June, 2023
Press Play
Woman 1: It said both- both devices need, and I’m trying to circumvent that. And now it’s asking for a pairing code. Doesn’t even look like they’re actually…
Darlene: [inaudible]
Woman 1: But wait here. Sharing key. Is that it? I just saw it say so. B-L-R-B-E-D?
Darlene: That’s it.
Woman 1: Look at you. You get something. That looks right. So what did she do to make it work?
Darlene: You got to press the button.
Woman 1: [laughs] I hope that never happens again to me. Um, I’ll have to grab it. Um, it’s somewhere here but I’m not sure where to find it. I just have the, um… oh, I have it. 835-6765-1219. And then it says, um, if it gives you audio or no audio.
Darlene: So, they’re not in yet. Who’s leading it?
Woman 1: Me.
Darlene: Okay, so, yep, go ahead and admit that.
Woman 1: Well, not me for real but…
Darlene: [inaudible] you mean… you’re controlling it.
Woman 1: I’m so glad you got this. Thank you.
Darlene: Go ahead and mute yours. [echoes]
Woman 1: So, I have on my notes to mute that and then use this but I don’t know. [crosstalk] Honestly, I do this and I’m… [mutes] But we should not have an echo. Hello? Okay. Hopefully, that doesn’t have an echo. Um, but what I’ll do is I’ll have one of the other ladies come in and I’ll test to make sure I can hear them.
Darlene: So you can stop the video here so you can only see there. But then you can have other videos join and you’re going to have to see many more people come in.
Woman 1: Thank you.
Darlene: You’re welcome. Let’s hope that’s right. I’m not an IT person, I only try to wing it every time.
Woman 1: That’s exactly what I do. [laughs] Thank you so much, Darlene.
[background conversations only]
Woman 1: Can you do me a favor? Can you see if you can hear me out of my computer? Because I have to just… when I walk back over, tell me if you can hear me or not. Yeah, I’m just testing the audio in the Conference Room to make sure. I’ll just come back.
[background conversations only]
Woman 1: You don’t have to do anything. Just let me know if you can hear me ’cause I’m gonna come right back over.
[background conversations only]
Woman 1: Oh, can you guys hear me? Awesome. I can hear you too. [laughs]
[background conversations only]
[background sounds only]
Lisa Eichar: Yeah, she asked me if I’d escort Ariel in there so we could both sit in there and fangirl.
Bart Knellinger: Hey, hey, what’s going on guys?
Female Participant: Hello.
Sita: Hello.
Bart: How are y’all doing?
Female Participant: Great.
Bart: All right. Good, good, good. I’m just gonna give everyone a second to, uh, to log on.
Woman 1: I understand. Unfortunately, yeah, we are just at capacity and we’re not able to accept any new…
Bart: We just want to make sure that you… you do have the ability to turn on, turn your camera on, um, decide to turn it on.
Woman 1: I’m sorry.
Bart: I can talk to a blank screen, but it’s not as much fun. So.
Female Participant: Shall we show the meeting going on?
Female Participant 1: Yeah. Yeah. That’s the one.
Bart: Just giving everyone a sec to log in here. We’re going to be going through some stuff on, um, on second opinions today. So, when somebody comes in and they have, uh, if they have a second opinion from another doctor or they’re in a commitment from another doctor, we’re going to be going into the language patterns to use. I know most of you guys were on the call from, uh, from a couple of weeks ago where we had that patient that had actually already put down a deposit at the other practice and was there for a second opinion like four or five months later so it doesn’t move forward. So, I thought that was, um, that would be really good to go through some specific language.
Have any of you guys had anyone recently that’s come in and had like a specific second opinion from a doctor and said, “Hey, I got this from this doctor, and it was this price,” and they came in and they actually had it in their hand. Have any of you guys… have any of you guys had that recently?
Assembly Dental: Yeah.
Bart: Yeah, what kind of second opinion was it?
Assembly Dental: So, they had gone to a doctor already, got a consultation, got prices, and they’re just coming here. They were aching. I think like a price match would be, it… you know, get something cheaper, but they already had the treatment plan and everything down somewhere else.
Bart: They already had it. And why didn’t they move forward with it?
Assembly Dental: I’m sorry. Um, because they were… I think they’re shopping for the price, I believe so.
Bart: Okay, cool. Did you close them?
Assembly Dental: We didn’t. Um, I actually talked to Lexi about that last week. It was something that we worked on for quite a while with this patient. We got to, you know, a very not lower-lower price but something that she was comfortable, and she was very pleasant with, you know, Dr. Chong and a hundred percent thought she was closing here. Then she went to, I guess, Clear Choice, can I say names here? I don’t know.
Bart: Mm-hmm, yeah.
Assembly Dental: And pay the same thing she’s gonna pay here. Um, I found out the reason that I’m going there is because it’s two women doctors and she felt a little more comfortable with them, but when she went with the consult with us, she said, “Oh, I wouldn’t do with anyone else other than Dr. Chong,” you know, she felt really comfortable with him. So, I’m not sure where in the line we lost her.
Bart: Got it.
Assembly Dental: But they did say, she felt more comfortable with that.
Bart: Got it. Okay. Anyone else have another… have anything that was like a second opinion like that, where they brought in a treatment plan from another doctor, or, you know, they’ve already had one or they’ve already spoken with 1 or 2? Anyone else have any specific… anything specific that’s happened recently?
Swift Dental: Well, one came in but he didn’t have the actual treatment.
Bart: Mm-hmm.
Swift Dental: He just said he saw it online and that was of interest to him because it was top and bottom for a certain price, but he still had not gone.
Bart: Oh, so he hadn’t gone to a doctor, he just saw an online price, uh, a price advertised online.
Swift Dental: Yes.
Bart: Okay, cool. Anybody telling you guys, “Hey, you’re the second or third person I’ve come to see or I’ve already kind of talked to another practice about it,” but they just didn’t give you any specifics but they told you they had been somewhere before.
Brenda: Hi.
Bart: Yeah, go ahead.
Brenda: Yes. So, um, two weeks ago, I think the last time we had like a meeting, I think, was two weeks ago. Um, I had a patient that came from Clear Choice. Um, he did the bottom, I think, all the next with Clear Choice back in 2019 and then he came with us, uh, for the top. So, he had an idea of what the top will cost, he didn’t give me any number, or anything. Um, we were gonna charge, uh, 40 for the zy… zygomatic implant? Did I say that right?
Bart: Yeah.
Brenda: So, I… he thought the price was, you know, over price. So, he was looking for something, he said he had an idea, like, each individual implant was 5500, so he was looking to pay around 35. So, uh, we closed it for 36 for the zygomatic, the top.
