October, 2021
Press Play
[Background conversations]
Woman: Everything has been set up out for you. Um, we’ll honor some partnership like that, you know what I-
Bart Knellinger: Her outfit-
Woman: Pretty much this is everything we really, I mean-
Bart Knellinger: [sniffed] How many minutes?
Woman: Go away. Opening this…
Bart Knellinger: All right. We’ll start in a minute now.
[dog’s bark]
Woman Member: Mmm…
[dog’s bark]
Woman Member: [laughter]
Woman Member: [clears throat]
Man 1: I like it more thirty-four, two-nine, thirty divided by four.
Man 2: Yeah, that’s eighty-five, seventy-three, 25 cents.
Bart Knellinger: What’s up guys! How you doing?
Man 3: Good morning.
Woman 1: Hi!
Man 3: Morning.
Bart Knellinger: Morning, morning.
Man 1: I got you.
Man 2: I got you. Here we go. 32. Let me see if I can get that done for you at 30- so that-that’ll take us down to 32 total.
Bart Knellinger: Oh, man, I thought we were gonna get to hear close in real-time there if somebody… All right, let’s see… I’m just letting everybody sign in here.
[background conversations]
Bart Knellinger: How’s everybody doing? You guys good? How’s it going, Dottie?
Dottie: Not too bad. I’ve had, um, I’ve had um, a few cancels but not too many. My people-
Bart Knellinger: Yes-
Dottie: My people are either we had to refer them out for different reasons or they’re just not showing up. So, I’m still trying to work on that.
Bart Knellinger: Okay, cool, cool.
Dottie: Uh-huh.
Bart Knellinger: All right. Just giving it a second here. Let everybody log on. We had a good, uh, we had a really good meeting. We had our last PCI conference, uh, this weekend in Las Vegas. It went really good up until everyone that worked at Southwest decided to be sick on the same day. That was interesting. Uh, just try to get a flight at home. [laughs] [clears throat] All right. We’re doing…
Kim: Hello!
Bart Knellinger: Hello. What’s up, Kim?
Kim: How are you?
Bart Knellinger: Doing good.
Kim: Good.
[background noise]
Woman 1: Okay.
Bart Knellinger: Open.
Woman 1: Okay, not a problem at all. I will- I cannot definitely check…
Bart Knellinger: Is, uh, is Erika on? Okay. Or Nigalye… Okay. [silence] Okay, guys, we’ll go ahead and, uh, and get started. We got quite a few people on the call today so, um, you guys- you guys are all muted. If you have a question or anything like that throughout the, uh, throughout the video, just unmute yourself and ask or, uh, or just type. Type in a question into the, uh, into the chat function. And then I can get to it.
So I’ve got a, uh, I wanna review a consultation video that I got from, um, Erika over at Doctor Nigalye’s practice. And they had some- there are some really, really good points that I wanted to touch on from the call. And there were also [background noise] a couple of little hang-ups that were made that I think can be fixed really, really quickly that everyone’s gonna be able to learn from. Um, [clears throat] especially those of you that are, uh, that have specialty practices here. So, I’m going to go ahead and start the video [background noise] here.
Uh, oh, and also before I forget because sometimes these things run a little bit late. Guys, make sure- if you guys haven’t gotten with Veronica or Kirsten on the power days on what days you’re going to come, um, please do so. There’s two more, right? For the year. So, one in November, one in December. So it’s typically the first Friday, um, of every month. But if you guys aren’t on the schedule for either one of those, make sure you get on the schedule to come down for the ones, uh, you know, try to get down here in Q1 if you can. Okay? All right, I’m going to pull the screen up. Let me know when Erika logs on to [background noise] Veronica. All right.
Bart Knellinger: Okay.
Woman 1: Have fun there ma’am.
Bart Knellinger: All right guys turn up your volume. It’s-it’s not bad. The audio is not bad here, it’s a little bit tough when the doctor walks in to see it, um, but they’re actually doing the consultations. It’s kind of like an operatory/consult room that they’re using here. Um, but you can see the, uh, um, Erika’s part and Dr. Nigalye’s part too. So, um, I’ll start playing this and I’ll walk you guys through a couple of things on here, okay? So…
Bart Knellinger: Okay, and just give you guys a- just a little bit of background. Dr. Nigalye’s an oral surgeon, okay? And they work with other doctors to do the restorative part. Okay? So anytime you’re working with another doctor to do the restorative part or the conversion, um, it’s-it’s- there’s a little variance into the sale but there should be no variance in the sale from the patient’s perspective. They shouldn’t really know the difference. Um, so we have to make sure that that doesn’t complicate things.
Erika: When I hang her in, there’s somebody is screaming in here. [laughter] And days are went freezing-
Bart Knellinger: I’m just gonna kind of skip back and forth here.
Erika: They’re not-
Patient: Mm…
Erika: And I going-
Patient: Yeah-
Erika: For some new bringing careful teeth. [crosstalk]
Patient: Some.
Erika: Right?-
Patient: As soon as I get over the embarrassment of the intensive thing, that teeth, then… [crosstalk]
Erika: This is what we do. [crosstalk]
Patient: This is gonna be-
Erika: So many people are in this situation-
Patient: This is gonna be enormous for me.
Erika: Totally.
Patient: And I talked about it with my kids the whole time. They’re so happy I’m here.
Erika: Are they so really glad? Like, “Yes, ma, we’ll go finally do it.” Right?
Patient: Oh, they’re-they’re like… they were- they were already excited before the doctor like oh my god, they will do it. Either so many times we’re arguing, go out of the country. So, um, she lives in Egypt. And, you know, I’m like, I’m not going out of the country-
Erika: [laughter]
Patient: I’m not gonna go out of the country, Tricia. You know, but so they were already excited because they knew I was getting it done. Because they know I stopped going out.
Erika: Yeah, of course.
Patient: Um and they know that, like, yeah stopped going out or staying home for now. Um, but now, spiking up with the player [inaudible].
Erika: Yeah, is this a big deal?
Patient: It is. Huge.
Erika: It-it really is. And I know we talked it a little bit. I think we’ll go over and we can go initially.
Patient: Right.
Erika: And then on Friday we kept a consult attempt-
Patient: Yeah, okay. I’m fine.
Erika: Yeah? Okay, so what we need now, is to gather so, um, you know, we-we might get a treatment again that’s customized. So, you know, I’m not sure if I was wrong, right? [crosstalk]
Patient: Um. You know next week thunder game isn’t over-
Erika: Um, there’s no professional eating on people deserving consult. [laughter]
Patient: No, it’s okay.
Erika: Okay. But yeah, we’re here review again, it’s customized for your wants. So clinically Dr. Nigalye knows what you need but we also need to know what you want, right?
Patient: Mm-hmm.
Erika: Like, when you think about the time you smile, how you wanted it to look. You feel in with the shape of your teeth, the color, just all those things that, you know, you maybe you don’t get a chance to have the thing because you’re so far in this place mentally right now and it just messing your head, you know what I mean? [Call ringing] A year ago, you got out of this. You really start to plan the smile, and then you really get excited and then start to picture…
Patient: I’m the one.
Erika: Okay, I’m the one.
