The Closing Institute - Peer Mentorship Call

March, 2024

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Bart Knellnger: Come on! Hello.

Natalie: Hi.

Bart: Hey, hey, hey.

Tiana Quinones: Hey, here at Silphidental.

Bart: All right, all right.

Natalie: [inaudible]

Bart: [chuckles] Nice, nice. Everybody closing some arches? Yeah?

Natalie: [inaudible]

Bart: What’s that?

Natalie: Closed two cases today.

Bart: Oh, nice. Heck of a day. I mean, get two, two closes in one day. Just giving everybody a second to sign on here. [clears throat] Anybody have any good consultations you guys wanna share? Anyone good you closed? Or anybody uh, said something weird? [chuckles] Or had a strange one?Anybody had anything good?

Leslie Ramos: RTC just closed one this morning.

Bart: She did.

Leslie: She did.

Bart: Good, good. She’s supposed to be closing. I’m just giving everybody a second to log on, guys. Today we’re gonna be going through some different ways to handle when patients come in and they have like an in-hand quote.
Has anybody got that lately? Where someone comes in, they’re like, “Hey, I’ve got two quotes, one for $18,000 and one for $20,000, you know. So I just
need to see how much you guys charge.” Anyone- Has, Has anyone gotten that recently? Someone coming up…

Lauren Wheeler: We have.

Bart: … like specific quotes? Who has?

Lauren: Um, we would and I have one coming in tomorrow that I already have notes that they’re like bringing in their quotes. So I’m glad you’re doing this today.

Bart: Okay, cool. Cool. Anybody else had that happen sometime recently? Or someone comes in with something really specific? They’re like, “Yeah, I want Zirconia. I want it all-on-four. You know, I’ve got this price from Clear Choice and this price from the office down the street. I wanna see what you guys are charging.” They’re like really specific with you. Have you guys had that? Yeah. So Leslie, how are you handling that right now when you get it?

Leslie: Um, it’s actually, it happens over the phone. So I tell them, bring it in. Because right now, I’m just focusing on PA. I’m not doing TC as much anymore. But um, they bring them, I tell them, bring them in. And then our TC kind of handles that. So that’s more question for her, ’cause she kind of talks to them about it. [laughs]

Bart: Cool, cool. Who else? You guys, give me an idea. Who’s-who’s had that? And uh, how do you guys handle it when you get that when they come in with a specific price that they’ve received, especially if the price is lower than what you guys have? Someone give me an idea of what you’re doing in that situation.

Brittany Van Galder: For us in that situation, we um, kind of get through the consult to see what uh, the doctor’s recommendation is. ‘Cause a lot of times by the time the doctor goes through treatment with them, our treatment, though it’s priced more, the value is better.

Bart: Mm-hmm.

Brittany: So I haven’t really had concerns addressing the price of the other office. Occasionally I do. But then once you show the value, it never comes up again.

Bart: Mm-hmm. Okay. So in turn, if they stop you right off the bat, you know, in the first 10 minutes and they’re like, “Hey, I got one quote for 17, one quote for 20.” And let’s say you guys are charging 20, 24, 25, right? And they say, you know, “I just kind of want to cut to the chase. I’ve already been through a lot of these consultations. Just need to see what you guys are charging. Just trying to get kind of like the best price.”

Are you just uh, are you addressing that right then? Or you’re just moving ahead with the consultation?

Brittany: At that point, I would stop and say, uh, that would be where I’d figure out what their budget is. Like, is this where you wanna stay? And then from there, it’s more of triaging. Um, okay. That what you’re looking for isn’t going to fall in that ball- ballpark depending on if we can be flexible or not, which I kind of know that going in.

Bart: Mm-hmm. Okay. Cool. So guys, I think what makes this, what makes this difficult is when someone’s coming in that’s been to several different consultations. Um. If your- if you have a lower price, you-you don’t really have a whole lot of trouble handling it, but it’s when they have lower prices and then they’re coming to you. I can see on the videos kind of um, there’s a- there’s a big delay in terms of how we handle it.

Usually, you either handle it right then with the patient or you’ll just delay the whole thing. I think what makes it difficult is we don’t have the answer to the main question. Okay? And the main question is why haven’t they already moved forward? Right? That’s what we don’t know. So you’re typically, what you have to figure out how to do is we’ve got to figure out how to place them in one of three different buckets.

Okay? So what are the reasons why people haven’t moved forward and they’re getting a second or third opinion? Okay. One reason could be what? Maybe they didn’t get approved and they can’t get monthly payments. Okay? So that’s one type of person. They want monthly payments and they didn’t get approved.

So getting second and third opinions. Okay. Another situation could be that they’re not as concerned about monthly payments. They are just shopping principle and they’ve got one quote and they wanna go get two or three more and they’re trying to negotiate for the best price. Totally different type of person. And then there’s another type of person where believe it or not, even though they bring up the price, the reason why they didn’t move forward wasn’t just the price.

Sometimes they say, “Well, you know, I just didn’t have a really good feeling. I just didn’t have a really good connection with a doctor or maybe it was with their team.” but it’s more like they didn’t move forward because it was some type of a feeling that they had. Does that make sense? That’s going to make up like 90% of everybody that’s getting second and third opinions.

It’s going to be typically one of those three. And there can be little variations like, um, you know, well, typically the variations come into play. It’s because they have really different treatment plans, right? Like one doctor recommended, you know, an overdenture because they didn’t offer fixed.
And then somebody else said they need fixed. And somebody else said they need restorative. And they can be looking for a second opinion because they’re just more confused.

But that person typically doesn’t come in and say, “Hey, I got this quote for 17 and this quote for 20. I want to see what you’re charging.” That person is saying, “Hey, this is what I need. And this is what I want. And what do you charge for this specific treatment,” right? So they’re trying to nail you down, whereas the other person is more looking at like, “Hey, this doctor told me I needed it. I’m not sure that I do. So I want to get a second opinion on whether I need it or not.”

But you guys don’t have a whole lot of trouble with that type of a patient. Um. You know, the other type of patient gives you a little, seems to give you a little bit more trouble because they’re trying to accelerate right from the intro to the close with no conversation, no dialogue. They’re trying to just jump straight, straight to the end. And you don’t know exactly who they are. Okay?

So the trick comes into, you know, how do you find this out? How do you put them in one of the three buckets? Okay? So remember, you always handle this kind of the-the same way initially. So when they say they’ve got a quote for 17 or 20 or 25 or whatever they say, the first thing out of your mouth is always pretty much the same, which is, “All great. Okay. So, so you’ve already been doing, you know, a bunch of research. So that’s great.”

You always kind of lead with that. So you’re not coming right out of the gate, you know, with a question. Okay? So once you say that, “Okay, that’s great. You’ve already done a bit of research, already been through the consultations and all that stuff. Okay, cool.”

