The Closing Institute - Full Arch Sales Critique

January, 2024

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Bart Knellinger: Guys, what’s going on?

Female1: Good, it’s freezing in Minnesota.

Male: Oh, God, it’s always freezing in Minnesota.

Female1: Yes. It’s true.

Bart: True–always, always. It’s not freezing down here. We’re a little chilly. It’s 70 so..

Female1: Oh, it’s perfect! I think it feels like minus 20 outside today, when chill.

Bart: Oh my gosh.

Female1: Yeah. It’s nicer than a few days ago but—

Bart: You still got a long way to go up there, you know.

Female1: Yeah.

Bart: You know why, right now?

Female1: But maybe we can come to Florida, go to Florida for a conference coming up.

Bart: That’s the.. that sounds good. That’s why—hey, that’s a great reason to come to all the power sessions.

Female1: That’s right!

Bart: January, February, March we’re there.

Female1: Yeah.

Bart: I’m just gonna give everyone a second to log on here. Got a bunch of you are logging on. Hey, hey, hey.

Casie Deisher: Hey, everyone.

Bart: It’s another year, 2024. Can you guys believe it?

Female1: No.

Bart: And January’s almost over, I don’t even know what happened. What happened? January’s already almost over. Then all you guys get the chance to sit down–already not me[?] This but—did you guys, did any of you have a chance to like sit down with the doctors, recap what happened last year, where we ended up, what the goals are going to be this year, get clear on what we’re trying to do, set those targets. Did you guys have a chance get with the doctors, get with the atient advocates and all that stuff? Anybody have a chance to do that? If you haven’t take the opportunity to do it, for sure.

You know the New Year’s like it’s’s just a really, really good reset. If you guys don’t have an annual meeting or anything like that that you do you, don’t have any time for that, make sure you guys get on the calendar with doctors to at least go through “hey, what happened last year?” You know, here’’s some of the changes we made, here’s where we wound up in the midst of all of the chaos, right? What are our main objectives this year moving forward, you know. Get really clear on those kind of things, your complain[?], the goals, the quotas, and make sure you have all those goals set, right? If that’s not done, it can get.. it just leads to a lot of issues.

So you want to know where the doctor, where do you guys want to be as far as arches, you know, if they want to be at 10 arches per month, then you have to have a console goal, right? You want 10 arches sold a month? Okay, you’re gonna get minimum 30 consultations, ‘kay? That goal is for the patient advocate. So your goal is to close 10, their goal is to put you in front of 30 consultations, right? And then for the patient, in order to.. in order for the patient advocate to put you in front a 30 consultations, they’re probably going to need 150 leads to hundred leads something like that.

So you can have.. you want to have all of those things in place, if you don’t already, you wanna have those things in place moving forward along with your forecast, you know? That way you.. that way you guys can kind of course correct in real time instead of just looking back at the end of the year and going “yeah, well we wanted to do 120 arches, we ended up doing 55,” right? So if you know, you’re trying to close 10 and you need 30 consultations and you’re looking at the month and you only have 7 consultations on the schedule, then what are you doing right now in January if you got 7 consultations on schedule, what do you do?

You could sit there with that look on your face or what do you do?

Ruben Delgado: You start scheduling more.

Bart: Yeah, well.

Dena Colditz: See some more.

Bart: I’d be having a conversation with the patient advocate. You know what I’m saying? Because my question would be like, “hey, we’ve got all these.. we’ve got tons of openings for new patient consultations.” What where are we going wrong, right? Because they might say well, “we’re just not..we’re not get enough leads”. So it might be a leads, if it’s the lead staying then, hey, we address the marketing you fix it. If they’re getting plenty of leads in the just struggling getting him scheduled then it could just.. they could just need some help there, right, with the with their strategy. It could be the triggers whatever. But if you have those goals in place those targets and you guys have your forecast that you’re keeping up-to-date then when something’s going sideways you guys can make a change right now that will affect the month that you’re currently in instead of constantly working backwards, reacting to what happened.’t let the month get to the point where your goal is to sell 10 and you sell 2. You just can’t miss by that.. by that much. That makes sense?

Ruben: Yeah.

Bart: It’ll also give you the opportunity to know if those goals are even halfway achievable. We had some citrus last year. We had a our goals 10 arches and the doctor only had you know, seven days to do surgeries. So we didn’t even have enough surgical days to actually do the 10 within the month. Uhm so, as long as you have that.. you guys have that planned out, then you can quarterback the whole process, um and you wanna get that straight with the doctor. What’s going on, what are the targets we need ahead. Here’s what we need from a lead perspective, here’s what we need from a booking perspective, here’s what I’m expecting as far as a closing percentage and here’s what we need is far as surgical dates. You know like, hey, I know in March, you’re going to be out for 10 days that only leaves us with this so we need to open up these two Fridays right or a Friday and a Saturday or whatever to where we can do a surgery in the morning afternoon, or otherwise, we’re going to miss our-our-our goal here in this month. Make sense guys?

Ruben: Yeah.

Bart: So plan it out and take control over it, um, because it.. as-as the treatment coordinator, you guys should be the quarterback of this entire process. So you have to have a process engineered and created that.. that is created to work. You know, you don’t.. you don’t want to be, you know, working from behind the eight ball right..right in January. So just take control, get your forecast on, create the goals, and then present everything to the doctors. That will really help them out a lot. They’re just you know, it’s a really nice feeling when someone comes to me and they already have this stuff done and figure it out, it’s like wow, you know, they’re on top of it. You know, instead of always bringing me issues or bringing me problems and I fix them, for everybody. When they bring it to me, right? And it’s..they-they put some thought into it, it’s ironed out. It’s just so easy for me to.. for me to go with it and trust them more. And the doctors will be the same.. the same way with you guys.

So if you haven’t done that, um, take some time, outside of the day, and make sure you get square on what all those goals are, what your.. your [inaudible] are and then, um, make sure that you guys are updating that forecast, okay? Let’s get the year off to the right start there. Um, speaking the right start. So first, uh, first video, we’re gonna do this year, um, I think it’s a really good one to show. There’s a quite a few, uh, treatment coordinators here on this call, that are.. that are fairly new, right, within the last, you know, five or six months in terms of synops. So, I’m gonna go through, um, a video with you guys, that’s gonna point out a couple things that I think are really, really important for you to keep in mind, moving forward. Because what I think happens sometimes, when-when you’re implementing the 10-10-10, you’re tryna learn a new process, I think sometimes we can get caught up in trying to remember what we’re the words that we’re trying to say, right?