Patient: I’ll be happy. So it’s kind of what the biggest thing I’m concentrating and that’s now I get up with like- but I’m also handling.
Erika: Exactly.
Patient: Yeah.
Bart Knellinger: All right, you guys noticed this, uh, this lady’s tonality right now and what she’s saying? So, this will happen. Sometimes there’ll be- you’ll be dealing with a certain type of personality, where you’re not gonna have to dig very much. You can literally ask one question and they go through and basically, [clears throat] they give you everything that you’re looking for, right? And basically in the first 10. Okay? And sometimes, you can kind of hop around and just have to remember exactly what we’re looking for, so that we can be efficient, because those people typically, they’re one of the easier type of personalities to sell. But they’re also the type of personality that has a tendency to ramble and talk about things for a long period of time, even after they’ve been established. That we- that we understand, and they can kind of keep going.
So really important to pay some lead, but also really important to remember, you know, that the most important things about that, first hand. So sometimes you’ll come in and lead out with like [cross talk] then you’re having problems eating, and, you know, you’re missing teeth and everything. And it’ll go on this run for like, 3 or 4 minutes, right? And during that run, they told you all their pain points, they told you how it was affecting their life. And they kind of covered everything, right? So if they cover it right off the bat, sometimes they’ll cover it right off the bat, and then you go back and state intentions, no big deal. Um, but we don’t need to rehash it and continue talking about that, once we- once we, um, gauge what their level of urgency is, right?
Because that’s the- that’s really what we do is find out their pain points, and then we connect the pain points to how it’s affecting their life negatively in order to create urgency. Now, does she sound like she has ur- Well, on a scale of 1 to ten, what do you think her level of urgency is? Is it high or is it low? It’s like, really, really, really high. She’s already saying things like, Oh, I wanna change my life. I think really exciting for me. [background noise] All these different things. So her urgency is really high already so this should be even more of an abbreviated type of a consultation. Like this lady is like done. You’re gonna be able to move through this, right? Which is right exactly where Erika is, which is kind of trying to start to create a vision. And it doesn’t sound like even that’s going to happen. Okay? [background noise]
With these personalities, when they start talking, let them go but they might give you everything that you need in the first 2, 3 minutes. And then, you know, make sure that you regained control of the conversation so we don’t look down in twenty minutes went by. Is that… this sounds like a pretty easy case.
Woman 3: I’m not really sure. I’m not sure if it sound.
Bart Knellinger: Hmm?
Woman 3: I-I’m not sure if it sound.
Bart Knellinger: Oh you guys can’t hear?
Woman 3: It’s really hard to hear.
Bart Knellinger: Oh.
Woman 3: Um, and Erika just rang.
Bart Knellinger: Okay. Oops. Okay.
Erika: So that you don’t have to wait to get a scan. Um, so I was like get her in right away. I wanna be comfortable and then- and then they sleep. You know, so…
Woman 2: Was, you know, worse now because I fell in the front yard, when I got out of the house, I just kind of collapsed and two-two of my teeth fell off.
Erika: Yeah, I remember you say that…
Woman 2: And I was like even worse. It was already bad enough but now it’s like [cross talk] I can’t even talk with other people.
Erika: Honestly, as a whole whether that didn’t happen that day, or not, we’re gonna go and we’re just gonna remake everything, right?
Woman 2: So as soon as I get over the embarrassment of a dentist seeing my teeth, then…
Erika: This is what we do. [pause]
Woman 2: This is gonna be…
Erika: So many people are in this situation.
Woman 2: This is gonna be enormous for me.
Erika: Totally.
Woman 2: And I talked about it with my kids for a long time. They’re so happy I’m here.
Erika: Are they so really glad? Like, “Yes, ma, go finally do it.” Right?
Woman 2: Oh, they’re-they’re like… they were- they were already excited before the fire like oh my god, you’re gonna go do it. You know, there’s so- my daughter wanted me to go-go out of the country. And, um, she lives in Egypt. And, you know, I’m like, I’m not going out of the country. I’m not gonna go out of the country, Tricia. You know, but so they were already excited because they knew I was getting it done. Because they know I stopped going out.
Erika: Yeah, of course.
Woman 2: Um, and they know that, like, yeah, I just stopped going out. I’ll stay home all the time. But now especially after the fire, they’re really excited for me.
Bart Knellinger: You’re gonna hear how much she wants to just in her tone. Right? You can hear. So this is like a hot lead right here. You know, if this lady has the money, we should be closing this. This is a quick one. The ones that take more time guys are the ones that are not- they’re not talking to you like- right? There-they’re a little bit harder to open up. A little bit more difficult to read. You can hear it in her- in the tone of her voice like she wants this more than anything. So we don’t have to do a whole lot and creating something that already exists. We just need to acknowledge it. And, um, it sounds to me like Erika’s already done a really good job over the phone with this particular patient that she’s already gotten a lot of information from her and built a relationship there. Um, so all that’s good. I’m gonna skip ahead a little bit here.
Woman 2: He said, “You just need to go, uh, to an oral surgeon and get your teeth built.” And that was all he said.
Erika: And that was it?
Woman 2: Mm-hmm.
Erika: No, here’s the plan and how we’re gonna remake your smile and this all ends…
Woman 2: No.
Erika: …perfectly fine. None of that? [laughs] Jeez.
Woman 2: And I left there in tears.
Erika: I bet. I’m so sorry.
Woman 2: And I just never went back again. And then it got to the point where, because of the feelings and stuff, and they just kept getting done, kept feeling, it just- it actually just- it actually I was too embarrassed to come to a dentist.
Erika: You wanna address it at that point.
Woman 2: Uh, no, I didn’t want anybody to see me.
Erika: Okay, and how about…
Woman 2: [cross talk] And that’s why…
Erika: …how about your eating? Like, what is your eating habits? Like for you…
Woman 2: [cross talk] I really have a problem. I have my few goods- water or something.
Erika: Oh, see around you.
Woman 2: Oh, there. That’s alright. Yeah.
Erika: Those chairs are offerings[?].
Woman 2: Um…
Erika: [laughs] No.
Bart Knellinger: But did you catch it about the, her last treatment plan? She went into the doctor. Doctors like, “Yeah, well, your teeth are hopeless, you need to go get them pulled somewhere. Yeah, go to the oral surgeon, get them all extracted.” And that was basically the extent of the treatment plan. They didn’t really give her a real treatment plan. Um, and it’s something that’s not… that’s not completely out of the ordinary. A lot of doctors, they’ll just treat them plan it phase by phase. It’s like, first go get the extractions, then come back. Then we’ll do this and then we’ll do that. And then we’ll do that. Um, so it’s not something that, uh, that is totally out of the ordinary but you can see it kind of had a big effect on her.
Woman 2: On my mouth. So I lost part of my job.
Erika: Oh, yeah.
