The Closing Institute Monthly Coaching Call

 November, 2022

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Bart Knellinger: Kind of interesting. But anyone had a consultation kind of take a turn on you. That was interesting since our last course. Anybody want to share something that was a little difficult? Or a person that was a little difficult? It’s just humans, right? They’re difficult. Especially men, we’re just a little bit difficult.

Well we’ve got a good call to go through, a good consultation to go through with Tina at Dr. Connelly’s office. Although I don’t think this guy that she is doing a consultation with isn’t really difficult at all. He’s pretty agreeable actually, but we got some good things to go through with that. Are all you guys set up with your camera and the audio. You guys all get that all set up?

Hey, whoever hasn’t done it, you gotta do it. Look, it doesn’t matter if you nail it, you know what I mean? Especially for those of you guys that are new, you’re not going to nail it. Just remember this when, you first get started when you’re recording them, just make sure that if you don’t do anything else in the first 10, when you’re recording your intention, find out where you are and everything you’re going through and everything that you want in terms of clinical outcome.

If you just do those three things, you’re not going to, it’s not going to be a disaster, right? It’s going to be just fine. Just make sure those three things and then you’re going to ad-lib and you’re going to get better and better and better as you practice, but you got to get the camera set up. You got to start doing them and sending them in so that we can see and we can help you. We learn a lot from these videos. You guys do too, so don’t be scared to record one, all right.

I’m going to go ahead and get started. Those of you who haven’t been on one of these calls before, I generally just start playing a consultation and I’ll stop it along the way and I will do commentary. And if you guys have any questions along the way, just type them in. Just enter in the questions. And I’ll try to get to them, if I can’t get to them if we’re right in the middle of something, I’ll get to them right at the end. So just type in your questions or comment, if you want me to stop. Well. All right. I’m gonna mute you guys. Veronica’s gonna mute you.

Okay, cool. Everyone see the screen? Here we go. Now I want you guys to pay attention to this guy’s personality. Also, pay attention to his personality and how the team is handling this. Because one thing I want you guys to keep in mind is I want you to keep that time clock in mind, and we’re not there, you don’t want to waste time when you get somebody, that’s fairly agreeable, it’s really easy to pace and lead them and you can get through it very quickly. But if we don’t, they have a tendency to ramble sometimes. So just kind of keep an eye on his personality type here.

Tina: I had coffee this morning.

James: See, now you’re alright.

Tina: It’s very tragic, James. Alright, so my name is Tina. I’m going to take it from here. I’m the office manager and my job right now is to find out what’s going on with you and what do you want?

James: Right.

Tina: So tell me a little bit about…

James: I don’t really know what I want. I just know that you got an upper bridge and lower bridge because that…

Bart: So with that intro, we just need to run through that and practice it because you got to give them a little bit more context. She said it, but she didn’t give enough context right? Like yeah, he doesn’t know what he wants yet. But it’s more like, this is your time to really set the stage for the entire call. You don’t want to go through the motions with this. You want to reach through and grab them by the neck, not literally, but figuratively, grab them.

Grab the conversation by the neck and take control of it, right? “Hey, I’m Bart. I’m the office manager or treatment coordinator or whatever. My main job here is to make sure that we know where you are so everything that you’re going through, right? Any pain points, any frustrations, any symptoms, just everything you’re dealing with now and everything you don’t like. I just want to be clear on what those things are.

And then we’re going to start talking about the things that you do want in terms of a clinical outcome. How important are things to you like aesthetics, and function, and maintenance, and longevity, and we’re going to hit all of those things. And if we do a good job of knowing where you are and where you want to be, it’s going to help us give a treatment plan. Not just the right treatment plan, but the right treatment plan for you.” Does that make sense, right?

You want to set the stage that we’re not there to pitch a treatment, that we’re not there to talk about treatments. That the treatment is our responsibility to determine the treatment that’s going to give you the clinical outcome that you describe to us. That makes sense? There’s no world in which the patient picks their treatment, right?

Just like with me, there’s no world in which the doctor picks their marketing strategy. No. Where are you in your practice? Where do you want to be? How many hearts do you want to be at? And then I recommend, right? Same thing with you guys. Where are they? Where do they want to be? And you recommend some that’s going to get them to the clinical outcome? That’s it.

That’s how you make it simple, right? We don’t want to have to run through ten different treatments, or just get bogged down with the treatments. It doesn’t matter. What you must do is be absolutely crystal clear on what they want in terms of their clinical outcomes, right? Aesthetics, function, maintenance, longevity, fixed versus removable.

You guys want to get an idea of how they want to feel and what kind of lifestyle they want to have. That’s the whole point of the first ten. Get their pain points and figure out how those pain points are affecting their life negatively and then create the vision of what they want to look like, what they want to feel like, and how that’s going to affect their life positively in the future. That’s it, that’s the first ten.

Because typically, we don’t have the doctor in the first ten. We’re not making a primary recommendation. That’s it. That’s it in a nutshell. Everything else is nuanced. Like when to, how to pace and lead, and when to create urgency, and all of those things put together, make a really, really good, efficient dialogue. But even if you don’t have those things, if you just get what I’m telling you. Where they are, where they want to be, and if you just do that you’re going to be right there. You’re going to be on the right path.

But it can be a little complicated and you start to hear people saying things like, “Oh man. This is a lot of information”, or “Wow! You gave me a lot to think about.” Anytime you hear that, “A lot of information.” “Give me a lot to think about.” Something went wrong. It shouldn’t be a lot of information. It shouldn’t really be anything to think about. They should look at it and go, “Oh, yeah! Well, this treatment is going to give me everything that I said I wanted. This is a no-brainer.”