Bart: Okay. But you got it done. You got them.
Brenda: Yeah. We closed it. And then, you know, say I’m going to try to see if I can get a, you know, a number that fits your budget. So, uh, the best we can go was for 36, and we closed the case.
Bart: Okay. Awesome. Awesome. Well, what I want to do today guys just kind of dive into some of these consultations where we’re the second or second or third opinion. A little bit different than being the very first stop, right? We wanna get them. If we’re the very first stop, we want to get them but we definitely want to get them if we’re the second or third stop, right? If they’ve already spoken to somebody, the main dynamic that’s different in the consultation is it puts us in a position to ask some questions, not only getting the current state but also ask some questions regarding why that patient didn’t move forward. What was their experience with the other practice? Why didn’t they move forward? ‘Cause the whole goal of this when we identify it’s a second opinion, we got to discover why they didn’t move forward and where they’re… where they were uncertain. And what their, what their point of view is, right? Their perspective on the whole thing.
And then what we’re trying to do is beat whoever we’re competing with. We want to beat them on all fronts. We got a better product, a better experience, and a better price. And by the way, the price doesn’t have to be necessarily lower, right? We just have to show them that it’s a better deal. We want to win on every single front. Okay? Where we see some of the challenges is when do we need to directly address it, okay? So that’s what I want to talk about first is how these… how it’s brought up that it’s a second opinion, and when to address it. Because sometimes, right off the bat, right? In the first, I don’t know, two minutes of the consultation, sometimes, a patient will tell you, right? Like when they’re going through their- their current state and you ask them like, hey, give me an idea what’s going on? You can’t eat. This, this, this, and they’ll say, well, yeah, I haven’t done this and, you know, I went to the doctor and they told me this or blah, blah, blah and they’ll kind of go right into it with the current state. There’s a couple of different ways that they can say it, okay?
And it- it’s really important to pay attention to this because it makes a difference in how we- how we’re going to handle it. So, one of the ways that they’re going to tip you off that it’s a second opinion is they’ll just tell you right off the bat. They’ll say, hey, I went to another doctor, I didn’t want to be in dentures, I wanted something that was fixed and they quoted me a price and I thought the price was just way too high, right? The price was like out of sight, way too high, way too expensive so, you know, I’m trying to see if I can get for it lower because it was way too high this other price at this other practice. If they say it like that when they start using verbiage like, “It was too expensive,” or, “It was way too high,” or something to that effect, um, then we know that’s a… that’s somebody that we want to go ahead and dig into and try to get a number out of them and you’re going to use the, uh, the price script in regards to All-on-4, the fact that All-on-4 is not just one thing. All-on-4 can be done in four different ways. All-on-4 can be done in three or four different ways, and, um, at four different price points. It sounds like you may have a dollar amount on your mind.
Obviously, they didn’t reach the dollar amount, sometimes they don’t do that because they only have one way of doing it, right? So, they don’t mean to blow you out of the water with price but if you only have one way of doing it, they just have one way and one price and that’s all you get, and that’s kind of why a lot of people come here for second or third opinions because we can do All-on-4 several different ways, you know the script, right? That’s when you’re going to use a script right now because if they use language like, “It was so expensive,” or, “It was ridiculous,” or, “It was like way outside of my budget,” that type of strong language related to price, um, the odds of that patient being financially unqualified to buy is much higher, right? Meaning, we want to address that right now and go ahead and prequalify. And remember, how do we prequalify? We get a number from them, right?
So, you say, “It sounds like you might have a number in your head.” I mean, obviously, the number that they gave you wasn’t the right number. I mean, “What did they- what did they tell it was going to cost? Just curious. What did they tell you?” Right? Get the number, and then ask, well, obviously, that wasn’t it. “Sixty was too much or 30 was too much, give me an idea of what, what you’re looking for. Are you looking for something more in the 25 range, 20 range, 10 range? Give me an idea so that I can help you here. Give me a- give me a starting point.” You would want to do that right then if they use strong language, okay? Um, because if they say something like, well, I’m looking for something between, you know, $2,000 and $5,000 we can kind of address that and triage it, right? Two… between two and five thousand is like you’re in the ballpark for one implant and a crown. That is in the ballpark between two and five thousand, but for a full arch, you know, in multiple implants this kind of thing, 2 and 5,000 is not going to work. And then you can go straight into the financing blah, blah, blah. But odds are, you’re going to triage that patient out. Uh, that patient is going to end up being financially unqualified.
So, the stronger the language they use, the more aggressively you want to triage, and by that mean, find out what they were charging them and then get a number from them and use that as your anchor.
Now, there are also patients that will tell you, hey, my doctor told me I needed this or that or the other so I’m just kind of looking around and I want to see what my options are, and they kind of leave it at that. They didn’t specifically say what it was, right? Or they might say, you know, I just want to get an- get an idea of some… of some different pricing options, you know? When they say I wanted to get an idea of option or I wanted to get an idea of pricing or I wanted to check on pricing or something like that, that’s not screaming that I’m unqualified. Does that make sense? Because there’s a difference. There’s the… there’s the person that goes in and they get a price and they look at the pricing, they go, “I can’t do that price. That’s too much.” Then there’s a person that goes in and they get a price and they go, “Hmm. It sounds like a lot. I mean, I could do it but is that normal? Is that normal pricing? You know, before I commit to this I’m going to make a couple of calls and just see because what if they give me a price for 30 and then I get a number for 25? And they gave me 25 then I get another one for 20?” And they just start calling around.
That person could do the 30 so they’re not unqualified, um, there… it’s two very different people, okay? So, what happened in the call and what happens a lot of times is they’ll say, um, you know, I was… I was out at another practice, they told me I needed All-on-4 but they told me I need to get all my teeth out. Um, I didn’t want to be in dentures, I wanted something like an All-on-4, um, so, I got all the information from them and I’m just kind of looking around to see what my options are, right? Now, if they say that, that is a person that’s a second opinion, you know they already have a treatment plan, they’ve already gotten a price but they haven’t told you what exactly the problems with the price are. So, what happens with this is this kind of goes in your memory bank. Does that make sense? Because you don’t have to address everything right off the bat because this person still needs to be sold. So, what’s one of the very… the biggest competitive advantage that we have against other practices? One of the biggest competitive advantages all of you guys have is that we don’t tell- we don’t look at a CT and go, “Hey, this is what you need to do. Here’s how much it cost.” We don’t say that, right?
