October, 2022
Press Play
Bart Knellinger: Hello, everyone. What’s up, guys? What’s going on?
Kelli: How you doing, Bart?
Courtney: Andrea on the recorded line. How are you doing today?
Brandy: Hi, Bart.
Bart: Good. I’m good. I’m good. All right. [inaudible]
Courtney: Are you there?
Bart: I’m here.
Courtney: Hello?
Bart: Can you guys hear me?
Brandy: Yeah, we hear you.
Bart: Cool. Cool. [clears throat] Give it a sec, I’m just letting everybody in here.
Ptyuse Das: How’s Florida looking down there?
Bart: Hey what, we got lucky. You know, again, I’ve lived here my whole life. We’ve never gotten hit by a hurricane ever here. So- and this one was supposed to nail us, but yeah, it-it went where it always pretty much goes. So they-they-they’re not fair and well, you know, Fort Myers, Naples, stuff like that, that-that was bad. It was a really, really big-, it was a really big storm.
Brandy: Yeah.
Bart: So we were really lucky.
Ptyuse: That’s good. Good for you, sucks for them.
Bart: It does, it does. Um, but yeah, I don’t think we’ve been hidden. It’s been probably 150 years since we’ve gotten a direct-direct hit from a hurricane, so we seem to be in a really good spot. I’m just letting everybody in here, guys. We’ve got a really good call actually to go through today. Um, [clears throat] really good audio. Um, and, uh, we’re gonna go through the first 10 and the, uh, and the third ten. So, and uh, and it’s a pretty good call. Pretty good call. And there’s some things that we can definitely learn.
So I hope you guys have been closing a bunch of arches lately. Um, you know, there’s some things that I definitely want to reinforce here, um, with this call, and I wanna make sure that you guys get the-, uh, the power day schedule for the rest of this year and for next year, and start planning it out ahead of time. Every power day, every single month has a different topic. Right? That I can take something that’s very specific, that I can just drill down and drill down, and we can really practice something specific for a full day.
Um, it’s, uh, really important to look at those and pick which ones you wanna come to and try to plan ‘em out. So having a meeting with the doctor ahead of time and just looking at the schedule for next year and planning it out, which ones you, you’re gonna be here for, um, is a-, uh, is a really good idea on what you, guys keep in mind. Okay, so I’m gonna go ahead and start the-, um, the video here and, uh, we’re gonna go through it, do a little critique, and just like usual, I’ll be kind of stopping and-and starting and throwing in some commentary. And if you guys have questions, just type them out. Okay? So if all you guys can just, um, mute the computer for now. So that there’s no audio interference. And then just go ahead and type in your questions as we go. Um, I’ll get to the-, uh, I’ll get to the questions right at the end. Okay. Here we go. All right. Ready guys?
Stephanie: Bad teeth?
Patient: Bad teeth. Okay. Top, bottom? Both?
Stephanie: Both.
Patient: Uh-huh. I have- right now on top, I have bridge right here.
Stephanie: Okay.
Patient: Um, it doesn’t come out. It was glued onto an eye tooth, a front tooth, and the one next to it. It’s in, and what’s happening, I don’t know if the gums are receding or whatever, but the teeth they were glued onto are starting to be exposed. It’s also starting to come loose. But on the flip side, the teeth are just getting bad. I’m sure. Same with bottom, um, with teeth that you’ve lost and stuff. Everything is just shifting all over. Yes. And I might have- I don’t have a dentist. And I don’t know because I have a- these are- a lot of them are root canal and just crap. So I was gonna say, and I don’t know if I have a little infection going on in here, I might, but I can’t tell. And how…
Stephanie: But what makes you believe that you have an infection?
Patient: Yes. No, I know because it was sore. So I pressed on it, and I think it’s got- it’s got…
Stephanie: Drainage?
Patient: Yes.
Stephanie: Okay.
Bart: Well, can you guys already tell about the-, uh, about the patient in the room? What do you think her personality type is here? This lady is a talker, right? Right off the bat. She can go. She’s pretty excited. She’s extremely open. She’s ready to go, but we have to take control, especially when you get a talker in front of you. It is really important to state the intention and start the dialogue, right? You, guys, have to be the ones to [inaudible] the dialogue.
If we started off with something that’s super open-ended, sometimes they can go for a run for four, five, six, seven minutes late, right? And-and cover a lot of things, and-and they can cover them in the-, in the wrong order. So, um, we’re gonna make sure the first thing that you guys do is state your intention, right? Why you’re- what you’re there. You wanna make sure that- where you are and where you wanna be. Okay? And we’re gonna find a treatment plan that’s gonna fit you, but I need to know where you are and I need to know where you want to be. And that’s gonna tell us where the treatment plan is, right? We’ve gotta state our intention right off the bat, and then we’ll lead on into it. Hey, can you guys make sure everybody’s muted, please? Thanks.
Patient: So other than that, I want…
[music playing]
Bart: Hold on, guys. Something is not- there we go. Just me, everybody. Okay. Sorry about that guys. Here we go.
Stephanie: Okay.
Patient: I-I want- I call them click clack teeth. Just click me in and have me stay.
Bart: I’m gonna back it up real quick so we won’t gonna miss that.
Patient: Yes. No, I know because it was sore, so I pressed on it and I think it’s got- it’s got…
Stephanie: Drainage?
Patient: Yes.
Stephanie: Okay.
Patient: Yes. So, other than, I want- I know what I want.
Stephanie: You do.
Patient: Yeah.
Stephanie: Tell me what you want.
Patient: I want teeth that you pop in and they stay there.
Stephanie: Okay.
Patient: I-I want- I call them click clack teeth, just click me in and have me stay. Or is that an option? Can I do that? And if I can do that, what do I have to do to get there?
Stephanie: Sure.
Patient: And I know that you know, Clear Choice can go in and go to sleep, wake up and have your teeth all beautiful. But that’s not realistic to me, and it’s also not $60,000 realistic to me.
Stephanie: Sure.
Patient: So- but yeah, I don’t- I don’t want dentures if I don’t have-, you know, I don’t want dentures, period.
Stephanie: Okay.
Patient: Um, I want something that I can put in.
Bart: Okay. So- hey guys, let’s make sure everybody is muted, please. Um, so look, first thing, right? When they say, “Hey, I know what I want,” and then they start saying- they start talking about a procedure, like what she’s saying is, “I want click clack teeth. I want the teeth to click in.” I’m not sure that this patient right at this point even knows what that- even knows what that means, whether she’s talking about removable or fixed. Either way, what they want is not the treatment. What we gotta figure out what they want is we have to get them on the outcome. Right? So we can’t go out of order here, otherwise, we can kind of lose control over the call. Okay? So you state your intention, then it’s where are you now? And it’s the pain points, right? So she did a pretty good job of articulating what her pain points were, but what did we not get? How the pain points are affecting their life. We didn’t get that part, right? I wanna know how it’s affecting her on a day-to-day basis.
This lady is so open, she’s gonna give you guys everything, right? She’s gonna tell you everything. The whole idea is for her to talk herself into buying it. Right? We want her to sell herself. We’re just asking questions and allowing her to-to come to conclusions herself. Right? So you state intentions, then we ask about the pain points. She’s gonna describe them, right? After the pain points have been-, um, have been spoken about. Then it’s how are the pain points are- how are they affecting you on a day-to-day basis? Also, I can imagine it’s getting a little bit more difficult for you to eat, you know, or you don’t like the way that your-your-your smile looks, your teeth look or blah, blah, blah. Just get them talking about that, right? That’s how you get them emotionally invested.
And when you guys have a talker in front of you, you can impulse, right? You need to get him emotionally excited about it. That’s really, really, really important. Um, and then, um, after we have that, then-then we have to switch to the vision. Okay? And the whole point is that we’ve got tons of different procedures. We’ve got teeth that click in and click out. We’ve got teeth-teeth that stay in. There’s-there’s so many different options, but their responsibility is not to decide the treatment plan. Their responsibility is to tell us what their expectation is in terms of an outcome. That’s it. It’s your job to tell them how to get- how to reach that outcome. Does that make sense? What they want. It’s like a doctor calling me and saying, “Hey Bart, you know, I know what I want. I want-, um, I wanna do AdWords, social media, and I wanna do TV.” No, that’s not what they want. Right? That’s what they think is going to get them what they want. But they’re not necessarily qualified to tell me that.
That’s what I’m here for. What they need to do is tell me what result they want, and I’ll tell them what is the most efficient way to achieve the result. It’s the same thing with you. It’s the same thing with any type of um, uh, custom or consultative type, uh, tell. That’s the fundamental approach that we take, okay, is that the treatment plan is not what we’re selling. The treatment plan is just the path that we take to reach a final destination, but you have to define what destination they would like to reach, aesthetics, function, maintenance, right? Those are the things that we have to talk about. How do they wanna look? How do they want to feel? How do they want to function? The more we get them talking about that, the treatment plan becomes extremely obvious, and they’re probably going to self-select out of 95% of all of the other options based on what they want.