That’s how you want them to feel, okay? So make sure like right off the bat, when you sit down, you state the intention that you guys are getting serious with them and that’s how you start to pace and lead here. So grab the dialogue by the throat and show them. We’re going to talk about this, this, and this. Then we’re going to go to here, here, and here. Sound good? Any questions?

Okay, let’s get started. So, first things first. Tell me about boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. I’m in control. I’m pacing and leading, not them.

James: …and some, not some, a lot of bone loss. And I, at one point, a few years ago, talked to… I was referred from my dentist to an implant place. And I know I can’t remember their name. And honestly, the thing that drew me out of the office really was not out of their office. Without doing… was I, was, I knew I would have to do bone grafts and this, and that. And I was like, I don’t know if I want to do all of that. But a few years later, here I am. And I guess I gotta do what I gotta do.

Tina: Okay, so what brought you to this point? Did you have some teeth break?

James: Well. no. I was, I’m not in any pain. I had one tooth that probably was ready to come out. It’s loose. It was the last one on this side that isn’t part of a bridge, and it just kinda kept moving away. Yes, and anyhow, they were talking about doing…

Bart: Does this man strike you guys as somebody that’s decisive? Somebody that makes decisions just like this. Does he strike you as that? Me neither. So what does that tell you? If you’ve got somebody in there, that’s kind of that is putting off a vibe like, “Yeah, you know, it’s kind of like this. It’s kind of like that. Dada dada dada dada.”

Then there’s got to be a reason for him to be there, right? He’s got something that pushed him that’s pretty compelling to get there because it’s not preventative, right? So you know immediately, “Hey, you know, this guy isn’t trying to do this to prevent anything. There’s got to be something pretty powerful pushing him”, and the second that he just said, “I’m not in any pain”, I immediately know that it’s aesthetics related or I would be 95% sure.

Because typically, if it’s pain related or function related, they tell you that like right off the bat. But there’s got to be something. So if he’s not in any pain, this guy acts like he doesn’t have a ton of urgency, right? Just with the way he speaks. But just the fact that he’s there in front of you right now, suggest that he does. So, I would be leaning towards his primary driver is aesthetics. You can never be 100% but that’s just the feeling that I get. That’s just my read on the guy right now.

James: … like partial things and little clips that snap on look like dentures without, and I’m just not a fan of having to take something in and out every day.

Tina: Yeah. Okay.

James: You know. Honestly, and it was like four grand. Okay, four grand. Well, maybe I pay that to something else.

Tina: Right?

James: That I don’t have to take out.

Tina: Okay. So we’re looking for something that’s more permanent.

James: I guess? You know. Yeah.

Tina: Okay. Well, we definitely have that option.

Bart: So this is the trap, right? This is the trap to start going right into talking about treatments. You guys see it? It’s so easy to get caught up into this as soon as he says, “You know, I don’t want anything removable. I’d really like to have something fixed.” Then it was like four grands.

I just put it towards something fixed, all of a sudden now we’re talking about fixed, right? But what I want to know is what is driving this guy? How are these quote-unquote pain points? All he said was, he’s dealing with some bone loss and you have a partial this or that, he didn’t want removable.

But I want to know emotionally, what’s driving him to the the office, right? I want to ask the question. So what do you not like the most in regards to your smile or your oral health as it sits today? Would it be, have you experienced some loss in function in terms of eating, or chewing, or speaking?

Or would it be more like aesthetics? Like you just don’t like the aesthetics of it. Talk to me about that. I’m going to dig there. I’m not going to let it move on, right? Because that’s how you sell. You got to sell through impulse especially with somebody with this personality.

Somebody with this personality, it’s never going to be just a logical sale. You know what I mean? You’re going to need to impulse this guy in some way, shape, or form. So I want to end it and tell me how these pain points are affecting his life negatively. I’m not even going to touch the removal versus fixed.

It goes in the bank, okay? That’s a good thing, plus he already brought up price so I know four thousand dollars is clearly no issue. So these are all good things. So in my mind, the percentage of the probability that I’m going to close this case is extremely high right now, as it sits. Two minutes and 25 seconds into the call.

But you don’t want to just skip to like the third ten. You don’t want to skip to talking about a treatment because once you talk about one treatment, what’s going to happen? He can start talking about fixed. He’s gonna have questions related to fixed. You can answer those questions.

He’s going to compare and contrast and the entire dialogue now revolves around a treatment. But why are we talking about a treatment? He has not described what he wants in terms of a clinical outcome yet. So we could just be wasting time.

It’s like a doctor calling in asking me. “Well, hey Bart, you know, I don’t really want — I’ve been doing TV. I don’t want to do TV anymore. I really want to do something digital.” Right? And I say, “Oh, okay, digital, we have all sorts of digital products. We have pay-per-click, we have social media, we got everything”, and, “Oh, yeah, talk to me about pay-per-click. So how do you do that?” And then, like, that’s so off track, right? That’s craziness. Because I don’t even know if pay-per-click is going to be something that’s relevant because I don’t know what the doctors goals are.

Same thing in here. The treatment is a product and products are put together as part of an overall strategy to achieve a goal. But you have to have clarity on what said goal is. That makes sense? You guys all with me there? Simple but it’s easy, easy, easy to get trapped, right? They can lure you into talking about those procedures because that’s where you guys are most comfortable talking.

You’re the most comfortable talking with the models, and talking about the procedure and what’s going to happen with the surgery, and what’s going to happen with the prosthetic, and what happens with the temporary and like, that’s your core competency there, right? But it’s not what’s important in terms of getting the patients.

It’s a yes and pay today like it’s a no-brainer. That has to be logical, but it also has to be very emotional. It’s got to be both. And the logic comes in to them understanding, “Oh! Well, geez, that makes sense. They probably have ten different ways to treat my current condition.