But the biggest competitive advantage we have is that we have an open mind as far as what the treatments, what the treatment should be, and we’re going to custom-create a treatment to get you from where you are to where you want to be. What does that look like? We’re going to work that out for you. The first thing is for me to understand exactly what your current state is, everything you’re going with, and everything you’re dealing with, and then I want to know what you want as a result. How do you want to look, feel, and function? There’s a lot of practice… and this is where you start, like, preemptively handling objections. Okay. You know what their experience is going to be with other practices so articulate that and the better you can articulate that, the more they’re going, “Oh, man. This is kind of different,” and they understand, right?
So, I can say, look, a big reason why a lot of people come here like yourself specifically for second and third opinions is because when they go to other practices, they kind of hear the same thing, right? They’ll go to another practice and say, yeah, you know, you’re… you’ve got Class 3 mobility and you’ve got a moderate-severe periodontal disease and these teeth really can’t be saved, these teeth need to come out, we’re going to place four implants, we’re going to do this, and this is going to be X amount, and most of the practices they get the first part right, right? They get the diagnostic right, they’ve got good doctors, and they’re getting all that right, the problem is they never really reviewed with the patient what they want for the result and they didn’t customize the treatment off of the result. So, they basically typically they’re recommending treatments based on fixing a problem instead of achieving a result.
And the reason why that’s important why people come here is because we can fix the problem and achieve three or four different results. All of which will fix the core issue but they’ll be at three or four different prices. People don’t really get that experience at other practices. They typically go and it’s like, here’s the problem, here’s what we need to do, and oh, by the way, the result is kind of inferred and there’s never any interaction with the patient in regards to what result they want because those practices only do it one way so there is only one result. Does that make sense?
Here, depending on what level you want based on what I’m seeing and what you’re telling me, we can fix this problem in three, four, or five different ways with different results, all at different price points. So, the reason why people come here is that they can get the problem fixed and also they can… the patients can provide input as to what level of function, aesthetics, longevity, maintenance they would want and all of those things can affect the price up or down. So, we’re actually creating a treatment to achieve a specific result rather than creating a treatment to solve a problem. And then the result is the result. Does that make sense? And then I go straight into talking to the… talking to that person about what it is that they want. But what I’m doing is, I’m planning to see that everybody else, the reason why they don’t want to talk about the results with you is because there is only one result that’s possible because they only do the treatment one way. Does that make sense?
Really, really, really important but I’m not going to go in and go, oh, well, you know, here’s what we can do, and here’s why we’re better than them. We’re going to kind of keep it generalized, plant some seeds, and then get into the, uh, the future state. Because the whole thing is, where are you now, where do you want to be, and then we’re going to come up with a treatment to get you from A to B as quickly as possible. Whatever that is. If that ends up being something fixed, cool; removable, cool; different material of teeth, whatever it is, the most important thing is that you get the outcome that you want. So, typically, if they give you an answer, like, oh, I’m just kind of looking at what some of my options are and blah blah blah, I don’t necessarily think with that person, we need to go right in off the bat and say, oh, well, “What did they recommend at the last place? How much do they charge you, and blah blah blah,” because they’re not giving me any indication that they need to be triaged. I’m going to get that information from them but I want to build the trust first and get into as, as good and as deep a rapport with that patient as I can. So, it kind of goes in the Rolodex and we’re going to handle it at the end of the first 10 instead of right when the patient tells us. Does that make sense? What is it?
Assembly Dental: What if they don’t give you a price and they went to another office for a consult?
Bart: Well, we haven’t asked for a price yet, you know? It depends. If they say it’s a- it’s a price thing and it was too expensive, we’re going to get that right now. But if they don’t say it was too expensive and I’m just looking at pricing options or getting my options, the first seed to plant in the first myth to kind of debunk is the fact that the perception is, typically, that there’s one price with All-on-4, which isn’t true. That’s the first thing that debunks the price and it really disturbs their complacency because, in their head, they’re going, “Hmm. That’s true. They only gave me one price for this.” Right? “They only gave me one price,” which we’re only going to give them one price but that price is going to be based off of a result. Whereas the other practices, their price is based off of fixing their current situation, right? They don’t have three fixed options, for instance, or two fixed options, it’s typically one. So, we’re not going to have to handle it right then. Before we go into the second ten though, we know the goal is our advantage if it’s a second opinion is that we can get some of that information.
So, after you’ve… after you’ve gotten their current state, everything that’s bothering right now and how it’s affecting their life, and after you’ve gone through, hey, let’s talk about… let’s talk about what you want. Let’s talk about how you want to look, how you want to feel, how you want to function, and at what level, right? Because we don’t want to just fix the problem, we want to fix the problem with a treatment that’s designed to get you the result that you want, the result is what you’re buying, that’s what you’re going to live with. So, after you do that whole part, before you go into the second ten, that’s when I would address it. And for somebody that said, you know, I’m just looking at options and things like that, that’s when you can kind of circle back around after you’ve created a vision with this specific patient. Before you go into the second 10, you want to find out where your competitive advantages are, right?
So, you can ask them and say, “Listen, before you go back and take the CT scan and I’m going to introduce you to the doctor and the doctor is going to come up with a treatment to get you from where you are to where you want to go, um, it would really help me if you give me a little bit of insight. I know you already had a visit with another practice. Give me a little bit of insight into the things that- that you didn’t like, the things that you did like, and just some of the things that kind of gave you cause for pause, right? Some of the things whether… because we got people, we hear all different things from people. And we get second and third opinions all the time. They’ll come in and some people will say, you know, um, I wasn’t crazy about it because they didn’t offer sedation. Some people will say, you know, I didn’t like it because I had to go to this office and then I had to go to this office. Some people say I didn’t like it because I didn’t… I couldn’t get it all done in one day. Some people will say, uh, I just wasn’t sure about the price. I thought the price was a little too high but I wasn’t… I wasn’t totally sure.” And you just kind of throw some of these things out at them to kind of get them talking to you.
Plus, guys, do you know what it does? It starts to jog their memory and they’re like, oh, you know, now that you say that, yeah, I don’t… I didn’t even know you could do it in one day. Yeah, I didn’t like that. So, I was going to have to be, like, without teeth for 48 hours. I didn’t like that. Where they wouldn’t have given you that information ahead of time if you just ask them. So, let me ask her, what, what was it about the other practice that you didn’t like? They could be very short with the answer. So, I like to ask that question at the end of the first 10 and then I like to throw out some points of reference. Right? So, remember, like, we don’t want big open-ended questions. Big open-ended questions are bad because they’re difficult to answer. It’s like taking a test with fill-in-the-blank versus multiple choice. We always want to ask a question followed by multiple-choice answers so that the patient knows exactly what kind of answer we’re looking for. And they can just select. Does that make sense?