And kind of get a look at their reaction and say, “Hey, um, let me ask you a question here. Um, what would you say would be the most important part of this whole thing to you? Now that you’ve been through a couple of consultations, what do you think is the most important part of the whole thing? Would you say it’s the price? Is it finding the right doctor? Is it, is it, you know, the process, right? I mean, what’s the main reason why you haven’t already moved forward with one of the practices?”

And I ask those questions consecutively. I run consecutively. I run consecutively with those because what I’m trying to ask is, “Well, why-why haven’t you moved forward?” But you don’t wanna ask it right off the bat because it’s a little, um, because some people won’t wanna answer that. You know what I’m saying? They won’t wanna answer it. So, the easier way and what I’m saying without saying is, “Oh, okay. Well, unlike people that-that have been hearing about this for the very first time, a lot of times when you hear it the very first time, you don’t even know what questions to ask, right?

But after you’ve been through a consultation or two or three, sometimes you’re like, ‘Hey, this is exactly what I’m missing here.’ You know what I mean? So, I’m just curious, like what’s missing for you, right? What’s the main reason why you weren’t moving forward? What’s the most important part? Is the most important part the price? Is the most important part finding the right doctor? Is the most important part the process or the timeline or kind of give me an idea. What do you think is missing? You’re the one, I mean, you’ve already been through two or three consultations. What’s the missing ingredient here?”

Does that make sense, guys? Because all I’m trying to do is put them in one of those three buckets because if I can place them, if I can profile them correctly, now-now, now I can start understanding how to handle it, right? Because the person, what if they say, “Oh, you know what? To be honest, this whole thing just comes down to money, you know? I mean, I know that I don’t want dentures. I want something that’s fixed. I’ve made my mind up about that. Um, but, you know, it’s super expensive. And, you know, at the end of the day, I-I just don’t have that much money and I need to be able to break this thing up into payments. So, I just, I really just need somebody to give me affordable payments.”

So, if you get that response, you know exactly what bucket to drop them into. And then if they say that, what do you do? What would you guys do if I gave you that answer? “I just need affordable monthly payments.” Click the red mic.

Dr. Wassef, Female participant 1: Can you ask the question again? I’m sorry.

Bart: So, if you, if you ask the question and they came back and they said, “Hey, um, you know, to be honest, it’s just kind of boils down to the money for me, you know? It’s super, all of them are expensive, but I just need, I need somebody that will break it up into monthly payments for me. You know, that’s kind of what I’m looking for.” What would you do in that case?

[intelligible chatter]

Dr. Wassef: Right. If they’re talking about money, I think it’s appropriate that we say, okay, instead of wasting time…

Dr. Wassef, Female participant 1: Yeah, absolutely.

Dr. Wassef: …we would bring that up at that point because they’re bringing it up and they would want to pay me and see if they pre-qualify.

Bart: Well, they’re all, they’re all bringing it up. Uh, they’re all bringing up money, right? But the way that I just brought it up is gonna lead you guys to believe that you need to pre-qualify me right now. Right?

Dr.Wassef: Right.

Bart: Well, you don’t know. So, that’s the very next question. “Okay. So, you’re looking for something like monthly payments. All right. So, well, give me an idea here. Are you looking for, for something to where you want to put more down and get a lower payment or put less down and have a higher payment? What are you looking for there?”

That’s, that’s, that’s the question to ask because typically if they don’t have money, they’ll go, “Oh, I put less money down and have a higher payment.”

Dr. Wassef: Right.

Bart: So, and what you’re trying to determine, does this entire sale hinge on them getting financing? And if you determine that that’s a yes, as for the credit card, or not the credit card, ask for the driver’s license and go ahead and get them, run them and see if they’re approved. Right. But we drop them into a bucket. Boom. This person needs payments. I got to pre-qualify. I tried to pre-qualify. It’s not passing the test. They don’t have any cash. All right. Then I’m going to run them through the financing and triage if they’re not approved. Okay? Makes sense?

Dr. Wassef: Right.

Bart: Okay. Other one. So, let’s say again, you go through and you say, “Oh, okay, cool. So, you’ve already done a bit of research. All right. Well, here, let me ask you a question. What would you say is the most important part of this whole thing to you personally? Would you say it’s the price? Would you say it’s the process? Would you say it’s the outcome or the doctor? Right.
I mean, what, what’s the, what’s the main reason why you haven’t already moved forward with one of the practices? I’m just curious.”

And they say, “Well, you know, ah, what’s the main reason? I guess the reason is just, there seems to be so much variability in price and they all seem like they’re talking about the same thing. The first time I went, it was 20. And the very next time I went, it was 17. What if I go here and now it’s 14? So, I’m just trying to gather enough information in regards to the price so that I know I’m getting a good one,” if that makes sense. So, that’s a totally different person.

Dr. Wassef: Right.

Bart: That’s not a person that needs to be pre-qualified. Not with an answer like that. What type of person is this?

Dr. Wassef: Price shopper.

Dr. Wassef, Female participant 1: Price shopper.

Bart: A hundred percent.

Dr Wassef, Female participant 1: But are they looking for the lowest price?

Dr. Wassef: Yes, of course. Price shoppers and owners.

Bart: Well, that’s what they’re looking for. Right? Okay. So, somebody says that. Somebody says, “Yeah, I’m just trying to get enough quotes so that I know I’m actually getting a good price. I mean, how do you know? There’s nowhere that has this stuff published. So, I’m just trying to talk to enough doctors. You know, it’s a significant amount of money. So, I want to make sure that I just do-do my research. So, that’s all.”

So, how do you handle that, guys? Somebody give me, give me an idea in terms of what you would say when you drop them into the price shopper bucket there.

Dr. Wassef, Female participant 1: What are you looking for?

Dr. Wassef, Female participant 2: More like quality of work? Like what kind of quality of work they- they’re looking to get at the end of the day from where they’re at to where they want to be and what quality they want at that point. Whether what’s important like aesthetics, you know, go into that kind of frame of mind function.

Bart: Okay. First thing always, again, it’s the same. Okay? If I say that to you, “Hey, I’m just trying to get the best price. The next words out of your mouth is, “Oh, that makes total sense. And I totally understand.” Like one doctor, all of a sudden you go there and they say, “Oh, that’s gonna be $20,000.” The next one says, “Oh, that’s $17,000.” The next one says, “Oh, it’s $18,500.”

And you don’t know, are they doing things the exact same way? Are they doing things a little bit different? It can be confusing. So, you, you’re definitely doing the right thing. And I understand exactly why you’re trying to gather more information in regards to the price, because it can be confusing, right? And when you say it like that, they’re going to say, “That’s right. Yeah, it can be.”

And that’s key, right? That’s key. So, as soon as they say, “Yeah, you’re right. It can be really confusing.” And you say, “Well, you know what?” We hear this all the time. “You know why it’s so confusing? And I don’t know why it’s done this way, but it makes it really tough on everybody to kind of make a decision. It just confuses the process. But let me explain. I’ll show you exactly what’s going on here, right?”