They probably have ten different ways to treat it. All of which I’m going to be better than I am right now, but all of which give different outcomes. So it makes sense for me to explain what kind of outcome that I want. And then they can give me the treatment that’s going to give me that outcome. That makes sense?

Once you start going down the road of treatments guys, all of the emotion is gone. You lost it. It’s gone forever. It’s very difficult to get it back because everything becomes mechanical, because how much emotion is involved with explaining the process, the surgical workflow of All-on-4. There is none, right?

Or explaining, “Hey, you know you’re going to get your teeth in one day but you might have to go into a denture and you might have this or that.” There’s no emotion. That’s all mechanical. Right? So you kind of lose it. Those are the things that aren’t important in the sales process.They’re not important. We think they are, but they’re really not. What’s really important is that I understand on an emotional level, where this guy’s suffering.

I understand that, and I understand on an emotional level where he wants to be and there, I would say seven out of ten times, the patients aren’t going to know where they want to be. They’re not going to know because they don’t have a vision because they’re not there, because they want something new, and they’re there because they want to get rid of something bad. Does that make sense? They procrastinated for so many years, right?

That they’re only there because the pain tolerance, whether that’s physical or emotional, has gotten to a point that they could no longer endure. So, they’re just trying to get out of pain. So our job is to figure out, “Okay. These are the pain points and then I want them to tie it back into how it affects them on a day-to-day basis, how it’s ruining their quality of life, then my job is to help them create a vision.” Right?

You can’t just say, “Okay, so tell me what you want.” Because a patient is typically going to listen to that and think that you mean, what procedure do I want? That’s what they’re going to think if you don’t give them any context. So I say, “Okay, look I got it. I understand where you are. I totally get it. Look, let’s talk about something different. Let’s talk about something fun. Let’s talk about how we want to be, how we want to feel, and look, and function in the future. So give me an idea in terms of what you want, right? How important are just overall aesthetics to you, for instance. Function, how important is maintenance to you?”

Only ask these questions because there are several different ways with a clinical situation like yours. There’s several different ways for us to approach it, but in all of which won’t quote-unquote work. But the question is, what is going to give you the outcome that’s right for you? Because that’s not the same for every patient and we don’t have a one-size-fits-all here.

Does that make sense? They’re going to get that guys, they’re going to get it and they’re never going to be like, I’m not even discussing two or three options. I’m only discussing the option that best fits the vision that the patient describes to me. Does that make sense?

To give you guys an idea, and this is how I sell every day. With the doctor, I don’t even give them the plan. I never give it to him. They have to tell me where they are. They got to establish the goals and the budget. Because why am I just kind of make up plans? I’m not, I have to make sure the budgets’ in line with the goals, right?

And a bunch of 30,000 a month is very different than three. So why just shoot from the hip? Makes sense? So, if you do this right, this is how the sales process can be drastically reduced because there’s no wasted motion. That’s what I always talk about, talking in a straight line. We’re going from point A to point B. Boom.

The fastest way to get there is not to say, “Here’s three treatment options, which one do you want?” Or, “Let me go through your options.” In my head, there’s no option because you want what you want. If I give you options, now all of a sudden I’m putting it in the patient’s hand. What if the patient makes a bad decision?

And the option they pick was influenced more by money than it is what they want. You know, what happens in that situation? The patient calls back after you do the procedure and they’re not happy. “Oh, this midline is not good. I don’t like the way they look. I don’t like this, I don’t like that.” Why? Because there was never any goal established, right?

That’s our fault. It’s not their fault. We like to say, Oh, they’re difficult.” We typically just screwed up the sales process, right? That’s what happened most of the time. I’m going to keep going.

James: So you see what I got left. Not much. And I guess it’s in your… I don’t know.

Tina: Okay. So how much research have you done?

James: I guess minimal.

Tina: Okay.

James: You know, I’ve looked online a few different times and you add it all up.

Bart: Guys, listen to how this guy is talking. You guys should dominate this guy. This guy needs to be dominated, right? Like you can just take this man by the hand and lead him down the yellow brick road. He’s going to do whatever you say, if you have certainty, like this guy’s a sheep.

You can walk this guy literally like a sheep. Listen to him, he wants you to tell him what to do. He just wants it to be easy, and cool, and chill, it all makes sense right? But he wants you to tell him what to do. This is not a guy you want to give two or three options to. “Oh, God, he’ll never make a decision.” You can pick that up, right?

When you guys smell blood, right? When you see weakness like this in front of you, you got to dominate these guys. You know what I mean? Understand what a good buying experience is going to be for this guy. A good buying experience for him, is going to be to turn the brain from the on switch to the off switch, right?

And just talk, and he wants to feel like, you know exactly what he needs, exactly what he wants, and exactly what he wants to spend, and you make it so easy. That to this guy is going to be the perfect patient buying experience, right? But you got to take control. If you don’t take control, this guy’s look, this guy could be a complete time waster and he’s going to run out of energy, right?

But this is an example of somebody that the only reason he’s there, there’s urgency built up. You guys should dominate this guy.

James: Like, wow, that’s 30 grand or whatever it is and I put it off the back burner, but, you know, yeah.

Tina: Okay. Well, here is your 3D image.

James: Beautiful.

Tina: Doctor uses this, so it’s just in time for Halloween. These pictures.

James: But, you know, that really shows…

Bart: And the guy seems like he’s really comfortable with Tina. Tina is really comfortable with him. They got a really good rapport going on right now. But Tina has the ability to speed up or slow down the call however she wants, right? She can patiently, this guy’s got to follow her. If it’s slow, he’s going to slow down. If it’s fast. he’s going to speed up.

He is going to take his cues 100% from Tina and that’s not the case with everybody, as you know. There are certain people that come in with big personalities, right? And they feel comfortable, they want to feel like they are pacing and leading. They want to feel like they are the ones that are in control. This is the opposite from this guy, right?

