same situation ready to happen again and I, I- I think it is time to-to sort of brushing and get something predictable.

Martha: Hmm-mmm.

Jeremy: Um, so I’ll describe for you what, what um it sounds like. I think you want it and you tell me if I’m right or not. But we have that, uh, the ability to just have all the teeth made ahead of time, plan out where we wandered months ago, have just one surgery, IV sedation and sleep through it, remove the teeth, put in the implants, place the temporary teeth on, so you want to have beautiful temporaries that look just the same your teeth and your smile is there.

Martha: Hmm-mmm.

Jeremy: And, and then while the gums are healing and smoothing off underneath the temporaries, uh, we just make sure we love the aesthetics of the temporaries. We have time, about 2-3-month window where we were just waiting for things to kind of heal up and smooth up on the gums, and then the final, uh, when we love the temporaries, we played with them enough to where we know exactly what we’re getting then and swap that out for a permanent one. That is- they don’t have, um, material crown zirconia.

Martha: Hmm-mmm.

Jeremy: Super strong, extremely beautiful, um, we guarantee it for 10 years and can’t seem to kinda break each piece ’cause it’s so strong, um, and basically what you have is gum tissue here, the uh, teeth go right down to the gum and all there is- is you know, food will fall off in this side and this side and then the water pick if anything you know gets a little bit kind of in the crevice in [distorted audio] take it out you know, whenever, once a day, whenever, um- [crosstalk]

Veronica: I wanna set and scroll it a little bit basically going through the patient education. Um, to give you a summary of what happens and like the next few minutes. We go straight into the hybrid.

So you’ll find the patient, um, throughout, I believe was 3 or 4 times in the process, where we go straight into the hybrid and then the patient asks, uh, multiple times well, what about the different options? I saw that there were different options online, um, that they were cheaper options, this is the option that is, um, like the best of the best, or is this like in the middle?

So there are many parts of the consultation, um, you guys were- we need to make sure that we tell them about the different options that they have for full arch, um, and not only that, [clears throat] the patient also starts asking about different before and after, as well. Um, do you have- do you have patients that went through this before where I can see how they looked after the treatment?

So even un- let’s say this TV as the consultation’s going, having like a screensaver with before and after photos, having an iPad with before and after photos. Like there’s a lot of points within the consultation where we can incorporate that stuff, um, to help the- the patient in their buying cycle.

So let’s fast forward here just a little bit.

Martha: In were effective and have a better [crosstalk], I don’t have to do it at all, you’re telling me-

Jeremy: It’ll be kind of difficult to getting one done and try to idealize that and then match it later, much more creative when we just do it together, um, would you like to see what it looks like?

Martha: Yeah.

Jeremy: The- the product looks like? So we have this like a clear model in here that shows the teeth. Now, this-

Veronica: So we’re still going through the zirconia and showing how that works and going through the process.

Martha: Hmm-mmm.

Jeremy: And so it causes minimum trauma to the gums of the bone.

Martha: Hmm-mmm.

Jeremy: And then we place the implants. We’re actually placing it through a surgical- [distorted audio]

you wouldn’t want it to you know, if I didn’t want the teeth or tap it first.

So we have people wear a denture, [background conversation] that wasn’t put up to anything. And they just kinda had to get through that. So that was 20 years ago. [laughs] And so it’s really nice when we started this you know, put the teeth on the same day.

Martha: Hmm-mmm.

Jeremy: And most of this goes without a hiccup you know? The worst-case scenario, one in [inaudible] issue, that’s why I got 5 others holding up so it doesn’t slow us down.

Martha: Hmm-mmm.

Jeremy: Again, it’s all that now matters.

Martha: So when you do have an issue with one, what do you need to do? Go back in and redo it yourself?

Jeremy: Yeah, so either, either the case is just fine with 5 and we just finish it, and it’s got 5 implants solving it up ’cause 4 is kind of the minimum or we can go and place the implant back in there. And what we- what would happen then is you’d wear a temporary for probably another 6 extra weeks.

So in temporary, a little bit longer waiting for that last implant to debone, grows on to those implants…

Martha: Hmm-mmm.

Jeremy: And fuses with them but that takes a few weeks.

Martha: Hmm-mmm.

Jeremy: And that kinda works out for us because we have to have those gums kind of smooth out anyway.

Martha: Hmm-mmm.

Jeremy: ‘Cause we don’t want the gums changing underneath this.

Martha: Right.

Jeremy: We want the gums to be done moving. And then go direct to it, so we don’t have a gap.

Martha: Right.

Jeremy: So that healing time kinda works out about the same as the amount out of the time we need for that.

Martha: Okay.

Jeremy: And then- so that-

Martha: Makes sense.

Jeremy: Extends 2 to 3 months, yeah.

[exhales in background]

Martha: And how soon you’ll be able to do it?

Jeremy: I have time about 2 weeks leave time to get to prepare everything so-

Martha: Okay.