And then we can kind of get into the fact that most of the practices that they’re going to talk to, they’re looking at their symptoms and their current state, right? What their pain points are. And they’re saying, “Hey, these are all the different ways that we can treat you, right? And here’s all of the different prices, right?”

And something really good that you might want to do is an all-on-four. But what a lot of patients don’t know and a lot of people don’t know is that all-on-four is not just one thing, right? If you talk to 10 different doctors with 10 different prices, they’re doing it 10 different ways, using different components, different protocols, different sequencing. So, it just makes the whole thing super confusing, you know?

And I’m looking for agreeance there, right? I say, “You know, I think you’re gonna like this process because I think I know a way that we can really make this a lot more simple.” Now, somebody tell me, why is our way more simple for them? Why is it?

Sam: Because we’re presenting one treatment plan.

Bart: Well, we’re creating, custom creating one treatment plan to what?

Sam: To their needs and their goals.

Bart: Yes, to take them from where they are to what they want. And that’s the part that’s missing with all of the other practices, right? That’s the part that’s missing. And sometimes you’ll have them say, and these people can dig in a little bit, right? It depends on how closed off they are, depends on how you deliver the message. Um, but sometimes they can be like, “Yeah, but listen, I’ve already decided. I want all-on-four with Zirconia. That’s what I want. Do you guys do that?” Because some of them are good, you know? [chuckles] “Yeah, I know, but I-I already know what I want. I want that. I don’t want the overdenture and I don’t want the um, I don’t want the temporary. I want the actual Zirconia and I want the-the all-on-four fixed. I’ve already, I’ve already made up my mind, you know? So, do you-do you guys do that?”

“So, yeah, absolutely. We do it. Let me ask you a question. Is the most important part about the all-on-four, right, or the Zirconia bridge, is the most important part to you right now, the price? Would you say that’s the number one most important thing that you’re looking for is trying to get the lowest price in regards to all-on-four? Because the prices vary.”

What are we looking for them to say there? Well, any answer’s okay. But let’s say that I was the patient. I said, “Yes, that’s, that’s the number one concern for me is I’m looking for the lowest price and still giving me all-on-four Zirconia that I can find. That-That’s, that’s the goal. Because I’ve already decided that’s what I want.” They say that to you and you guys say what? Come on, come on, get in here. Jump in here. Jump in here, jump in here, ladies.

Leslie: Well, it comes, it comes down to price, right? So, we need to figure out where they want to be financially because obviously they’ve been through all these consultations already. So, we need to know exactly where they want to be so we can kind of meet and customize a plan to move forward. Because if, if we don’t, then we don’t have a close.

Bart: Right. So, Leslie, if..what-what are you guys charging for all-on-four?

Dr.Wassef, Female participant 1: We need to know what you want.

Dr. Wassef: No, no, no. He’s…

Bart: For Zirconia, what do you charge?

Leslie: 25.

Bart: Okay. So, let’s say that I’m this patient. I come in and say, “Listen, I’ve got one quote for 20, one quote for 17. I’m looking to get, you know, all-on-four Zirconia for the lowest price. I know I’m a candidate. That’s what I want.
I’ve already decided. I’m looking for the lowest price. I got two quotes, 17 and 20. You know, can you beat it?”

Leslie: Well, we have our bundles, right? So, we have where you can start initially. We have three bundles. And then obviously, if it needs to take some time to maybe upgrade later to get him into Zirconia, then we can look at that. But…

Bart: Ask me, ask me, say-say, “Okay, Bart, is the most important thing to you in regards to all-on-four right now? Would you say the number one most important thing to you is finding the lowest price? Is that the most important thing out of this entire process?”

Leslie: Um, [chuckles]

Bart: Hit me.

Leslie: Okay. Okay. Um, if every so, of course you want all-on-four. Um, sorry, hold on.

Bart: Just ask me if the most important thing to me in regards to getting all-on-four is price.

Leslie: Okay. To getting all in all-on-four is, is it just coming down to price?

Bart: Yeah, that’s the, yeah, that’s what it is.


Bart: Okay. Well, listen, if the goal is just to get the cheapest price, there are places where you can go and get it way less than 17, way less. Now, sometimes you have to go out of the country. Sometimes it might be working with somebody that just started. But if, if honestly, if you’re really just trying to get the lowest price and the results don’t matter, the process doesn’t matter, and the doctor doesn’t matter, right? Then there are places where you can get it for way cheaper than 17, way cheaper.

I know places where you can get it for less than 10. If that’s the number one thing, that’s most important. And then I zip it. What am I trying to do here?

Dr. Wassef: [inaudible]

Bart: I have to, I have to get this person to understand that no matter what price you pay, no matter what price you pay, if you think you’re getting a good deal, you’re only going to be thinking it’s a good deal at the moment of purchase. That’s it.

As soon as the surgery’s over, if you don’t like the way that it looks or feels, or you have problems with it, it doesn’t matter if you paid 10 grand or 15 grand, your-your, you’re not happy with the price anymore. Makes sense? So what I’m trying to do is make an obvious point that, “Hey, price is, price is not the most important thing, right? If it really is, there are places where you can get it for less than 17. It’s not here, but there are places where you can get it for less than that.”

Does that make sense, guys?

Lisa Maisonet: And then what do you say, Bart, after that? So price is not the most important thing.

Bart: Well, I’m not telling them that. I’m, I’m asking them and I’m kind of walking them, I’m kind of walking them into a trap there, right? Like, “Would you say price is the most important thing?” “Yeah, I would.”

“Okay. Well, listen, if it just comes down to price and that’s it. And secondary to price is the results, the experience, the doctor, right? The expertise, all that stuff is secondary to price. We’re just looking for the lowest price. There are places that you can go where you can get it for way less than 17.”

Now, let me ask you a question. Why do you think one doctor would charge 10,000 and an-another doctor would charge 25,000 and the doctor that’s charging 10 says it’s the same thing?

Brittany: Because they just started and try to get their foot in the door.

Bart: Maybe, but I don’t answer it for them. See, [laughter] what you’re trying to do, you’re trying to ask questions and get them to answer, but you don’t want to ask the questions in a prick way. You wanna ask the questions in that I’m helping you type of way. And listen, hey, I’m not, there’s no judgment here. If you’re honestly saying, I don’t care about any of this other stuff. I want the cheapest one. There’s places where you can definitely get it for cheaper than 17. I know people that have gone to Mexico and they get it for seven. Honestly.

Boston Implant center: That has been happening to us lately a lot. And what I do in that case, I just try to build the value on our company and why would they choose to come to us and why, you know, the price might be a little different. So we’ll build the value. I had a patient last month that we actually ended up selling the case. He came in saying that clear choice charged him, um, 51 for both arches were able to match.