So, you throw these things out and say, you know, we get a lot of patients that come in from all over the place for second opinions and we hear all kinds of different things. You’d be surprised by some things that we hear. It would really help me to make sure that you’re getting everything that you want if you can give me a little bit of insight into some of the things that you didn’t like or some of the things that you did like about the other practice. Some of the things that maybe gave you a reason for concern or a pause for cause. You know, some people come in and they say they didn’t like it because they couldn’t get their teeth on the same day. Some people said they didn’t know if the price was too high. Some people said they didn’t feel totally comfortable with the doctor. Some people say they didn’t like it because they had to do surgery at one office and, you know, and then get the teeth at another office. Some people say they didn’t like it because of the financing options and we hear all different types of things. And my goal is to make sure not only that you get the result that you want but that you have the experience that you want as well. So, any- any insight that you can give me into that would be hugely beneficial and very, very helpful for me. And they’ll open up to you.
It’s just so much better than just saying, oh, okay, well, um, how much did the doctor charge you for All-on-4? Because that’s, typically, like, what I hear on the videos, guys when it’s a second opinion if you address it, we… what I hear most is going straight into, oh, and what do they charge you for All-on-4? And that’s one thing, but it’s not all of it, it’s not all of it. Some people, there’s a lot of people that are in there for second and third opinions, they could have paid the price, they definitely could have paid the price. It just wasn’t that alone. Like, do you guys remember the call? The call that we just did? What did he say? One of his main reasons was because they didn’t do any of the follow-up maintenance visits, and he was like, man, I just didn’t like it that they were going to do the surgery, and then send me to some other practice completely unrelated to do the maintenance and the cleanings. He offered- offered that information up, you know?
So, in… no matter what they say, this is the most important thing. In the first 10, we are in fact-finding mode. Any of the selling we’re doing is all pre-emptive. It’s seed-planting, seed-planting. If they say, you know, you know what I didn’t like, I didn’t like because I had to do the surgery at one practice and then they were going to send me to another practice to get the teeth, and I was gonna have to go without teeth for, you know, 48 hours. That, you have to resist the urge to go, “Oh, well, here you don’t have to. Here when we give you the teeth, we do all the same…” Well, you don’t go there yet. Right? You just listen and go, oh, yeah. We… I’ve definitely, I understand that. I’ve heard that before. We have a lot of patients that come here for that same reason. So, what else? Anything like this? Like this? You’re just pulling the information out of them and you- you don’t want to compare your- whatever they say, you do not want to compare yourself to that at this point in time. We’re going to save all of those bullets for the close. Does that make sense?
That’s like a trap that is set for you guys that you walk into every time with these second opinions. Once they say one thing, you’re like a frickin’ lion that pounces on it, you know? They’re like, well, I didn’t like it because, um, you know, the doctor was only going to use two implants, and like the teeth snapped in and out and I just didn’t want that. I told them I wanted teeth, I wanted something more permanent, you know? And then you guys are going to be talking all about fixed and how you do fixed and how this is bad enough. And like, we’re going into what happens as you start going into a recommendation in the first 10 and that leads to questions that shouldn’t be asked in the first 10. Questions that should be asked in the second ten with the doctor, right? You guys are almost making a recommendation and then the first 10 minutes takes 15 or 20 minutes, and then we’re going to the doctor and we’ve kind of stolen the doctor’s thunder. So, we want to make sure, in the first 10, we’re not recommending anything, and that, guys, is how you stay out of trouble. That’s how you stay out of deep water in the first 10 minutes because we’re not talking about anything specific, right?
At the end of the day, my job as the treatment coordinator is to make sure that you go from where you are to where you want to be. In order for me to do that, I need a very clear definition of where you are, what you don’t like about your smile, and how it’s affecting your life, and then I need a really clear picture of what it is that we’re trying to achieve from an aesthetic point of view, function point of view, quality of life point of view, longevity point of view. Once I have those two things, then the doctor is going to take your diagnostics and then we’re going to get into specifics. There’s no reason to get into specifics now because the doctor hasn’t made that plan for you yet, right? And we don’t just… and there’s a lot of practices, hey, they’ll go through all this stuff without even- without the doctor there. Do you know why? Because it doesn’t matter what it is. All your teeth are coming out, we’re doing All-on-4 and this is how we do it, and that’s it. And there’s a price associated with that and they only do it one way. So they can go ahead and talk about that because no matter what is spoken about, it’s not going to ever change their recommendation but that’s more of an off-the-shelf templated kind of approach that we don’t really subscribe to here, um, because what one person- what’s ideal for one person is not necessarily ideal for the next person.
So, we try to create something that’s custom for you if that makes sense, and I’m just- I’m trying to give you guys as much context here as possible to give you ideas on how to stay away from getting super specific with them in the first ten because that’s something that seems to be happening a lot, um, with the second opinions. Most of these people, they’re not hiding it when they’re second opinions, they kind of tell you and the conversation turns to price very very quickly. And to your question earlier, someone asked me, like, what happens if they don’t give you a price? A lot of times, if they bring it up and we asked them, hey, how much do they charge for this? And we haven’t built any rapport and we haven’t built any trust with them, and they’re in a consumer-based mindset, they’re not going to want to give the price to you. Why are they not going to want to give the price to you? Because they’re negotiating. Right?
They’re negotiating. That’s why consumers don’t like to disclose prices from other vendors because they’re like, well, if I give them this price maybe they’ll only beat it just by a dollar, right? I don’t want them to know, I want them to give me the very best price they can give me, and then I’m going to compare them independently. Does that make sense? That’s kind of what they’re thinking, right? But when you ask them the question in a different way, right? “In order for me to make sure that you get everything that you want here, it would be so helpful if you could give me a little bit of insight into your experience with the other practice, right? You’ve already, kind of, went through the process once, what were some of the things you didn’t like? Because we hear a lot of things from a lot of different people that come here for second and third opinions, right? Some people say, well, I’m here because, you know, I wasn’t 100% comfortable with the last doctor. Or, you know, I didn’t like the fact that they couldn’t fully put me to sleep. They were going to use the gas and I just want to be knocked out and some people come and say, you know, I just wasn’t really sure about the price or I just had kind of a bad feeling about the whole thing or it was just my first exposure, whatever it is just kind of give me a little insight into what your experience was, and some of- anything that gave you cause for pause, and that’s going to help make sure that none of those things are repeated and you get everything that you want. So kind of shed a little bit of like there for me if you don’t mind.” And watch how they open up.