Jeremy: For example you say you know, “Do I count to do this as soon as possible?” How soon is this would probably like first week of September.

Martha: Okay.

Jeremy: Before I could actually do the surgery ’cause I have to get all this stuff prepared in-

Martha: Oh, that’s- that’s what you always say. That’s fine.

Jeremy: Big decision.

Martha: Yeah.

Jeremy: ‘Cause there’s somebody else in your [inaudible] that you need to kinda help you make this decision.

Martha: I’ll talk to my husband about it, but basically it’s up to me.

Jeremy: Okay. And we do find that oftentimes, um, if someone goes home and tries to explain it to someone else, it’s maybe- there might be some lost in translation toward- he can’t visualize it like I’m just doing with you, pictures and models. So we would be happy to just do a consultation with him too.

Martha: Hmm-mmm.

Jeremy: And answer any questions if that helps.

Martha: Hmm-mmm.

Jeremy: And if there’s any confusion about, “Wait, I don’t get it. What-what? I don’t understand, what’s he talking about?” And you know, this doesn’t, you know, quite visualize that. Great, come on in we’ll just talk it through, answer any questions he has.

Martha: Okay.

Jeremy: ‘Cause we want him- we [inaudible] he’s really comfortable with it.

Martha: Okay. That’s good.

Jeremy: Okay, are you ready to hear the cost?

Martha: Yeah.

Jeremy: [laughs] Okay, right. I’ll place Jen in here and she will go over that.

Martha: Oh, she’ll come here? Okay.

Veronica: Okay, so a few things that I wanted to touchpoint on. Um, one would be the patient and the consultation. Um, throughout the consultation, she was asking bind question like, “How soon can we get this done? How much is this going to cost?” so that- like those questions right there, awesome. Like these cases that you’re going to have in that are coming for second opinion, they are your best cases, most qualified cases.

So the case- the patients that come in for the second opinion, they already know that they need some type of work done. So either something happened at the previous office that, that may be turned them off or maybe they didn’t understand or maybe it wasn’t the procedure that they wanted.

Like its clear-cut that the patient that’s in this scenario- they had a lot of work done. She’s, I- she’s on the younger side and she’s now debating between, “Do I get all this work done at the other dentist,” and, “Do all the crowns again, and all the veneers again,” or, “Do I just move forward and get the fixed full-arch?”.

Um, another really awesome thing, is Doctor Thompson does a really great job with asking the patient if there’s anybody else that needs to be involved in, um, making the decision for their treatment. So that’s, uh, one challenge that we, we face uh, or see treatment coordinators face. Uh, because you know, at the end of the consultation, we might not spend an hour with the patient but then the patient will say, “Whoa, no I literally cannot make any financial decisions about this, until I talk to my husband.” And they will refuse to do it.

So even if you thought like the- the consultation was going really well, um, I would recommend a no face time with the patient in or doing whatever he have to deal with.

We have a lot of our clients who um, [clears throat] incorporate this process over the phone. So when the new patient calls in, they have to come with that primary decision-makers. So whatever we have to do with that, to help you close the case is really important to- to know if, if they’re the primary decision-maker.

Martha: Alright.

Veronica: So now, Doctor Thompson brings…

Felicia: Hi. Nice to meet you.

Martha: Hi, nice to meet you.

Jeremy: So Martha has come in, and I’ll describe a little bit about work she’s been on her teeth.

Felicia: Okay.

Jeremy: Um, she’s kinda had an emotional right off her teeth ever since she was young because of decay problems.

Felicia: Okay.

Jeremy: Have a dentistry done and then have a lot of the dentistry done. Try to keep up with that. But she’s kinda reach the point in the last 3 to 4 years of her life where she has had- she’s had another treatment plan done. It’s like she needs [inaudible] placed, and she’s worrying through something more permanent she needs to go to.

So we kind of describe it, like I had to agree with her after leaving her- her treatment plan, overlooking her situation. She’s has this a-a lot of decay issues and so, um, we just need a solution that she can be- give her predictable long terms.

So the issue to that, that doesn’t evolve decaying, which implants isn’t the perfect solution. So we kind of describe the whole process, um, she had a lot of questions about, “How does it work and how am I gonna feel?” and you know, try to get down troubles questions she may have more.

Um, her husband is helping her make decisions. It’s basically up to her but he may have questions and he’s gonna need to feel comfortable about it so I told her, you know, he needs to come in and we’re happy to take the time to go for whatever we need to- can talk to him and you could you know, a video conference if it’s too hard for him to get afford whatever we can.

Felicia: Okay.

Jeremy: But she, uh, sounds like- if I’m hearing you right, this is what you want. This is-

Martha: I think so.

Felicia: Okay.

Martha: I mean most dentist have talked to me into keeping my teeth for as long as I can. It’s like why if they just keep deteriorating, they are not keeping up with them like I should.