And then he got back to me on Monday saying, “Oh, I found somewhere else that was 44. Can you match it?” And I was like, “Absolutely not.” And I was really firm with him. And I explained to him why I couldn’t match it. And if he was happy going somewhere else, it was okay. And he ended up, joined with us for the 52.

But you do at some point have to stand your ground and, you know, tell them why is the price that is and build your value as well. Otherwise, they’re just going to walk over you.

Bart: You do. It’s just, how are you gonna do it and stay in rapport and not sound like you’re selling, right? Because what it sounds like sometimes you’re like, “Hey, this person isn’t seeing the value.” You’ll start to explain why you do things, why you’re good, why you get the best results. You’re trying to explain all of that.

What I’m trying to do here with-with this particular patient is understand their psychology, right? What their belief set is. What they believe is that the results are gonna be the exact same. They have not factored in to their decision making at all that, “Oh my God, these could look totally different. One all-on-four could look totally different from another all-on-four. One all-on-four could last longer than a different all-on-four. One all-on-four could function better than another one.”

They, They haven’t considered that because they’re not asking any questions about it. So what that tells you is in their mind, all-on-four is all-on-four is all-on-four, and it’s all going to be exactly the same. So how do you debunk it without, how do you debunk that or change their perception without directly changing it? Because what happens when you try to directly change someone’s perception? They dig in more.

They dig in more. And sometimes they can become defensive. And sometimes they can just be like, “Well, you’re biased. Obviously you’re going to say that you’re better.” Right? So the most sophisticated way to do this, right? Where you guys don’t sound like you’re biased and you don’t sound like you’re trying to sell and you don’t sound like you’re arguing or you’re correcting, because people don’t, they, they really don’t like to be corrected, um, is to ask them questions that make them think. Ask them questions that make them think.

And the first question that I ask when someone’s super focused on price is I ask them, “Hey, would you say that price is the number one most important thing to you in this entire process, right? So the results are secondary, the doctor’s secondary, the-the, the practice, the-the technology, everything is secondary to the price. Would you say that’s true, that the price is the most important part?”

That’s the first question. Because what does it get them thinking? “Oh, crap. Maybe it’s not.” Right? Now, I didn’t tell them, “Hey, listen, there’s more to this than the price, right? What if you pay a low price and then it doesn’t work?” It’s different. You see, it’s just more, it’s more direct and you have more opportunity to create a situation where the patient becomes defensive or where you start to justify, correct and justify your position.

It says that for the first question is, is it the most important thing? And you lead them, right? So the outcome, the doctor, the technology, the process, all that stuff is secondary to price. Would you say that’s true? If they say yes, say, “Okay, well, I mean, if that’s true, listen, there are places where you can go and get it for way less than 17. You know, I’ve heard of people even going, going across the border, going down to Mexico, and they get it for seven or eight, seven or $8,000.”

Now that what those people typically tell me is they’re like, “Listen, I know it’s probably not gonna last. I know it’s probably not going to be the best work, but it’s better than what I have. And if it breaks in a year, I’m okay with it.” Right? Because price is the number one, most important thing for them.

So there’s places where if price is the most important thing, then don’t pay 17. That’s my point. Now I’m not arguing with them. There’s really nothing to argue about, right? But what that does is it puts them in a position where now they’re thinking, “Oh, well, I don’t want to go to Mexico.” “Well, why not? You can get it for eight grand. Why wouldn’t you?” “Well, it’s because of this, this,” and I don’t even have to tell them at that point.

Now they’re saying, “Okay, price isn’t the most important thing.” That-That’s it. It’s one little flip of the switch. And then I can go to work right now. I can influence, but if they keep that same belief system that all-on-four is exactly the same for everybody, you guys are gonna be in trouble, right? And then all you have, you’re, you’re negotiating with somebody with a complete commodity mindset. A-And that’s not true.

You know what I mean? It’s not true that the results are going to be the same and that you’re buying the same thing. It’s just not, right? And it’s not true that price is the most important thing. That’s never actually been true. It’s only the most important thing at the time in which they pay. But there are people that go to the cheapest one and six months down the road, all of a sudden they’re mad.

They’re not bragging about the deal they got anymore because they’re angry because the teeth they’re dealing with a fracture, right? Or they’ve got the threads of the implants showing or whatever, whatever the case is, but they’re not happy about that price anymore. The second that outcome goes down in the future, the prices all of a sudden they didn’t get a great deal anymore. They’re singing a totally different tune.

But the strategy is what kind of questions can I ask so that I can stay on their side and allow them to alter or at least change their perception possibility of a different perception? That’s the first thing with price shoppers. Here’s what I want you guys to resist. You have to resist the urge to like directly contradict, correct, or sell.

No matter what they say. I don’t care how crazy it is. You always immediately understand how you could see it that way. And I understand. And it can be super confusing because everyone kind of makes it sound the same. You know what I mean? They make it sound the same. Make it sound like, “Hey, this is the best thing ever. And it’s basically a guarantee and blah, blah, blah, blah.”

You’re always on their side. And you’re always telling them, I understand why you see it that way. It doesn’t matter if it’s right or wrong. That’s how you start it off. And that’s typically where it kind of goes wrong because they’ll say something like that. And you go, well, listen, there’s more to it than the price. You have to look at the value of the whole thing.

And it-it sounds, I sound biased and I sound like I’m pushing and selling and not that it can’t work. Uh, it’s just that that’s gonna go wrong more times than, than the way I’m, I’m telling you to do it this way. It’s a very, very, very, it’s a very soft entry.

And I stay on the, cause I want the patient to think, “Hey, I’m the advocate for you. I’m here to help you get to where you want to be. If you’re telling me where you want to be is the lowest price and you don’t care about anything else, then I’ll help you find a place that’ll give you the lowest price. And we’re not worried about the results. It doesn’t matter if it lasts one month or six months or a year, you’re happy. If you get the lowest price, then I’ll help you do it.”

But it will get them thinking, I promise you every single time it’s going to get them thinking they’re gonna pause and they’re gonna say, “Well, no, I mean, obviously, you know, I want, I want to have, you know, I want to have a good outcome.” and then you got them. That’s it. They’re mine.

Now I can create value. Cause where am I building the value from? I’m building the value from the reality that not nobody has actually treatment plan to a specific outcome. That’s the reality. They’re all just treatment planning, different ways to treat the pain points. And maybe they’re recommending an all-on-four, but they didn’t recommend it in the spirit of getting an outcome in the first place. Nobody does.

That’s just not how the consultations go. Here’s your problems. Here’s what your options are. You should really do this. Oh, if you want the best, it’s all-on-four. And they kind of like, we’ll recommend the top treatment and then they’ll kind of go back from there. Right. Whereas we’re saying, “Listen, the most important thing, understand where you are and then where you want to be. “And then we look at customizing all-on-four because all-on-four, everyone makes it sound like the same thing, but it’s really just a phrase that suggests all the teeth are going on for implants.