Because I asked them, I didn’t even mention the word price, but the way that I ask them is going to bypass that, that thought in their head of going, oh, don’t give her that. Don’t give her that. That vendor-consumer negotiation power struggle, right? It’s going to bypass that because they might start going through and talking about something else and something else. But you want that information not to use now. You want it to use in the bundle close. Because when they’re done with their second 10 and you know what we’re going to be pitching, hey, this is the treatment. When you frame the close, you’re going to frame the close to wax that other practice on every level. Right? Better result than they’re going to provide. Better experience that they are going to provide at a better value than they’re going to give. And the more information you know about that, the more airtight your close can be. But don’t waste the bullets in the first 10. Does that make sense? Guys, did I have a question on that? I heard somebody trying to chime in.
Assembly Dental: I have a quick question, Bart. So, going back to that first scenario you talked about the price being very important and the patient was a little more aggressive with the price. If they gave you, out of the bat how much the other place charged, um, you’ve got all that information, what they want or kind of what… everything, and then you cannot match that price or the price is actually more than what they had offered them, how would you go about that?
Bart: Give me an example.
Assembly Dental: With that patient that I told you, uh, she came to us saying that the first place she went to, they charged her, for upper and lower, 40,000.
Bart: Mm-hmm.
Assembly Dental: Um, our price because of she wanted the top of the top everything, zirconia, she knows what she wants, right? So, our price was almost double, um, Dr. Tony was able to get down to about 60,000, um, but it still was more than what she was quoted before. And then she ended up paying 60 somewhere else, but how would you present a treatment plan that is more than what they came with?
Bart: Okay. So, let me ask you a question. $20,000 per arch for zirconia, do you feel like that is above market value or below market value for what they’re going to be quoted?
Assembly Dental: Below, I think it’s below.
Bart: Me too. So, if you get a second opinion with somebody that’s already had a quote below market value, what does that tell you? What do you think?
Assembly Dental: That, I mean, she wasn’t a hundred percent sure that that was… that she was gonna get there.
Bart: What it tells me is there’s probably more than meets the eye when it comes to price. Does that make sense? So, sometimes… because I’ve had this happen where they come in and they’re like, oh, this doctor, hey, this doctor gave me a price for $18,000 per arch of zirconia, four implants, or six implants and they’re super specific, and it’s- it’s a price that’s really low that is going to be significantly lower than what you can charge, right? So, let’s say that they’re 10 grand less for instance. All right, my question to you is why didn’t that patient move forward at 40,000? Why didn’t they move forward?
Assembly Dental: Well, either they’re looking for something cheaper or they didn’t [inaudible]
Bart: Mm-hmm. So that’s what you have to know to handle it, right? So when they give you a low, a low price that you guys can’t match, it doesn’t mean that you can’t close it. The question that you have that needs to be answered is what gave them cause to pause. Right? And a lot of times it’s more than the money. So, sometimes with a case like that, and remember, like yes, you have… you have an option for zirconia but you just have to show them that you’re getting more value with- with you. You guys give me a, for instance, right? What do you think? If somebody has a really low price and they didn’t move forward, right? I’ve had people come in and say, hey, I got this doctor that’s willing to do it for 16,500 zirconia because they have an in-house lab, they’re willing to do the case 16,500 an arch. Okay. So, at 16,500, so, you know, I mean, the average, right? For a full arch zirconia in this country is going to be 25,000, somewhere around there. Give or take, right? That’s more or less what they’re going to hear. So, somewhere around 25. So. if you’re a 16,500, you’re thinking, why the hell didn’t they move forward right then? Well, because price isn’t the only issue for them. That’s why. Price isn’t the only issue for them.
The people that come in with a really high treatment plan where they said, hey, the doctor pulled me, thirty-five, forty thousand an arch, something way over market value, a lot of times just getting them back to center will close them but somebody that comes in with a dollar amount that’s already way under, guys, it’s crazy, but sometimes they feel like, nah, it’s too cheap. It’s too good to be true type of thing and there was something else there, right? So if someone comes in and it’s like $20,000 an arch and you guys are 25,000 an arch, right? Double-arch case, you’re $10,000 over, I’m hearing it, but if they just… if they didn’t say that it was way too expensive, if they didn’t use any language like that, you say, you know, we have a lot of people that come in for second and third opinions, and sometimes they’ll come in and say, hey, you know, I got this price and, and the price was low but I just wasn’t sure. You just still weren’t sure about it and you know what it is, it’s like a lot of times, it’s hard to envision what you’re going to look like, how you’re going to feel with these teeth because everything that you get is just about the price, and the implants, it’s the price of the implants, price of the implants.
But you know where the biggest… one of the biggest differences from one practice to another, actually, the biggest difference from one practice to another is not necessarily… it’s not the price, believe it or not. Most of the prices are going to be in a certain range, right? When it comes to fixed with zirconia teeth. It’s gonna fall within a certain range. Typically people that are super, super, super cheap, they are, because of a lack of experience and just, just they just have done very many cases and are just trying to do them. But they’re going to fall within a certain zone most of the time. But the biggest difference from one price to another, a lot of times, has to do with the design aspect of the case. Have you ever seen people that are wearing… that have implants or they have dentures and come out with teeth and the teeth, all the teeth kind of look the same and it wasn’t custom-designed?
There’s a certain amount of artistry, I don’t know how important the aesthetics are to you, but that’s something that we get a lot is a lot of people come in and yeah, they could have had it done for, quote-unquote, “less money” at another practice, but they wanted a higher degree of aesthetic results. Meaning, “I don’t want anyone to know this is an implant. I don’t want anyone to know that this is not my natural teeth.” When you look at natural teeth, you notice they don’t all look the same, they have different groups, they have different contours, and they have just a little bit different shapes. That entire process, the way that one doctor does it to another doctor, even though the teeth are made out of zirconia and yes, the implants are placed, the look, the feel, the final result is completely different, and that’s one reason why a lot of people come here from other practices that charge less. How important is it to you, the aesthetic results, and being involved in the style design process? Like, I’m taking a shot at that. Do you know what I mean?