Felicia: Sure.

Jeremy: Yeah.

Felicia: Okay, alright.

Jeremy: Um, so, uh, she’s ready for the counseling for other options financially, and then I already told her that as soon as we can do this about either not later than the first week of September if we were for example to- to get her scanned today and move forward.

Felicia: Okay.

Jeremy: Okay. It’s good talking to you.

Martha: Thanks.

Jeremy: We’ll see you again, we’ll take care of you. Any questions I will be around.

Martha: Okay.

Jeremy: Just call me, I’ll be right there.

Martha: Okay. Thanks.

Felicia: Okay, thank you.

Veronica: Okay, so great information transfer. Right, um, Doctor Thompson did a really good job with letting Felicia know what happened in the first part of co- the consultation. However, it should be flipped around, like do you guys see how that consultation in the beginning? Like was super emotional and, um, you know it sometimes really hard to grab that emotion and transfer it to another person. Uh that- that’s why, like it’s super important to have the treatment coordinator in the room from the very beginning of the consultation if we can, so they can hear like the patient’s story, the holdbacks.

I mean Doctor Thompson did everything, really great. I mean, we got their holdbacks, their current situation, their vision like he- he um, did a really awesome job so, um, there’s- there’s things in the first ten that can come up, that if a doctor does end up doing the first ten of the consult, I mean you might have a patient that comes in that is totally unqualified and we just wasted you know, like 30 minutes of the doctor’s time.

So that is [clears throat] really the purpose of the treatment coordinator, to be in there. So when the patient does start asking bind questions like the cost, um, what’s the price difference between this and this, we’re able to handle that and, um, get them financed right on the spot. Does that make sense everybody? [pause] Okay.

Felicia: I’m glad to meet you, Martha.

Martha: Mm-hmm.

Felicia: You’ve been on a journey, haven’t you?

Martha: Yes.

Felicia: Alright, are you working?

Martha: Uh-huh.

Felicia: I understand that. What part are you in today? What brings you today? Just, you want?

Martha: I’ve been thinking about it, knowing I need to do something because you know, I- I haven’t been taking care of um, so my breath is always bad and then getting worse and worse.

Felicia: Sure.

Martha: I’ve been feeling like a cavity and I’m just like, “Ugh, I need to take care of this.”

Felicia: Yes, I- I understand…

Martha: To put it off and I finally says I’m doing it.

Felicia: Good for you. Well, I think you’ve come into the right place. How did you like Doctor Thompson?

Martha: Um, he’s really nice.

Felicia: Isn’t he amazing?

Martha: Yeah, everybody [overlapping audio]

Felicia: And good, he does beautiful work.

Martha: Hmm-mmm.

Felicia: I promise you, you’ll never be disappointed with him. So anyway, I will go over, um, the treatment, you gonna choose about the different options that we had. Looks like you chose 1 option. Um, he did a treatment plan for you instead. I just wanna make sure we are understanding each other.

He said he’s gonna extract 4 upper teeth, and place 6 implants in your upper, and we need to get extract 12 lower teeth, and place 6 implants in the lower. Correct?

Martha: Oh, as I heard he’s taking everything.

Felicia: Yeah. He’s gonna take everything now.

Martha: Okay.

Felicia: And he’s gonna do those plans he talked about arches-

Martha: Uh-uh.

Felicia: And how he’s doing this.

Martha: Yeah.

Felicia: He talked to you about that.

Martha: Uh-huh.

Felicia: So, uh-huh, that’s, that’s what he’s gonna do. So he talked about the phases, um, the first stage of, [inaudible] to your smile, and they’ll go that. It takes about an hour. Then he’s talk- talk about the second phase that you’ve come in, to get all the teeth, um, extracted then you get the provisional teeth, that temporary teeth in, so you- that day you’ll be a whole new person.

Martha: Hmm-mmm.

Felicia: Your very second visit, that’s so exciting. I’m excited for you. And then he waits 2 to 3 months for that to heal the tissue [inaudible] and, um, get better, and then he will put that permanent.

Martha: Okay.

Felicia: And yes, it’s exciting. I’m excited for you.

Martha: Hmm-mmm.

Veronica: You guys see how Felicia does such an awesome job just being excited for the patient? [pause] Like sh- she does such an amazing job through the whole [inaudible] of part of that consult, just being so happy for the patient, always celebrating her, like she does a r-really great job talking about Doctor Thompson, building him up and just like getting the energy up.

Um, you know, the whole thing was mirroring and matching, um, like the first part of the consultation, Doctor Thompson did a great job mirroring and matching the patient getting down to her level but she- right of the bat was saying how she was depressed and she has to do something about it.

But now, during the close, like Felicia takes it and bumps it up so we’re like, “Alright, this is a good thing right? It looks like you’re a candidate. I’m super excited for you, like you came to the right place,” like, “Let’s- let’s get things going.”