But I wanna be really clear. What they want is not removable or fixed or Zirconia or-or a-a mild[?] PMMA or whatever. They don’t- that’s not what they want. Those are just treatments, right? They’re just solutions to a problem to get to a destination. What I want you guys to focus in on is making sure that we take our time in the beginning. The patient is gonna come in and they’re gonna tell you, e-everything, all their pain points, “Well, this tooth hurts while I’m losing this and losing that.”
They’re gonna give you a big story, right, about- basically about their dental history. What they won’t necessarily give you is any information in regards to how it’s affecting them on a day-to-day basis, right? So we need to get that. Then I want to know why now. Why are they choosing to get it taken care of now? Then I wanna switch the topic and I wanna go to the outcome- the outcome. So let’s talk about what you want. I know what you’re dealing with and I know where you’re at, and I understand your struggles. What I wanna talk about now is what do you want to feel like. What do you want to look like in the future? Right? So give me an idea. In terms of aesthetics, what are you looking for? In terms of function, what are you looking for? In terms of maintenance, right, having something that goes in and you never have to worry about it, right? It doesn’t come in. It doesn’t come out. You brush, you can floss like normal or would- do you want something that comes in and comes out? Give me an idea, right? And start talking about that.
And then the treatment plan’s going to become obvious and they’re the ones that are basically treatments planning themselves. But they can treatment plan themselves the wrong way if they’re just focused on the treatments and they’re not focused on the outcome. That’s how they can choose your treatment and say, “Oh, I want this treatment.” And then 6 months later, they can tell you, “Oh, you know, I don’t like this. I don’t like the way it looks. I don’t like the, uh, I don’t like the way that it feels.” Right? “I don’t like the aesthetics. I don’t like…” whatever. You know, you-you can get those problems because they weren’t thinking about those from the beginning if that makes sense.
Patient: Then you can chew because I don’t have molars up here and stuff like that. And I’m not biting into anything in front because I’m afraid something’s going to snap.
Stephanie: Right. So, right. Well, good thing is that I think that we have some solutions for you.
Patient: Good.
Stephanie: Um, and it would be a matter of taking a scan, which is a 3D image, to see what you have.
Patient: Yes.
Stephanie: Because when we’re talking…
470 to 220[?], [inaudible] we have to sum it, [inaudible] because of the… [inaudible]
We do the implants at the same time that we take the teeth out.
Patient: Perfect.
Stephanie: So it’s one surgery and we do have sedation.
Patient: I cannot yell.
Stephanie: Um, it’s a conscious sedation. All dental is unconscious, um, a-a combination of pills.
Bart: So-so the main thing that we’re missing here, guys, is the whole conversation. You can see the whole conversation is kind of revolving around-, um, around the treatments. Everything’s revolving around [speaker disconnected] the way you get from making a sale and there’s also no- there is zero emotional attachment to the logistics associated with-with-with the treatment. All of the emotional attachment is in the outcome and how they’re going to feel and how they’re going to look. Right? That’s how you create a vision. You can’t create a vision outside of that. You can’t do it.
Brandy: You’re saying, your audio…
Bart: Oh, do you guys not hear me?
Brandy: And I can’t see. I can’t see.
Bart: I don’t know.
Brandy: You’re not sharing your screen.
Bart: Yeah, because it keeps going, like for some reason it’s going in and out. That’s why I was like, hey, something’s happening.
Jenna: We could see you. We-we’re seeing you, and we could hear you too.
Bart: Can you guys hear me?
Jenna: Yes, we can. Now, we lost you, but we could hear you.
Bart: Can you guys- can you guys hear me now?
Jenna: Yes.
Bart: Okay. Okay about that. Sorry about that guys.
Brandy: I don’t see you.
Bart: Ever since the-, uh, ever since the storm we’ve been having some-some internet issues. You can see me?
Brandy: Yes.
Bart: Okay. So what I was saying is, um, there is zero emotional attachment related to the actual treatment, right? Related to the mechanics invo…
Brandy: It’s like it’s unstable.
Alvarez: Yeah, it is.
Bart: Unbelievable. Unbelievable. Let’s see.
Brandy: So you have a screen share.
Bart: All right. Can you guys hear me now?
Shelley: Yes, we can. We could hear you.
Bart: Sorry guys. Ever since we had the storm, we’ve been having some internet connectivity issues here. Oh, I apologize for that. Okay. All right. Hopefully, we’re done with that. Okay. Sorry about that guys.
Female Speaker: [inaudible]
Bart: I got it. Okay. All right guys, let’s keep going. Sorry about that. I got it. Okay. All right guys, let’s keep going. Sorry about that.
Patient: I see that so-, see, wouldn’t that just be- my mother had her teeth pulled out when she was 12 years old, and she said she’s 82 and she said if she wasn’t so old, she wouldn’t even think twice about this not dentures. So those just snap-in. Do they just stay?
Stephanie: We recommend that people will take them out and leave them out at night.
Patient: Oh.
Stephanie: Because you allow your tissue time to rest. Um, but some people are like, my significant other doesn’t know that I have these kinds of teeth. I don’t care. Yeah. We recommend people leave them out at night.
Patient: Okay.
Stephanie: So you take them out at night. You brush them.
Patient: You brush them?
Stephanie: Yeah, and uh, almost pinched my fingers on these. Then you put them back in.
Patient: Holy crap, they snap like that in your mouth?
Stephanie: They might not sound like that ’cause this is plastic.
Patient: Yeah.
Stephanie: Plastic.
Patient: But we will go like…
Stephanie: So you stay in a sort of.
Patient: Is it a lot of pressure you have to put in there?
Stephanie: Um, No.
Patient: Okay.
Stephanie: No, and the good thing about it is- I mean, we do the surgery on people that are 82 years old. And they’re able to get in and out. Sometimes they struggle. But these that are on the inside, these have different strength. So we don’t usually go any higher than the weakest strength, and it works just fine.
Bart: Okay. So big thing to keep in mind here, right? No matter what the patient says in terms of what they want, if they’re referring to a treatment, right? Our mindset is always gonna be, there’s a lot of treatment that can work. Um, we have- we have a lot of different treatment, um, and it sounds like you’re probably gonna be a good candidate for one of them. Let’s get straight on exactly where you need to be. Right? And make sure when we get into the patient’s side, you’re just giving them a quick cliff notes version of it, right? That’s all. You’re just giving them a quick cliff notes version of-, um, of each procedure, right, of dentures, removable, and-and all on fixed. You’re not recommending anything in the first 10, that’s for the doctor to do. That’s why we fill out that form at the end of the first 10. Right? Where does the patient wanna be in terms of aesthetics, function, and maintenance? Did money come up? If yes, what’s their budget? That’s why we have all the things there. Make sure that you maintain that and don’t get- don’t find yourself making a presentation the first 10 if you can avoid it.
Stephanie: Because if we go higher than the weakest strength, a lot of the times people struggle to get them all.
Patient: Okay.
Stephanie: They stay very well. Um, and then on the lower, we usually only do a couple of implants. But with the upper, we usually do four. But we are able to actually get rid of that pallet.
Patient: Yes. So you don’t have the roof in the top of your mouth?
Stephanie: Yep.
Patient: Now do you do this forever and ever, take them out and put them in?
Stephanie: Mm-hmm.
Patient: Okay. Take them out at night. Put them in in the morning?
Stephanie: Yes.
Patient: To give everything a rest.
Stephanie: Mm-hmm.
Patient: Okay. Yeah. You don’t just leave them in 24/7.
Stephanie: No.
Patient: See like that. I just would be so happy.
Stephanie: Yeah, like I said, this one’s a lower, so it looks kind of funky, but…
Patient: Yeah, I don’t care. That would be so nice.
Stephanie: They would be beautiful. They work and they function very well. Um, they’re fairly low maintenance because what- when these are made, they are meant- these parts are meant to wear. So it’s like when you buy the car…
Patient: Yeah?
Stephanie: You bought the car and now you just have to do the oil changes. Same kind of deal with this.
Patient: So do you- with this, do you come back to the dentist to maintain or…
Stephanie: Yeah.
Patient: …readjust or? Okay.
Stephanie: Yeah.
Patient: Because there’s adjustment…
Stephanie: So this process is not like a one-and-done.
Patient: No.
Stephanie: So you know, it’s- we take the teeth out, we put the implants in. Heal for six months.
Patient: Okay.
Stephanie: And then we make the final teeth. But you’re not without teeth.
Patient: I was just gonna say what are…
Stephanie: They are temporary.
Patient: [laughs] For six months. Wear a mask! Yeah. Go. Okay.