[clears throat] I’m going to take a shot at the function, a shot at the longevity because in a lot of cases, like, you’re not going to be able to meet it, right? You get someone coming in, and say, hey, I got a second opinion, or, I got a… I went to a doctor, they’re charging me 18,000 for zirconia. I got to build more value for our product at 23, than their product at 18. So, how do you do it, right? How do you do it? You do it with your experience with the artistry and just creating a vision and it’s the same exact thing as if they didn’t bring up the price. The same exact thing because I still have to get them to envision what they’re going to look like, feel like, and function like in the future, and I feel like we have an extremely high chance of hitting a nerve there because why didn’t they move forward? If they really gave you a price of 18K an arch, all in, and everything’s included for the year, and it’s not a bait-and-switch. Because sometimes, understand, it’s 18K, and then it’s another 2K, and then you got to pay for sedation, and then you got to pay for your follow-up, and you got to pay for maintenance, and they’re charging $500 for a prophy, and this, that, and the other and there’s, you know how that goes, right?
But let’s just say that it is all in, you know? Why do they not go for it? Why? It’s already cheap. It’s cheaper than you’re going to give them, what was it? It’s something. The price is actually much more straightforward when they come to you and they’re like, yeah, I just want to see if I could get- get a better price and you kind of go through the process and you, you find out how much they were charging. You say, yeah, you know, then I went to… I got referred out to an oral surgeon, I went there, um, and it was going to be all in, I think about $36,000 an arch or was going to be $30,000 an arch or whatever it was. And when it’s over-market, a lot of times more straightforward. When it’s under market and they didn’t move forward, it’s like why? And sometimes, I’ll ask them. I’ll ask them. I’ll say, well, I mean, listen, if you took a straw poll of all the practices in the country that do this and you got individualized pricing for all of them, you’re probably going to land somewhere between 25 and $27,000 in terms of the average market price. If you’re coming in already $10,000 below that, that tells me that it’s more than just the price for you because you know as well as I do, there’s only so low you can go. There’s only so low that a doctor that a practice can go and do this without sacrificing something. Meaning that they’re not going to do it and make zero money.
So, let me ask you – as they cut their fees, where do you think they cut their cost to maintain their margin? Where do they cut? You got to cut somewhere because you have to make money. So once you get past a certain threshold, where do they start cutting prices? They start cutting prices on components, right? Knock off cheap components, by the way, that are screwed into your head. Right? Lab work, right? Cheap lab work. What does that mean? It means the teeth aren’t going to look good. I don’t care what material it’s made out of, if it’s garbage lab work, the aesthetics are garbage. Not only the aesthetics, but if the lab work is garbage and is cheap, the teeth may not fit together properly as well, right, which can drastically affect the function and the feel of your bite and also put in jeopardy, the, um, the integrity of the implants themselves.
Also, experience. Where are they going to cut? They have to cut somewhere and no one’s going to do it for no money. These are the things that the practices don’t tell people, though, and that’s why a lot of people come for second and third opinions. Once you get below a certain mark, there are certain places where they’re going to cut like any other business, right? Have you ever been… have you ever been house hunting before? If you guys go in a house and the neighborhood and you look at the comps and all these homes are comped out at 800,000 to 1.5 million, and then you see one that’s comparable in square footage and the aesthetics look comparable and the lot size is comparable, but it’s on sale for 350. What do you think? Do you jump all over that and do it? You actually investigate it more, don’t you? You investigate it more. Why? Because it’s too far under market value to deliver the same quality. Does that make sense?
So, there’s a conversation to be had. And again, I’m not selling, I’m just planting seeds and helping them. I’m planting seeds and helping them. Every single consumer, everybody, when they’re going to spend a lot of money, everybody’s nervous about a bait and switch. The most expensive thing that could happen in our world, a full arch fixed, is an error in placing the implants or an error in- in, uh, restoring the case. Because if the implants aren’t placed correctly, you can’t really restore it, right? And if it’s restored incorrectly, it can put too much force on one of the implants, which they… and they can start failing, which is a complete disaster for the patient to have to redo it. Okay? So, my philosophy on this is when it’s a second opinion, gauge, uh, gauge their level of urgency when it’s related to price. If they bring it up and they use words like way too expensive, then you go into the, uh, the price script, you go into the triage script. Right? And the first goal is to make sure that they know that there’s more than one price for one treatment All-on-4s, it does not necessarily mean one thing. It can mean several different things at several different price points, which… and all of which are going to fix your problem. Which one you want depends on the level of function, aesthetics, uh, maintenance, and longevity, and price.
That’s going to determine which one you pick more so than- than your current situation is. All four… all three of them, all four of them, all five of them, we can do so many things to fix your problem, it’s just at what level are we going to fix it? So, that- that’s the first light bulb that has to go off in their head. Once that light bulb goes off, we say, okay, you know, it sounds like you have a number in your head that you’re trying to stay within, you don’t have to be specific, I’m not going to hold you to it, but there’s no reason going through four, five, six different options with you that all have different price points and different pros and cons if they’re not realistic. So, give me an idea of a range here, right? That you want to stay within. And then I can limit our conversation, and the options that fall within that range. And then you pull a number from them and then you triage or you move forward.
If they say, I’m just here to get some options, right? Even if they just said, I’m here to get pricing options- pricing options versus hey, they were way too expensive, that’s not the same thing. That’s not the same person. Pricing options, right? Okay, no problem. We’re going to be able to give that to you. You go through the same script, right? You’re getting the current state, you’re getting the desired state, right? And then before we go into that second ten, I want you guys to loop back before you send them for the CT. And in order to loop back, say, listen, I think I’m really clear on where you are now, right, and what some of your frustrations are and what you’ve been dealing with and you’ve done a great job of explaining that to me, and I also think I’m really… I have a really good idea of where we want to go. You did a really good job of articulating the things that are most important to you as far as feel, function, and aesthetics, and all that. One other thing that would really help me in the process is if you could give me a little bit of insight into some of the things that maybe you liked or you didn’t like at the last practice, your last experience, because I hear so many different things from different people and the goal is not just to give you the result but also for you to have the experience that you want.
So, give me an idea – what were some of the things at the last practice that gave you, um, cause to pause? That made you stop and think. That gave you a little bit of uncertainty. The reason why you didn’t move forward. You know, some people say it was because they couldn’t get their teeth all in one day. Some people say it was because, you know, they were unsure of the price. Some people say it was that you know, they didn’t offer IV sedation. Some people say that you know, they didn’t like it because there were two practices involved. Some people say that they didn’t get to meet the doctor. Right? Give me a little insight into your experience and some of those reasons that give you cause for pause so I can make sure that none of those things are repeated. What do you think? Right? And just get them talking about that. That’s going to give you guys all of your ammo, and plus, they’re going to answer you much more open and much more honest about it because you’ve went through the process of understanding where they are and how it affected their life. You’ve shown empathy. You’ve gotten… you’ve built a lot of trust. You don’t sound like you’re selling them anything because we’re actually anti-selling them anything. We’re telling them there’s four different things you could do that, that are all going to put you in a significant better spot. Which one depends on the result that you want. So, let’s talk about the result and we’ll handle the treatment.