So, it brings the level of the energ- or the uh, level of energy up in the room so the patient’s going to start mirroring and matching you. Um, uh, also Felicia does a really great job with uh, doing the whole process, recap, making it sure that this is what the patient wants before we get into the bundle.

Felicia: This is over your due. That’s the cost. It looks like Doctor Thompson is gonna bundle, he’s gonna give you a thirty-five cent um, 35% bundle. So he’s gonna, um, take $28,000 off and he’s gonna give you off and has 15 membership discount. So that’s twelve thou- $12,000. So that’s almost yeah, almost yeah, half.

Martha: Hmm-mmm.

Felicia: Yes. So he’s- he’s doing it for that amount which is really, really great.

Martha: And I really certainly have 3 different types online.

Felicia: Hmm-mmm.

Martha: There is the low budget one, and then the higher quality ones.

Felicia: Uh-uh.

Martha: So is this for the high-quality ones-

Felicia: For high quality of what- of what- are you talking about the fine?

Martha: The-

Felicia: Yes, absolutely.

Martha: The teeth.

Felicia: Yes, absolutely. He’ll just start the zirconia.

Martha: I need to…

Felicia: Yes, and the zirconium- that this is the zirconium, that’s, um, what he will place, that, it’s right there, um, with zirconia teeth. So, he will place it with that.

Martha: Hmm-mmm.

Felicia: And the beautiful thing about this one is that, Doctor Thompson guarantees his work, any breakage, anything that goes wrong for 10 years.

Martha: Hmm-mmm.

Felicia: So, he will guarantee that and you won’t find that anywhere else.

Martha: Hmm-mmm.

Felicia: So, he guarantees his work. [pause] Um, how does that sound to you?

Martha: It’s a lot of money. But I think it’s a-

Veronica: Okay. How does that sound to you? It’s a lot of money, right? Not probably what she was expecting. So, the few comments with- with this portion just like we talked about last month with uh, explaining the bundle. Make sure you take the time explaining the bundle.

Because really explaining the bundle and explaining the warranty and the third-tenth, that should take up the bulk of your time, making sure that the patient knows, um, the value of the treatment. Especially, if they’re coming in for a second opinion.

So, um, they know they’re not comparing apples to apples but it probably is apples to oranges and it’s totally something different, which we’ll see coming up because the patient actually just takes out her, um, her true implant from the other dentist.

So, Felicia does a really great job with handling that objection um, but if we were to spend a little more time on it in the front end, um, we might not have to- have to do that, that part. So let’s keep going here.

Felicia: [inaudible] it’s a great investment. It’s a great investment.

Martha: Shoot. [silence]

Felicia: Is that another proposal that you have?

Martha: This is for the all inner work I was suppose to get done.

Felicia: Oh, okay.

Martha: Is it $12000?

Felicia: So what, what would it be great for that $12000 into this [overlapping audio] this and knowing that you will be so much better off than investing in that?

Martha: Yeah.

Felicia: Than this?

Martha: Yeah.

Felicia: I think that a- I think that’s-

Martha: We’re just [inaudible]. So would he- if I decided not to do implants and to do all this work, would he care to do any of these work with or would he just [inaudible] next uh?

Felicia: Um, did you talk to him about that?

Martha: No, I didn’t ask him that. I’m just looking over websites and seeing him…

Felicia: Okay.

Martha: When I was in Virginia.

Felicia: He- he would be able to do this work. He would be able to do this work.

Martha: Hmm-mmm.

Felicia: Uh, I think that your better option would be this because this is gonna be chronically for you.

Martha: I know. I know you take care of me.

Felicia: You’re always- you’re always been doing this over and over again.

Martha: Hmm-mmm.

Felicia: I’m sure he absolutely can do that um. With this, I think you’re better off and I think he probably- now I think I know that he wants you better off doing this.

Martha: Okay. That’s [inaudible] work on your side to see.

Felicia: I think you’re talking about the zirconium.

Martha: Yes.

Felicia: Is that what you’re talking about?

Martha: Yes and make sure…

Felicia: That, is this material…

Martha: Yeah…

Felicia: That he talked to you. That is…

Martha: What other materials do you use?

Veronica: She does a great job, right? Patient pulls out the treatment plans and she’s like, “Woah, this treatment plan that I got was $12,000.” Right off the bat, she’s like, “Well, wouldn’t it be great if we can take that $12,000 and put it into the treatment that, you know, Dr. Thompson’s proposing for you?” And the patient’s like, “Well, yeah,” and then the patient starts asking, “Okay, well, if I were to decide to do this treatment, can Dr. Thompson do this treatment?” And it’s all again, the same day crowns, veneers, bridges.

And she refers back to like, basically stat- telling the patient like, “Yeah, he can totally do this. But you’re better off doing the full arch because this is going to be constant like visits to the dentist, constant adjustments. You’re probably going to have to get this done again in like, 10-15 years. So, wouldn’t it be just better off to put that 12 grand into a treatment that’s going to last you?” That’s basically what she’s telling the patient, which she does a beautiful job with.