Stephanie: My gosh, I hope soon we’ll be able to get rid of these.
Patient: Oh, God.
Stephanie: Yeah.
Patients: For good but with temporaries, that’s something you take out like, he’ll put in, it’s same kind of deal.
Stephanie: Yep. You’ll take them out at night.
Patient: Is that like that?
Stephanie: These ones, the temporaries?
Patient: Yes.
Stephanie: Because we have just placed the implants to allow the impla- yes.
Patient: Okay.
Stephanie: We need to allow the implants to heal. It’s like breaking a bone. You gotta cast and let it heal ’cause you’ll use it. We kind of deal with implants, so you will know what it’s like to have dentures because you’ll have them for six months.
Patient: See, I won’t like them, I know.
Stephanie: I know. Okay. But if you’re gonna have a denture made and you’re gonna wear a denture, this is the best place to have them done because Dr. Wilhelm is a Prosthodontist, so he specializes in making dentures.
Patient: He’s really good.
Stephanie: He’s great at it. And he’s been at it for over 30 years.
Patient: Oh, then okay.
Stephanie: Yeah. And he’s been placing implants for over 20, so we have a lot of experience with this.
Patient: You know, there’s so many different places and it’s like…
Stephanie: There is.
Patient: …and you don’t know what to do.
Stephanie: Right.
Patient: And you don’t know where to go. And so it’s like throwing the dart at the Facebook or the phone thing and I’m not- I don’t know.
Stephanie: I know. And you’re not gonna get the same experience in every dental office?
Patient: No.
Stephanie: No.
Patient: Is he gentle and is-is just gentle?
Stephanie: And you know, the best thing about it is you’re gonna meet everybody that you’re gonna be working.
Patient: Oh, good.
Stephanie: So it’s him and I, um…
Patient: People are chicken and they don’t-, I mean, I don’t mind the pain. I’m okay with that. It’s just you just hate going to the dentist.
Stephanie: I know. Yeah. But with the patients that we do with us, because we’re gonna be seeing you for so long, we do develop good relationships.
Patient: Okay.
Stephanie: So… [laughs]
Patient: That’s a good thing to know.
Stephanie: Yeah, for sure. So we’ll take that scan.
Patient: Okay.
Stephanie: And then we’ll have a doctor review it. And take you into a treatment room. He’s just gonna take a peek.
Patient: That’s fine.
Stephanie: And then you and I will come back in here and we can talk timing and numbers and all that stuff.
Patient: So, When it comes to cost, I realize this is an investment.
Stephanie: Yeah.
Patient: In fact, my sister-in-law has these.
Stephanie: Okay.
Patient: Not for here.
Stephanie: Yeah.
Patient: Actually, I told her when she was dead, I’m ripping her teeth out and clicking them in [laughs] for what she paid for them. And I-I realize, you know, that this is what you’re gonna do. So, do they offer financing?
Stephanie: We do.
Patient: Okay.
Stephanie: And well, we can take a look at that, you and I.
Patient: Yeah.
Stephanie: It’s-it’s a- it’s an inquiry, so it’s not in effect until- if we went forward with it.
Patient: Okay.
Stephanie: So the place that we use, they approve people up to $70,000. Um, they go as long as like 108 months. Um, usually. We’ll put in, you know, the number that we have for this. And then we’ll look at it.
Patient: Okay. Well, let’s-let’s do that. We don’t know that. I mean, not $70,000, but we’ll check it off.
Stephanie: Sure. Yeah.
Patient: It’s not $70,000.
Stephanie: Not for this, no. Um, the Clear Choice option that you were talking about, it’s a little different, but it’s not 60. Ours is less than Clear Choice. Um, but we do offer the same thing that they do. Um, and that would be like having your teeth back.
Patient: I didn’t- I didn’t even check it.
Stephanie: Okay. Yeah.
Bart: So I don’t think that this patient really understands the difference right now between fixed and removable. Um, the only thing we’ve really discussed so far is removable. Um, she doesn’t strike me as a- as a patient with no money either. Uh, at-at this point she did say, “Hey,” you know, “I mean, 60,000, I don’t think 60,000 is realistic for me.” Um, she didn’t say, “I can’t afford 60,000.” She just said, “60,000 is not realistic for me.” And then she said 70,000. Um, but again, we don’t really know. So if we can do things in order, all of this becomes really, really simple and easy. Okay?
So if we go in order and we’re pacing and leading right now, what happens? You get somebody that’s talking and they can kind of talk in circles and they jump ahead, and then they go back and they go ahead and they go back. And you find yourself kind of reacting to what they’re saying instead of dominating the dialogue, not in terms of words, but in terms of sequence, right, of what we’re going to talk about and how we’re going to talk about it. You guys want to be bringing them along. So at the time they get to the point where they want to ask you something about cost, right, if they say-say, “Oh, you know, 70,000 is not- is not realistic for me.” Um, you know, you can say, “Listen, it’s a lot of places.”
They only have one option, and that’s it. They go- they have one way they do it. They have one option and one price, and that’s it, and that’s the price. And you either do it or you don’t do it. But here we’ve got three or four, even five different options for people that are missing all of their teeth, to have their teeth come all the way out. It just depends on what you want and what your budget is. Now, if you ha- if you say $70,000 is too much, give me an idea of what you’re thinking about spending in terms of a budget, what you feel is realistic. And that might help me get the doctor better prepared when go talk to them. So I know that- what you want in terms of aesthetics, function, and maintenance. But give me an idea in terms of overall budget, ’cause it sounds like you have a number in your head that you’re trying to stick with it.
So where are you trying to be? And you go ahead and pre-qualify right there. Why? Because she brought it to me. The patient’s the one that brought that up. So we can talk about it in your mind as well. Pre-qualify right now, you know what I mean? There-there-there’s absolutely nothing wrong with doing it. Okay? And then she says, “Well, you know, I don’t know. I’ve got- I’ve got some money. Um, but do you have- do you have financing options?” Right? If she says, “Hey, I can put down 20 grand,” and then I would need to finance the rest, or I can put down five grand or ten grand.
If you find yourself in a position where the entire sale is contingent on financing, okay, then go ahead and get the patient pre-approved. Right? At least the doctor’s going to know when we come in for the second 10, that, “Hey, this is the sense of urgency the patient has. This is what they want in terms of a clinical outcome, and this is the budget parameters that they gave me.” Right? “That they said- that-that they said can work.” If the doctor has that, I mean, then they have everything they need to make a primary recommendation. I just want you guys to stay away from making primary recommendations in the first 10. Your-your response is always, we have- we have tons of options. It really just depends on which option is gonna give you the best match for the outcome that you want. ‘Cause yes, the options have different price points, but they also have different outcomes.
They-they-they also look different. They can feel different. They can function different. They have different levels of maintenance and they have different levels of longevity. They’re all associated with the price changes. Right? And that’s what happens sometimes if somebody comes in and they only wanna talk about price. They say, “Hey, give me the- give me an option that’s gonna cost the-the,” you know, “the least amount of money.” Sometimes they end up with that option and then they’re like, “Hey, this isn’t what I wanted. I don’t like the way the teeth feel,” or “I don’t like the way that teeth look. They don’t look real. They look fake and they look ugly, and I don’t like this, and I don’t like that.” But that’s what they bought. You know, so it’s really important to buy what you want first in terms of what you’re going to be living with in your mouth, and then we’ll back into the price from there, you know what I mean?
But we have to kind of be in control of that dialogue. It is like really, really, really important for the patient to believe that they treatment plan themself. And for us not to take too much time talking about the logistics in the mechanics of actually facilitating the treatment itself, right? The mechanics of the surgery, the mechanics of-of the prosthetic, how many visits and what we’re gonna do here and what we’re gonna do there. Like in the first 10, none of that is really relevant, you know, almost- I wanna say all the time, ’cause sometimes they’ll come in and it’s a second opinion.
They actually have a treatment plan there and they’re very, very well educated on what they are. And you have to talk a little bit about your, uh, your competitive advantages in the way that you’re going to do it differently. But for the most part, in any situation like this, the dialogue should revolve around creating a very compelling vision for the patient, getting the patient excited, bought in, and getting all of their focus, moving all of their focus from the process to the result. We don’t wanna sell the process, we wanna sell the result. They don’t get excited about the process, they get excited about the result. All we do is match the process that best fits the result that they’re describing. Nothing more.
That is the entire philosophy of-, uh, of the sales call. That’s the entire philosophy of the- of the sales process here in terms of the 10, 10, 10 to allow the patient to effectively treatment plan themself. It’s the same exact way that I do it with the doctors. The doctors all create their own marketing plan depending on what they- what their expectation is, right? What’s the timeframe? What are they expecting and-and what is their budget? I have to make sure all those things line up. Once they line up, then I create the plan. It’s the same thing with you guys. Same exact thing. I’m gonna switch over now to the-, uh, to the third 10 here.