It doesn’t say what material the teeth is going to be made out of. It doesn’t necessarily, it’s, it’s saying four implants, but sometimes you might, we might put five. Sometimes you might put six. They don’t say it’s an all on five. Have you ever heard that? Right. But sometimes that’s what’s necessary. It doesn’t, it doesn’t really say when you hear all-on-four, you don’t know if there’s a substructure, right. Or a bar that’s necessary. Um, there’s just so many different things.

And it all depends on who you are, what you’re expecting as an outcome and what type of longevity we’re looking towards. So I can make this thing a whole lot more simple because I can, I can promise you one thing and you, you tell me, right. Let’s say you said, you’ve got a quote one for 20, right.
And one for 17, let’s say that 17 was the lowest you could find. And you went for 17 and eight months later, you’re dealing with a fracture or you have teeth that when you look down in the mirror, you’re like, “Oh God, these, this is ugly.” How happy are you with the 17 at that point? Scale one to 10.

Jason Collier: I’ll say we’ve had a lot of patients lately come in with this line of thinking and having a guarantee has been huge. Just that fact alone, like a lot of places don’t…

Female participant with Jason Collier: A warranty.

Jason Collier: Yeah. That’s been a huge, um, just to mention it and it gets them thinking. So I think that’s been really helpful.

Bart: It is. They just have to come to the realization that the results are different, right? So we’re not even to the point where I’m taking this as, as though this came up in the first 10. So we haven’t even recommended all in four, right? That the patient is pushing this entire agenda and we’ve placed them in the bucket of being a price shopper with a commodity mindset. I can’t look like I’m completely avoiding it, but I also can’t go in and sell because that’s their belief.

They believe it’s all the same. So it sounds like I’m pushing at that point. So the, the first thing to do is get them to change their perception. And the easiest way to do that is planting seeds with questions that make them think. Now, what you’re saying, when we get to the close 100%, that’s where we’re using that. I’m using that after the doctor goes in, right? The first thing is, is price the most important thing, right?

Yes, it is. Or no, it isn’t. No, it isn’t. Okay. You know what is right? So we’re kind of walking them down that point. That’s what I want them to say to me in the first 10. And you guys can consider this a win. If they say price is not the most important thing, if they say price is not the most important thing, or it’s secondary to the outcome, then we got it.

Then you can kind of get back into the consultation and say, “Listen, I get it. No, 100%. I agree with you. I mean, I’ve never had a patient walk in here in my life, that came in with a fractured bridge or with a failing or ailing dental implant, that came in and was saying, ‘Hey, I know my teeth are failing, but I got a great deal on it.’ No one’s ever said that. They’re always upset, whether they paid $30,000 or $25,000 or $15,000. If that goes wrong, they’re all equally angry. Does that make sense?”

They’re[?] going to say, “Yeah, that makes sense.” They say, “You know what? But it’s not even really their fault.” You know, this, it all gets so confusing. And the main reason why is that everyone kind of thinks all-on-four is the same thing. It’s really not. Right? All on four doesn’t say, it says how many implants, but half the time you need five or six, or you have room for five or six for added stability. It doesn’t say what the material, the teeth are.

It doesn’t say whether you’re going to have a bar or a tie bar, a substructure along with the bridge, right? Depending on your age and your bite force and how long we want it to last. It, it just doesn’t, it’s not, it’s not that descriptive. So everything gets lumped into one bucket and people think, patients think, “Oh, it’s all the same thing.”

And that’s not their fault. That’s more of our fault in the industry, because that’s kind of the way it’s presented. So I totally understand why it’s confusing. What we do to make it a whole heck of a lot more simple, right? Because I’ve seen our doctor do all-on-four, one out of seven ways, right? It just depends on exactly what outcome we’re trying to achieve and where you’re starting from, right?

So where are you starting from? What outcome do we want to achieve? How long do you want this to last? How do you want them to look, right? Level of aesthetics. How do you want them to function, right? Your, what type of maintenance are you expecting? What are you okay with? That, those are kind of the things that we talk about. And then the doctor just, he doesn’t go and say, “Oh, all-on-four Zirconia, right? Answer to all your prayers, hopes and dreams.”

No, doctor’s going to say, “Okay, here’s what we’re going to do to get you from here to here.” And we treatment plan it to the outcome. Whereas in a lot of other situations, they just treat and plan as, “Hey, you can treat this problem one of the, one of three or four different ways. And here’s the best all-on-four.” Boom. But they’re not treating and planning to a specific outcome.

And you don’t know the difference between all-on-four when one doctor to another. So we can, we can clean this up and make this super, super, super simple. And then I go into the vision. What do you want as far as an outcome? Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. Right? But the first thing is price is not the most important.

Then I relate to them because I understand why they feel that way. I make sense out of it. Okay? Make sense out of it. And then with the sec, and then the next point to make is that we treatment plan, custom treatment plan it to the outcome, which is the most important aspect of it. And guys, that’s how you build value without selling features and benefits and without directly selling, right? We’re selling concept, right? It’s conceptual, conceptual selling.

And then when you get to the close, you guys already know everything about this person. So you got your bullets, your guns fully loaded. So the warranty that you’re talking about, right? The bundle, how you present the bundle, you’re going through examples like, “Hey, when you’re going through the bundle, let me show you right. In order to achieve the outcome that we want, this is what we’re going to do now.”

And a lot of those other practices, you might see someone going, “Hey, we can do all-on-four. We can do it for 15, right? But here’s what they’re not telling you. Half this stuff won’t even be included. They’ll charge you 15 and then you’ll come in and then you’ll pay another $2,500 just to be sedated, right? It’s like, yeah, 15 plus, plus, plus, plus, plus, we don’t do that. This whole thing, because we treatment plan the outcome, it’s everything that’s needed to achieve the outcome, not everything that’s needed to treat your current condition.”

Does that make sense? So I can frame the hell out of it in the close. But if you use up all those bullets in the first 10, trying to directly combat what it is that they say or correct them, then you’re going to lose the flow of the, um, of the dialogue. And you’re going to lose the impact of the close because you’re, you’re kind of trying to overcome an objection before we’ve recommended a treatment and before we’ve corrected their perception.

Does that make sense?

Tamara: Bart, we wanted to ask you a question. What if we have like neighboring doctors that are reputable and experienced and they’re offering the all-on-four substantially lower than us? Now you have your reputable doctors and you have your clinics around that not only offer, for example, your insurance might pay two, and then the clinics are offering another two. So they’re leaving it at 10.

Obviously, those are like those little clinics on the side, that’s fine. But you have reputable doctors that are offering for substantially less than what, you know, we were taught to offer for, right? So that’s something that we’re coming across that having a hard time dealing with. How would you handle that?