Martha: Have other types?

Felicia: Um, this is the type he uses.

Martha: Always?

Felicia: This is, mm-hmm. Yes.

Martha: Okay, I’ll do it later.

Felicia: Okay. All right. Okay.

Martha: So, that’s that?

Felicia: Yes. Would you like to get your treatment started? Would you like to?

Martha: I do but I need to talk to my husband, a chunk of change. [chuckles]

Felicia: It is, but it is a very wonderful investment.

Martha: And how, um, do you, uh, have any payment plans? Or does it all have to be paid for before we start?

Felicia: We, we can work out. What kind of payment are you thinking about each month that you can afford?

Martha: I don’t know. I never thought about that.

Felicia: Okay, we have a- a third-party financing company that’s wonderful and they really work with us. We use them a lot and they’re really great. And they’re called Percy Finance. We can apply. I don’t know if you know your credit score, we can apply…

Martha: Yeah, I don’t really pay interest and all that. Um, so, I could pull out the money. But I’m just wondering about, um, do you do any in-house? You know, like, even 10,000 a month?

Felicia: Yes, perhaps.

Martha: For 4 months, if you do anything like that or 6 months.

Felicia: Well, we…

Veronica: Whoa, 10,000 a month. Like, did you see her perk up? When she [laughter]- when she heard the patient said that like, “Do you do in-house financing 10,000 a month?” She all of a sudden perked up. She’s like, “Yeah, we can do 10,000 a month,” right? Because the patient’s treatment plan was what? 30-30,000, 30,000. So, if the patient has cash and she wants to finance it out and we can do 10,000 a month, like, that’s going to cover our cost at least to get started.

So, um, you know, a lot of times we’ll see that, uh, our practices will say, “Well, we don’t offer in-house financing.” Well, if a patient has $10,000 a month or like, a 50% down payment, like, that, that technically is in-house financing. So, not all patients will think that when they say in-house financing, we will think of, okay, this patient wants to pay $50 a month, which may totally may not be the case.

Okay. So, um, with, also with the whole, like, “Yeah, it’s a lot of money. I had to talk to my husband.” She does a really good transition where she’s li- she’s like, “Okay, I understand that, like, it is definitely an investment.” And she goes into the pricing one more time. And she asked the patient, “Well, how much are you looking to pay for every month? What type of budget are you looking for on a, on a monthly basis?” Just she does a really great job, just like, skipping through that part for a second and getting the actual dollar figure.

Felicia: With $40,000 to get your treatment started, we can, we can certainly do the 20,000 then you have, uh, 2 or 3 months while it’s you’ll need to pay the other 20,000.

Martha: Mm-hmm.

Felicia: We can do that. Hmm, yeah.

Martha: Okay.

Felicia: And, and if you have the funds to do it, that gives you a lot of time to replenish those funds in…

Martha: Mm-hmm.

Felicia: Less than 2 to 3 months to get back. So, if you wanna pay your $20,000, we can get you started. We [inaudible] we started getting your scans and get you going.

Martha: Okay.

Felicia: Does that sound good?

Martha: It does.

Felicia: Can we get you on our schedule?

Martha: Let me talk to my husband. I’ll be right back.

Felicia: Okay.

Martha: After I talked to him.

Felicia: Okay.

Martha: Then see if we need to have someone explain it to him, but I- I think he’ll understand.

Felicia: Okay. And you’re welcome to use our phone. I can walk out of the room if you wanna talk to him so we can get you on a schedule because I’m sure this is urgent. And what they need to do here…

Martha: Uh-huh, they’re going to extract teeth anyways.

Felicia: Yeah, and…

Martha: It’s decaying.

Felicia: Yeah. And that is decayed quite a bit looks like. So I- I will get started as soon as you can. And it’s up to you, I can leave the room and call your husband. We can get you on schedule. I’m gonna be temporarily get you on the schedule until you call me today to save your spot and we’re filling up so quickly. Okay, I just don’t want to have to wait 2 months to start your treatment.

Martha: Yeah. Let me call him real quick.

Felicia: Oh do you know what? How about…

Veronica: So, she does a really great job building urgency, guys. Did you see that? Like, the patient’s like, “Okay, I just need to go home and talk to my husband.” And when the patient said that again, I was like, “No, oh, she’s gonna walk away!” But then like, the way Felicia flipped it around was, and was building urgency up with the schedule, she pulled up the other treatment plan saying like, “Well, this tooth is decayed. So, you don’t wanna wait too long to- to be in pain. Let’s just like, get you on the schedule.” Right? Doing whatever she can to build up that urgency. Like, “Hey, if you want, you can use the phone. Why don’t you just call him right now, I’ll step out of the room,” just to get her to call her husband right there on the spot. Like, this for me was the best part of the entire consultation when she actually, like, got the patient to commit to calling him right there. So, we’ll, you guys will see what, what happens next.