And remember, if you guys have any specific questions, just type them in and if one of you guys can monitor that and let me know if they’re okay. Okay, here we go.
Stephanie: Once we do it, you will feel better. Once we have the teeth out, you’ll feel better. Yeah, so the good news is-is that you’re a candidate for the implants. Um, so that’s good. And then I did start- got a jumpstart on this, the financing. So I do just need a couple more things for you. Um, I do need a social security.
Bart: Keep this in mind also. It’s not bad to do the financing. For me, if-if we did things right in the first 10, this would already be done, right? While that patient is getting scanned and going in for the second 10, I would just be running into financing to see if they’re pre-approved. So in a perfect world, because they already brought it up, if I knew what their budget was, if their budget was, say, if she said, “I’ve got 10 grand in cash, but I really need financing.” If she had said that in the first 10, no problem. Get the information from her, send her back, let her do the scan, sit her down, wait for the doctor. And while she’s doing that, I’m gonna get a preapproval right there. So I’m already gonna know what she’s pre-approved for here. Um, so that’s fine. If financing doesn’t come up though, you guys don’t wanna- it’s-it’s ideal to just go ahead and run the clothes.
Okay, you wanna run the close, go through the bundle, get to the price, give them an opportunity to pay for it without financing. And if you need financing, right? Like they say, “Okay, well, I mean that sounds good, but I don’t- I can’t like pay all that at once. Do you have- do you have any options for me?” At that point in time, offer the financing because sometimes you’re gonna have people that will just pay for it. Right? And, um, financing is not free either. Okay? Financing comes with a cost, um, for-for the practice.
So you’re incentivized to get as much cash from the patient as possible and use the financing for whatever the-, uh, for whatever the delta is. Okay? So I like to close on the dollar amount. Right? And then once we close on a dollar amount, if we need financing, let’s use that as a solution to a problem. A problem maybe they don’t have enough cash, right? They don’t have enough room on their credit card, anything like that. Fine, financing is a solution, but if you go with financing right off- right off the bat, you’re almost not even giving them the opportunity to-to pay for it. You’re not given the opportunity to pay for it in the first place. I’m gonna fast-forward through this, okay? To get to the bundles.
Stephanie: So if we are looking at doing this treatment…
Patient: Yes.
Stephanie: Um, so we basically show you this as a package. So everything from start to finish, so nothing’s gonna come up in between us. That’s gonna be like, oh, I’m, by the way, there’s this, oh, by the way, there’s this…
Patient: So bottom line.
Stephanie: Bottom line, so we have the top and the bottom ’cause they’re two separate guys. The top, we have a scan that we took a comprehensive exam. The temporary that we’re gonna wear for six months before implant sedations. Um, a laser that’s gonna help with healing, swelling, and pain postoperatively, all your extractions. We do-do some ridge reduction ’cause we can take the teeth out. Looks like this. We have to do some smoothing and reducing on that ridge. Um, toria, you do have some toria on the bottom. You don’t have any on the top. Um, and then additional surgery minor down the road, um, to uncover those implants ’cause we place them and we let them heal. Remember, I told you, you place them then let it heal…
Patient: Yes.
Stephanie: Same kind of deal here. So we would do a minor procedure down the road to uncover those implants. And then we can start the final teeth. Any and all post-op visits in between, um, your final teeth with all the parts and any follow-ups after up to a year. Um…
Bart: Then keep in mind, right before we go through the bundles and we say, “Hey, can,” you know, “good thing that you’re a candidate,” which Stephanie did. I wanna make sure that they’re excited about it. Like this lady, she sounds to me, and Stephanie’s connecting with her from a tonality point of view and doing a good job there, but I wanna get them like salivating here, right? When you have somebody that’s open. And they’ve gotta- they’ve got some enthusiasm, right?
These are people that are like-, this lady is a buyer. I can tell you right now, this lady is a buyer. This lady can be closed and you can get her excited. So you can tell her like, “How do you feel?” You know, “how do you feel about everything?” You wanna get them saying, “I love it. I can’t wait. This is awesome, awesome, awesome, awesome.” And then I’m gonna go through the bundle, right? We wanna make sure that they’re excited about the outcome, right? And the journey that they’re about to take.
It’s a really big deal, so you guys have to get a little bit excited for them. Get excited for them and kind of bring them with you and make sure that you’re good. Make sure that you’ve got them as a 10 out of 10 in terms of excitement about the treatment plan. Now, we didn’t see what happened during the second 10. But clearly, we’re-we’re presenting the um, um, the implant-supported denture option.
We’re not presenting it fixed. So again, I’m just not sure that the patient really understood the difference between the fixed when she said, “I want something that clicks in.” Um, I’m-I’m-I’m just not sure. And I’m also not sure what her overall price point was, but this is where we’re at. This is what we’re presenting. I just wanted to say, make sure that you get them excited. And if you don’t feel a sense of excitement, you know, that should worry you a little bit before you go through a price. They’ve really gotta be- they should be ready to go and salivate it at this point.
Stephanie: We are able to do some of these procedures in combination. So we are able to bring this down from 25 to 19. Um, and that would be from start to finish for your top, okay?
Patient: Okay.
Stephanie: The lower, same kind of thing, except for this is two implants.
Bart: Now you wanna sell that a little bit more, right? The reason why they’re- she went from, what, 25 to 19- 25 to 19, that’s $6,000, you know? So tell them, “Look, this is usually about $25,000 now.” Because of the protocol that Dr. Wilhelm uses, we’ve actually been able to take a process that used to be three to four visits and condense it down to one visit. Okay? Now, less visits, it’s less time for you. It’s also less time for us. Right? Which means less cost for us. So instead of us just taking the money and putting it in our pocket, what we do is pass the savings onto you. So let me show you how much you’re gonna save here when you move forward with this. It would normally be 25. It actually reduces the cost because the protocol we use, it reduces it all the way down to 19,000. So that’s $6,000 discount right there.
Now, the other one, you just gotta sell a little little bit, right? It has to be believable. Otherwise, the discount isn’t going to work. It’s not gonna work the way that you want it to, so you gotta sell it. You know what I mean? That’s something that has to be- it needs to be believable, right? So, hey, because we have an in-house lab, a lot of practices, what they have to do is pay a lab to actually make the teeth, right? And that’s what takes so long. So while they’re paying the lab, for every case they do that lab’s gonna be charged them 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 thousand dollars, whatever they charge. Right? Which is why they have to charge so much because they have to pay the lab fee, they have to do the surgery, and everything else.
What we did-, because we do so many of these cases, we actually made the investment to build a lab out in-house, so we don’t have those big expenses to pay every time we do a case. That being said, instead of taking that money and putting it in our pockets, we actually pass it on to you. So let me show you now. This is what the-the procedure would normally cost since we have an in-house lab. Let me show you what you’re going to pay because it turns out to be a pretty sub- a pretty substantial discount. Boom, boom, boom. And then write it out, but sell it ’cause what you’re trying to do is get them to say, “Oh my God, this is an awesome deal. Wow, I’m getting a lot for my money. Wow, this is a great deal.” That’s the whole point of the close, is to get them excited about the financials. Get them thinking that they’re getting a lot more than what they’re paying for and connect the dots in terms of why that is. That’s the whole point of the bundle close. Right? But you have to sell it. You guys gotta get into it, you know what I mean? You gotta get into it and sell it, and it’s gotta be believable.
And again, you want them to get excited about it. Like not everybody gets it. Like other practices. I’m-I’m not saying, “Listen, if you go elsewhere, you’re not gonna get this.” I’m just saying it in a way that’s going to make them feel that way. That’s the whole point of-of the-, um, of the bundle close.
Stephanie: Thought I switched that because I have the fee for two. I just have four written here. So pretty much all the things that are over here, you have your scan, your exam, um, the temporary denture, two implants, sedation. But these can be done together…
Patient: I was gonna say…
Stephanie: …so we’re-we’re saving some money here.
Patient: Okay. So, when we do the, uh, sedation and the extractions, we’re doing those altogether. Okay. It’s not like leave, come back, and do it again.
Stephanie: Right. Right, um.
Patient: Do you do it right here?
Stephanie: Yeah, we do everything right here. So, kind of the same things pretty much, you know, you have the final teeth, the parts, all the follow-ups. This goes from 18 down to 14.
Patient: Okay.
Stephanie: Uh, so if you add the two together, we’re looking at 33.
Patient: Okay.
Stephanie: And I did the financing for 33. I’m not gonna put a throw in your- throw in your thing. I can give you money down on this.
Patient: Perfect.
Stephanie: Okay.