Woman 2: Um, and then… then my husband got sick and that was it. I mean…
Erika: And so you were [pause]
Woman 2: Everything that…
Erika: Procedure during that time was…
Woman 2: Yeah, like he was sick but that’s not when he died of. Here, he, you know, he had open-heart surgery and everything. And…
Bart Knellinger: So you see how the- how she can start rambling on here about stuff. Right? So what are we looking for? We’re looking for pain points. How it’s affecting her life. We’re looking to create urgency and create a vision. That’s it. And then we’re gonna pre-sell whatever the options are, um, to see if there’s any type of price concern or objection. Right? That’s it. That’s all we’re trying to do. So once we go “Okay, her urgency level is a 10” okay? Then I’m gonna go straight into the vision. I don’t have to worry about the urgency anymore. I don’t need any-any more sob stories or anything like that. So we’re gonna go straight into it and say, “Hey, tell me what’s the most important-important aspects about your new smile. All that stuff in the past, that’s in the past. Tell me exactly what you want. What do you want in terms of aesthetics? What do you want in terms of functions? What do you want in terms of maintenance? Tell me- tell me your must-haves, what’s most important for you?
And really talk to this person about getting-getting her vision for what she wants to look like. Once that’s done, right? Then we just reassure them and say, “Okay, look, before Dr. Nigalye comes in, I’m gonna go through a couple basic Full-Arch options. It sound like- it sounds like you’re gonna be a great candidate for any of them. I’m just going to take you through the basics, and kind of give you the cliff notes version. So when Dr. Nigalye comes in, you-you can ask… you can ask, uh, any questions that you like, but at least I can give you the basics, okay?” And then bam, you’re straight into it. Right? This is an implant, this is denture. Removable, fix. Makes sense? But you wanna- you wanna grab the dialogue and-and… and make sure that we’re pacing and leading the whole time. Um, otherwise, it can kind of run on and run on and runoff from one story to the next, uh, with this particular type of personality.
Plus, um, the lady sounds like she’s very, um, excited. It-it’s like combination of excited and anxious about the whole thing, which those are-are two emotions that sometimes we need people to talk even more, right? Then they normally would is when they get really excited, or when they get really anxious. They start using even more words. So we make sure that we can pay some leads so that we get through, right? That basic education quickly. And then when you’re going through the education, that’s when you’ll determine, “Hey, they want fix, they want removable, they want this, they want that, or price is the thing.” That’s the point in time in which they’re most likely to bring it up, if it’s an issue, and then allow you guys to triage and-and qualify.
Okay? But once you have what you’re there to get, you got the urgency, move right on to division. Just move on. Right? Okay, understood. So listen, let’s do this. Let’s talk about everything you want from your smile in the future. Right? I need to know what your must-haves are. What do you want in terms of aesthetics or function or this or that? Right? Because she did a really good job of articulating her pain points and all the problems. Um, but she hasn’t done a good job of talking about what she wants. She just been kind of saying she-she wants the opposite and everything’s been going wrong.
Woman 2: He recovered from all that and died of pneumonia.
Erika: Been one that we kind of talked about before he was like, uh, excuse. Was this snapping kind. Um, but I just wanna…
Woman 2: [cross talk] Right.
Erika: …show you the implant itself because it sounds like when you… someone said, “Hey, you need your teeth out.” They really didn’t tell you options.
Woman 2: No, he didn’t me tell me anything. He just said, “You need to go see an oral surgeon.” And he gave me a card of oral surgeon’s name on it probably.
Erika: And that was that.
Woman 2: That was that.
Erika: Yeah.
Woman 2: I was trying to…
Erika: Oh, no, I mean it-it is. I don’t think… some doctors don’t realize the emotional aspect of this because they’re just doing it day in and day out. But I mean, we’re so connected with our patients here like I would never… like even the other doctor I’m gonna get you connected with like before you ever call them, they’re already gonna know your name, the situation which you’re going through, your address, everything personal that they feel like they need to know to be equipped to handle, you know, what we’re gonna do with you here. They will know before you even call to make that other consultation.
Woman 2: So the other dentist, I go there and she saw it takes the other teeth?
Erika: No, we do all the surgery.
Woman 2: [cross talk] Oh really? Oh.
Erika: Yeah, so the extractions and the bone grafting…
Woman 2: She-
[Video pause]
Bart Knellinger: Really good opportunity right there to take control of the dialogue, right? Because what will start to happen if you don’t, they can start asking you questions to jump ahead, right? So she’s like, well, who extracts the teeth? But we haven’t determined candidacy and we haven’t made a primary recommendation yet. So we don’t even know what treatment we’re talking about at this point, right? Just say, “Well, typically, Dr. Nigalye being the oral surgeon is always gonna be the one to extract the teeth. But let’s do this, I’m gonna go through some of the basic full-arch options that are most likely gonna be available to you. You know, Dr. Nigalye’s gonna determine what your candidacy for and ultimately make a recommendation.
But I’m gonna go through a couple of these options are fixed or removable. And just give you the basics. You have a basic understanding of what the options are. Because that’s a good thing that you have options. So I’m just gonna go through and kind of give you a cliff notes version of this, okay?” Bam, and then you go right into it. Don’t let them jump you ahead, right? Because it’s like a ring around the rosy thing and you can wind up finding yourself just having a conversation. You know, which is what we-we don’t want. We don’t wanna have a conversation. Um, we-we’re go- we’re walking through a process and we’re giving them the impression, the perception that it’s a conversation. Okay?
But a conversation has no end goal, right? A process, all of our words in the dialogue is going what? It’s going in one direction. A straight line to get from open to close. If we start talking about something that’s not going to lead to directly to a close, then you wanna stop and just kind of bring it back and get them right back on track.
Erika: Makes the actual set of teeth.
Woman 2: Oh, okay.
Erika: Like the final so like how they’re gonna look. You’ll really confide in her about how you want them to look and she’s gonna bring your vision to life. And in order for her to bring your vision to life, we have to do our oral surgery in such a way that she can connect that set of teeth to those implants so everything fits perfectly. And we do this all the time. These two doctors work together seamlessly. They’re great. Dr. Nigalye’s amazing. Doctor McConnell is wonderful. Both of their personalities, I think is their…
Woman 2: Well, when I come to them on Facebook, I like looked and I saw different people writing and-and everything was so positive. Um, but I want to talk to those-those. That was it.
Erika: Okay, I’m glad that you finally had like a sense of comfort like, “Okay there is a place I can walk into and I’m gonna just go do it.”
Woman 2: I thought about what you said about some of the stuff get-get done at the clinic and stuff. Um, and this sounds really vain but then I’m like so many more people are gonna be involved and…
Erika: A little longer of a process.
Woman 2: And, you know, I just… just the thought of even one dentist clicking in my mouth let alone…
Erika: Few. [laughs]
Woman 2: Uh, I, you know, it sounds vain but it’s just- it’s too over. I would shut right down and then- and then I would hide for a couple more years until something is coming.
Erika: No, you can’t- I can’t let you…
Woman 2: [cross talk] until really started hurting me, you know?
Erika: Unless you go back underground. You’re here now. [laughs]
Woman 2: No, I’m surprised that you haven’t had like infection and stuff. Shocking.
Erika: Well, I’m-I’m glad that-that… that you haven’t. Um, I just wanna make sure, you know, when Dr. Nigalye comes in, you already have a little bit of your educational background. I’ll give you the 411 real quick. So the dental [crosstalk] implant is just a small titanium screw. It’s replacing the tooth root so it’s not the crown part that you chew on that you see. It’s all below the gum line. Um, and… but once those implants are in, they… and they feel that they’re ready to go. [cross talk] But the first set you wear is temporary so that it’s something just resting in your mouth and you don’t want like hard pressure on these implants while they’re healing. You want them to integrate and, you know, that all that bone to form around it and keep it solid.