Felicia: Okay, you talk to him and I’ll leave the room and give you some privacy.

Martha: Okay.

Felicia: And I’ll see you soon.

Martha: Okay.

Veronica: She goes, “You know what? Let me just leave the room, I’ll let you talk to him. You know what? I’ll just, I’ll just leave.” And she kind of just like backs off and go, right? She really doesn’t let the patient tell her, “No, I need to leave to talk to my husband one more time.”

Martha: A picture of this.

Felicia: [inaudible] [closes the door]

Veronica: So, the patient starts taking pictures of the bundle, texts her husband the treatment plan. [pause] Oh, Felicia comes back, she’s not ready yet.

Felicia: We can look into it and then…

Martha: Hey, did you get my pictures and the message I sent? Well, we can, well [sighs], um this is what I’ve been thinking of I mean [inaudible], I don’t want to agree but should we discuss it now so I can only discuss it? Um, I like this dentist. And basically, he can do the work that, um, what’s the name? Said they’d do for 10 grand. I’m getting it done here. But he also said because I’ve had problems with my teeth my whole life and constant decay and he thinks I should go with permanent implants for all my teeth.

So, I sent a picture of what it looked like. He says there are [inaudible] [chair movements]. And he says they guarantee anything, problems I have the next 10 years would be totally covered. He says like, they last 30-40 years. And so…

Veronica: I wanna stop it really quick. But see how when she’s explaining the treatment, she like, basically go straight into the warranty. She’s telling her husband about the warranty. Like, “Hey, if I pay more and I get this done, like, don’t worry, it’s gonna be covered.” So, that’s why the warranty is super important. Um, even having one of those printouts, we have the templates in Lessonly.

So, make sure you’re spending time explaining the warranty because, especially if they’re a second opinion patient, a lot of, um, a lot of the other opinions or treatment plans that they would have received, many people don’t talk about their warranty. They just assume that the patient knows or kind of just like, holds it on the back, on the back burner. So, having the, explaining the warranty to the patient and taking your time on it, it’s definitely something that makes a big difference and something that probably they haven’t heard before.

Martha: Basically, for the rest of my life, I don’t have to worry about dental care. Yeah. Um, but it’s $40,000. And that’s half off of, you know, the normal prices. So, we spend… No, our dental insurance, definitely. We could look into it and then start in January with a dental insurance program, which, uh, we just have to take care of. Yeah, with our dental insurance.

I hadn’t thought about that. They might pay for implants. I’ll have to look into that. Insurance might pay for implants. We don’t have that insurance now. But we did sign up for it in January, and we have the work done next year in February, March. Right, or cover some of it. It won’t cover all of that. Okay, I’m sorry. I’m just saying…

Veronica: Okay, so, um, like, can you see how this- if the patient were to go home and talk to her husband? And like, this conversation just went totally sideways, right? After the patient told the husband about the warranty, next thing she talked about, “This is a really great deal! Because it’s basically half, half off with what the normal price would have been. It’s only $40,000 and it would have been, like, 80.” And then they- the husband was like, “Well, what about dental insurance? Doesn’t our insurance cover it?” If the patient were to go home, then now she’s looking into dental insurances. She’d ask- like, she’s doing her research.

And this patient like, one, A: We could have totally lost it; Or B: it can be a really, really long sales cycle. Now she’s talking about coming in January, February, um, to start her treatment, because maybe potentially, the insurance will cover it. So, just with, um, you know, I wanted you guys to see that part of the conversation. Because that conversation still would have happened at home. But now we have a chance where Felicia can go in and really handled those objections, because the patient’s going to talk about it now since she’s right there.

Martha: And you treat you like you don’t know anything [pause] but to save money.

Veronica: We’re just gonna fast forward a little bit. And obviously, even though the patient said, “No, I’m the primary decision-maker, but I’m going to have to talk to my husband.” She- she probably wouldn’t be able to make this decision solely by herself. Like, the husband, you know, it’s gonna be involved. So, we’re just gonna fast forward to where Felicia comes back in.

[door opens]

Felicia: Hi, are you finished?

Martha: Yeah.

Felicia: Okay.

Martha: Um.

[fixing paper file]

Felicia: So [inaudible]?

Martha: No, we do not need to do the paper. See your log, just the computer. My unit is charging. Case manager, this child. [crosstalk] Question, yeah.

Felicia: Oh, how are you feeling?

Martha: I wanna do it. I talked to my husband and he wants to do it. My- his question was, uh, right now, our medical insurance is good but our dental isn’t. That we can get supplemental dental and would it be worth waiting 6 more months to get the supplemental dental to help pay for some it?