Bart: Well, the first thing I would ask is, are these reputable doctors in these good doctors, are they doing it the same way as you? And they’re substantially less?

Tamara: Yes, substantially. Opening up more clinics around neighbor, like in our vicinity. So it’s making, it’s creating an issue. Because we’re seeing it hard to, you know, even if we came in the nicest way, and I’ve said, “Listen, we’ll hear the doctor will be, you know, able to, you know, change the treatment plan and adjust it to your budget, whatever.”

“No, but I’m still getting it with this. So and so look at how many reviews they have. They’re amazing. They’re on TikTok, they’re on this or on that. And they’re substantially lower.”

Bart: Mm hmm. Well, as far as the patient’s concerned, sometimes I go, “So so let me ask you a question. They have all of these, everything that you’re looking for. What kind of gave you cause to pause with them in the first place? Right? Why didn’t you already move forward with it with them? What was it exactly that made you say? ‘Yeah, I don’t know about this.’

Because obviously, it was something otherwise you would have done it, right? So what was it that kind of gave you cause for pause when they were explaining it? Although all of these things seem really great, and you like a lot about it? What was the one thing that you would say, made you go? ‘No, I’m gonna talk to someone else for and make this decision.’ “

That’s what I would say to the patient. What I would say to you, though, from a business standpoint, and an entrepreneurial standpoint, um, it’s your job to make sure that you guys have a product and a service that is differentiated from the competitors, is competitive, right? You don’t have to get down there with price.

But if you’re going to be significantly to use your word higher in price, then it can’t be the same thing. It can’t be. It’s porcelain fused to metal. It’s it’s something different. It has to be a different thing. And you’re happy to hear your products a little bit differently.

Because sometimes you can just get your butt kicked with a, with, with a competitor that’s offering a better product, a better service at a better price. And that’s what I always try to do that I want to, I want the best product, the best service at the best price, and the best experience. I want to win on all fronts. And then I’m going to do it at scale.

That’s what I want is from a business standpoint, entrepreneurial standpoint, guys, that’s where product development comes in. And that’s where you have to be honest in, in your meetings with doctors say, “Hey, we want these types of cases. Listen, we’re doing it this way. This is what we’re trying to sell. We got five other practices around us, they’re doing the same exact thing for way less. I’m not saying we have to charge less.

But what I’m saying is we need to offer a higher level of aesthetics or a higher level of service, right, then we do, we need to come up for, come up with a reason why maybe we’re not going to offer Zirconia at all. Maybe we don’t like that material, maybe we’re going to go with a, with a, with a, with a porcelain, you know, porcelain fused metal, something higher end, right, or we’re going to go with this or that or whatever.”

But if it is the exact same thing, obviously, you’ve got a problem because you can’t position something as being the same and cost more, who would do that? So you can’t position it as the same. That-That’s, so sometimes you guys have to go, go back to, “Okay, what’s the service that we’re providing? What’s the profit margins that we have? And what do we need to be selling this out to do it at scale?” Right? Then say, “And maybe we want a super high end option, it’s going to be the most expensive, it’s going to be more than everybody, but you have to have a pitch that makes sense. In terms of why it’s better.”

You know, “Hey, we’re not going to do, we’re not going to do all-on-four without a substructure. These other guys, they know they’re not offering a bar, you know, whatever it is, it just can’t be exactly the same, where you’re 10 grand more. 123. That’s nothing.

That’s virtually the same thing. But if you’re 10, I’ve had practices that charge, you know, they’re in competitive areas, and they’re doing it all on for Zirconia, no bar. And they’re charging 36, 37,000 per arch, you know, and they close a couple here and there, are typically referred patients that are referred over, but they’re gonna get, they’re just going to get killed, you know, in advertising. They’re just going to get killed because, because they’re not competitive. And they don’t, they don’t have a really good pitch.”

You know, so that’s what I would say to the patient, anytime you guys have a patient that’s shopping price, and they’re telling you everything that they love about the other practice, always ask them, “Listen, if they’re always, these things are really good, let me ask you a question here.”

And you don’t want to say it like, “I gotcha. Oh, well, why didn’t you move forward with them?” Because now you sound like a jerk. You want to say, “Well, let me ask you a question. So like all of these things, it sounds like they’ve got some really positive things, some things that you liked. Let me ask you, what was the point in time where you were in the consultation What was it that kind of gave you that hesitation, that moment of uncertainty where you said, ‘Naah, I’m not going to pull the trigger on this just yet. I’m gonna I need to talk to someone else.’

Was it a feeling that you got? Was it the doctor? Was it like how they said what they said? Like, what was it that, just because if you loved everything, you’d already be doing it? Well, what was it that gave you the hesitation in the first place?” Make sense?

Ghazal: But I’m sorry, I do have one question. Uh, so we have patients that come in, and they actually tell us immediately that, “We love the vibe of the office.” that, “We love how everybody’s treating us. That’s very different to the rest of the consultation.”

So immediately, we know we’re doing, you know, something right and something different. They sit down, they love the conversation with the doctor. And, uh, somehow somewhere along the way, and I this is on us completely is our tone changes way to salesy. For somebody who’s like, they’re having an amazing time. Everybody’s greeting them. They love the assistance.

They compliment us one by one. And then from one point on, I don’t know how we lose the track and it becomes too much. The tone changes to salesy for the patients. And they, I think they sense it. So I, I did have somebody who closed, completely closed, got approved for proceed but still chose to pay completely full, uh, 50k, left very happy, called me, messaged me four days later and said, “To be honest, I felt like I’m in the dealership. And I did not like the way I felt and canceled the whole thing.”

So how, I don’t know where I’m losing that cycle, how the doctor or the assistants are losing that cycle. So please help me. Yeah. [chuckles]

Bart: Well, if you don’t know, how do I know? Right? But..

Ghazal: That’s true.

Bart: Here’s I, I can speculate, right? Um, I’m guessing because they said they like the vibe early has nothing to do with the first 10. So it’s either how the doctor’s presenting the treatment in the second.

Ghazal: Yeah. Yes.

Bart: Or how you’re it’s how you’re walking through the bundle in the third. And they think when you’re walking through the bundle, they’re like, “Oh, yeah, it’s worth this. But you’re only charging this. This is car dealership thing, whatever.” And that could be where you’re going wrong. But I mean, which one do you think it is?

Ghazal: I personally think we talk about the treatment way too much in the second one, we get into it for somebody who basically is like, they just want to get to the financial part way too fast. So I think we build up a lot like the rim is included, you know, like I get it, you know, like the soundproof is a part of it. And we do the five year warranty, all of that, I think we build up way too much in the second 10.

And then when we sit in the third 10, we just wanna… I personally, that’s my guilty portion that I want to make sure like, if they don’t get approved for receipt, then care credit, and then in house, and then all of that, you know.