Bart: So she prompted Stephanie with that, right? I can give you money down on this. The close is, okay, right? A-after you sell it, right? The close is 33,000. Okay, cool. So, how would you like to pay for that? That’s the close. That’s it. That’s it. Get as much money as you can from the patient, as much in cash as you can. Get as much upfront as you possibly can. Finance the rest. We’ll finance the whole thing without-, right, close the same way every time. Get it down, show them that’s an- it’s a- it’s amazing, get them excited about the financials, ask them how they’d like to pay for it. I can get you scheduled immediately. Let’s get it taken care of. How would you like to pay for the 33,000? Let’s go. Um, well, I don’t have 33,000, but like, do I have to pay for the whole thing at once? Well, how would you like to pay? If so, I mean, you can put a portion down now. You can do- I mean, there-there’s different options. You tell me what-what would you prefer. I’m not gonna give them an option to say no. So I’m just gonna ask them how do they want to pay for it, right? Then, well, and then, like, she’s gonna say right now. Watch.
Stephanie: Then we won’t have to do as much for the financing.
Patient: No. No. Because I’m gonna say if I gave you, uh, $13,000…
Stephanie: Yeah.
Patient: …to start it out or something like that.
Stephanie: So, we’re gonna play with those numbers. Yes. And see what we would be if we’re going for a monthly payment. So, if you put 13 down, so we would be financing 20. So, we’re gonna change…
Patient: Say I’m gonna give you $15,000 down.
Stephanie: Okay.
Patient: So, then we’re doing 18. Right, right. Am I doing the math right there?
Bart: She voluntarily goes from 13 to 15, which is interesting, right? But if she’s willing to put 15,000 down, how much she thinks she could really put down? I don’t think money is an issue at all. And she seem- and she got approved. So, she’s got the credit as well. Um, so I just- I just keep thinking, man, I just wonder if we could have gotten this patient really excited to just move- to move forward with fixed. If she would- if she would be really, really happy with fixed, uh, that’s-that’s what I-, uh, that’s what I keep thinking here.
Stephanie: I got into dental because I’m not good…
Bart: Guys, there’s a conversation you’re gonna have in the first 10. If they bring up money and ask you about cost, this is why we want to have it right there. I’ll go ahead and have it right there. Because if I got somebody in front of me says, “Oh, I can do $200,” you know, okay, well, $200 a month, 250, 300 dollars a month maybe, right? $200 doesn’t get your denture, doesn’t get your crown, like, for a single tooth, you know? And I’m going to triage that right then. Or if the whole thing is contingent on financing, I’m gonna pre-approve them right now. And then no reason to go to the second, the third 10 in that scenario. If they get pre-approved and they-they are approved, boom, then-then you’re done, right?
You’re gonna close them, then keep it moving. But if they give you an unrealistic number, they’re telling you that, “I can’t- I am not qualified to buy if you don’t have a way to get me financed,” then it doesn’t make sense to do anything else. Get them- see if they’re approved, right? Use two, three, four different sources, try everything you can do to get a pre-approval for some amount. If you can’t, that’s an easy triage. It’s on to the next patient. So, you already have all that stuff. If cost doesn’t come up, then don’t worry about it, right? If they don’t bring up cost in the first 10, if they don’t give you a lead-in, then just go ahead and close it like normal. Um, but if they do, they’re opening the door for you guys to prequalify and, um, and triage so take it.
Stephanie: [chuckles] So, yeah, so that’s what I would be financing.
Patient: Okay. So, if we put 15 down…
Bart: I got a question from somebody that asked, um, if the patient asked about financing over the phone, um, can we get them pre-qualified there? Yeah, sure. If the patient says they need financing to move forward, um, I don’t have any problem at all with you guys doing it. The only thing I have a problem with over the phone is when we’re too aggressive. And we’re-we’re trying to get everyone pre-qualified whether they bring it up or not. That’s-that’s what I try to stay away from. I don’t think that comes off the right way because the whole philosophy behind our sales process is that, okay, it’s not about the price, it’s about the outcome. The price is attached to-, right, the treatment, which hasn’t been determined yet.
Everything is about the outcome. But there are some people that have been down the road before they’ve been two, three, four, five consultations. They’re calling in saying, “Hey, I just- I know what- I know what I need. But, you know, do you guys have financing options? What are your prices? I don’t know if I can afford anything.” Um, you can get them pre-approved right over the phone. That’s-that’s no problem at all. Just make sure that they prompt you. And we’re not leading in with that because it can come off a bit rude. Um, for a brand-new patient, it can definitely come off the wrong way, right? If they’re asking about a consultation, they’re asking questions about us, they want to come in and see us and we’re like, “Well, let’s go ahead and get you pre-approved for financing before you come in so I can make sure you’re not a deadbeat.” It doesn’t really come off the right way in that scenario. So, we don’t want to be too aggressive.
The rule of thumb, when they bring it up, you’re good to talk about it. If they don’t bring it up, you shouldn’t bring it up until the end, until we’re closing. Why? And-and-and certainly not in the first 10 or over the phone, ever, right? Because u-until they speak to the doctor, they don’t have a primary recommendation. So until the doctor makes a primary recommendation, your mindset is that we’ve got a lot of different ways to treat this depending on what you’re a candidate for and what type of the outcome you’re looking for, um, you know, there might be three, four, or five different treatments that we have that are all gonna put you in a better solution, in a better situation than you’re in right now. That’s your- that’s your mindset, you’re putting it off until the doctor can come in and make their- make their recommendation.
Even if you know-, you know 99% what this patient is gonna buy, you know, if you know 99%, it doesn’t matter. You’re still saying, “Look, anything is better than where you are now. We’re gonna get you in a better situation, you know. But we’re gonna talk to the doctor. I’m gonna tell him exactly what you want. He’s gonna look at your scan, see where you are, clinically, what you’re a candidate for. And he’s gonna make a treatment plan recommendation to get you everything that you want. That’s how this works.” That could be one of five different things. Makes sense, guys?
That is your mindset before the second 10. After the second 10 is different because you have something to sell. We’re-we’re selling and the first 10 is not- is not a treatment. We’re getting them excited and putting in their head that the only thing that makes zero sense is to do nothing. That’s what makes zero sense. I’m also putting in their head that we have different options at different price points with different outcomes. That’s it, that’s the only thing I’m selling in the first- in the first 10. Second 10 is the doctor’s job to make the recommendation. And they’re gonna make one, not three.
They’re gonna send you back there with three different things and let the patients choose. There’s gonna be one treatment plan and it’s whatever is gonna get them what they want. Now, it’s hard to give them one treatment plan if they haven’t clearly defined what it is that they want in terms of an outcome. But if that’s the case, then we completely whiffed on the first 10. We just- that was a- that was a miss. The most important thing, where are you now, where do you wanna be, right? If you do nothing else in the first 10, that’s- that has to get done. Get all of their focus away from the mechanics, all of their focus on the outcome.
Like, I make it easy. I’m like, “Well, you don’t have to worry about what’s gonna happen first, second, third, during the surgery. You don’t have to even worry about what kind of surgery it’s going to be. But the only thing you have to worry about is telling me what it is that you want. At the end of the day, what do you wanna live with? How do you wanna look, function, and feel?
We will take care of all of the logistics for you. You don’t have to worry about that. There’s a million different ways that we can- that we can approach the case. We’re gonna approach it to what-whatever way is gonna be the most comfortable, the most efficient, and the most effective to get you what you want, right?” That’s our department, you tell me what you want and-and just switch them, right? But that’s how- you have to take control of the conversation. Otherwise, you’re-you’re going back and forth about things that aren’t gonna help you close. Matter of fact, most of the time, it’s just gonna help you confuse the patient more. It’s all it’s gonna do. We gotta make this simple.
Stephanie: Here’s what we’re looking at for you can go up to 120 months.
Patient: Okay.
Stephanie: And that’s what you’re…
Patient: So, it’s like if you want to give somebody $300 a month or if you- I mean, that would just accumulate that much faster.
Stephanie: Right, right.
Patient: Okay. Whoo!
Stephanie: So how soon you wanna get started?
Patient: I don’t know. It’s causing my-my- I’m getting this- I’m getting this anxiety.
Bart: All right. And guys, so one of the power days we had just on closing styles, um, one of the more recent ones that we had here on closing styles, what we wanna use here is-is a more of a-an assumptive type of close, right? It’s not, “Okay, so when would you like to get started?” That’s the question. Or, “How would you like to get started? Or would you like to get started?” Those are all questions that we should already assume they’re getting started, right?
So it’s more like, “Okay, cool. Let’s get you started. First thing we’re gonna do is go ahead and get you scheduled for the appointment, blah, blah, blah, your first one, smile design, da, da, da, da.” Like, assuming the close, assume they’re doing it and just lead them into it. They wanna follow you. You don’t wanna give people- you don’t wanna make them think, right? I wanna make them think it’s done. I wanna make them think it’s easy. I just want them to just follow my lead, right? Because when-when it comes to money, at significant amounts of money, their brain, even if they want it, they’re super excited, the brain is going to try to find a reason for them to delay.