And that’s why the same principles apply no matter who you’re speaking with, but the delivery of those principles changes depending on who you’re talking to. But you can clearly see this isn’t, for instance, me sitting in front of you, right? This guy’s not Bart Knellinger sitting there. You’re probably going to handle us differently. You should anyways.

Tina: Yeah. Here is another, I can make a 2D image.

James: Oh, another thing was the, in my last appointment when they were discussing doing the other process to have the, like four different snap in deals, of which I don’t know the terminology. They were like, I’m trying to think how they said it.

Bart: Oh my god. Goodness.

James: They were concerned that if I kept eating with just what I have, the bridges really aren’t that old would loosen and then I’d lose those too. So I’m like, okay.

Tina: So it’s like…

James: They were magnifying the importance of it.

Tina: They were talking about a partial denture and those do have clasps.

Bart: Let me ask you. What was the main reason why he didn’t move forward? You know, at the last practice. What was the main reason? I know because he said he didn’t want removable but like, give me an idea. Like, why didn’t you move forward then? Obviously, you weren’t comfortable somewhere.

I would ask that question because again, I’m trying to tie it back into, “Hey, he doesn’t want removable. Not because of removable, he doesn’t want removable, because it’s going to be a pain in the ass for his life.” I wanted him to say that. Does that make sense?

He’s got to say it, right? If I say it, it doesn’t work the same way. What I’m trying to do is achieve an escalation of commitment, trying to take his commitment level, his emotion from here, to here, to here, to here, right? It’s like, the more times this guy says, “Yeah, I don’t like my current situation. I didn’t like the last treatment plan. I don’t want something removable because I don’t want to have to take it in and out every night. I’m scared of having something that’s loose right? Like I already had a partial, and it was loose, and I couldn’t really eat with it, and it’s just something on my mind. I just don’t want to be able to think about it.”

The more times they say that, the higher their level of commitment is to change. Because how can you sit there and say that over and over and over again, and then at the end say, “Yeah, no. I think I’m good where I am.” It doesn’t work, but they have to say it and this is the mindset you want to put them in. That the only thing that makes no sense at all, is to do nothing. That I have to escalate their commitment above the threshold for them to walk out without doing anything and feel comfortable.

It’s like making a New Year’s resolution to where, “Hey, I’m going to lose weight or I’m going to get in shape”, and you make it but you don’t tell anybody. You just make it with yourself, right? After a week, okay, to hell with this. I got a party to go to, right? But if you tell three people, your likelihood of doing it is higher. If you tell ten people your likelihood of doing is higher. If you post it online and you do, the more you say it, the higher your level of commitment is.

Meaning that you’ve trapped yourself. You’ve talked about is so much that you freaking have to do it. Make sense? Otherwise, you’re contradicting yourself, everybody. They don’t mind contradicting you guys, but I’m going to put them in a position where it’s not them against me, it’s them against them. It’s the patient against the patient. They’re going to have to contradict their self to walk out and not do anything. Not what I said, what they said.

Tina: …and they kind of hook onto the existing teeth and there’s some acrylic in there. But the problem with that is, I mean you notice how that one’s loose. That one’s up here. This one has a significant amount of bone loss. So you have that partial made to hook on what you have but these anchors are not very strong.

James: Right. I don’t even know if the bridges are strong looking at that.

Tina: Right. So, I don’t think going with a full mouth solution would be out of line or, you know.

James: So take out what’s there? Well, I expect 15 grand down there.

Bart: Look, so he’s thrown four grand, now he’s throwing down 15 grand, I’m like this guy’s got money. He said he didn’t do any research. BS. This guy did more research and this guy’s lying, right? He’s done research. How’s he going to say four grand now, “Oh yeah, that might be 15 grand or a couple 15 grand.” Yeah, this guy’s got money. This dude’s going to get closed. You know what I mean? But we’re sitting here talking about. “Well, you know, this could be loosed. That could be loose.”

Just like, look, why didn’t you go with in the first place? You didn’t went in the first place, why? Because you don’t want something removable because you know it’s going to be a pain in the butt, moving forward. It’s never going to fit right. It’s going to hurt when you eat, it’s going to be a pain in the butt to talk, and overall you don’t want to throw good money after that, right?

Correct me if I’m wrong. You don’t want to spend four thousand and then two years later, spend another four. And then two years later, spend another ten and it’s usually spend another four, right? Because some people do, and if you do, we can do that. But then some like that’s where you’re at. Tell me, that’s what he’s gonna agree. He’s absolutely gonna do that.

All right, so, let’s forget all that stuff. We’re not gonna do that. Alright, let’s talk about what you do want, right? Which is basically the opposite of that, but talk to him about how important are aesthetics. How important are this. Good news is, based on everything we’re seeing, you’re going to have three, four, five, different ways that we can do this. All of which are going to change your life, all of which are going to put you in a significantly better situation.

What I want to make sure is we get the treatment that gives you everything that you want, after the treatment’s completed. Remember, the treatment only lasts a day, but you’re going to live with this forever. Keep that in mind. The treatment lasts a day but you’re going to live with this forever. So I got to make sure that the treating gives you what you want to live with. Makes sense? Okay, cool. Let’s go. So let’s talk about that. Boom, boom, boom.

And I’m constantly bringing it back to that. And you notice that the tone in which I’m speaking with, because I want to grab this guy. I want this guy to understand. I want to make it simple. This guy’s going to follow me. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom! And I know this guy doesn’t want to make a decision. He just wants it to be easy. He wants the decision to be obvious. I give him too many options, probably not going to be a good thing.

James: …or a couple I mean. Okay.

Tina: We could have a doctor. I mean they look nice. They do.