Felicia: Okay, I can tell you with my experience, if you get a supplemental dental, they’re gonna have a max payout a year. So, they’re gonna only pay up to $1,000 or $1,500, a max gap a year. Then you’re gonna have to wait 6 months before they do any major coverage. So, they make your way a lot of, um, a majority of them and you wait 6 months before you do any major. And then, um, 3 months program, cavities, or anything like that. Um, that’s…

Martha: Usually what it is.

Felicia: That is usually what it is. I- I really think, Martha, you’re not gonna be disappointed in this investment that you’re making. I think it’s a great investment. I think you will be happy for the rest of your living years.

Martha: I know I will be. I’ve been thinking about it for years. Yeah. Um, you know, 20 years ago, when they had to replace the implant, the crowns that I had, I thought…

Felicia: Sure.

Martha: Why am I doing this every, you know, 10-20 years?

Felicia: I know, and technology is so, is so advanced. And so, I mean, it’s amazing that you can come in here on your second visit, and you can walk out of here with a brand new smile. That’s exciting.

Martha: Yeah.

Felicia: Just that in itself is exciting.

Martha: Yes.

Felicia: And you will be home in person and you will be so happy and I’m, I’m happy for you. I’m really happy for you. Like, that is, that’s a- that’s a hard thing to deal with in your life [inaudible]

Martha: Yeah.

Felicia: It’s really tough and we have compassion for that. And we’re here to help you, um, feel good about yourself and good about your teeth and your health, and like, we just wanna have a normal operation.

Martha: Yeah.

Felicia: So, it’s worth every penny.

Martha: Yeah. So, what are those? I was just looking at one of those other implant things you have on that shelf.

Felicia: Um, these are dentures… [loud bang] whoops. These are dentures. The implant system on dentures. Whoops, I’m sorry, it just…

Veronica: Okay, so you can see that patient got off the phone with her husband. Again, like, the energy level from when she saw Felicia the last time was up here. She got on the phone with her husband, went back down here. Felicia comes in, she is again celebrating like, “Hey, how are you feeling? I think this is the right choice for you. I’m happy for you.” And she’s like, lifting the patient up. Like, I can’t even imagine how long you’ve been dealing, um, with your situation for like, this is definitely the right choice. And I’m happy that you’re, you’re able [clears throat] to move forward with the treatment, right?

And so, we’re like, at the close already. And then the patient sees implant models on the shelf. And she’s like, “Well, hey, what are those other models that you have over there?” Because we didn’t show her the models in the beginning, right? She, we didn’t show her like, the, the denture or the Implant-Supported Denture. We went straight into the hybrid.

So, what can happen now, it’s really, you know how we have our straight line from the open to the close and we wanna stay on our anchor points as much as possible. If we’re like, here at the close and the patient’s asking us questions about topics that we should have covered, like, 2, uh, tens ago, like, that’s not bringing us from here to here. Like, that’s bringing us from here all the way to the beginning, to the beginning of the conversation. And this can take the entire consultation off-track, now require more doctor time because potentially the doct- the doctor may have to be involved with explaining another part of the process with Implant-Supported Dentures or dentures, whatever it may be. So, um, you know, it can put a really big monkey wrench in, into that. So now, Felicia has to take out the models and just do a quick recap, right?

Felicia: Did that and they just came out. Um, [places model on the table] but Dr. Thompson talked to you about the best options for you.

Martha: Right. Yeah. So, this is different, it’s pinker and better.

Felicia: Oh, yeah, this, this, this doesn’t make any difference.

Martha: Yeah, uh-umm.

Felicia: That’s not gonna make any difference. That color, it’s just the mold. So he’ll, he’ll, um, cut into your mouth, to your color, the where that, um, you want to make up for the…

Veronica: Yeah, I’m going to fast forward this a little bit.

Felicia: Just, just depends. So…

Martha: Okay. Alright.

Felicia: Are you ready?

Martha: Yeah. Let’s schedule.

Felicia: I think you’re doing great. Um, we, we can start to, to put the $20,000 today. We will start the treatment. He actually can take you back and start your scanning when you work out. He needs 2 weeks and 1 day to get those filled out. It’s gonna be perfect for you and then on your second visit, we can start your- we can start the treatment. [mouse clicking] He’s done some really beautiful cases, Martha. Really, really beautiful.

Martha: Do you have some pictures I could look at, like, before and afters?

Felicia: You bet. Let’s get you on the schedule. [instrumental music] [keyboard sounds] Okay. Um, Tuesday, uh Thursday, September 2nd at 1:30. Does that work for you?

Martha: Uh no, we’re out of town that week.

Felicia: Okay.

Martha: Um, let’s see.

Felicia: Tell me when a good time is for you.

Martha: Uh, just a second. And this is for the actual removal or just…

Felicia: Uh-huh.

Martha: Test?

Felicia: This is for your surgery. This is for- this is your second visit. So, it’s actually for the surgery and taking off of teeth and… [crosstalk].