Bart: So here’s the one, here’s, here’s the thought. Okay, here’s the thought to keep in mind. You, you don’t have to sell the treatment, what you have to do is always, you’re always explaining why all of these things are there to reach this particular outcome.

So I’m not saying, “Hey, we have this and then we’re going to do Zirconia and then we’re doing that because this the best, and we’re doing this and this and this and this and this.” If you’re trying to sell the treatment for money, then you’re gonna come off on that, that like salesy, but I’m not, I’m just trying to solve a problem that you gave me. The problem that you gave me is, here’s where you are and here’s what you want to achieve.

And this is a plan that we believe is going to achieve everything for you. And you have to roll it out as a plan, or you roll it out as a strategy, right? And the whole time that you’re rolling it out, you’re not rolling it out as things that they buy. You’re rolling it out as a sequence of, of events, or a sequence of appointments and things that we’re going to do that are necessary to achieve this, right? For the aesthetics that we need, here’s what we’re going to do and why.

For the function to get maximum function that you want, here’s what we’re going to do and why. And to achieve the longevity that you want, here’s what we’re going to do and why. We feel like if we do all of these things, you’re going to achieve everything you want.

You’re not going to have to worry about it. This is what it’s going to take. And we’ve actually over-engineered it to achieve all of those things. And, you know, just keep everything on the outcome. But once you lose the outcome and you start selling the treatment, that’s where that comes into play. Or you mess up the bundle close, okay?

And they go, “Oh, that’s not believable, right? So let me get this straight. This is, this arch is worth 40, but you’re going to do it for me for 24? Why am I so special? Okay. The 40s BS. And, you know, this is just some kind of a trick that I’m not going to fall for.”

And that happens, right? So again, you don’t want a humongous variable in your bundle, like going from 40 to 24. You don’t want that. Going from 30 to 24, something in there, um, with a really good justification of why they’re gonna get a good deal and why they’re going to get it for less. And it’s got to be believable.

Ghazal: Yeah. Thank you. I really appreciate it.

Bart: Nope. No problem. Otherwise it can come off as kind of like, oh, geez, I know what they’re doing here.

Ghazal: I think we do explain the bundle and the treatment more than… it’s like, we’re explaining ourselves. I see it now that he opened it up. I see it. Thank you.

Bart: No problem. And that’s, that’s what they get from everybody. So don’t worry. I mean, that’s, that’s the most common thing in dentistry. Here’s everything that’s going wrong. And then we sell a treatment, right? Or we don’t, here’s everything that’s going wrong. I can treat you one of three different ways. You tell me what to do. Here’s all the prices. That’s the typical way, right? That people get handling and consultations, right? So somebody comes in with a quote or a second opinion.

First thing on your mind is what bucket are they in? Three buckets. They’re looking for monthly payments. I need to qualify. They’re a price shopper and I need to change their perception to price isn’t the most important thing. Or it’s somebody that says, “Nah, I just didn’t get a great feeling about it. I can’t say that it was just the price alone. Um, but yeah, I just wasn’t, I just wasn’t sure, you know, that the, that was the right thing for me.”

It’s gonna be one of those three, right? So you’re trying to place them. You place them in the first bucket. We pre-qualify. They don’t pass the test. We put them through proceed and, and we triage out.

Second one, we change the perception. And then what do we do? We change their perception and then we relate to them. “I understand exactly why you, why you feel that way. You know, one of the biggest things that confuses most people is just the whole concept of all-on-four. It’s positioned to the public as though it’s the same thing, right? Getting the same results, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. All on four doesn’t tell you what the material of teeth are going to be.

It doesn’t tell you if there’s going to be a bar or substructure. It doesn’t even tell you how many implants, although it says four implants, sometimes it’s five, sometimes it’s six, right? You just don’t know. There’s so many different variations, different ways to sequence it out, but it’s kind of positioned the public as though, ‘Hey, everybody does it the same way. And the results are going to be the same and it couldn’t be further from the truth.’ “

Makes sense? So I make sense. I help them make sense out of the whole situation in terms of why they believe it. And I tell them it’s okay to believe it. And I totally understand why they do. And I would probably see it the same way if I was them. Makes sense?

I’m not like correcting them directly, you know, and no one’s going to feel like I’m pushing them when I’m doing this because I’m not pushing them. I’m not. There’s one concept that you guys, I want you to understand when it comes to sales and when it comes to actually any influence, any influence is that, uh, true and false don’t matter. Really doesn’t matter.

Right and wrong really doesn’t matter at all. The only thing that matters is you understanding exactly what their point of view is and their perception and you understanding how they could arrive at that perception. Doesn’t matter if it’s completely wrong. It doesn’t matter if it’s factually incorrect. None of that matters.

The only thing that matters is how do they see it? What’s their belief? And then how do I allow them to ask the questions to change their own belief? That’s it. That’s it. Because I’ve had, I’ve seen consultations and guys, I’ve made this mistake. I’ve made it. And I’ve blown sales over this where, you know, I’ve been speaking with a doctor and they’re just flat out wrong. And I just correct them. I’m just like, “No, that that’s, that’s not it. It’s like, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.”

And I’ve fallen out of rapport. People say, “Yeah, I didn’t, you know, I don’t know. He’s a little bit direct or he’s this, or he’s that or whatever, you know?” And it’s, it’s not because I was saying something wrong. I was, I was right, but I didn’t get the sale and they didn’t have a good experience either. So it doesn’t matter what they say or how crazy it is. You have to see things the way that they see it and then articulate that you understand how they reached that point of view.

If you just do that, now you have the right to make suggestions and influence them, right? Because you understand and they will listen to you because they go, “Oh, wow, you know, this person understands. They see it how I see it. That’s exactly right. That is exactly how I came to this conclusion. Okay. That makes sense. Yeah. Price isn’t the most important thing. Oh, oh, they understand why I thought that. Oh, okay. Oh, they do it differently here. Oh, I never thought about that. So they don’t even worry about the treatment. It’s just the outcome. So they customize all in four. I thought it was just one thing. Oh, interesting.”

Like these are all the thoughts that are going on in their head without you directly telling them any of these, of these things. Once you start telling them, right now you’re pushing, now you’re selling, now you’re trying to close and they’re kind of moving more and more and more away or depending on their personality, you could find yourself in a back and forth, right? Or an argument.

And that kind of defeats the whole purpose of what you’re, what you’re trying to accomplish there. You’re trying to, to help the, help the patient, you know? So don’t worry about what they say and whether it’s right or wrong or true or false.

Listen to what they say and ask yourself, “How could they arrive at this perception? Oh, I could see how they could think that way.” And then articulate that. And watch how fast these people get on your side. Watch how fast they get on your side. You won’t have them digging in their heels. You won’t have, you won’t create a back and forth or an argument. You won’t fall out of rapport and you won’t lose trust, right?