But once they’re ready to go, you’ll get your final permanent set. And then it would have like these attachment pieces. They call it like male and female part so that when it goes together and it’s connected in place, it’s not moving, it’s not rocking, it’s not coming out. You can pull on your teeth. They’re not gonna come out.
Woman 2: Right.
Erika: We usually use these like little hooks or instrumentation to get up around the back here to like disconnect the attachment when you legitimately want them out to do like a deep clean and then you just clean around your implants. You clean your side of the teeth and, you know, then you can put everything back in. So they call this a snap-in because it’s a permanent option but you still get the freedom, the ability to remove. And then the other option, um, is what they call a fixed bridge. So instead of they’re saying like you come so far back on the roof of my mouth, this comes about, like…
Woman 2: Includes everything?
Erika: Everything.
Woman 2: Okay. Because I’m like, uh, okay, because…
Erika: Snapping one. This is usually it’s like a 14 to $15,000 per arch to do this whole process. Um, so like this, if someone was like, I wanted to do my full mouth fixed, then that would be like, 50,000. If somebody is like I wanna do my full mouth with the snap, and upper and lower then that would be like 30,000 for both arches.
Woman 2: Right. What I’m worried about is the step about what I can afford. But that does include the teeth removal and anesthesia?
Erika: Includes everything.
Bart Knellinger: Okay, so, real quick. Um, Erika, hey, are you on? Are you on, Erika? I thought I saw.
Erika: I am. Can you… okay. Hold on.
Bart Knellinger: I see you. I see you.
Erika: I’m in on my computer and-and on my phone. So can you hear me?
Bart Knellinger: Okay. Yeah, I hear you. Okay, so real quick, okay? With this situation, um, where your normal surgery practice working with another doctor, um, are you guys… with this call, you’re almost in a position where you don’t really have a chance to close. They’re coming in to see you for the consultation and you’re sending them back to the other doctor. Is that normal?
Erika: Um, we do consult like have her consult them as well for the restorative end of everything. Um, and then they get set up from surgery after they have… after they meet with both doctors and have both consultations, that’s when they’re able to like actually move forward with the procedure just to make sure she’s- is in agreement with, you know, what the recommendation seems to be. Um, this specific lady, I kind of think she had a little bit of money set aside but she had these GoFundMe that were set up to help her, um, from her house burning down too. So I think she was gonna be pulling some of the money that was like coming in from-from that as well.
Um, so usually, once they grow for their restorative consultation, then they will put- she would have to put like her down deposit… her deposit down for the surgery.
Bart Knellinger: Right. But you guys know with consultation if the teeth need to come out or not. Right? When you…
Erika: [cross talk] For the… for the… yeah, for the most part. Like her more straightforward. Um, sometimes we’re-we’re not sure if we’re building around, you know, certain teeth and doing like some bridges and stuff like that. But in her situation, it was a little bit more straightforward. Um, so that’s why I quoted her those fees, because sometimes I might tell them that it starts around 10,000. Like, we don’t know what the plan is gonna be. Um, but that is why I was quoting her the-the 50 and the 30 for like the full mouth.
Bart Knellinger: Where you run into an issue, right? Where it’s not ideal. So this lady, she sounds like she’s definitely a candidate. She sounds excited. She sounds like she saved up some money. Um, but we… you almost kind of jumping straight to price qualifying her before she kind of led on if she needed to be price qualified. So what I would do…
Erika: Okay.
Bart Knellinger: …like to see I think it actually runs more smooth because you’re doing everything perfect to this point, right? You did everything perfect. Those are the options. If she asks you, “Well, how much is this? And how much is that?” Then you can go into it and make sure she’s qualified. Um, but it doesn’t sound like money’s a big issue for her here. So what I’m trying to do is narrow down. Is she more gearing towards removable or fixed? It- does she have strong feelings either way or is she indifferent? That’s all I’m trying to get to right here. Because I wanna always be able to say, “Listen, it depends on what your candidate for. And it depends on, um, what Dr. Nigalye’s primary recommendations for.”
What I- what I’m here to do is make sure that his primary recommendation matches up with your expectation for what you want in terms of a clinical outcome, what you want for your smile, right? It sounds to me like you’re gonna be a good candidate for any of these treatments. And every single one of the treatments gonna put you in a better position than where you are. We wanna try to resist the temptation to go straight from first 10 to third 10 without the doctor. You know what I mean? Like I’m… I’m never gonna make a recommendation or say, “Hey, well, it would be this. And this is usually about this much.” But before the doctor said, “Yep, they’re a good candidate. Or this is the perfect candidate for this. Or hey, you’d be good candidate for removal or for fixed.”
You know, based on everything that they want. You know, I would recommend fix because that’s gonna give me the aesthetics that you want. You’ve got some weddings coming up and it’s also gonna give you the lowest maintenance and then the best function so that you fit with us. So based on everything you told me you want, that would be my recommendation. I wanna let that happen. You know what I mean? Because this lady is a- is a buyer right here. And you don’t wanna make a mistake with a buyer. Like, when we make that primary recommendation for fix, the doctor is gonna lead and I’m gonna pull the bundle out. And I’m gonna show her that for-for two arches, it’s not 50,000, I’m gonna show her it’s like 78,000.
You know, and she’s about to get 20 grand off, or 30 grand off for the treatment because I want the- I wanna frame how she’s gonna view the price. I don’t know how 50,000 is gonna hit her at this point. I don’t know. I don’t know how 30,000 is gonna get her, right? So if I’m gonna sell her 50,000, I want her to look at the 50,000 as a great deal, right? But if we throw it out there, she’s gonna look at 50,000 as a retail fee, when in reality, it’s not. It’s a bundled fee.
Erika: Right.
Bart Knellinger: Which you explain. It’s just not as simple for them as if they see it. Laid out with the prices, and then they actually see the discount. So if we don’t run the close, what we risk happening is throwing a price out there, and then-then thinking in their heads, “Hmm, that’s higher than I thought. That’s a little bit higher than I thought. Hmm, maybe I should wait. Maybe I should get a couple more prices, right?” And they never even verbalize that to you. So I wanna try to make sure the one thing that I have to have, right? I have to have Dr. Nigalye say, “Yes, you’re a candidate and I think you’re gonna get a great result.” Number one. Number two, I have to have Dr. Nigalye say, “This is the primary recommendation. This is what I think that you should do.”
Based on everything you’re telling me that you want, this is the treatment that I feel is gonna give you everything that you want. And I also think you’re gonna be a great candidate. I’m excited about it[?]. That’s it. It’s all we come. Then you can go. But I have to have them. If you have that, then you have something to close on. Okay? And I wouldn’t even necessarily… I’m not sure it’s relevant…
Bart Knellinger: At this point, you can go through the fact that you have two doctors working on it right now. I don’t even think it’s relevant. At this point, because, we haven’t made the diagnosis and we haven’t made the recommendation…
Erika Powell: Okay.