Stephanie: So your next appointment, we would be- we already took the scan that we need. Um, we would be taking impressions to have the temporary teeth made because when we take the teeth out, we’re going to be sending you home with the upper for sure that day. The lower is kind of a different animal because it’s loose. And I know you can- you’ll know what this means because you know what water-water beds are. So for the initial first few weeks on the lower, it’s like trying to put a saddle on a water bed.
Bart: And you see, we tried to close, right? Okay, so when would you like to get started? And there was kind of an odd pause, right? And we didn’t close. And now what are we do- now we’re back into the logistics of the whole thing because this is where a lot of people are comfortable talking about the process. So we revert back to the process. But again, like this-, what we’re talking about right now it’s not going to get the patient to close here. We need to be- right now we need to be closing.
Stephanie: For the lower temporary. So we don’t send the patient home with a lower the day of surgery. It’s kind of up to you on when you wanna get that lower, whether it’s a week or two weeks. So you’re without teeth on the lower…
Patient: Oh, yeah.
Stephanie: …because you won’t wear them anyways, more than likely because it’s gonna be floating around.
Bart: Fast forward a little bit.
Patient: I’ve had three knee replacements because one went bad and now a hip. So, yes, it’s like falling apart. I had a defective part of my knee that I had
to take antibiotics.
Where did you get those beautiful teeth? Yeah. I just told them, I would say, you know, I have pending dental work.
Bart: One second.
Stephanie: For them, you know, to get their smile back. I mean, it’s this type of work is like, life changing for people.
Patient: I know that’s, you know, it’s like I’m only 66 years old. I hope they have a longer time to go. Right. And your grandkids can say, “Grandma, where did you get those beautiful teeth?”
Stephanie: [chuckles] Yeah.
Patient: So, can I give you a call on…
Bart: One second. [crosstalk] Exactly.
Patient: They’re gonna let me know.
Bart: Yeah, here it comes. Okay.
Stephanie: The lower, there’s not until those implants are healed and we’re attaching it. So for that first couple of weeks, it’s really floating around. So it’s just two weeks, but two weeks that you’re doing that and then coming back in, and then you’re getting a lower in there, temporary…
Patient: Yeah.
Stephanie: But it won’t be attached to the implants until the implants are healed?
Patient: Right, but will it still stay?
Stephanie: It-it-it takes a little bit to learn to wear the lower because it’s different than the top. So it’s a learning process.
Patient: Um, all right, here’s where I’m at. I have to take this with me. I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow. I had a hip replacement.
Stephanie: Okay.
Patient: And something’s not right.
Stephanie: Soon?
Patient: No.
Stephanie: Recently?
Patient: Two years. It’s been two years. And I know…
Stephanie: Something’s not right.
Patient: …and I know something’s not right. So tomorrow I am going in and having this, uh, bone scan die thing done to see. They’re gonna let me know what they- if they see something going on here because they told me that the possibility is the bone, the, um, prosthetic that goes into your bone, they didn’t adhere into one. That I might have space in there. I don’t know, but it’s a possibility because it’s taken me- I can’t walk on it. I mean, I can, and then I can’t. And so, it’s like…
Stephanie: You should be able to walk on it almost right away.
Patient: Yeah, you should.
Bart: Okay. So here comes like, the excuse. This is an excuse to get out of here. Um, well, what’s one of the first things that she said when she came in, right? She said she has an infection. She pushed on it, there was drainage or pus coming out. Look, at the end of the day, if you go in and you need another hip replacement, this should be done first. You don’t wanna go into a major surgery with an open infection. So this should be done first. If you go in and everything’s fine, you don’t need a hip replacement, this still needs to be done. Either way, this gets done. Either way, you’re better, right?
You’d certainly don’t want to go in for something about a hip with an active and open infection in your mouth. So that- I would use that as even more urgency, you know what I mean? It’s like, hey, either- no matter what they say, it’s not gonna change the state of your- of your oral health, no matter what. And no matter what needs to be done, whether nothing needs to be done, or whether you have to have a hip replacement, you’re better off eliminating the infection and fixing your teeth. So this is gonna get done either way. It’s really irrelevant. It’s actually doing that, doing the hip replacement is going to hinge on this getting done, more so than this on the hip replacement. And just kind of make things simple for them, you know, make things really, really simple.
Patient: Three knee replacements because one went bad and now a hip. So, yes.
Bart: Uh, now I have got a couple of questions I want to get to before we run out of time, guys. Um, [clears throat] okay. Yeah. All right, still about the interest rate. So a lot of people have been, “Hey, I’m getting patients approved, but the rate was over, you know, 18%,” you know, or, “Hey, I got one approved, it was 22.9%.” Well, with high-interest rates, you know what that means, that they don’t have the best credit. That’s why the interest rate is high. So they’re only gonna get approved for high-interest rate loans when-when it’s an unsecured loan with no collateral. That’s-that’s normal, okay?
So, it’s not like, “Hey, man, this interest rate’s unreasonable.” It’s, “Hey, the interest rate is just reflective of their credit score so that you guys know that.” But for dealing with the patients, I always ask the patient the same thing, interest rate is the same thing as a money objection. There’s no difference, like, “Oh, my God, 18% is ridiculous. I can’t pay 18%.” Ask them what they think would be a reasonable interest rate. Just ask them, see what-what kind of interest rate do you think would be reasonable, knowing that it’s unsecured, right? Because there’s a difference. A secured loan means that they have collateral, right? They get a loan on a car, they can take the car back and sell it and get their money back. A mortgage, right? They have the house. The bank owns the house until they’re paid. So if you stop paying, they can take the house, they can sell it, they can recoup their money. So they can lower interest rates because the risk is lower.
In a situation like this, there’s nothing to repossess, right? And it’s unsecured and it’s just stated income. You don’t need tax, uh, you don’t need, um, uh, W2s, there’s no paperwork, we don’t need tax documents, we don’t need anything like that. It’s just stated income and it’s almost immediate approval, right? So where some of the secured loans, you can get them for, I don’t know, 4%, 6% or 7. That’s not really a thing in large dollars in unsecured. So knowing the difference between the two, what kind of interest rate would you expect and what kind of interest rate do you think would be reasonable? Because there might be something I can do about it, right?
So- because all- i-it’s just a- it’s just a negotiation. It’s all that is, simply a negotiation. If they say, “Well, 18 is ridiculous. You know, what about, like, if you could find me something at 10%? I think that would be- that would be better.” You know what I mean? So- what you’re in negotiation on 8% of the total case fee. That’s where you are, you know what I mean? So we negotiate from there. But, you know, whenever it’s a- it’s a question of a couple percentage points here or there, the easiest way to do is just tell them, “Look, you know.” Uh, because a lot of patients will use this as-as an excuse. They’ll say, “Let me go to my bank or let me see what I can do or, you know, maybe I can come up with the money, save on the interest, blah, blah, blah.” There’s no prepayment penalty, right? So let’s go ahead and let’s get you- let’s get it scheduled right now. You can then go do all your research and just pay it off with the proceeds from the other loan, right? And it’s no problem. And I know, you know-, you know, like the 18%, um there’s nothing I can do about that.
But what I can do to make this easier is just kind of pay some of the interest for you, right? Because I want you to feel good about it, too. So how about we get the interest rate from 18? I’m gonna take it down to 15%. I’m just gonna take 3% off the total of your treatment and just pay that for you. So I can just reduce the total down 3%, take the 18 to 15 to make it easy. And then if you get another option where you have 8%, that’s great. Get approved for it, get the funds, use those funds to pay off this loan, and now your interest rate is at 8%. But you don’t have to run around and jump through a bunch of hoops. And this is just gonna make it easy. That’s not fair. And close, close, close, close.
We’re just- we just have to find easy, common sense solutions for these problems that they- that they run up against. Interest rates, insurance, money, they’re all identical. That’s too much, okay? What’s not too much? I-It’s all the same. That interest rate is too high. Okay, what interest rates you feel like it’s reasonable? And let’s see where we are in negotiation. How far apart are we, right? Because if we’re that far apart, right, then I have to do some educating there. So let them come to the conclusion that what they’re asking for is impossible, right? But if we’re this far apart, I’m not gonna- I’m- there’s no way that I’m losing 25, 30, 45, 50 thousand dollars on a couple points. That’s crazy, right? And I can show them how they won’t lose either. Even if they go home and they find a better option, they’re still not losing. It’s still done, scheduled, out of their hair, right? Same exact thing with insurance. It’s- those are all-, um, those are all just- just money, uh, problems.