“So I see it how you see it. Here’s why you see it that way. Or here’s not why you see it that way. Here’s why everybody sees it that way.” That’s kind of why we do things a little bit differently. Instead of going through all of this and that and the other, we just go, “Okay, here’s where you are. That’s what the diagnoses are for.”

And then we don’t make any assumptions. I don’t say, “Hey, all-on-four is the best because I haven’t heard from you what you want in terms of an outcome. So we don’t even know how to sequence all-on-four, right? So we’re going to customize it based on what you want as far as your function, longevity, your aesthetics. And that just makes the whole process more simple. And it puts you in a position where you’re buying the outcome, which is the only thing that’s going to matter in the end, instead of buying the treatment that for a price, if that makes sense.”

Because a price shopper, remember guys, the price shopper is not the one with no money. They’re just in a commodity mindset. The one with no money is really simple. Pre-qualified triage. Price shopper, first thing is what? Price isn’t the number one thing, but I can’t tell them that. Price isn’t the most important thing. I can’t tell them. They got, they have to tell me that. So that’s where you start to get good.

When you can get them to tell you that price isn’t the most important thing, even though price is what they were 100% focused on when they walked into the practice. That’s when you’re getting somewhere. That’s when you’re getting good. Right? When they can admit that. Then all of a sudden, you don’t have to build value because you just explain why, how they arrived at that perception and how you guys do things differently to avoid that. And that builds the value for you right there.

And it also differentiates you completely from everybody else because their perception now is going to be, “Oh, all these other practices, these are like off the shelf treatments that they just take this treatment off the shelf. They do it the same way every time. And they throw it in a bunch of different people’s mouths and you just live with the outcome.

And some people like it and some people don’t, but it’s a fixed thing off the shelf. And that’s what you get for this amount of money. These guys don’t do it that way. They don’t have anything on the shelf, right? They’re going to do it just for me to achieve something specific. That makes a lot of sense, right?”

I just have to get, once you start getting them to connect those dots, then you’re good. And if you get somebody pushing back and they’re like, “Yeah, but listen, I already know what I want. I’ve already done all the research. Like I want all on forward Zirconia. And guess what? If you put in five or six implants, everybody’s told me they’re going to put as many of them in there as they can fit, right? So I want the best of the best when it comes to full arch fixed.

That’s what I want. And I’m trying to get it for the best deal. I’m trying to get it for the lowest price, right? So yes, as of right now, for me, price is the number one, most important thing.”

“Okay. Well, if price is the number one, most important thing and secondary to the price is like, is the results and the doctor and the experience and all that stuff you’re saying. Hey, the price is then I can tell you there’s places where you can go and get it a hell of a lot cheaper than 17.”

That’s where you go because you’re not gonna sell that guy. If you guys are priced higher than the current quotes that they have, you understand. You’re not, you have to get them understanding that they don’t have the cheapest quote. And if they want the cheapest quote, it’s gonna be so cheap that it’s gonna make them think twice.

That’s the psychology behind this, which is, “Okay, cool. That’s the most important thing. I can send you to places where it’s a hell of a lot less than 17.” If it’s just about price and I’ve, I’ve seen people do it and we’ve had patients do it, but what they typically say is, ‘Hey, I just want all in four and I want it fixed and I want it for as cheap as possible. And if it lasts six months and then breaks, I’m okay. If it lasts a year, if it lasts two years, however long it lasts, it lasts, but I want as cheap as possible’ And those are typically the patients that go in and then I shut up.

Let’s see what they say, because why are you, why, why even speak to the doctor, right? If they’ve already, if I’m at 25, they tell me I want the best of the best. I want Zirconia and I’ve got a quote for 17 and a quote for 20. And price is the number one, most important thing for me. And I know I’m not going to beat that price. Then why not just tell them, “If you really want the lowest price, go get the lowest price. You can go to Mexico and get it for half price.”

‘Well, I don’t want to do that.’

“Well, why?”

Makes sense? So I want you guys to like, I want you to think about it and then practice it. You know what I mean? Put them in a bucket. I didn’t move forward because of feeling. I didn’t move forward because I’m trying to get a better price or I didn’t move forward because I need monthly payments. Put them in the bucket, triage, change of perception. And the, uh, feeling, the feeling one is the easiest one because you can, you don’t have to address it right then. You know, you can just move forward with the, uh, consultation, with your normal strategy.

And the way that you anchor everything on an outcome is going to be enough to, uh, to differentiate your practice and you from all of the competitors. Because they’re, they’re not used to being, they’re not communicated with in that way. The other doctors are going to talk about conditions and treatments and price. That’s what they’re going to talk about. Anybody have any questions? Can any of you do this?

Leslie: No. Thank you. Thank you.

Bart: You guys are looking at the…Those of you that are looking at the camera or looking at the camera, like, “Oh shit, I can’t do this at all.” [laughter] All right. [chuckles] You need to come to, come to the power sessions.

And honestly, like this comes up so much just like the price shopper thing that I think we’re going to do a power session where we don’t do anything, but that all day just to nail it, to nail what you say immediately, and then put the person in the right bucket. And then once you have them in the bucket, what do you do? What do you do? And like practice that all day long because it sounds simple, but can-can you do it?

You know? And if you, if you don’t remember anything else from this call, right, what I want you to remember, forget about true or false, forget about right or wrong, whatever they say, right? Is price the number one, most important thing to you? Ask them, right? And then relate to them. I understand how you could see it that way. Super confusing. It’s blah, blah, blah, blah. Just do that.

And then even if you go straight in and you screw it up, if you say that, and then you go in and sell, they’re still gonna be 10 times more receptive to the dialogue because you’re on their side. So at least when you get that, try not to directly overcome it right then before you relate to them and understand them, that, show them that you see it exactly how they see it. And you understand why they think that.

And it’s not wrong to think that way. Make sense? Okay, cool. And then guys, if your doctors aren’t signed up for the doctor session, talk to them, try to get them down here because the April power session is only for doctors. And, um, that’s where I can speak to them a little bit differently than I can if they’re there with you guys.

Um, and I can get them to help you as much, as much as possible. So it’s just about kind of informing them in terms of what we’ve learned on TCI and what we, what they can do to help you, what they can do to help the patient advocate, what we can do, like what you were talking about as far as price, um, to make sure that you’re priced right.

What does it look like at scale, compensation plans, I go through all that. Bonus programs, fun stuff. So, you know, get the, if your doctor’s not signed up, I think we’ve got maybe 20 more seats and we’ve got 80, 80 doctors here, we can do 100. So if they’re not signed up, talk to them about getting signed up. It’s that first Friday in April. Cool?

Dr. Wassef: Great. Thank you. Thank you.

Bart: All right, guys. Go close somebody. All right. Bye-bye. See you.

Dr. Wassef: Okay.


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