Bart: Look how he’s covering his mouth! Guys. You see how he sits? You see how he constantly talks like that? What is it? You know what that means, right? Even she, Tina’s trying to give the guy a compliment and he won’t even show his teeth. You pick up on that? All right, I’m gonna use that. That’s a tell. That’s a dead giveaway. This guy’s a sucker. This guy’s going down today, right? If we were playing poker, he’d be on tilt in two seconds.

Tina: If implants just in the back, if that’s something you were looking for, we could attempt to do that for you. Dr. Connelly, he typically doesn’t ever do a bridge that length, or that span.

James: Right. They said that to me when I had them done.

Tina: Okay. So they said,”We can do it for you but it’s not really recommended.”

James: They didn’t say not recommended. We’ve done before, now that’s what they said.

Tina: Yeah. Just because it’s a lot of pressure putting on these teeth. It’s a big span.

James: Right. Oh I know.

Tina: So, you know, you could put all the money into doing implant bridges in the back, but it probably…

Bart: These are all just hypothetical. You know what I mean? Like you could do anything in front of me. We could do anything. Take the job or the teeth and put them in, it doesn’t matter. It’s all hypotheticals at this point, right? So I don’t want to engage in hypotheticals, I want to be clear on what he wants and I’m going to tell him one thing. “Hey, look, if that’s what I wanted, here’s what I would do.” Boom. You know what I mean? That’s where we want to get to here, right?

Tina: They would almost add up to the amount of doing something that’s more permanent.

James: Oh. Okay. Well, that’s why I’m here.

Tina: Cause a single implant runs from 3,500 to 4,000 dollars. So, you know, in four areas, three teeth…

Bart: You can tell these guys say, listen, I’ve seen there’s all kinds of people out there that make different decisions, right? I’m not saying one is wrong, one is right, but I’ve seen people mess around with this for years. They come in and they do one little thing and they leave and they have a problem, they come back in there, do another thing. Come back in, do another thing, come back in, do another thing.

That doesn’t, correct me if I’m wrong, but that doesn’t strike me as you because that’s the reason why they didn’t go with the first treatment plan, right? You would probably rather just come in, get it done one time, do it the right way, get it taken care of, and you don’t have to mess with it anymore. Am I right? That’s what I would say.

Tina: …adds up.

James: Yeah.

Tina: So, if you’re looking for something that’s a little longer term, less maintenance, something that’s going to look as good as your bridges, or better. Then this would be the option for you. One of these three. These are the permanent bridges. That’s what their technical term is, permanent bridge. The doctor places four to six implants, per arch.

James: What does that mean, arch?

Tina: Upper or lower arch.

James: Okay.

Tina: So, he does make bundled packages. So everything is included from your sedation, the extractions, and the grafting, sinus lifts, temporaries, all the way to the final…

Bart: Hey Tina, are you on the call? Hey, I’m gonna need your self real quick. What happened to Dr. Connelly here. He’s taking the day off or what?

Tina: Yeah, he wasn’t even in the building.

Bart: He wasn’t? That’s what I was guessing that when I watched it. I’m like, where is Connelly, right? We gotta lay it down here. The guy’s nowhere to be found. So you’re just getting this guy’s far along as you can and then he’s going to see him in on the next visit.

Tina: Yeah.

Bart: Got it. Okay so I was wondering like where did the second ten go?

Tina: …the prosthetic.

James: Wow. Okay, let’s suggest that.

Tina: What did you have in mind as far as a budget?

James: I don’t know what it costs.

Tina: Okay.

James: Honestly, I, it’s kind of deceiving no matter whose side you go on. It’s just a little deceiving. You don’t know, it piques your interest. I’ll give you that.

Tina: Yeah! That’s right.

James: That’s already set?

Tina: Right. Yeah.

James: To have final answers, nobody ever seems to be able to get one.

Tina: Okay. So.

James: Does that make any sense?

Tina: So our numbers are pretty clear. We try to make it as easy as possible, which is why Doctor does the bundled packages. There’s not going to be anything.

James: No hidden things?

Tina: No hidden fees, it’s included. However, whatever he has to do to get you there. That’s the price.

Bart: Now we want to make sure right before we put the bundle, and this is a little different because the doctor didn’t do the second ten. But ideally, I know where he is, where he wants to be, gained agreement on that. And then I tell them, there’s multiple different ways to get there.

We’re going to go meet with Dr. Connelly. The doctor’s gonna look at you and he’s going to take into consideration where you want to be, plus your clinical state. And he’s going to give you the treatment plan, that should account for everything.

He’s going to choose and he’s going to come out of there, he’s going to make a primary recommendation based on what you want. And what your kind of clinical situation is. Does that sound fair? Okay, cool. Let’s go. Right? And then Dr. Connelly does that, you fill out the form, guys you got to be filling out this form too. Let me show you.

Let’s see. Check this out. You guys are filling this out. I want to make sure you guys are filling this out, because this is what you fill out after the first ten. Alright, the pain points, the concerns, the urgency level of the patient, the vision scale, one to ten, fixed versus removable. If they have a preference either way. Money, did it come up? Did it not come up? If it did come up, what’s their budget? Very simple.

But you want to get this to the doctor so that the doctor isn’t rehashing the same things. You don’t want to be redundant here. Aside from wasting time, it just doesn’t make for a great patient experience. Okay? So make sure again, especially those of you that are new. When you come into that first ten, state your intention. Where are they? How is it affecting their life negatively? Then where do they want to be? Help them create the vision, and then say, there’s a million different ways to get there.

That’s for the doctor to decide. Then you go into the second ten with this filled out. That’s it. That’s the first ten you can fill it in with different words, different sentences, different delivery points. But those things, those are the pillars that have to take place, right? That’s going to show your core competency to do the first ten the right way. And then move on to the doctor to the second 10.