They don’t hear that from anywhere else, so that’s going to buy you guys a lot of credibility with them. So, get all your credibility, build all your trust, get that relationship, strengthen it, and then right before the second ten, I want you to use that language, you know, one other thing that would really help me is if you could give me a little insight or shed a little light, you know, those- those terms, um, those phrases work really well. I know we got a few questions. I’ll get to him right now. Okay, what are they?
Woman 1: The first one is – how will you explain to a patient if they chose a trans, um, a transitional prosthesis that later will mean a permanent one and that there will be an additional cost?
Bart: Did we sell that to them or that was their treatment plan? I don’t understand the question. Was that- that was their treatment plan from another practice and I’m selling against that or is that what I sold them on? That’s what I’m pitching. Who asked that question, by the way? If you guys can just make that clear. Swift Dental? Just take yourself off mute just that… because I don’t, I’m not sure how you mean that. Yeah.
Swift Dental: Yeah. No, it would be according to what they want as their final and the amount. And if that would be a transitional one, how would you explain it to them that this is just transitional since that’s what the money that they have, or that’s the amount that they gave us? Without sounding to them, like, because if we tell them, oh, it’s going to be some additional, though, we’ll be like, what do you mean? This is not it? Like, I’ve seen a little confusion there.
Bart: Yeah. That they…
Swift Dental: They don’t have the money for zirconia at the moment.
Bart: So you have to look at it as two different products. So, let me tell you what these people don’t like. They do not like bait and switch. Nobody likes it. Nobody likes it. So you can’t do it. So you have to look at the, um, the implants with the… the printed prosthetic or the mill PMMA, you have to look at that as a completely separate product that has nothing to do with zirconia, that’s why it’s at a different price point. Okay? Now, some of the doctors go, yeah, but that’s not going to last. Well, you know what? Of course not. We’re going to tell them that. That’s part of it, right? So you have to build into the treatment, you do- you also don’t want to just wait for it to break, right? So you’re going to say, right? That’s going to give you a different level of longevity, durability, and to some extent, functionality. The way it functions, they function really really well, just not for as long. Do you know what I mean?
So, the first thing to do if we have a financial concern and that’s going to drop us down to that other product, that’s what we’re going to recommend, you set the expectation, it’s not a 10, 10, 10, 10. This is like, okay, on a- on a level of function, we… for that price, we probably get you to an 8; on aesthetics, we can get you to a 7; on longevity, we can get you to a 4 or a 5 but I’m going to be able to save you probably $10,000 upfront, you know? So you go through and you do the pitch. You go through the bundle, you show them the value, and you get down to your price, but built into the price. If you guys are doing a product where it’s the implants and a mill PMMA or printed prosthetic, you should always build in there’s an upfront fee with an annual fee. So, there’s an annual fee of whatever – 400 bucks, 500 bucks, 600 bucks, whatever it is. And every 12 months, whether you need it or not, we are going to reprint and give you a tire change.
Swift Dental: Mmm.
Bart: So you’re out in front of it, right? Because if it’s temporary by nature, then treat it that way and proactively handle it. Because one thing that can happen is if you sell a bunch of those and you don’t have a plan for it, eventually it’s going to wear down or crack or break and now you’re kind of putting out a fire and if you don’t have a substructure or a bar with it and it cracks or breaks, you’ve got an issue with the implants that have to be handled just very, very quickly, which means we got to stop everything and scramble. So, when you sell it, don’t sell it as a step to zirconia. That’s just a benefit that if they ever want to upgrade in the future, they have that option because there’s no difference in surgical workflow. We don’t have to change the placement of the implant. That’s one of the biggest advantages of doing a mill PMMA or printed prosthetic over or removable. Right? A locator case or something like that. Because the surgical, um, planting of the case is identical, so we don’t have to change any positions, right? We just have to change the prosthetic. So that’s more of a benefit, um, to the patient and a testament to the flexibility of the concept of All-on-4 is that we can change out the material of teeth.
If we have a financial constraint, this is a hard financial constraint that we can’t get around, and your goal is to have something fixed. I can get you in something fixed for less money than zirconia, it just lasts less, but I save you money upfront, it’s a little bit more money ongoing.
Swift Dental: And what would be, uh… sorry. What would be a fair annual maintenance?
Bart: Well, it depends on if you’re going to charge them just for the reprint or if you’re going to include all their maintenance. I like to sell it to them up front and then charge one annual fee that includes their maintenance cleanings and a reprint, you know, which, uh, a fair fee can be anywhere from, you know, 600 to 1,000 bucks a year because they’re typically saving quite a bit, right? Like if you guys are charging 25,000 for zirconia for a printed prosthetic, you’re probably going to be somewhere around 17.
Swift Dental: Okay.
Bart: If you’re charging 23 for zirconia, your printing process is going to be probably 16. 15. Remember you don’t have any of the lab fees associated with zirconia so the margins on the printed are better than the margins on zirconia, especially if you can’t mill in-house, you know, your lab fees are $4,000 or $5,000four.
Woman 1: Okay. Dr. Spencer, he’s unmuted. He’s ready for a question.
Bart: Okay, Dr. Spencer. Do you have a question?
Dr. Spencer: Yeah, it was related to exactly what you’re saying. Uh, we’re moving to an additional workload, the amount of doctor time, and the med time produced was significantly well. We also, um, we installed some of the Nanos [inaudible] they’re gorgeous. They’re really great. We’re doing the maintenance program exactly as you said but I can tell you if we can come in with that product, it’s going to raise zirconia price-wise. I mean, it’s differently made and is so much more receptive. Everybody is assuming they’re lower fees than, you know, that we were at $22,500 and now we’re coming in at 16 with the printing. We’ve been at that now, we’ve been working on that for about two weeks. We have probably sold 20 arches in three weeks with that price. And just this technology, when I presented it, I say, you can’t find anything else, this technology changed. But this price, if they go down, things will get better. And I think that’s exactly where we are with the digital process and the materials. Exactly as you said, it’s important to have this plan, we let them have them. In order for them to have, you know, a warranty that we print on that, they got to come in every year, have it checked out, have it cleaned out, and inspected, and, uh, if we see anything wrong with it, we’re going to reprint it.
Bart: Right. Or you can include a reprint.
Dr. Spencer: Yeah.