Bart Knellinger: That’s more legit statistics of what happens per second or third. But, it’s not going to sell on. Right?
Erika: Mmm-hmm.
Bart Knellinger: That’s not gonna be a selling point unless they ask a specific question related to that. So, for me it’s kind of like going off the line a little bit. So, it’s just not absolutely relevant. This lady sounds like she done. We just have to sell her.
And, um, you know, if you’re working… Any of you guys on the further working with GPs? Or working a specialist? Whoever is doing that initial consultation, you guys have to sell this case. You got to present the entire fee. That’s it.
The only time I wouldn’t, is if you look at the case and you’re speaking with a patient, that’s like, you know I’m not sure if I’m like candidate. I had a doctor told me that I needed all my teeth extracted. I’m not sure I agree with that. Is there any way that I could save some of the teeth? And, maybe approach this differently? That would be a different scenario, where, yeah, you would probably want to- to do a separate consultation if they really wanted to try to save any teeth that was savable.
But if they’re in a situation where they’re pretty much at terminal condition and the patient kind of wants to start all over with no land for, uhmm, then we have to disclose the case. And then, send them to the restored dentist for the smile design. That’s what they’re going there for. But the case is already closed.
And any type of various comes up after that point, that’s just a margin of error. Right? That’s the conversation between Doctor Nigalye and the other doctor. That has to happen upfront. And you guys, I would tell that restored doctor that, “Look, you know, the most important things if we don’t make this complicated for them to make a decision.”
There’s a lot of people advertising for these procedures. It’s highly competitive. And, we have someone comment that they don’t want to go to two consultations, right? They don’t wanna get two points of view and frankly, they don’t need two points of view in a lot of instances.
Their teeth are hopeless. They’re coming out. You have options for all on for you want fixed or removable, right? And we’re gonna close the case. We’re gonna close the whole case and then we’re gonna send them for the smile design. And you don’t have to worry about closing it. That’s it. You can get advantage for them. But Erika, if you don’t have that, then you literally can’t close. There’s no possible way, right? Because we don’t have a final price, you can’t really run the bundle. And–
Erika: The bundle is the final price between both offices. Like, out the door average.
Man 1: Yeah–
Erika: Like that is an agreed upon number. So, that when they finance, they can finance through us directly for the full treatment. And, they don’t like pay to them, pay to us. Like, we don’t- we don’t have it set up like that. Uhmmm…
Bart Knellinger: Right.
Erika: They just pay for the one price and that’s what it is. Now, her original phone call in that progressive dashboard, she was kind of price shopping and then, she mentioned in this consult how like she was gonna look into going to the clinic. Like at the college. Because she did not want to send the money. Uhmmm, and when she called me back like 2– 3 months later now, this is 3 months later from our initial phone call that she called to schedule this consultation.
And she said, I didn’t mean to end up calling around and price shopping any of it. And she had already been giving these numbers from me like, you know, these the 30,000, the 50,000 like, because she was just straight asking for price over the phone.
So, we had kind of gone over like all these numbers and stuff. Uhmmm, and fall, you know, prior to her coming in. So, it was kind of more like me reiterating that. I don’t wanna like, you know, dodge it. But then, she did ask like, “Okay, what about the IV and the extractions?” And that’s when I clarified like that that is everything, you know, between both offices. ‘Coz they don’t charge a separate number, we quote the number that’s gonna be done between both doctors.
Bart Knellinger: Right. And, you know, like in… Oh, go ahead.
Man: Sorry, Bart Knellinger. So, like one of the things is also like not…I mean, some cases are pretty hopeless, like, you look at the the CBCT, and you just like, “Gosh, every single tooth has got to come out.” Uhmmm, you know…
Erika: Uhhh…
Man: But sometimes they’re not. Sometimes they’re something in between that might benefit from, you know, maybe holding on to some teeth, or whatever.
So, it’s kind of like, how do you, I don’t know. Shoot, I can’t remember her specifically. She’s one of them. But how do you handle like that, I mean, I-I’m thinking like the process would be the same. We’re still gonna close the case over here. We’re still gonna cut whatever money upfront and… But how do you, uhhh, sort of word that.
So now, you’re saying, “Okay well, we still want to get restored opinion of some of this other stuff.” Because, I don’t…It’s not right to just jump right to that treatment if there’s other things that…You know, y-your dentist, my dentist may see it differently. You know, and, uhhh, here we are, we sold the full arch and their like, wow, I wouldn’t exactly go that way. So…
Bart Knellinger: Well, I think you’re, you’re just determined of the viability of the teeth. Right? So, if you look at the CT Scan and you’re like, “Man, this is not that bad.” Right?
Man: Right.
Bart Knellinger: If you think twice about extracting the teeth, you know, and then it doesn’t look like these teeth really need to come out or a lot of them don’t. Hey, these three or four, these definitely need to come out.
Man: Right.
Bart Knellinger: But, the rest of them are pretty good shape as far as what I am seeing…
Man: Right.
Bart Knellinger:…then you tell them that.
Man: Right, of course.
Bart Knellinger: You say, Yeah. “Listen, you got a situation where I don’t think that all of these teeth are hopeless. I think that you could save them. Now, they’re, there are some people that would say, “Hey, if I have a chance to save some of my teeth. Then, let’s talk about saving them and that’s important for me to do that.”
And I’ve had other people say, “Well, look if we’re going to extract some and…The question is how long am I going to be able to save them? And some people are left to start all over, uhmmm, with something like an all-off for, which is going to be your decision. But you’re gonna have options here and I would just have that frank conversation.
And in a situation where you’re gonna be saving teeth, I would just do the treatment plan for the teeth for whatever surgery has to be done, right? Like it doesn’t matter what the GP says. These teeth, these teeth are coming off now. Unless of course it was a referral from the dentist. But I’m honest, this still need, like this patient would correct to come in the public.
So, this is an unattached patient. So whatever needs to be done from the surgical perspective, that’s what’s in your treatment plan, that’s what you close, then you send them for their consultation to the GP. But if it’s a straight up, all on four, and the patient was all on four, and they’re pretty clear about it, they’ve been thinking about it, they’ve been saving about it, then, you know, go through the process. Show them the bundle, right? So, they’ve been charged 30. You’re showing them a bundle or showing more value than that so that they know it’s a really good deal at 30 and its not refill.
And then, close them. Close them. Once it’s closed, then go through all the logistics. Then tell them all about the appointments and this and that. And then go all through the stuff, cause none of that stuff is gonna help you close the deal. It’s only going to confuse them at anything. Does that make sense?
Man: Sure.
Bart Knellinger: So, if it’s not a belt high fast wall, treat them with the plan of what you do know and close them on that, then save them. If it is a belt high fast wall, certainly don’t let somebody that’s qualified walk out the door without in anything, uhmmm, to the other dentist coz you just don’t know what could happen. Anything could happen.
Man: Okay. I appreciate it.
Bart Knellinger: No problem. Let me keep going.
I’m gonna scroll forward guys. A-and by the way Erika, you did a really good job connecting with the patient.
Erika: Thank you.
Bart Knellinger: …you did a really good job with the patient and as a patient, and from everything that I saw with that, this patient looks like an easy sell. This is like an easy close. This patient wants it, you got urgency and she saved money. She was gonna buy a car…
Erika: Right.