Where the doctor’s going to give the primary recommendation. That way, when you get to the third ten, the patient’s already agreed, in concept that yes, this treatment gives me everything I want. Yes, this makes sense. Yes, I want the treatment. Now we can close. It’s difficult, well it’s not difficult. It’s just not the best idea to close on a treatment before you gained agreement, conceptually. If that treatment is right for them, and if that treatment is going to give them everything that they said they want. They have to connect those dots.

Tina: That being said, you know with…

Bart: But you guys noticed, so we’re 8 minutes 54 seconds in, and we’re in the third 10. Right? Okay. It’s typically, that’s not going to be the case. Typically we’re going to be getting ready to move on to the second 10 here.

Tina: These numbers, they can be a little shocking. If he charged out every single service from here to here, which he does…

Bart: Don’t say the numbers can be shocking though, but yeah.

Tina: …many more. It’s you know.

James: Sixty seven per, yeah.

Tina: But he bundles it to 50, and you know…

Bart: Come on, Tina! So like, we gotta have, this part has to be done right as well. So this guy has more urgency than he’s letting on, okay? But we have to sell the discount. You gotta sell it, and you got to sell the 60. Yes, sell the 60. You got to say, “Hey, this is what it’s going to be.” Now, a lot of what this guy said earlier. He said, “I’ve seen a lot of prices, but a lot of it can be deceiving.” Isn’t that what he said? What does he mean? He means they’re full of crap. So the second I hear that, that’s why we do the bundled close. Because that’s how they feel about bait-and-switch pricing.

So that’s why I do the bundled close. I say, “Look, you’ll see in a lot of places, they’ll show you a price but then you’ll get there, you move forward, but then oh, it’s extra for sedation, it’s extra for a visit, it’s extra for maintenance, extra extra. It’s that plus, plus, plus, plus plus, right? They’re in your pocket forever or they’re cutting out valuable steps that are going to drastically jeopardize your clinical outcome just to reduce the price point, right? Which isn’t worth it either.”

“Okay. So what we do is an approach where absolutely everything for the next 12 months, everything that you need to have the ideal clinical outcomes, bundled in. And we don’t cut any corners, and we don’t eliminate anything from the treatment. Because at the end of the day, if you buy something right now and you’re happy about the price, but six months later, the teeth break or the implants are failing, all of a sudden, you’re not so happy about that price. So the outcome is always the most important. We don’t cut anything out, so let me show you what’s included, you know, the whole thing and you’re not coming out of pocket for anything else.”

And then, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom! You gotta sell it and I’m selling it, basically planting seeds in their head that people don’t tell you about all this stuff because they don’t do it. Plenty of people do it. But again, what’s the perception? What’s the perception from the patient’s perspective? I want to show that it’s a lot. Then I want to tell them, right now because this isn’t something that we dabble in here. This is something we do consistently.

We do these cases all the time, right? It’s one of the things that we’re most proud of. Because we do it all the time, we get implants at a lower cost, premium implants, we get our lab fees, meaning we can make our teeth for a lower cost because of the volume. And instead of just putting that money in our pocket, we actually pass the savings back onto you.

So without cutting anything out, let me show you what you’re going to get at no additional charge when you move forward with this. Because I think what you’re going to see is it totals up to a pretty substantial discount, right? Then you go through buy guard free, this free, extractions free, grafting free, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. Okay? And it goes from 60 to 50. So it’s about a ten thousand dollar discount without giving up anything. That’s the difference.

Oh, and we also have a boom, boom, boom, boom. There’s your warranty, right? Your secondary close. But if we run through and go, “No. Get ready because this shit’s expensive. Sixty thousand dollars.” “Oh God!” “But we’re only going to charge you, if you don’t want, we’re only going to charge 50.”

What it does is it just sounds like this. It sounds like 60 is, not real. It’s not a real price and everybody gets 50. And it sounds like we’re just over inflating it, and that’s not the goal. The goal is not to over inflate it. The goal is just to show what the retail fee would be if all of it was itemized.

Because All-on-4 is just typically bundled. So you’re already giving them a really, really good discount. But if we don’t show them the good discount, it doesn’t help us with the close and doesn’t help us with them shopping. Makes sense?

Tina: If you use cash or outside financing, it’s 45 so that’s the top one. That’s the aesthetic that’s right here.

James: So what does that mean?

Tina: This is zirconia aesthetic.

Bart: What did he say? He stopped her the second she mentioned aesthetics. He wants to hear more, right? Second, guys like this, you pick up on that, you know what I mean? You got to pick up on that and you got to get him talking about it. The more he talks about it, the more in he’s going to be, and the more excited about actually doing it, he’s going to be.

Tina: So this is…

Bart: This guy would be perfect also to do like a digital smile design. Show them a before and after right there, in a consultation, this would probably just, it would be done.

Tina: …your like, your Ferrari right here of tooth replacement.

James: Well, I can’t afford the price, so might as well, like I didn’t know about that one.

Tina: The biggest difference is just the amount of time that lab puts into the final, with little details like that.

James: Maybe if I was thirty.

Tina: This right here is the zirconia. This one’s 40. Still up there a little bit, but it’s made to be a one and done. This is going to last you the rest of your life. The zirconia is super strong.

James: When you say the rest of my life, what is the normal life span of that?

Tina: It’s not made to break. It’s super, super hard.

Bart: Hey, Tina. We’re talking 40,000 for two arches, right?

Tina: Yup!

Bart: Yeah, 40,000 for two arches. So yourselves are quoted at twenty thousand dollars an arch. You want to tell them, not what you’re selling now. You want to tell them what the market average is. You know what I mean? You’re saying, “Now look. These, typically in any market, I would say the national average price is going to be anywhere from 25 to 28 thousand.” Right? Because you have an advantage in price, you have an advantage. But if you just give them 40, it sounds like a lot.