We-we’re worried so much about the mechanics that sometimes we make.. you can make it a little bit more complicated than it is, um, and I want to make sure everybody on the call’s really clear what we’re trying to accomplish from a macro standpoint. If you know what we’re doing from a macro standpoint, then.. then the-the improvisation that’s going to occur in a real-life consultation, uh, is gonna be very natural for you, and it’s going to be like, it’s gonna be instinctive. If you’re not sure on why we’re asking this question, what we’re trying to accomplish, when the patient starts throwing curveballs and they go off script, uh, it can.. it can kinda ruin the flow a little bit and that’s normal but we’re going to watch a video where th-there’s a few things that happened, again, with a newer treatment coordinator with Hailey. I don’t know who is it. Hayley, arre you on the call? Is Hailey in the call? I don’t know. If you are don’t hide.

Nice. Okay. I’m gonna go ahead. Hey guys, turn up the volume, the audio’s overall, it’s pretty good on this video though, but, um, crank up the volume and then I’ll just kind of pause as we go along and, um, and just provide commentary there. Okay, here we go.

Hailey: So, my name is Hailey. I am, um, the coordinator here. Okay, um, so my job here is to get you where you wanna be. But in order to do that, I know a couple of things. I need to know where you’re at now, kind of your pain points. Um, any issues that you’re having. Um, and then kinda want to know where you want to be, does that make sense?

So as of right now, it looks like you have.. you only have one missing tooth or how many teeth are you missing?

Mrs. Bruce: Oh no, I have several.

Hailey: Okay, and how long has that been?

Mrs. Bruce: Years.

Hailey: Years? Are they in the back, the front?

Mrs. Bruce: Well, it’s, uh, there—

Bart: Okay. So first 30 seconds, okay? First 30 seconds when we get in here. And again, this is normal, start off with a new process. You’re trying to like get through the script, you trying to hit these anchors, you know what I mean? For the scorecard, the whole point of the intention, right, of-of stating the intention, is so that they’re really clear on why we’re going to be asking questions what the.. basically what our philosophy is. Now, how clear–I want you to just listen to it really quickly again ‘cause it’s—we went through it kind of fast but just listen and tell me if you think this is super clear.

Hayley: Uh, so my job here is to get you where you wanna be. But in order to do that, I know a couple of things. I need to know where you’re at now, kind of your pain points. Um, any issues that you’re having. Um, and then kinda want to know where you want to be, does that make sense?

So as of right now, it looks like you have..

Bart: Yeah so, “where you wanna be,” they’re probably thinking like hmm.. Not sure that’s super clear, right? So where you wanna be, right, what your must-haves are, what do you want in terms of function, aesthetics, maintenance, what you’re looking for in terms of longevity. If I know where you are now and everything that we want to fix or anything that we want to avoid anything that’s causing you heartache and if I know what we want how you want to feel look and function in the future, that’s really all the information I need to give to the doctor for them to take it from there, is that make sense? Righ? All you guys to remember the-the entire philosophy of this style of selling is that we’re not selling anything, we’re not pushing anything, right? What we sell is completely contingent on the information that we receive from the patient because we are custom in nature, by.. i-i-in terms of our business, we’re a custom business, does that make sense there?

Here, I don’t have five off-the-shelf products. choose one. And I’mma just match the person to the produc, no, we’re going to create a product to match what the person wants. But I can’t create a product, “product,” treatment, service, whatever you want to call it, without information from the client. Makes sense?

Hailey: You only have one missing tooth or how many teeth are you missing?

Mrs. Bruce: Oh no, I have several, I have several.

Hailey: Okay, and how long has that been?

Mrs. Bruce: Years.

Hailey: Years? Are they in the back, the front?

Mrs. Bruce: Well, it’s, uh, there.. the back, the sides, uh, the.. three or four in the front are, you know, all been replaced. So, it’s, it’s..

Hailey: Okay, okay. Do you have crowns?

Female Patients: I do and have a couple of them like this one up here. This one does have a cavity. This one here has a really bad cavity. So, um, they’re not painful like, you know now, but, you know, cold.

Hailey: Nah, I get it. They’re sensitive. Okau.

Mrs. Bruce: Yeah.

Hailey: Okay. Um, and so I saw that you were going to a different office back in January, was that just kinda like a routine type of thing?

Mrs. Bruce: That was 2020.

Hailey: 2020? Okay.

Mrs. Bruce: Yes.

Hailey: Okay, so 20—that was your last dental visit? Was that just kinda like routine or is that whenever they did some work?

Mrs. Bruce: They did, it was an extraction.

Hailey: Extraction, okay. And you haven’t been anywhere since.

Mrs. Bruce: Correct.

Hailey: Okay. And so, like what are you looking at in terms of where you want to be kind of doing something fixed, removable?

Mrs. Bruce: Fixed.

Bart: Okay, so what do you guys think, as far as, I mean, do we have a good idea of where.. of where she is? What her what her issues are right now? Do we have a good idea of that? Y

Ruben: No.

Bart: I don’t know why she’s here, right? What is she doing here? She’s not there because she wants fix. This is the thing guys, they don’t.. that–if someone says I want fixed, they really don’t, right. The-the-they have the, um, they’re under the impression that fixed will eliminate whatever the reason is why they’re there, righ? But they’re typically there because there’s something negatively affecting them, but you have to find out what that is. If you don’t know what that is, you just gonna make all kinds of speculations, um, and you’re’re gonna be.. you’re just not gonna be able to get on the same page with the patient.

So it’s not enough to just ask them “all right, what’s going on?” They give you a recount of how many teeth they’re missing. And then okay, got it. Let’s move on to, um, you know, the desired state or the outcome, right? So you guys know like the entire philosophy revolves around x plus y equals z where I think sometimes we’re not clear is what kind of information do you need to actually create a new miracle. X is their current state, right? So I got a 5 for X. I got a 10 for their outcome.. for Z, cool the treatment plans this, boom, it’s 5. But what does it take to come up with the 5 or the 10 or whatever even to come up with a number? Okay?