I had another question where they asked-, um, where someone asked, “We’re getting a lot of people that aren’t approved. And it’s kind of-, um, it’s kind of a major letdown. They want it and we find out all the way at the end that they’re not approved. Should we do it over the phone?” Um, you should only do it over the phone if they ask you over the phone. Just stay away from it, right? And what we’re trying to do is make sure that we’re doing the first 10 in the right order. We’re doing the patient education portion the right way. Because if you do, the vast majority of the time, guys, they’re gonna bring up more money if that’s a major concern for them. They’re gonna do it in the first 10 and allow you to prequalify and triage upfront before they get to the doctor. Again, that’s the whole point of doing 10 minutes with the treatment coordinator first, is so that you have the opportunity to find out the pain points, create urgency, make the vision, and triage if necessary. That’s the whole point, right?
And if you do the first 10 the way that I tell you how to do it, it’s-, um, it’s very rare that the patient is gonna get through the entire 10 minutes if price is their number one concern without mentioning it. That’s gonna be rare. It will happen sometimes but it’s just a very, very small percentage. And then go ahead and triage, right? Let’s say you triage, uh, the whole thing is contingent on financing, they don’t get approved for any financing options. What do you do? Well, if they don’t have the cash and I can’t get them financed with any of the sources that I have, then we have to look at secondary financing options, right? Or a way to liquidate something. We have to create capital for this person. So I started thinking immediately what do they have to sell, right? Or what do they have that they can liquidate? Do they have stocks? Do they have a 401K? Do they have a pension? Do they have equity in their home? Do they have a second car that they don’t use much? Do they have a-a-a baseball card collection?
People sell all sorts of things that they have. Everything that a person has, has a dollar amount attached to it, for the most part, right? So start to give them some idea that they do have things, it’s just you have to exchange the possession for money. And then you can in turn exchange the money for teeth. But you just kind of put that in their head, take out the secondary financing worksheet that we have, go through it with them and-, um, and then give them homework, right? Because they might- they might think it’s something like, “Oh geez, you know what? I do have this. I could probably sell this or sell that and blah, blah, blah.” Just get them thinking about money differently. People think about money and they think about money in the bank. That’s it. They don’t think about money that they have sitting in their- in their living room or sitting in their garage. It’s all money, right? It’s just in a different form, but it’s all worth something. Okay, let’s see. Um, first 10 [inaudible] how much time to bring up right. Yep yep yep, um.
Female Speaker: [inaudible]
Bart: Okay. Mm-hmm. It is okay to borrow it? Yeah, but where’s the question?
Female Speaker: [inaudible]
Bart: Well, just tell me what the question is.
Female Speaker: So-so this was at-at the credit union. Um, they-they say they’re at the credit union to get a lower rate. If they’re rate shopping, would it be okay to just ask for a deposit while they’re figuring it out? Also, we’re borrowing…
Bart: Yeah.
Female Speaker: …from the 401. Um, works for some, oh, but [inaudible].
Bart: Yeah. So, the-the idea is if they-they wanna shop for a different interest rate and already approved with the higher one, the best is getting moving forward with the higher one, right? And then if they get a lower one, tell them to pay off the loan with the new loan because there’s no prepayment penalty, that’s the best-case scenario.
The second best would be cash down while- and put them on the schedule while they figure it out, and then they can pay, you know, at the time of their next visit. That would be second best. But I’m trying to just get this thing signed and get-get paid in full and get it done. And I’m selling the convenience of that and the fact that there’s really no downside to them. So if they look elsewhere and they invest the time and they can’t find a better interest rate, they’re already done and scheduled moving forward. And if they can, all they have to do is get approved, pay off the proceed loan, and they’re at the new interest rate. So, I’m selling it that we can get it done right now. It’s fast and convenient. And there’s no financial downside to them if they end up finding-finding a new interest rate.
But again, you have to- you can’t present it in a question format. And you can’t be weak when you’re presenting it. You have to make it sound like this is a no-brainer. Like, “Okay, well, let’s do this. How about this, right? I’ll go ahead and get you scheduled. We’ll get you signed up with proceed at this interest rate. We’ll get everything locked in. There’s no prepayment penalty, that’s a good thing. So, I get you signed up, get you scheduled, everything is done. Go and go back to your research. If you find another-, um, another loan product that has a lower interest rate, then take it and take the proceeds from loan and pay off this loan. And you’re gonna be at the- at the lower interest rate because there’s no prepayment penalty.” And if there was a prepayment penalty, I might tell you, “Hey, all right, we’ll probably put down a deposit. Go do your research, let’s see what you get. But since there is none, let’s just do this now because it’s easy, fast, convenient, and then get you done. In that way, if you go and you do your research and you can’t find a lower rate, well, we’re already done. And if you do find a lower rate, just pay off the loan with the proceeds of the new loan. How about that? Does that sound reasonable? Cool, let’s do it.” Yeah, that’ll just make it easy.
And go, go, go. You can’t ask the patient to come up with the plan. Or you can, but that’s not gonna do it, right? That’s not how you close. You close by having a plan that they can understand in two seconds. And that they can follow and that they trust you. And they’re like, “Oh, this makes sense. Okay, I don’t see any downside. For me, it’s only upside.” That’s a no-brainer. I don’t ask people, “Hey, you know, are-are you gonna breathe today?” Like, you’re breathing, you know what I mean? Or you’re gonna die. So it’s the same thing with- in solutions where there’s only benefit and absolutely no downside. I don’t ask that as a question. I present it as a solution and assume they’re gonna do it. Because if they don’t do it, it means that I missed the sale. It means that they’re not sure yet, then I don’t have them at a 10 out of 10.
If they- if they don’t take a no-brainer, then I didn’t get it right, okay? They’re not sure about the treatment. They’re not sure about me. They’re not sure about the doctor. They’re not sure about the price in terms of principle. They’re unsure somewhere if I present a no-brainer and they don’t do it. They’re not looking for ways to get it done. They’re looking for reasons not to- they’re looking for reasons to wait or get out of there. And that shows a-a just an issue with the fact that they’re not sure and that we didn’t sell them. The sale never got made, okay?
So, you guys, um, you have to know when to- when to engage in a high sense of certainty. And you got to make things simple and don’t let them- you wanna do the thinking for them. Thinking and options, it stresses people out because they’re afraid of making the wrong decision. When it’s- when it’s made, they don’t feel like they’re making the wrong decision. They feel like the decision is obvious. There’s not even really a decision to make. That’s what a no-brainer is. That’s the whole purpose, right, of selling in this manner is to make everything a no-brainer.
The finance is a no-brainer because I can see that I’m getting more than I’m paying for. The treatment is a no-brainer because this gives me absolutely everything that I said that I want, right? Everything just lines up and it’s a no-brainer. But if the patient is controlling the dialogue and we’re not asking the right questions at the right time, then we can miss things and all of a sudden, hey, it’s a buyer but their focus is in the wrong place. They’re focused on the treatment plan. They’re focused on the interest rate. They’re focused on mechanics that have- that are not going to help you close. And they’re not gonna help the patient become inspired to move forward and excited to move forward. Those are not things that I wanna talk about during a consultation. I don’t wanna talk about things that don’t lead to the close.
That’s the whole point in speaking and selling in a straight line. I don’t talk about things that are off the line because it’s only extending, it’s extending the length of the consultation and it’s increasing the odds that they’re going to become confused or they’re gonna get off topic. And if they become confused and get off topic, their brain’s gonna tell them to wait. It’s gonna happen every time. And if they can’t come up with a reason right then, they’re gonna think of a story. T-they’re very, very, very good about it because it happens naturally. They don’t even know what’s happening. Like, how much sense does it make to weigh on an open infection in your mouth for a hip surgery? If you need it, you still gotta get it done. If you don’t need it, you still gotta get it done, right?
This comes first. If you’re on the ground and you got a broken leg and your airway is clogged and can’t breathe, why do you- why the hell am I worried about your leg? Yeah, the leg is broken, I need to fix it, but you’re gonna be dead before I do. So I better worry about the airway. Same thing, right? If you have an- if you have an open infection in your arm and you push on and pus was coming out, would you take care of that? You wouldn’t say, “Let me wait for my hip.” That’s nonsense, right? But we have to make sure that we have an easy way of explaining it so they see it and they’re like, “Oh, well, yeah, that makes sense. Okay, I see where you’re coming from.” All right, boom, follow the leader, follow the leader, follow the leader. But as your tone and your ability to be to take control of the call and be a figure of authority with the patient, you know what I mean? And you have to be closing all the time. Don’t engage in conversation or dialogue that doesn’t help you close. Because Stephanie was in really good rapport the whole time with this patient. She was matching tonality. I mean, this patient, like, loves her. We just have to- I don’t want the patient to have choices when it’s a no-brainer. I just want them to see one path and go, “This is a no-brainer,” right?