Bart Knellinger: …and now she’s gonna buy this, she said she can afford 30 to 50,000. I mean, like, that’s– this is done. You know, in my head, it’s done. But then, we kinda, of course we ran into a snag here, okay. Alright.
Man 2: I mean, you work for right that. You know, your teeth can be removed but it’s, it’s not as you know, it’s not that.. Uhhhhm. And uhmm.. So, in your Fax meds, he knows that your teeth were kinda crumbling at that point.
Patient: Uh-huh.
Man 2: Any other medications you’re on at that time other than Fax meds?
Patient: Oh yeah.
[Video pause]
Bart Knellinger: I just wanted to share right there where Dr. Nigalye kinda said, hey, you’re correct, these teeth really do need to be removed, and extracted. Right? So you did determine that she was a candidate for all on four. Right? So it need to be removed and extracted, and, and, and you’re a candidate. It will kinda wanna lower bit the medical history here.
[Video plays]
Man 2: Maybe related to the Sjogren’s syndrome?
Patient: It was… like, the amount has- [crosstalk] stand for[?] you know…
Man 2: What i- what is it? prednisone?
Patient: Uh yeah, Prednisone.
Man 2: I’m sure you do.
Patient: You know I was asked-
Where you calm down, and so uhmm, they took- they took me off that, and I can’t stop taking that.
Patient: Yeah, they- they’re like so close- [Video skipped]
Man 2: It’s on the upper right, right?
Patient: What? that wher-
Man 2: I think, you know, I think we can help you about, I think I need you to see Dr. Pricano. She’s a dentist I work with.
Patient: Right.
Other woman: Yes, I did um, if you have to.
Man 2: Because ultimately, when people place in plans and you go all stuff and bring you, you know, but we wanna make sure that you know, the person that’s involved, there’s others that hands are involved, that our mind that’s involved that’s going to be able to you know, eventually put teeth in there and restore the case. That’s the ultimate resolution[?].
Patient: Mhmm.
Bart Knellinger: Okay, so hey. Is [Video pause] Dr.- Dr. Nigalye-
Dr. Nigalye: Yes.
Bart Knellinger: Alright so, check this uhmm, the most important thing, right? That this patient we need to get from you, from any Doctor, in the seconds hand is the sense that you have supreme confidence in what has happened. And what’s about to take place. Like, supreme- supreme confi- oh like, I look at you and I don’t question anything because you’re just like, “Hey listen, you’re a candidate to this. This is what we’re gonna do, here’s what you want, these are treatments they’re gonna give for you.” Boom boom boom! Right, It’s like that type of certainty from you. If I have that type of certainty from you, I’m just gonna follow you. Like, naturally. Right? So there’s certain things that you may think when you look at a treatment plan, there might be certain details that you’re uncertain about and there’s probably aspects of that uncertainty that you may verbalize and there’s probably a lot of aspects that you won’t verbalize, because it’s just, you kind of working through your thoughts, you know what I mean? Out loud.
A lot of terms should be all on for, there are complications coz not everyone is exactly the same but there’s very few times where any of those complications are variances to the procedure that you may, or may not make. From a surgical standpoint is actually be an effect the price. Right? Or the number of visits, or anything like that. When through, went through the medical history you gotta straight down all the medications and you got clear on all that stuff. From that point, I want them to look at you and you don’t need an opinion from the GP, whether you do it or not. I don’t want them to think that because then, they’re like, “Man, who’s know- okay, what you’re basically saying is you don’t know how to treat this?” Right? “I got to go talk to this other doctor to make sure that they’re on the same page?” I don’t want them to feel, I want them to just look at you and go, “Okay, I called this doctor. This is specialist. I come in for the consultation, yep, let’s see if we can come out. Yep, I’m a candidate. Yep, they can do this.” Right? And you work any details out for the other doctor just work ’em out between you and the other Doctor. If you can’t- coz I just want them to have knock some of uncertainty from you.
That’s what, like if I was your treatment coordinator? We went to this consultation, afterwards, that would probably what I would say is, I be like “Hey, don’t, don’t give the- all the authority to this other Doctor.” You know, like let’s keep the authority here, this lady is a done deal. She is a candidate, she’s got the money, she’s got the money-saving cash and uhmm… And she needs her teeth extracted. So, just tell her, “Man, you’re a perfect candidate, you have options, link the treatment plan with what she wants, and then let me close this for you.” And I got ’em. Right? Does that make sense?
Man: Okay. Yes.
Bart Knellinger: Now, if there’s any situation where you’re not certain. Then just sure to plan what you are certain about. If there’s some certain [prospect?] aspect or a certain tooth that does happen to come out. Do that, collect the money, and then send them.
Man: Right.
Woman: Absolutely.
Man 4: So interesting, because you know, for some reason and I don’t know why, and I don’t know if I’m the only clinician that feels this way. When I walk into these. Maybe because, I mean, I’ve been doing this for this full arch consults for quite a long time and I just know that there’s a lot of uhm, there’s a lot of psychology behind the quos, and I think that when I go walk into these verses like a third molar consult or even a single tooth implant consult that’s been refer, I always feel a different level of anxiety and a different level of having to prove to the patient that they’ve come to the right place. And I know that that’s what your trying to get at. Uhm, eh- but, but I think maybe -uh, you know maybe-maybe anxiety isn’t the right word. Maybe it’s more of like, uncertainty about how that actually navigate it, rather than just go straight forward. I always feel like I’ve got a kind of goal it, around, and a very you know, sinuous type of a man or to get to the end result [crosstalk] to get to the bottom line, to convince them that we’re the right ones and we’re gonna go through all those extra leg work to make sure that they’re getting the you know, every wor- thought-, everything they thought for and all these other stuff. So, I don’t, that’s probably would coming through here, uhh and- and I see how your saying that coming through sort of uhm uncertainty, I can certainly appreciate that.
Bart Knellinger: So, what I always say is, you know, [clears throat] don’t overthink it, man. Because, what you’re really trying to judge is, i-is terms of the feel with the patient. So, you’re trying to get it on the line is, what is this person’s level of urgency and commitment to move forward? If you feel like you got somebody in front of you that’s acting a bit indifferent, if you feel like you got somebody in front of you that’s acting a bit skeptic- skeptical, uhmm, or stand off-ish then you know you can kind of feel it and you know have to work a little bit to get them to disturb that type of complacency. Right? That’s where you’re gonna use more of the pain and how it’s affecting your life. And your gonna try to create some urgency whether it’s the CT or a info photo or whatever you can to make sure that they know, right, that this a prominent that, should be best. And that you can give but they have to have some urgency. This person, they’re done. They got urgency. She’s telling you, “I’ve been waiting for it. I-I want it more than anything.” Right? So she possess look at you and your like “Hey, you’re-you’re the perfect candidate from everything I see, for anyone on these options.