We need to know what their.. this is probably.. this is a time where you might want to write this down because super, super critical that you guys get it. If you don’t understand what you’re trying to get out of them, you’re not gonna know when you’re done with your line of questioning, okay? So
, ehem. So the first thing is a recount of their pain points, right. Pain points are things like ‘I’m missing x amount of teeth,’ right? I-it’s usually doesn’t.. doesn’t involve any type of emotion or anything like that. So it’s ‘what are the pain points’ then it’s ‘how those pain points are affecting your life negatively’ and then it’s ‘why did you decide to do something about it now?’

I need all of that. That’s going to give me a numerical value. And guys, it’s also.. it’s also gonna give you a lot of information about what they’re going to want in terms of an outcome. Because even if they’re not sure, even if they’re not thinking about the clinical outcome, which most of them aren’t at this point, you know at minimum they want the inverse of the negative effect that’s happened on their life, right? So if they said it’s the negative in terms of they don’t, they can’t eat what they want. Clearly you know, that function something that’s going to be important to them.

Does that mean that I don’t ask the question? No, it doesn’t mean that. We have to get them saying this stuff. They have to tell us, right, but you don’t want to rush.. this is the part you don’t want to rush through. A minute 41, no way. No how impossible that we’re already on outcome. There’s no way. There’s no way that we’re.. that were there that fast and I like efficiency, right? But I mean ten minutes is, you know, ten minutes is quick to do the whole thing. But yet.. but the vast majority of this is gonna be taken up, you know, in terms of the X not the Z.

A lot of the Z is you guys leading them and allowing them to just further elaborate, um, but you want to make sure that the patient is doing the majority of the talking here and that you’re guiding them so that–it so– that they know how to answer your questions, okay? So if this lady said, yeah, well I’m missing this and I’m missing that and blah blah blah, um, you know, she asked her she said, well so for how long has it been going on? She goes, oh for years. She goes, okay, so which teeth is like one in the back, one in the front? Anytime[?] you say like for year, wow, okay. is this something where, y-you know, something happened back, you lost a lot of teeth at once or is this something just happened kind of like gradually over time? Just kind of like fill me in in terms of how we got to where we are, if that makes sense and just listen to the story. You know what mean? Let them talk and you guys you have to be a consultant. You know what I mean? You have to be a consultant. You’re not worried about what the treatment is gonna be. You don’t care what the treatment’s gonna be and there’s no treatment, even in your mind, at this point where you’re focused on is ‘who’s in front of me and where are they common from here? What has happened to them? Why are they here right now? How did we get here? The more you understand, the more you can connect to ‘em and everything they’re going to say is gonna be information that is tremendously valuable in the way that you frame all of your language from this point forward. If you get no information, you have no frame right? You have no frame. You don’t know what their hot buttons are. You don’t know what to focus more on or focus less on. You don’t know what to hone in on or stay away from. You don’t know because we didn’t get the information and if we got it, it was just.. it was too quick. Does that make sense guys?

So I know I’m always preaching efficiency and everything. Um, but this is the part where er.. I don’t even care if it goes 15 minutes, it goes 15 minutes. The point is, in the first 10, we’re not.. treatments or not on our radar. We don’t care, that’s not our job, not the patient’s job. I’m an information gathering mode and I’m going to extract Intel from the patient’s gonna help me close and I’m also going to get full buy-in from the patient because I’m not going to make assumption. The patient’s gonna tell me what’s been bothering them, what they don’t like why they’re here. And the patient’s gonna tell me what they want in terms of an outcome in the future and then I’m going to relay the information to the doctor and then we’re going to go from there. Make sense?

Everything has to come from the patient. The more they say it, the more they’re committing themselves to taking action. The more serious it is, right? The more they’re reminding themselves how bad it is and what–as they’re telling you, they’re looking at your reaction, which obviously you want a reaction of.. of interest of empathy and you just want to be in tune. Forget the papers, you don’t need them, you don’t need anything necessarily in front of you. I understand why Hailey has some here and especially like when you first get going you’re like, ‘oh God, I’m recording this. What do I say this and say that’ and it can be in the back of your mind, you know because you know that you’re.. you’re being video recorded and you’re trying to hit the anchors and everything.

But if you just remember, okay, I need to get to know this person sitting in front of me. I need to know what led her to the point that she’s out right now? How does she get here? How did she get here? How is it affecting here? I need to learn more about her. If that’s the only thing in your mind, the questions are going to come no matter what the situation. You won’t have to think or labor over what to ask. It’ll just be natural, if that’s what you’re focused on. You feel like you have a good idea of that, the next thing you’re focused on is making sure that this patient is not focused on a treatment. That this patient is thinking all the time about how I want to look, feel, and function all the time. That’s where I’m shifting their focus, shifting to focus, constantly and they’re telling me that.

The—guys, that’s how we get to a point where we’re not pushing a product, we’re not pushing a service because the only reason this treatment is recommended is based on the feedback that we got from the patient. So I think one of the.. and this is a common theme guys, there’s a common theme with the videos right now, is we’re going through and we’re hitting anchor points, right? You’re implementing the 10-10-10, you guys are trying really hard. I just think that in a lot of cases, you’re focus more on hitting the anchors and your focus more on the mechanics of it and you’re forgetting the big picture of what we’re trying to accomplish. I think it’s making it more difficult.

Hailey: And, um, what would you say like, are you big on aesthetics, how it looks?

Mrs. Bruce: Yeah.

Hailey: And then functional, of course, you want something that works. Okay, and did you want to get started kindaright away?

Mrs. Bruce: Well, that’s.. it’s—

Bart: It get started on “what?” What get started on what? We were only a minute 56 into the consultation. You know what I’m saying? So she went through, “hey, what do you want in terms of aesthetics? What do you want in terms of function? But it was so.. it was so fast. I get it. She trying to hit all these things, it’s not comfortable for Hailey yet. So she just trying to like do it which is the most important thing because these videos are extremely valuable for you guys to watch, they’re super valuable for me to watch, you can’t do something and coach yourself in real time on it. Right? What you see when you watch a video back and what you think is occurring in real life almost never line up as the same and sometimes they don’t line up as even like close to what you thought. It’s like looking at your golf swing on a video for the first time you like, “Oh my Lord, is that what I’m swinging like?” That happens with the video, so it doesn’t matter the most important thing is to do what Hailey’s doing and go, okay

It’s like ready fire aim. Am I 100% comfortable with it? No, I’m not. But we’re gonna implement it and I’m gonna try it, right? And then you.. and then you go from here to here, here to here, here to here and you just start progressing through, right? Well, my feedback would be, to Hailey at 1 minute and 50 seconds, 1 minute 56 seconds into this consultation, I would ask Hailey, “what are you trying to accomplish right here in the first 10? What are you trying to do?” Forget everything, I don’t care what you say. “What are you trying to accomplish right here,” you know what I mean? And get back to the basic equation of what we’re trying to do in terms of creating those those numerical values because if you don’t know you’re going to ask a question, and it doesn’t matter what the response is. You ask the question whatever the response is doesn’t matter because you’re going to go straight to the next part and straight to the next part and you’re going to look up and it’s like two minutes and we’re done with the 10. Makes sense?