Martha: When does he usually do them or just he really [inaudible] every day?

Felicia: Um, he does just every day when we have available. But we’re, we’re getting pretty full so…

Martha: I’m just thinking now. A long weekend, he’ll start doing it on a Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday…

Felicia: Absolutely. So Thursday, September 2nd, you’ll be out of town, correct?

Martha: Yeah… [crosstalk]

Felicia: Okay, so we even know that the follow- following Thursday, um, the following Thursday, um, we can do September 9th.

Martha: Okay. What time do you have available?

Felicia: Um, starting at 1:30.

Martha: Okay. Just trying to think. I have to be fasting. So, I’m just thinking 1:30 is a long time. [chuckles]

Felicia: It- it- it- it is a long time.

Martha: Uh, do you have something earlier on a Wednesday, like, [inaudible]?

Felicia: No, Wednesday he’s already full.

Martha: Okay.

Felicia: We can do, yeah, we are… But you can eat 3 hours before. [crosstalk] You can eat, um, just give yourself 3 to 4 hours before so, if you wanna eat a big huge breakfast…

Martha: Yeah.

Felicia: And that’s, that’s good too.

Martha: Okay.

Felicia: So…

Martha: Okay.

Felicia: Do you want it on Thursday, September 9th?

Martha: Yeah, I like that…

Felicia: I think that’s a great idea.

Martha: Okay.

Veronica: So [chuckles], so, you know, the patient had an objection like, “Yeah, 1:30. But wait, don’t I, don’t I have to fast?” Right? She’s like, “Yeah, it is a long time waiting.” But she saw like, “Hey, I can’t get this patient into the schedule for a while, like- like, let me bring up to the patient that they can eat a big breakfast before coming here that they only have to fast for about 4 hours.” So, goes and schedules. One thing that I wanted to mention is, what Felicia does a good job is like, everybody sees like, just being compassionate with the patient. Building that urgency, um, with scheduling and getting the treatment done a lot of different points. She definitely hits through that.

Um, but one, uh, one topic that I really want- all the TCs to focus on for this month is just assuming the sale. Just assume that they’re moving forward with treatment, assume that they’re going to start with their records appointment, which I’m just gonna say this one more time. Like, a patient probably doesn’t know what a records appointment is. So, when you say records appointment, I would use different terminology. But you’ll find that like, throughout this consultation like, “Oh, if we were to get started, um, if we were to get financed, if you wanna move forward, we can do your treatment.” I would take the whole, like, if-statement out.

And, you know, like, I said, Felicia does a really good job with being excited and say, “Okay, super excited. I’m so happy for you. Let’s just go ahead and put you on the schedule. I can get you down for next Thursday at 1:30. Does that, does that sound good? Is that a good time for you?” Right? And just assume the close and just assume they’re moving forward. Because a lot of times, like I mentioned, um, you know, we’ll say, “Well, if you want to move forward, if we’re going to get started.” Um, and that basically gives the patient an- an escape, if you will, to go home and think about it, and, and to not drag their feet doing it. Um, it’s just pushing them towards the close.

So, I know we’re running out of time here. But j- just to recap really quick, like this whole con- this whole consultation, um, especially with Dr. Thompson’s group just starting last month, I mean, they are doing a really great job. You know, from going from the 1 to 2 cases every few months to closing 7 cases last month, like… and with closing, that means like, 7 cases closed, financed for, paid for, like, moving forward, not just like a verbal yes. Like, that is so awesome. Like, this, this stuff gets us so excited here at PT, you know, because not only do we wanna see you have your leads coming in, but we’re here to help you close those cases.

Um, we have a few of our power sessions coming up next month, uh, and the month after. So, if you’re not registered for that, it’s the first Friday of every month. Uh, down in our facility, we have our boot camp. So, if you have anybody new that started, um, our power sessions here at our facility, those are filling up, we, uh, hold them to 20-25 people max. So, if you are to come to one of our power sessions, please let us know as soon as possible.

The next one is this Friday, and the one after that October, uh, October 3rd, I believe. It’s that literally the first Friday of October. So, make sure you’re scheduled for those. Um, and if you need anything, definitely let us know. We’re in a new month so I’m looking forward to seeing everybody’s consults. Um, please let me know if you have questions on how to submit your consultations through the, uh, through the Google Drive and how to submit them into Lessonly. That’s really the only way that we’re notified that you put something in our Google Drive and, um, give feedback in, into Lessonly.

So, if you have any questions, let us know. Other than that, does anybody, um, have any comments or questions before we get off the phone here? No? All right, cool. Well, we’ll send a recording. If you need anything, you know how to reach out. Um, thank you for joining us on the call today. And uh we’ll see you guys next time for our next peer mentoring call, um, in the next upcoming Tuesday.

Lizette Salinas: All right, bye. Thank you, Veronica.

Veronica: All right. Bye.

Lizette: Bye. Thank you.


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