Based on everything that you spoke with Erika about on everything that you want in terms of a smile that’s beautiful. That you can smile, and not have to worry about it. Teeth that function great. Something’s low maintenance just give you great quality of life. I think absolutely based on all of those things that you’ve said you wanted. My primary recommendation would be on for fixed, and I think that you’re perfect candidate. Right? And that’s wha- that’s it. Right, that’s the main thing and as long as you’re, like, you wanna come in there and you’re the doctor, you’re the man. Right? So you comin’ in there and you’ve got that type of certainty with the patient so they don’t question on anything. They don’t question at all of your certainties gonna transfer to me as the patient and that’s what sales is. Right? The transfer of the emotion of certainty. So, that’s why, you know what, we don’t need another doctor’s opinion. I’m giving you, my opinion. Right? Because know, that this is all for candidates. Erika doesn’t need a schedule for another one because we’re gonna take care of everything you need. Right here, right?
Now once that’s done you’re gonna go there for the smile design.
Erika: Right.
Bart Knellinger: Right? The smile design. They already bought at that point.
Erika: Right.
Bart Knellinger: Right? That’s just part of the process. I don’t wanna complicate it. You know, I wanna sell it, get it done. Because whether they go to a GP practice for the smile design or come to you for the smile design, is in the selling point one way or another.
Man: Right. The smile [crosstalk] design is done prior to… I mean this is done prior to the surgery, right? I’m assuming.
Katie: What he’s saying like, we’re gonna make sure to call [crosstalk] that appointment with [crosstalk] same thing[?]…
Man: Right. right. [crosstalk] We’re all for smile design. Sure, I see…
Katie: …kind of the same kind of consultation [crosstalk]
Man: I got it, I’m aware of that.
Katie: This is where you, you know, [crosstalk] communicate.
Bart Knellinger: After their faith. That is after their faith.
Man: Right, after the, oh I see… okay, after they’ve closed. We’re gonna say Okay, this is where we’re gonna go for your smile design.
Bart Knellinger: And then you can get all the input that you need to get from the restorative doctor. How many times do we kind of get you an input that’s going to warp our refund?
Man: Sure, sure.
Bart Knellinger: Almost never.
Man: Right, it’s time to make forward treatment. Okay. I got it.
Katie: Yeah.
Man: Yeah. No, I got it. I see that. Mhmm.
Bart Knellinger: Got it?
Man: Yeah.
Bart Knellinger: Okay. I can see you are. Right here, uhmm, because there’s some really, really good things here.
Dr. Nigalye: It aren’t enough to really really treat your plan around.
Patient: Mhmm.
Dr. Nigalye: Uhh, but we definitely want her input. For sure. Uhmm, and uhh, you know and then when she, when you decide on treatment plan. I’m assuming that it’s removal of all your teeth. Then uhmm, she’ll take impressions soon until lab will have temporary uhh, teeth[?] dentures made for you so that when the teeth are removed the dentures can go on in.
Patient: Mhmm.
Dr. Nigalye: Okay? uhmm, we will remove the teeth here [background noise] okay, uhh, usually we have to… [cross talk]
Patient: Should you explain everything to me[?] [crosstalk]
Dr. Nigalye: …usually we have to reduce some bone.
Patient: Mhmm.
Dr. Nigalye: And uhmm…
Patient: That’s all, it’s all general anesthesia?
Bart Knellinger: So like, anything like that, right? Like, hey, we gotta reduce the bone, we gotta do this. If not prompted don’t bring it up. That doesn’t help close. Right? They don’t need to know. And let- if they ask, we’ll tell them. But anything that could introduce fear or anxiety at this point, uhmm, it must say ask, uhh it’s- it’s not absolutely uhh, absolutely necessary and guys, all you treatment[?] coordinators, I hope that you guys are helping the doctors with feedback, right. During the treatment appointing process. Because uhhm, i-it’s hard, they don’t get as much feedback as you guys get. You know what I mean? Uhmm, and they’re thinking about from a totally different perspective as well, so the whole point of this process is that you guys are doing more in terms of communicating with the patient and the doctors doing less. You’re doing more, you’re doing less. You just have to have the recommendations we have something to close. And you have to have the patient look of a Doctor and go, “Man, this is definitely the right doctor.” Right? “I went to the right place.” You know, I want them to get that, that feeling. But make sure that you give the feedback if you ever go to close and you don’t have a primary recommendation. That’s bad. Right? You gotta go back, talk to the doctor and uhm, and figure that out and if it’s in situation like Dr. Nigalye’s describing were maybe it’s not right down in the middle you know. Again, okay, tell me what is right down the middle, what- no matter whatever happens, alright? These 2 things where on a certain sample enough to happen so, give me that to sell. Give me something to sell, because the person has the money. Right? Whether or not we sell it all right now, or part of it. I just need something that sell by the time you were legal. Right? Uhmm, so make sure that you guys are giving feedbacks on to the doctors as well. Uhmm, because everything I mean typically he’s gonna come up any objections and rebuttals are gonna come up when you have price. So, I’m gonna skip ahead here a lil’ quick.
Patient: I know that I saw like, a surgeon catalog for some of the teeth and stuff. But they were great to me and then my husband died, and then I gave up. And I just did, go back to 23rd.
Dr. Nigalye: I’m sorry to hear that.
Patient: Thanks.
Dr. Nigalye: Can I see what’s going on with your- with your arms? It’s summer how are you since it’s in fire. The scars.
Patient: Oh yeah, I have skin grafts.
Dr. Nigalye: Okay.
Patient: From here to here.
Dr. Nigalye: I know all the surgeons are good.
Patient: Yeah, they were brave.
Dr. Nigalye: Okay.
Patient: The surgery on the foot just skin graft.
Dr. Nigalye: Okay. Alright.
Patient: This one’s pretty good so I’m hoping I can get this off two in a row.
Dr. Nigalye: Great, alright. Any questions from me?
Patient: No, thank you.
Dr. Nigalye: Okay, fantastic! We’ll get this going for a year. Okay?
Patient: Thank you.
Dr. Nigalye: You’re welcome.
Erika: [crosstalk] It’s time to get your final stuff so, I think that’s all been good. That’s all I wanted to hear was the green light.
Dr. Nigalye: Good luck with that, you’re in good hands. You’re really in good hands. Wish you’re having it all ready. Okay?
Patient: Yeah, thank you.
Dr. Nigalye: Very good. You’re welcome.
Bart Knellinger: When he was leaving was a max amount of certainty that he had. When you just said that. You know? But uhm…
Bart Knellinger: This patient is uhh, a classic example of somebody with a lot of urgencies. That can be ah- this can be done really quickly, right. This whole call can be done in 20-25 minutes right here. Like you guys had her. Erika is- basically, it sounded to me Erika like you had her sold over the phone. Like, you sold her over the phone. You basically, already did the firsthand. And then you were just kinda rehashing it whether they’re in person. Which just needed she already knew the price. We just needed the bundle, go through it with her. Make sure she knows, hey, yeah it’s 30 but you’re getting 45, you’re getting $45,000 value but you’re only paying $30,000 for all the reasons that you explained, “We are able to bundle this. Between the two doctors, they’re both taking a discount that can be this price because we do so many of these. So, it’s actually $45,000 you’re getting the best of the best, right for about $30,000.” Okay? How do you wanna pay for that? And go ahead on getting the schedule. Just close it. Close it.