Because we’re not clear on what information, so you don’t you guys.. don’t know, you might not know when to dig, where to dig, how did dig, right? We listening for something, “oh, that’s something that’s good.” We said, “oh no, this has been like that for years, oh my God,” right? Like that right there that’s a spot where you’re not going to move on. You’re gonna.. you’re going to look for an elaboration from her there. Because this patient strikes me as somebody that, um, that will talk to you right? She..she strikes me somebody that wants to talk but the whole thing is really quick, very matter-of-fact, um, and.. and you’re not gonna get a great response whe-when you when you do it that way but I understand why it’s being done.

Mrs. Bruce: –going to depend on, you know, it would be fantastic, yes. But we’re gonna kinda have to see where, you know, where we’re at with this.

Hailey: Okay. Do you have a budget in mind? Did you guys kinda have a budget?

Mrs. Bruce: No.. idea, no idea.

Hailey: Okay.

Bart: Do you see why she said no idea? Just pick up on why she said “no, like absolutely no idea.” Absolutely no idea because this is their first implant consultation right here. They don’t even know what the treatments are yet. These guys don’t have a clue right here. You know what I mean? They don’t have a clue right here. So when do you want to start? Start what? What do you have a budget in mind? Budget in mind for what? It’s 2 minutes 11 seconds make sense?

So yeah, are we hitting certain anchors? We’re hitting certain anchors, but it’s like, it’s not having any type of impact. It’s not having any type of positive impact on, um, the patient’s.

Mrs. Bruce: So, you know, so we’re, you know, works I’m expecting here, but I want to see where we—

Mr. Bruce:And we don’t know what the insurance covers be, we don’t know what the dental covers and how much like, out of the pocket.

Hailey: Okay, no, I understand. Um, with the insurance, um, in our office, we’re not network with insurances.

Mrs. Bruce: Okay.

Hailey: But we do have PPO which is amazing. Um, what we could do is once we get your treatment plans completely set in stone, I can send a pre-authorization to them and they will tell us what they’ll reimburse you, back for the services. So you would still pay in full, but you would get a reimbursement from them. That’s kind of how it works.

Mrs. Bruce: Okay.

Hailey: But I can do that before we do any treatment so, you know what you’re going to get back. If it’s you know, 20 bucks. If it’s two thousand dollars just depends.

Mrs. Bruce: Okay.

Hailey: Um, so that’s kind of how our office works with that. Financing. Are you guys open to finances?

Mrs. Bruce: Yes.

Hailey: Okay. Did you have a monthly budget in mind?

Mrs. Bruce: No, not until we now what we’re looking at. But no..

Hailey: Absolutely. I completely understand that. Um, do you guys have any questions for me before I..

Mrs. Bruce: How long does the processing take? What is the process? And how long is the process?

Halye: So doctor will cover—

Bart: Right? So what is the process? How much does it cost? What are the interest rates what does my insurance cover without—

Sara: I’m so sorry, excuse me, we don’t hear the video.

Bart: Oh, you don’t?

Sara: Am I the only one or does everyone else also not hear?

MelissaK: I can hear it.

Ruben: I can hear it.

Male: Yeah, we can hear as well.

Female 2: Yeah, we can hear it.

Bart: Turn it up, Sara.

Sara: I can only hear you, I can’t hear Hailey.

Bart: Hmm, weird. Try to turn it up.

Sara: Yeah, yeah.

Hailey: ..with the fixed options, you come in. You’re gonna have extra—

Bart: Did you hear that?

Sara: No.

Bart: Okay, read it.

Sara: Read it?

Bart: I had to tell’ya.

Nora Shazam: I think you have to turn it up a lot. Have you tried that?

Bart: All the way up.

Sara: It’s all the way up. I’m gonna wanna[?] go up and be back on. Sorry guys!

Hailey: ..that’s kind of how our office works with that. Financing. Are you guys open to finances?

Mrs. Bruce: Yes.

Hailey: Okay. Did you have a monthly budget in mind?

Mrs. Bruce: No, not until we now what we’re looking at. But no..

Hailey: Absolutely. I completely understand that. Um, do you guys have any questions for me before I..

Mrs. Bruce: How long does the processing take? What is the process? And how long is the process?

Halye: So doctor will cover that a little bit more, um, with the fix options. You go over to extract—

Bart: Yeah, so like, they’re just confused right now. You know what I mean? They’re really kind of confused. At this point they shouldn’t be confused, this should be so easy, right? Eh, when you guys state your intention, they need, they really need to know that, “hey, I’m going to ask a bunch of questions so that I know exactly who you are, where you’re coming from with this whole thing. Everything that you don’t like and kind of how we got to this point. Right? I want to understand the things that you don’t like, any frustrations you’re having, anything like that. The more information I have about that, the better, okay? And then we’re gonna talk about some of the things that you want in terms of an outcome, something that we’re working towards, like guys, that—had.. that intentions got to be nailed and it’s got and i-it.. that’s the frame for the entire call.

And from that point forward, the patient should be doing 80 and 90% of all of the talk and in the first 10. You’re just keeping them on the line, right? You’re just kind of keeping them on track and moving them along, asking them questions and-and asking them leading questions so that they’re giving you.. so that they’re not going off on tangents, but they should be doing the majority of the talking and it should be clear to them that there is no treatment to talk about until we have this information because this is how we get the treatment. Does that make sense, guys?