Bart: Then you don’t have to worry about it, you know. But, yeah, so… just like you’re saying, it’s a totally different product. All of the… most of the doctors, they look at it as a step to reach the final. That’s why they call it a temporary but it’s one of the things that drives me freaking nuts because we… nobody calls a denture a temporary.
Dr. Spencer: Yeah, it’s not temporary to think, they got a permanent, uh… they’re coming out with, um, a permanent raise on that data so that’s coming out, you know, very soon. So, it’s, you know, you don’t have to call it different. It’s not. [inaudible] But like you said, you’ve got it, you’ve got to put in so that they’re coming in on an annual basis to get it cleaned and reject. I’m just letting you know, I mean, you taught us a lot about everything and not liking the prices so you could try to pay down credit rates and that kind of stuff, and it’s all about trying to get people comfortable with the process. And then once they are, um, and once we see the technology with the new ones because these things, Nanos are amazing, they’re beautiful. Then you can see things really make those records for inspiration, and I think they will last well. They’re hard to break. Hard to break.
Bart: 100%. Okay, do we have another one?
Woman 1: Yup. What if someone’s issue is not the doctor did not look in their mouth? They didn’t see them in the chair? Do we change their 10, 10, 10 to fit their needs?
Bart: To fit the patient’s needs?
Woman 1: Yeah.
Bart: Well, if the patient, for some reason if the doctor feels like they need to look in their mouth and do it…
Woman 1: The patient’s issue is that the first consult did not look in their mouth and didn’t sit them in a chair.
Bart: Oh, look. If someone told me… like if I’m doing consults and we’re doing the whole thing in a consult room, and I’m talking to a patient, and I said, give me a little insight into what they didn’t like and they said that, I’d be like, okay, give me a second and I would open up an opportunity to make sure the doctor freaking looked in their mouth. Do you know what I mean? Yeah, for sure. But that’s why you want to ask that question, you know what I mean? So that you know kind of what they’re looking for. Yeah, even if you’re used to doing them all in a consultation, if they said that was the reason, that’s what they didn’t, like don’t redo it. But again, sometimes if you guys ask it right off the bat in the first minute or two minutes when they tell you, they went to another practice, they won’t divulge everything, and if you don’t ask him the right way and plant a couple of seeds and lead them with some ideas, then they’ll forget about it right there and they won’t tell you also.
Woman 1: Okay. How can we help a patient who qualifies for credit but cannot afford the monthly payment even for the longest term? I did offer a temp option for less and quoted monthly as well, but he did not want to move forward.
Bart: He didn’t want to move forward with?
Woman 1: The temp.
Bart: Okay. Well, so number one, I wouldn’t call it a temp. I will call it an All-on-4, okay? And you don’t want to make one sound so superior to the other that if they don’t get qualified, they’re so… they’re- they’re heart is so set on this that they can’t fall back to anything because let’s look, think about it. Like why wouldn’t they rather be with a printed PMMA than continue on with no teeth? What are they going to get better? What are they going to do? Go into a snap-on, right? So a couple of things – if they don’t if they end up not doing it even though you got them financing and they could afford it, that means that in their mind, it’s positioned so far below what we were pitching that it’s not even worth doing. Meaning they’re saying in their mind, hey, if I don’t do this, I’m not going to do anything. But what should be in their mind is the only thing that’s important is forward progress. The only thing that makes no sense here is to do nothing and continue on like I’ve been in for the last five, ten, fifteen years. That is what makes no sense.
And again, that’s the seed we’re planting, guys, in the- in the first ten. I don’t care what we end up doing, we’re going to do whatever that makes the most sense, whatever you want as long as we’re moving in the right direction. We stop this progression and we start moving in the right direction towards good health, then we’re doing the right thing, right? There’s a lot of different ways. There’s some people- they come in and they say, hey, I want 10, 10, 10. I want the best of the best of the best. But financially, they couldn’t get there. Some people can get there in literally a week. We can do it and boom, boom, boom, they walked out of the office and they’ve achieved it and they love it. Some people they want that but financially they can’t reach that in a week. Sometimes financially, they reach that in six months. Sometimes they reach it in a year. Sometimes they reach it- I can’t get them to a 10 out of 10, I can get them to a 5 out of 10. Right now, they’re at a zero. I can get them to a 5 out of 10 right now and then a year from now, I can get them to a 7 and then three years from now, they’ve achieved the 10s and 10.
Let’s face it, we all want the best but we have to do what we can do financially to get moving in the right direction and sometimes it takes more time. That’s not what’s important. What’s important is that you don’t walk out of this place in the same condition that you walked in. Does that make sense? And when you have to like nail that, that shouldn’t be even an option in the brain, right? But it happens sometimes because we go all in on the zirconia, we go all in on this particular treatment, they’re excited about it, they’ve mentally got in their head, and then there’s this huge letdown with the financing and they’re almost like, ugh, all right, now I don’t want to do… let me just think about it and we lose them over that. Right? So we can’t… anything they do, even if it’s removable, I don’t care. I’m excited for them. It’s better than what they got. Do you know what I’m saying?
We can continue to build on this thing over time but let’s do what you can do. Let’s do the best we can do for what you can pay today. What’s the point? How is it going to- how is it going to help your situation to wait another day? What’s the upside to that, you know? So, sometimes at that point, you have to know kind of where to push them and how to push them to help them, um, but make sure that when you’re selling it, you’re not selling it so much in comparison to another product that they don’t want… they kind of view it as a redheaded stepchild. Did I have another one?
Woman 1: That’s it.
Bart: Okay, cool. I went a little bit over but not that much, guys. Guys, did that help? Cool. Remember when you get those second opinions, they say super expensive, go into the triage script, get a number from them. They say just some options, go through the process as normal, right? Plant the seed that All-on-4 is not one thing and you need to know the current state and their desired state, do that, and then it would really help me if you could give me some insight into your prior visit before we go meet the doctor. Anything you weren’t sure of, blah, blah, blah. Do that right before the second ten, plant some seeds, after you have the trust, you guys will be shocked at what you hear. Don’t engage in the conversation. It goes in the memory bank and we’re going to pull those things out when we frame the close and create a close that just knocks their socks off. Makes sense?
All right, cool. Guys, thanks for logging onto the call. Remember, any of these calls you miss, you can get them, um, you can get them in the online learning platform and listen to them. And if you guys have not been to a power session, please go on there. Look at the power sessions. Look at the topics and go ahead and get them on the schedule. Try to schedule them out at least six to ten months. Okay? All right, guys. Go make some money. Go close somebody. Bye-bye.
Woman 1: Bye.