So, there’s nothing to think about. Everything clicks, it’s easy. Okay, well, what about the money? Okay, well, here’s what we’ll do. Let’s do this, this, this, okay? That sound fair? Let’s do that. That’ll make it easy. Okay, here, give it to me, boom, boom, boom, we’re done. Like, that’s my tone. I’m doing all the work but I’m assuming we’re doing it. I’m not asking permission to do financing. I’m not asking permission to get them scheduled. I’m not asking permission. I’m assuming they’re doing it because I’m giving them everything that they said they wanted in the first place. That makes sense, guys? Okay, um, hey, if anybody has any questions, I know I’m overtime. But if anyone has any questions, you want to come off mute real quick and-and ask one, um, then you can do that at this time. I’m going to unmute you, guys. Anybody wants to ask a question, you can right now. If not, you can start [crosstalk] a-any question.
Brandy: Bart, I actually have a question. I do. Um, we’re having like a really, really high-fail rate. And I just don’t know where-, you know, I don’t know what to advocate, what-, you know, we’ve-, I’ve listened to a lot of the recordings and stuff like that to see where the- just helped me figure out how we could coach her better on getting- because we have like a 90% failure rate right now, um…
Bart: When you say fail rate, you’re not talking clinical. You’re talking like, for financing?
Brandy: Lead consults. Yeah.
Bart: Okay, in financing.
Brandy: Getting him in the door. Getting him in the door.
Bart: Oh, okay. So you’ve got a 10%, basically like a 10% show rate?
Brandy: Correct, and it’s declined. So it started off, it was really, really good. Um, I think the way that we’ve structured it a little bit might be where we’re falling in. It’s like, you know, they’ve got me blocked for, um, more than 30 minutes or 20 minutes for, um, my consults. So I’m only able to see, say, if they’re only booking, say, four or five a day, and I need to be seeing eight to ten at minimum right now, and I can’t even get those four or five to show up. So I’m not able to even get started with any of them.
Bart: Well, one thing is to look and see how far out they’re booking, right? So if she’s booking them out to [inaudible] the throw rate is gonna be higher. So make sure that you’re not booking them out longer than a week. That’s the first thing, um, to check. And if that’s the case, then open up more spots and reduce the time that you’re blocking for each consultation, right? T-That’s the 10, 10, 10 anyways. It shouldn’t be any more than 30 [inaudible]
Brandy: Right. Okay.
Bart: Um, use consultations. And you have the ability also if you need to, to make more room so you’re not booking out far. You can double-book them also because you’re gonna have some [inaudible] to no show.
Brandy: Right.
Bart: Um, that’s- those are legit reasons for why it might be happening. But other reasons might just be because they call in and say, “Hey, I saw your advertising about, you know, all on form. I’m interested in this. Um, I’d like to schedule a consultation.” You say, “Okay, what’s your name?” They give some information. “Okay, what day would you like?” “Okay, next Wednesday, three o’clock.” “Okay, I’ll send you a confirmation email.” And that’s it, right? Those are the easiest type of consultations to cancel on because there was- a-absolutely no rapport was being built.
So the sales call starts all in. That’s when it starts. And what we want to do over the phone, yeah, we want to get them scheduled. But we also want to find out why they want to schedule, what their pain points are, what they’re going through. And we want to listen to them, want to listen to them build some rapport, let them know that we’re gonna help them so that they feel a sense of reciprocity towards us to show up for the consultation, right? It’s hard to-to stand somebody up that you feel like is going out of their way for you and that has- that has listened to you, and is willing to help you. It’s easy to stand up some operator that just took information was on the phone with you for 30 seconds that-that you have no emotional connection to.
So that’s the strategic fix to it is to actually connect with the patients over the phone and ask them, “Okay, you talked about all on four, give me an idea of what you’re going through. You’re missing one tooth, multiple teeth? Tell me what’s going on. I wanna have a good idea before you get here. Oh, I’m missing this. This is oh, my gosh, that’s terrible. How long have you been going through that? Wow. So, I can imagine that’s affecting me on a day-to-day basis? How-how is that affecting you? It’s affecting what you eat or kind of how you feel or whatever?” Just talk to them. Talk to them and the more rapport they get in with the patient over the phone, the higher the probability that the patient is going to show up for their appointment. If you go in and wham, bam, thank you, Ma’am and it’s like a two-minute call and they get scheduled, um, you know, the no-show rate is gonna be…
Brandy: Right.
Bart: …much higher.
Brandy: So can I ask if maybe everyone else can help with this too. When you get your-your last 10 and you go into closing and you’re doing all that financing and everything. I mean, it’s definitely taking longer than 10 minutes. So, you know, how does that work? Because I’m wondering if I’m double booking, that’s kind of the stress that we got into is, no, we were on a streak to where I was closing at least one a day. And then it faded out because I was running behind and being all crazy all over the place. And it just became a little bit chaos because it was taking me longer than that last 10 minutes to get them, you know, finish the financing, get their paperwork going, get the contract signed, and get them scheduled. So that was kind of where we ran into the difficulty of double booking. What do you think about that?
Bart: Well, there’s two different problems there. Number one, on one hand, you can’t get anybody in. On the other hand, you’ve got too many people in. So worry about- again, this is kind of like the airway and the broken leg thing. The airway is there’s no air. So I wouldn’t worry about double booking when you’re totally open with the schedule. I worry about filling the schedule and manage by exception. Because double booking, yeah, it will cause some- it can cause some headaches at times, but in the long run percentage-wise, you’re probably gonna be, uh, more efficient, it’s gonna hedge. There’s nothing worse than having a- having yourself blocked for an hour and you get a no-show. Now, what do you do?
Brandy: Exactly. Right. Okay.
Bart: And you are dead, right? And you can’t- there-there’s no getting it back. There are ways, right, for you to hustle and catch up with the day. And there are ways to look at it and say, “Oh, man, you know what? Now looking back on that consultation, that patient brought up money and financing in the first 10. I should have just went ahead and got him pre-approved right then. So that when we get into this, to the third 10, you know, I’ve already got all that work done. That’s done and I can have somebody else, I can have the financial coordinator pre-approve him while we’re in second 10.” You know what I mean? Um, and then again, if you guys are following the process, you’re gonna take the bull by the horns. You’re gonna start to develop a time clock in your head and you’re gonna go, okay, you’re gonna sit down with a third 10. First thing you do, “Congratulations, you’re a candidate,” and you’re gonna get them excited. They’re gonna say, “Yep, yep, yep,” right? You’re gonna do a quick recap and you’re gonna go through the bundle.
That’s it. That’s the third 10. You go through the bundle, you show them they’re getting a great deal, and then you close. How do you want to pay for it? There’s just too much talk and too much conversation going on in the third 10- the third 10 conversations over like, they’re sold. They should be done after the second 10. They should be excited and ready to go and done. And we should assume that it’s done. And we should be 100% sure that they want what it is that I’m getting ready to present to them in terms of price. We already gained agreement on that because I already know that they described it to me in the first 10. The doctor confirmed it and the doctor gave him a perfect shooting plan to get him everything. So in my head, that’s done. So the third 10, I’m to the point within three minutes. Within three minutes, I’m at the price to where I’m either gonna get a full pay or I’m gonna have to start overcoming obstacles, right? That’s when I might have to present financing. That’s when I might have to break it up into installments. That’s when I might have to say, “Okay, let’s do 50% down. Now let’s do 50% of your next visit, whatever the case may be.” But I’m getting to the close in three minutes. Super, super, super efficient, efficiently. Unless I try to create excitement and they’re not excited and I feel like the doctor actually fell out of rapport.
And then I have to do some cleanup. In those instances, it can definitely take longer than 10 minutes. Um, but for the most part, when I’ve watched the videos, we’re not getting to the number in the first three minutes of the- of the sec- of the third 10. We’re getting there in 10 minutes because we’re just talking to him. And we’re not there to talk, we’re there to close. We’re there to get them scheduled, get them paid, and get them help, right? So it’s just a matter of priority, and you guys really staying on track and being, uh, i-in pace and leading and having a time clock in your head. Get to the point and don’t run from the- don’t run from the close. You say, “How do you- so how would you like to pay for it?” They’re gonna be, “Uh…” Just be quiet and let them come up with something. They’re gonna say something eventually. Don’t fill the air with conversation that’s going to distract them to avoid 10 seconds of uncomfortable silence. Makes sense?
Brandy: Yep. Thank you.
Bart: No problem. And you guys make sure because we go through all this stuff at the power sessions. Make sure that you guys look-look at a power session schedule, and get scheduled for him. Um, and then, uh, I look forward to seeing you guys on the-, uh, on the peer mentorship calls later in the month, okay? Go close something, pace and lead them. Don’t ask them if they wanna buy it. You know they wanna buy it. Just show how they can buy it right now, assuming the sale, okay? All right. Thanks, guys. Catch you later.
Alexandra: Thank you.
Bart: Bye. Bye-bye.