So it’s like a, um, example earlier, right? So, um, it’s like a custom home builder versus a builder that.. or versus somebody that sells manufactured, prefabricated houses. Okay? So you can go on some of those websites that have prefabricated houses and they might have whatever 10, 15, 20, different predesigned homes that you can pick from. Okay now, they’re not just.. they’re not going to custom make anything for you. You’re gonna pick one of those and you’re going to buy it. So typically when that person.. when you’re dealing with a company like that, they’re going to talk more about the benefits of the designs, the benefits of each house, then they’re going to do about asking you questions. Now, if you sit down with a custom home builder one of the first things they’re gonna do is bring in an architect into the meeting. Now, let’s say you bring an architect and you guys are gonna build a brand new house and you ask the architect, “ey, what options do you have?” What do you think the architect is going to say? Somebody tell me w-wat would the architect say if I said well, what can I options? You have to build a house?

Ruben: You would want to know what you want what you have in mind.

Bart: Yeah, w-what would they say the though, what would you say?

Leslie Ramos: Do you want a big house? Do you want a small house? What kind of house are you looking for? What kind of design?

Bart: Yeah. So basically you’re saying, I don’t.. I don’t have what you’re saying is, listen, I don’t have any limitations in terms of what I can do or build or create necessarily, right? So I can custom build it. we have to begin with the end in mind. I have to know what your expectations are and you and I have to be super clear that we both understand, we both see the same thing, if we both see the same thing then that’s my North Star and I will reverse engineer everything to make that so. Because it’s custom,m right? I’m going to make it how you want it. Does that makes sense? But if I don’t know.. if I think this and you think that, right. And we both agree this is the way to do it, but we both see two different things all of a sudden you have a house you don’t like. All of a sudden you have a house that you’re not happy with. All of a sudden you’re not happy with the look. All of the sudden you’re not happy with the flow. There’s all sorts of issues that arise from that.

So that’s the difference, guys, between somebody that comes in and they do custom work. The custom work depends on what you say. So they automatically are going to ask a ton of questions. They.. they mentally.. they can’t just skirt past it. What happens with you guys.. what happens in dental is you become.. you start thinking more like the prefabricated builder, right? That has these four types of designs or these four types of home builds to choose from because 99% of the time those are the four home builds that they’re selling. Does that makes sense?

But I don’t need to think like that because you’re working for a doctor that’s a clinician that has a skill set that extends beyond full-arch Dentistry. It’s extends beyond implants. So you’re not going to.. you’re not gonna look at a patient and immediately think this is an implant case, that shouldn’t even be in your mind. You’re trying to figure out how far they have to.. how far we’re going to have to come to get from here to here. But we don’t wanna.. I mean, sometimes it’s not an all-on-for, you know what I mean? Sometimes they only need one or two implants, right? Sometimes it’s a partial. Sometimes, It’s.. it-it can be anything, right? It can be.. you don’t have any limitations. There’s no laws saying you have to do all-on-for so I don’t want you to think like the prefab dealer. I want you to think like its full custom and ask the questions with that mindset like this is full custom work I can add this practice, we can do anything that we want to hit your expectation. We just have to know what that is. And if you haven’t thought that much about what you want in the future, I’ll help you walk through it so that we can become clear. Because that’s how we arrived at the treatment.

It’s not even appropriate guys to allow the patient to dictate the treatment in any way shape or form, especially like at this stage. It’s all irrelevant information, completely irrelevant where we are. Right? That’s.. that’s the doctor’s job. Not the.. none of the patients want all-on-for and none of the patients want fixed. They would rather not be there. If they didn’t have any problem, th-they wouldn’t be there asking for fix or all-on-four they would be doing whatever they want to do. Which is hobbies, being with their family, you know going to the movies, right, something they actually want to do so, they don’t want any of this.

They’re just assuming all fixed options are the same, all-on-for options are the same. They’re just making a lot of assumptions. That’s why you cannot allow them to be focused on the treatment here. It’s only going to lead to bad things. If they’re focused on the treatment, they’re gonna questions about the treatment. They’re going to ask pricing about the treatment then they’re gonna ask you about another treatment and ask you what other options there are. What other options you have? ‘Well, we have a removable option.’ ‘Okay, tell me about that.’ ‘Okay, how much does that cost?’ ‘Okay, are there any other options?’ And it’s like look, what’s the reality here guys?

I’m..I’m harping on this because I just.. I don’t think that the majority of you are getting it right but, um, the reality is what options are there, well when we really look at it, we can extract all their teeth, they can walk out with no teeth, that’s an option. I could put them in denture, they’re a good candidate for that. That’s an option. I could do.. I could do individual implants and crown all of them individually. That’s an option. I could do a partial and do a couple implants. That’s an option. We might be able to do some crowns and root canal, save half the teeth, do implants on the inside. That’s an option. We could do an all-on-for, that’s an option. I can do a hybrid, that’s an option. I could do an implant, I could do a bar over denture, I could do locators. These are all options that clinically, they may be candidates for, does it matter? No, it doesn’t matter because all those options get a different outcome so we need to know what the outcome is and then we’ll tell them how to get there.

Does that make sense guys? That’s why talking about the options does nothing but raise concerns that probably wouldn’t have been there in the first place. It waste time and it confuses ‘em. We got to stop, we-we have to get them off of that. Um, you’re just so honed into talking about Dentistry, right? That’s probably the hardest part about this, to change, but I want you guys to try.

Hailey: Normally we place implants the same day. It all depends on your bone and all that kind of stuff. Doctor will take a look at it.

Mrs. Bruce: Okay.

Hailey: Normally, we place implants same day and you would get, um, you would leave that day. Next day, you come back, get the prosthetic, your temporary. Um, you have that anywhere from 4—

Bart: Super relevant all this content, you know what I mean? So remember, we’re trying to go from open to closed is quickly as possible. There’s nothing that she’s saying right now that’s gonna get to a close. We haven’t even gotten to agreeing on concepts because we don’t even know what we’re trying to accomplish yet, make sense guys?

And I’m not.. I’m not saying this like, hey Hailey’s doing a bad job. What Hailey’s doing is tryna do something brand-new that she’s not comfortable with and it’s indicative of a lot of the videos that we get and I love to get them because it shows somebody that’s willing to try something new in front of patients when you’re.. before you’re comfortable with the process and that is.. that’s a quality that all successful people have.