And then you schedule her to meet with the dentist and then you get her surgery schedule, right? And get her pay. She’s gonna cut you in check. If she can’t cut you in check then, you’re gonna get a finance or you’re gonna get the portion down, right now but that person, we don’t want her to leave then without anything. And I wanna make sure every time you do a consultation. You have something specific, that you’re, something specific to close on. You have to have something to sell. So, you did everything perfect with selling anything. We didn’t have something to sell in this particular incident. Alright, makes sense?
Katie: Yeah.
Bart Knellinger: Now, what we wanna do is make sure you follow up with the other doctor. You know. [crosstalk]
Katie: Yep, she’s got cool[?]. We put them.
Bart Knellinger: God forbid, they don’t close there, because if you didn’t close and they don’t close it, what are the odds of her coming back to you, for what? So we have to make sure that- that’s a done deal when she walks in there. She gets pricing and you know, they had her invoices and just make sure she has everything she needs to get- to close the deal when she’s there. Make sure that, you don’t want some of the wanted two consultations and still not get in a treatment plan.
Katie: Right, and I do give her like… We have the bundle sheet, you know. Like when Anne[?]. So in her situation I gave her both of them because she didn’t seem, she was kinda saying like, “You know all that sounds really expensive for the fix.” so but I still gave her both of them to take with her. Like, both of those sheets so she, you know can make like a final decision on that. Uhm, but yeah and immediately I contact the other office and I give them all the information so that she doesn’t have to say her address again, her phone number, like I send them all of that they make a chart and then they call their consultate[?] date then they let me know that she’s booked. And once they say they’re gonna call her, I shoot a text message and I’ll say, “Hey, you know, Katie from East Hamlet Dental Center’s gonna call you today to set up that other appointment like give her a heads up.” And then uhm, they did and then they let me know the other office are really good about letting me know like, you’re patient’s schedule, they’re coming in on this day and I already type to them, like “Hey, this lady’s house burned down. She’s ready to change her life. These are the fees that were quoted, she already said she has money so I kind of give her a whole run down, so then they can usually hopefully have a shorter appointment [laughs] than what we had her.
Bart Knellinger: Cool. So, [clears throat] in the future that come in its direct to public patient, you guys are paying average size. You know what I mean? So you’re paying for this guys to come in. So treatment plan we’ll close it and then work it out. You know, coz you want their experience to be like in all-in-one centered because it’s the most convenient. So I don’t want them to know any different. I’m not going through the fact that I’m working with another doctor that’s remote if I don’t have to go through that. You know, that’s in deep feel off the treatment it’s like bone reduction. I don’t have its own, but I need that will reduce the bond or they have a narrow ridge, you know ridge split, build it up- I don’t have to tone that stuff. Right? Because those are details but what they need to know is what their outcome is going to be in has the nutshell, right? How about, how long is gonna take the timeline and that it sounds scary. That’s it.
All the rest of the stuff, it doesn’t help you sell it. So unless I am asked about it, I don’t like to introduce things that could be scary or that could create a financial obstacle or a convenient obstacle that weren’t previous- that didn’t already exist. I’m not gonna bring this up. Make sense?
Woman: Okay.
Bart Knellinger: So, you guys close the deal, don’t let those guys out of there, close the deal yourself. Uhmm, and then just cut the check to the GP, and then believe me, they’re not gonna mind.
Bart Knellinger: [Inaudible] Okay? Uhm, guys any other? any- any questions? I thought that was an Erika, I think, honestly, the whole process you did really, really, a really, really great job. Uhm.
Erika: Thank you.
Bart Knellinger: What you say that close. So next time, I just want, I wanna see you with the bundle sheet.
Erika: The money.
Bart Knellinger: Yeah, and be careful about throwing a fee out there that’s not framed. It’s risky. Right? It’s risky. Coz then, you’re gonna go through the bundle and you’re gonna show $45,000 down to $50,000 and you already gave them $50,000. So now that closed, the close doesn’t really work anymore. Right? So they’re asking me about price, my goal is to qualify. Right? Sounds like you’re gonna be a good candidate for one of 3, 4, 5 different ways that we can approach for our trim plans. Right? Sounds like, you might have a dollar amount in your head. You wanna run through the process because that this sales process is designed to keep you guys out of situations where you put your back against the wall. Right or you kinda, work yourself into a corner. There is no corners, I’m not giving them anything to say no to. Right? I’m qualifying and then before I give ’em a prize, right. They’re gonna say, “Yeah, that’s the trim plan that matches what I want.” So if your feel like, the trim plan then on they’re put in[?] getting an amazing financial deal at whatever prizing stone [inaudible]. Then I give them the price and close them.
Erika: Okay. Now, that makes sense.
Bart Knellinger: Perfect. Perfect. Okay guys, any other questions? Anything that kinda came up? Between the call last month and this call that anyone wants to bring up or ask me about? If you do, just unmute yourself. Well. You’re good?
[background noise]
Bart Knellinger: Okay. Cool, cool. All right. So make sure uhm, we’re gonna get on the peer mentorship group call. Uhmm, I feel like in peer mentorship calls we need to talk a little bit more about the second ten. Uhmm, just from looking at some of the videos, from the third ten. I think where we could be missing it. Everyone’s seems to be doing this variation of the second ten. And I’ve got some clients with the doctors go really long, some doctors that come in in the short… Is- almost, like everybody has a different process but I think we need to talk about how we can simplify it, no matter how long or short the doctor goes. You guys have what you need, to close it in third ten. Right? So, that’s part of this that a lot of times they don’t get on videos. I’ll get the first ten, third ten coz sometimes you just take it in the opportunity[?], I don’t get to hear the second ten for a lot of you so, I’m gonna go through that, uhm, some different things that can happen in second ten and what you guys can do to help correct in real time. When you’re in there with the doctor and the patient. You know, like a little things that the field doctors is explaining this and they’re kinda, go on and on, and on. And you feel like it’s not going in a straight line, sometimes you can steal a real quick recap. Right? Okay so, Dr. Nigalye, just real quick.
Real quick recap. So, they’re really good candidate for all on four teeth implant to come out, but they’re a good candidate. Right? Yeah? Okay. And you think based on them wanting the aesthetics and the function, you would say that all on four would probably, be the best thing to do? Is that what you’re saying? A just- a really quick recap to make sure that it’s nail whatever you need. I’m gonna go through probably different ways that we can do that with the doctor uhmm, during the second ten, so you guys can help course current before the second- once it’s over, it’s over. You know, so I wanna make sure that you guys got everything you need from the doctor’s portion fest. Sound good? All right, so I work up with a couple of scenarios that’s what we’ll go through on working on on the uhh, on the peer mentorship call. And then, uhhm, Erika, a really good job, you guys make sure you record this and uhmm, and keep sending them over. We learned a lot and you guys learned a lot, it’s awesome. And if you haven’t signed up for the power day, then make sure that you guys get yours. The power days where I get you for a full day and we’re going through, you know the scripts and the lobes and it’s just- it’s gonna really really help you. I’m here at the power day November, uhmm, the one coming up in November. I’m doing a whole day with you guys. So, if you can make it, that’s a, that’s a good one to make. Alright? Okay, speaking of make, go make some money.
Close somebody, see you guys!