I’ll talk in per arch instances and I also want to, if I have a price advantage, I’m going to use that, right against everybody else. I’m going to say, “Look, if you’re dealing with a specialist and a GP, usually, you’re going to be around 30, maybe 30 plus. If you’re dealing with a doctor’s doing all had an in-house, the national average is 25 to 28 thousand. Here, we’re about 20 percent below that without giving up anything. So zirconia, and let me show you what this is because aesthetically, this is one of the best. It’s also one of the most durable, right?

Take a look at it. Boom, boom, boom. But again, this would help tremendously if this, if I ask this guy, how important aesthetics are to him. If he told me aesthetics were his must-have, that’s the most important thing, he wants to look good, and it’ll take a little digging, especially with men. They don’t, they’re a lot of times, they’re just not as open talking about insecurities like that. So it can take a little bit of digging, a little bit of leading, but if I had him saying that, then this pitch is easy.

Because I’m not going to recommend a material with low aesthetics. I’m going to recommend the right treatment, and then I’m going to deal with the price objection, if it comes up. When and if it comes up, because I can always scale back. You know what I mean? But I’m going to show them. I’m going to get this guy. So amped up and so excited about how he’s going to look, how he’s going to function, and more importantly, how he’s going to feel walking out into the public, right? I’m going to get him so excited about that, that he’s going to do everything in his power to do the zirconia. And if I get them financed and he’s approved this time, he’ll stretch.

James: I’m 67. I probably don’t need that. I’m guessing.

Tina: You could need it for another 25 years.

James: I could. I could.

Tina: 25 years, yeah.

James: It’s possible.

Tina: It is!

Bart: You see what’s happening? This guy’s in consumer mode and he’s trying to talk himself into something cheaper. Not because he can’t afford it, because this guy is not the kind of guy that drops forty, fifty, sixty thousand dollars. He’s not that kind of guy. Doesn’t mean he can’t do it. That’s not what it means. It means his brain is trying to sell him that, “Hey you don’t need it because your age”, or “Hey, you don’t need it because this is going to look just as good”, or “Hey, this is probably going to function just as good”, or “Hey, you can start here and then you can do that later.”

He’s trying to justify something less expensive but he’s qualified. This dude, I guarantee you this guy is qualified to do the whole thing. Upper, lower, zirconia done. He can do it. But we got to get the buy-in from them and we got know how to push. This guy needs to be pushed.

Tina: It’s very possible. This one right here is a hybrid. So it’s placed with the same amount of implants but it’s made out of a denture material.

Bart: You hear how he’s justifying things though. If I give him options, his brain is going to tell him to go with the lowest one. Period, end of story. The lowest one that’s not removable is what he’s going to do. Because he was emphatic about that. He doesn’t want removable. Okay, so if I give him three options, he’s going to go with the cheapest one. Doesn’t mean he can’t pay for the other ones, so that’s why I don’t like giving options.

I got to get the buy-in from them. Yes, aesthetics are huge. Yes, this, yes that. And you got to get them juiced up a little bit. Like, “Do you know how good you’re going to look with this? Here, smile. Let me see it. Don’t be shy, let me see a smile. Let me see it with this. Oh my god.” You know what I mean? You got to get these guys fired up. You ladies know how to do it. All right. Do what you know how to do. Okay? Get them all fired up about looking good when they leave. If you see a guy that aesthetics are really important to them.

Especially anybody talking like this, that has low self-confidence, that doesn’t have any certainty. I promise you, you guys do the right procedure on somebody like this. You’re going to see their body language as soon as you’re done, is going to change. Their body language, their tonality, and who they are, their whole self-image is going to change just like that when you’re done. You have to know that and project that confidence to them because, you know it but they don’t know it.

Those are the kind of things that are inspiring to people. Those are the kind of things that transcend dollars and cents. You guys with me? Now look, Tina closed this. The guy ended up having cash, you know what I mean? He ended up having cash. This guys got like a marijuana farm or something, but he’s got cash. So, I didn’t get all the way to the end, but I mean, the guy’s like, “Yeah, I got cash. I sell dope.” “Oh, great! Cash then.” “Write me, I can pay in cash.”

But, you can do this. This is a guy that can be done very, very quickly. But he went with the lower one, right? He went with the hybrid type of a treatment. Personally, I think that Tina could have got him at least at the zirconia level, no doubt about it. I think guys ended up with cash, right? Legal drug dealer. Yep.

Tina: He has still not decided if he’s going to do, hybrid or switch to zirconia. So he’s in his temporaries right now and he’s still deciding whether he wants to spend the extra. So what should I do to get them to go with the zirconia?

Bart: Tell them to do it! Dominate them. This guy needs to be told what to do. I would just call him and say, “Look, I know you’re going back and forth about this and about that. At the end of the day, I think I know you well enough to know what you’re going to be happy with. I’m going to try to help here. If you’re open to that.” “Yeah, I’m open to it.” “Okay. Look, here’s what I would do. I would go with the zirconia because it’s not going to stain. It’s very resistant to chip cracking and breaking. It’s going to be the lowest maintenance. But the biggest reason is it looks amazing. Right? And when we’re going through the smile design phase, we can see with this type of teeth, with this type of teeth, you’re just going to look so good, you’re going to be so happy. I’ve literally never had a patient that came in and opted to do this, that later they regretted it. That’s never happened. In my 15 years of working here, that’s never been the case. I can tell you, I have had people that have come in and they’ve done acrylic. They’ve done the hybrid material on the implants, and they have experienced frustrations with either chipping, or staining, or cracking, or they just weren’t super happy about the overall aesthetics because that material isn’t as aesthetically pleasing. So just knowing, you want to get this thing done, you want to do a one-time, be happy and be done, right? You don’t want issues. Just do the zirconia. Just do it, bite the bullet. You’re not going to be sorry that you did it. You are going to be thrilled. So let’s do it.”