The ones that I have an issue with or the ones that say, uh, I don’t want to do the video because I’m not ready, I’m not comfortable, right. I’ll wait ‘till I’m ready or comfortable. You know, that’s just saying I’m scared of what the video is gonna show which there’s no reason to be. Everybody’s in the same exact boat. Trust me. You’re all on the same journey and, um, i-it’s all good really, really good feedback. So I’m going to skip to head here, okay. Now look the entire.. I think the entire first 10 took six minutes.

Hailey: We will give you some medication, some antibiotics, pain med stuff like that. Um, chewing you’re gonna be on soft food diet for a while. Probably for a couple months. But again, it’s just kind of all depends, um, per patient. Some patients don’t have any pain after. Some patients have a lot of pain after it. Um, it just kind of depends on, I guess, how you are and how you’re feeling and stuff like that.

Mrs. Bruce: Okay.

Hailey: So what we’re gonna do—

Bart: I’mma just gonna jump up over to the Doctor part.

Dr. Abraham: Good morning.

Mrs. Bruce: Hello.

Dr. Abraham: How’s it going guys?

Mrs. Bruce: Doing very well.

Bart: Okay, now listen. Um, so when the doctor walks in, what’s the main challenge of doctor has right now?

Leslie: We don’t have a narrow down plan what we’re, um, as far as what they want and the outcome that they want.

Bart: Yeah, he doesn’t have an equation solve. Right? So what he’s trying to solve is x plus y equals z. Can’t solve it, right? So he’s in the position right now where he’s got to do the first 10 in the second 10, right? He has it find the X and then he has to establish the Z and then he can get to whatever is primary recommendation would be to get from X to Z. That’s the position he’s in, not saying that’s what he’s gonna do, but that’s the position that he’s in right now.

Dr. Abraham: Doctor Abraham, nice to meet you both.

Mr. Bruce: Good morning, Sir.

Dr. Abraham: Pleasure. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce?

Mrs. Bruce: Yes.

Dr. Abraham: Miss Hailey was telling me about you. Let’s see. No, it’s okay. I was messing with this, uh.. Okay, got it. I mean, hey. Remembering all your passwords is always interesting. You guys make up some—I make a bad passwords. They’re the worse.

Hailey: [inaudible] We do it by seasons. So whatever season it is geared towards hat, you know, make it fun.

Dr. Abraham: So before I show you X-ray and stuff like that, lets talk. Um, Miss Hailey was telling me about your situation, your teeth. What you want done, you know, want the whole thing top and bottom to be done, correct? We’re all over your CT scan, thank you for taking that by the way. And we can see you know, you have bone, you have teeth. I can see some of the that. You have an abscess going off the top of the front somewhere. I don’t think you know about it, right under your nose. Any sore spots up there that you’ve noticed before?

Mrs. Bruce: Well, what I have noticed is that my bottom teeth had completely hit the back of that and it’s-it’s I don’t know if it’s metal back there or not, but it is sensitive when I eat something cold.

Dr. Abraham: So for example. Let’s pull an image so you can see, is your front teeth here but isn’t little too much that you can see there’s a little hole, right there. Top right front tooth, so you got an abscess up there. Essentially possible reason why you’re having this pain. Teeth [inaudible] and you can see some of the cavities you have going on in this x-ray. Now, this CT scan is not made to really pick up cavities that accurately. So if you see a cavity on there are..

Mrs. Bruce: It’s prominent. Yeah, it is. Yeah.

Dr. Abraham: So, luckily for you, you do have enough bone to do implants.

Mrs. Bruce: Okay.

Dr. Abraham: We were looking at.. you know Miss Hailey told me you wanted something to be fixed? And so it does not come out your mouth at night. You know, like a snap indenture or snapping it like that. Looking something permanent, get screwed..

Bart: Okay, um, are there any doctors on the call right now? Any doctors in the call? If you’re a doctor in the call, come off mute real quick.

Male Doctor: Yes, Bart, how are you?

Bart: Hey, so question um, if you have a treatment coordinator comes you before the second 10 and says ‘hey this person wants fixed,’ what would.. what would you say to the treatment coordinator?

Male Doctor: Uhh, what do you mean like? Okay, that’s why you need to pick. did she know that they wanna.. want me to fix the.. the chance to know first what they understand about the whole procedure.

Bart: Yeah, I mean.. I would say something. Well. The reality is it doesn’t matter so much what they want in terms of the treatment, right?

Male Doctor: Absolutely.

Bart: They don’t necessarily have a Dr. In front of their name. So what do they want as far as an outcome, I’ll figure that out. You know what I mean? That because—

Male Doctor: Exactly. You’re right. No need to smile[?]. That’s what they need.

Bart: Yes, and you gotta know what they want is.. what are their hop-ons? What do you want as far as aesthetics? What are the most important things to him, function? Oh this person couldn’t eat, it was traumatic for ‘em and they wanted this, this, this and I think they’re really, really honed in on aesthetics. And the biggest thing is their parents had dentures, they don’t want dentures one something.. they want something as low maintenance as possible. And I think she’s a little nervous about it. She brought up sedation. She said she wants to sleep through the whole thing. And I think she’s a little bit nervous but long story short, she wants something’s gonna last done one time and doesn’t want the you know, a Band-Aid approach. She’s been through a lot of dentists and she’s had a lot of work done. She crowned all her front teeth, they’re still failing. Right?

That-That’s the kind of information that—

Male Doctor: And there’s one thing, Bart, and-and I went to dismiss, I didn’t make that mistake myself. I was talking to a patient one time about how the teeth gonna look really nice and his smile gonna be great and he’s going to be more confidence and that da-da-da and then he told me ‘I don’t care. I just need something to eat steak with’ and I was like shocked just like oh, yeah sure. And I-i-i went so much token, I spent, I don’t know, maybe 10 minutes talking about something that you really don’t care about and at the end of the day, he just wants something to chew on, he wants function,

Bart: Right. That’s his hop-on, you know, and that’s the, I appreciate you, uh, you bringing that up because it’s happened to everybody. It’s happened to me before as well. And that’s why when you look at that equation, x plus y equals z, what happens most of the time is that doctors have an outcome and they think, right and same thing with the treatment coordinators, we think the outcome is the same as the patience or we assume that this is important to the patient because it’s important to say 80% of our patients. So we just apply it to 100% but there’s no reason, you don’t want to take a risk, you just want to ask the questions, figure out where their hop-ons are and then ask him elaborate and that’s why the first 10 is so critical, right? And if the doctor comes into the second 10 and the doctor doesn’t have it and the only information–If I’m the doctor and the only information I have is hey they want fixed that to me..

Alright, that’s somewhere way back in the Rolodex of my mind, um, that they made a might have had some type of previous exposure to this. Uh, but other than that I’m going in and I-um going to first, just try to re-establish, um, the x and then I’m going to a reestablish and confirm that fixed, right? Well, I know..I know Hailey told me that, you know, you want something that’s fixed, something that doesn’t come in and out. Uhhm, and really one of the most important things for me, when I’m looking at being on the same page with..with one of my patients, is understanding that there’s so many different ways for me to give you something that’s fixed. Right? I can use different material, I can use a different number of implants, I can sequence things out. There are completely different protocols depending on what I’m trying to accomplish that could all fall under the category of fixed right if that makes sense.

So the most important thing, before I start talking about how I’m going to go about it, is to make sure that you and I are 100% on the same page and I’m crystal clear in regards to your expectations of what you want in the future because a lot of people think the treatment, right, is the end. The treatments actually just the beginning of everything right in the treatment only exist create an outcome and it’s the outcome that I want to make sure that we’re on the same page with. Is that fair enough? Okay, so and then you just go in and start asking some questions and you get them talking about it and then based on what they say aesthetics, function, longevity, maintenance that now gives you your entire frame to make the presentation for fixed and sometimes guys you’re going to ask the question it won’t line up to fixed.

It might mean something else. You might ask the question and you got somebody that’s sitting there saying I’ll do anything I can do, I want this outcome, but you know, I’d rather not have all of my teeth extracted. I haven’t taken care of them in the past. I’ll do everything that you say, I’ll do anything that you say if there’s any way that I can save some of the teeth and still get this outcome or whatever. You could hear all different things. You just have to ask the question and I don’t want you guys the program.. be programmed to think fixed in every situation because you’re going to make assumptions doing that. Don’t make any assumptions. We’re not pushing fixed on anybody. I’m not pushing removable. I’m not pushing crowns, bridge, in do, extraction. I don’t care. Where are they, where do they wanna be and then I’m coming in as a custom company, right, as a consultant and I say with my skill set I can get to anything. You know what I mean? I can make it happen. I just have to know what I’m trying to make happen here. Make sense guys?

Dr. Abraham: Did you bring the models?

Hailey: I don’t cause you [inaudible]

Dr. Abraham: It’s be still the [inaudible]

Bart: Went to go get the models.

Dr. Abraham: This is just a quick preliminary, planning session, for example. So you can see the yellow implants I have put on the screen to give us an idea where we have bone. So we can put some implants in to get something to fix you. So in a case like yours, what we would do is–

Bart: And listen, what we would do is irrelevant still because we haven’t even gain agreement from them that they agree, conceptually, that fixed will give them what they want because we have an established what they want. So there’s just a lot of the content that will get really specific and we start talking about process, we started out what goes into this, and what happens first, second and third, but if we don’t if we haven’t gained agreement on concept, right. So you want to sell guys from macro to micro. You always sell macro to micro. Right. Always, I call it conceptual selling but I sell an idea or a concept so, okay.

So here’s where our so.. If I could give you boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. You know, that’s what we’re trying to accomplish, right? Like we have to sell it like this to this. If you don’t have the-the concept agreed on, none of the..the process is more than likely is just going to confuse them more than anything. So you guys get to a part here, show you what happens.

Dr. Abraham: If you rush it too fast, it’s not helpful. Doing things in-house with our in-house lab that have been very helpful in keeping the cost down.

Health history. You don’t smoke right?

Mrs. Bruce: No.

Dr. Abraham: You probably like Zofran or something. Have I missed anything?

Mrs. Bruce: I don’t think so. No.

Dr. Abraham: Any thing, any questions to ask me at all?

Mr. Bruce: Is there.. what are the other options? Is there any other options..

Bart: Okay, right there. If a patient comes in and says ‘are there any other options.’ What happened? Why would he get that? What did they miss? What concept did they miss if they ask that question right now? Think back to the architect. I tell the architect, ‘hey, you know, I want a house. That’s about this big. Here’s how many bedrooms, here is how many bathrooms, here’s what I like in terms of design, here’s what I like in turn.. I want to open floor plan. Like here’s all the things that I want, now architect comes back with a plan that mirrors what I want and I look at architect and I say, ‘okay. Do you have any other options?’ What is architect going to say? What would you say is the architect to me?

Brandy Salvatori: I think they need to have more on what the desired outcome is, um, to figure out exactly where that patient wants to be.

Bart: Yeah, it’s just. Well like, if you said that to an architect, the architect would be like ‘what the hell are you talking about? I custom made this to spec for you.’ Like this is the option. This is the idea that I have to give you. These amount of bedrooms, open floor plan, this design, this flow, face and ease, like this is a representation in.. on paper of what you explained to me, that makes sense guys?

So my point is if you ask the questions and it’s clear that you’re gonna.. you’re gonna create a treatment plan that’s custom for them, this question will not come up and if it does come up, the only way it’s ever going to come up is they look at it, they connect the dots ago, ‘hmm. This might be super expensive.’ So it’s a money thing and you know it immediately that it’s a money thing. But if not, you’re never gonna get like what are the other options because it’s a custom-made this to spec based on what you told me that you wanted. So there is no other option. This is how I would accomplish everything that you want right here. This is how I would do it. This is the best way that I know how, the way it’s gonna be the most predictable in the way that I know I can give you the things that you want. This is it. So the question, if it’s done right to question, wouldn’t even make any sense, nobody would ask it.

But, if 90% of the dialogue is revolving around a treatment and then we’re talking about the mechanics involved in the treatment, what happens first, second, third, and its treatment, treatment, treatment, treatment and you get to the end. Okay you’re thinking well, is there any other way? Is there a, you know, how else can you do it? Because maybe they heard something that kind of scared them. Maybe they heard something in necessarily like. Makes sense? Just watch how i-it kinda gets confusing.

Dr. Abraham: No, no, that’s a great question. So for example, let’s pull this out. Now, of course, she’s got a wisdom tooth down there. I probably wouldn’t touch it. One of these, probably than therefore now and sore. But other things we could possibly do. Currently you’re using partial dentures? What do you have right now?