And you push them, this guy, you close them like a freaking window. Boom! Right? Put the pen in his hand, grab his hand like this, and make them sign the paper. He’ll do it. Makes sense? Tina, you gotta, I want to see the lioness come out in you girl, right? The lioness. You got this guy like eating out of your hand right here. You just have to dominate them, smack them around, figuratively of course.

Tina: You don’t really see it but this this gentleman, in particular, he kind of has a creepy vibe. He doesn’t…

Bart: Use that! That’s even better.

Tina: No, it’s not! He does a lot of winking and eyebrows.

Bart: Wink back at him then! We’re trying to get this thing signed girl!

Tina: He had like a whole bottle of cologne on.

Bart: He’s done! You should be scooting your chair around in the corner. You know what I’m saying? Like, come on, hey, this guys is concerned about aesthetics. Ladies, why are men concerned about aesthetics? Because of how we’re going to be viewed by who? Other men? Without women in the world, we wouldn’t even put socks on, or underwear, we’re neanderthals. Okay?

It’s we want to be viewed by the opposite sex like that, so when you have a man in front of you, that is openly concerned about aesthetics and he’s trying. Use that, that’s even better. That’s like, oh my god, that’s gas on the fire. You know what I’m talking about, Tina. Just do what you do girl. Do what you do. Get him to sign, right? It’s all about that signature right now. And the guy’s feeling good. The guy wants to feel good. That’s why he’s there.

The guy wants to look good. The guy wants to feel good. The guy wants the complete opposite of what he’s had so far. So you just need to reassure him that he’s going to look good. It’s okay to tell him that. You’re going to look so much better. You’re going to look great when this is done because that’s the truth. Is that not the truth? Have you ever done an All-on-4 on anybody that looks worse afterwards? They all look amazing. They look like a completely different person. You got to tell him that. That’s where the emotion comes in.

Sorry, I’m off on a rant. I’m ranting. The celsius, guys. You need a little juice in your life, right? If you’re down a little, you drink one of these. You’re jacked up. You’ll be dominating everybody. Let me get to… are there any questions? You guys will have one question. I killed it. Okay, hold on, I’m just going to go one more part here.

Anyways, so when Tina went into the proceed, she asked him, “Hey, you know, would you like to get approved from proceed?” Again, with this guy at the fewer decisions that he has to make, the better off you are. So I’m not going to say, “You want to get approved for proceed.” I’m just gonna say, “Okay, here’s what we’re going to do next. Got your license, I’m going to go ahead, run you through the system, see where your approved for. Give it to me.

Boom. Done. Go, go, go. Boom. That’s how it is, right? You get, I want you guys to get a feel for the personality that you’re dealing with. If you’re dealing with a very dominant personality, you handle it totally different. It’s the same thing, but you’re orchestrating your questions to get them to request what you want them to request. So you’re still driving the bus, but the perception is they’re in control. Whereas this guy wants you to be in control, clearly. Right? Clearly. With the way that he sets his tone, just his whole way of communicating, he would rather you just take care of them. Just take care of me. Tell me what to do. Don’t let me make a bad decision and we’re all good. You know what I mean? Okay, cool.

So anytime you’re dealing with one of these personalities, it’s pace and leading and it’s always going to be an assumptive close. You assume they’re going to move forward with it, because you did things the right way. Here’s what he’s dealing with, here’s where he wants to go. This treatment takes care of all the bad and gives them all the good. So this is what we’re going to do. So let’s do this, you know what I mean? And that’s kind of the assumptive tone and you’re worried about the money, when the money comes up.

This guy brought up money not as a bad thing. He brought out money he’s like, “Well, it was 4,000 bucks.If I can find credit towards that, credit that towards something bigger. Well, that’s probably gonna be what, fifteen thousand? A couple fifteen thousand dollars.” So he never had anything negative to say about money. But at the end of the day, without the doctor, Tina, right? That’s not easy to do without having someone come in and make a primary recommendation. But even without the doctor, she was still able to get a deposit. She was still able to get cash out of his pocket. Get a deposit, schedule them to come back, and hopefully Dr. Connelly can meet with him next time and Tina, that’s what I would do.

Bring him back in, and have Dr. Connelly come in, and really push the aesthetic component of the zirconia. Just have him reinforced that and I bet you this guy does it. Because, correct me, if I’m wrong, didn’t you get approved for 70,000 bucks through proceed?

Tina: I remember, but I think he has more cash.

Bart: Yeah, I mean guy’s loaded with cash. It’s even better, but he got approved pretty much for like 70 thousand dollars in proceed. So he can do whatever he wants. He can put as much cash down as he wants, if he wants a lower payment, or he could finance the whole thing. So I would bring him back in and have Dr. Connelly come in the room, rehash what’s important to him, and then and then make a recommendation.

“I recommend you go with the zirconia for these reasons, because it’s going to give you better aesthetics, it’s going to be more long term, it’s going to be less maintenance, and you’re going to have less headaches, right? I think you’re going to love it and you’re absolutely a perfect candidate for it.” This is what I would do, hands down. With absolutely no wavering. No wavering with this guy.

This guy is not somebody that’s certain. He’s not somebody that is decisive by nature so he needs maximum amount of certainty so that he feels certain about making the decision. You got to project that upon him and he’ll do it. Cool?

All right guys. If anyone has any questions, I’ll answer them. If not, I’ll let you guys go close somebody. I want to see a video where you guys dominate somebody. Dottie. I want one, come on. Leslie, dominate. All right, guys. Go close something. We’re here if you need us, and I’ll see you guys on the peer mentorship call. Okay?

Terry: Thank you.

Bart: Alright. Thanks.

Leslie: Bye Bart, thanks.

Bart: Bye-bye.


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