Bart: Nope. Partially do for what? You can’t do something without defining the reason why you’re gonna do it, make sense? You just can’t, I mean you can, but you’re just, this is–the in.. Guys, this is how this how consultations going like 99% of the practices, right? Oh, well, here’s what we have you could do a, b or c. Okay. How much does each one cost? Okay, what’s involved in each one? Oh God. This is confusing. Let me think about it and get back to you. That’s literally how it goes. That is how it goes. It goes the exact opposite of a consultant and really what you are, as a treatment coordinator or a doctor, you are a high-end consultant and your area of expertise is Dentistry.

Your high-end consultant. What do you mean what options? You tell me what you want, I tell you how we would get there. This is how I do it guys when I’m talking to a doctor, they’re talking to me about advertising, if they ask me a question, like what options do you have? That’s like an insane question because we’re a full-service marketing company, I can get to anything I need to get to. It’s not a question of what options, they’re are unlimited. Why even go there? What do we want to accomplish? And then I’m going to put together a plan that I feel is gonna get you there. It’s going to have a high degree of predictability. That’s it.

And they’re really in no position to.. to question me on that because that’s why they’re talking to me in the first place, same position that a patient is in, with the doctor or with the treatment coordinator. But once this happens, oh no, what options he’s thinking. Hoof, there’s a lot of things you could do. Stay with the partial, I could try to save this tooth, I could try to save that, I could put you in a removable, I could do boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, but it’s like it goes off the rails so fast and all it does is cloud their head with a bunch of information that is kind of useless, right? You don’t have 10 different ways to achieve the same objective. You just don’t, you don’t, right. It’s like when the doctors are.. when someone accepts the case and they say yeah, let’s do all-on-for and they pay for it. Right. The doctors, don’t just go straight into surgery. Do they?

Somebody help me out. Someone pays from all-on-for first appointment patient comes in, what are you doing? What’s it? What’s the workflow?

Tabitha Aria: It’s records.

Bart: Records and then what?

Male 1: [inaudible]

Tabitha: Smile Design.

Bart: Smile Design! Now, why would you do a Smile Design? Why would you do a Smile Design, guys? You’re doing the whole thing first. Alright, this is what it needs to look like. Okay? Here’s the material I’m going to use on teeth. I’m going to design the whole thing because the implant placement is only there to support this. Can you imagine just going in straight into surgery without a Smile Design? Well, that’s what you’re doing in dialogue. You’re going straight to the treatment without having a Smile Design. That’s all it is. I’ve got a couple questions here. What was it?

Female 3: Um, if a patient wanna ask about options that we may have and wants to know more about it, what are we suppose to say instead of what they were saying in the video?

Bart: If the patient wants to know options in the beginning? Well, you have to.. you have to know this well enough, to where that question is kind of self-explanatory, right? So if someone says, you know, what kind of options do you have say, ‘well listen, you know, every practice runs a little bit differently. Here, we don’t have refabricated, recreated, templated options, right, that we just grabbed off of a shelf and go, hey, you can buy this or this or this or this. Now, there may be some practices that operate that way but they lead to a lot of problems. And when it comes to options we have every option that’s available because our doctor has a-a-a skill set that’s going to allow him/her to do whatever is necessary to achieve the outcome. But a lot of the instances [inaudible]. Okay, how many options are there? Well, there’s a million of them.

The question is.. the question is what are we trying to achieve and what is the best way to get there? What’s the best way? Just because, clinically, you may be a candidate for dentures. Well, what if you don’t want? What if you want a higher degree of function or aesthetics then dentures. Why even talk about that, right? If you’re a candidate for a hybrid, right, or if you’re a candidate for a printed type of material but you want something that’s going to last as long as possible, why go into the printed type of material. What you’re a candidate for, based on what you’re telling me, it sounds like you’re probably going to be a candidate for a lot of different things. That’s why it’s even more important for us to be super clear on what your expectations are because as opposed to other practices that use templated, refabricated, treatments for everybody and they don’t customize it, we’re the exact opposite of that.

Based on where you are now and everything that you want; aesthetics, function, longevity, maintenance, lifestyle. We’re going to completely customize a treatment to get you there. The fastest, most predictable, and most comfortable way that we possibly can. Is that make sense? You guys have to know this like.. I mean, you gotta know it well enough to be able to have a lightbulb moment with any patient that sitting there because that’s the whole thing. It doesn’t.. it doesn’t matter what options there are. Who cares? Why does it matter? What part..

Tabitha: I was going to say, It’s Tabitha Aria Dental. I think that the problem with allowing the patient to kind of run that.. if you allow the patient asked that question and not address it then we become an order taker versus like advising the patient on what they need based on what they tell us. So I feel like yeah, it’s really important to make sure that the patient knows that everything is customized and tailored to what they’re saying their desired outcome is and the minute that you just start listing, off-white treatment plans or what different solutions, could be then.. then we just become taking an order versus advising them as the professional.

Bart: Well hundred percent. You know, if-if.. if we go in and send the patient says, hey, I want it fixed we go. Okay cool. Here’s what’s involved, why the hell did they need us?

Tabitha: Right.

Bart: When do they go to dental school? I mean, what are you talking about? You know what I’m saying? You wouldn’t go in, you got brain cancer, and go until your neurosurgeon Hey. Listen, this is what I want you to do.

Tabitha: Hm-mm.

Bart: Are you out of your mind? You’re not gonna say that. You’re gonna say, what’s the best way to do this? You tell me.

Tabitha: I think we should just have to hold on to that role and there, we’re the professional in the room and they’re trusting us with advising them on how to move forward. And then we need information from them to do that.

Bart: Guys, you know has this down, by the way, and it’s just by nature of their practice. Really high-end cosmetic dentist. They have this down. T heir treatment coordinators. They have this down, you know what I mean? Because.. because of the nature of full-arch and how.. we have prefabricated bundles, you know what I mean? Because no matter their clinical situation like whether we’re extracting a teeth or 12 teeth, we’re gonna extract them. We’re still gonna do bone reduction most of the time, we’re still gonna place the implants, like all these things happen as opposed to like cosmetic cases that are super custom and you don’t have like a prefabricated bundle. So the.. the high-end and.. and best cosmetic or any business, even plastic surgeons, right, any type of transformative industry. this is kinda, this kinda happens naturally. Because they actually don’t know what they’re going to do when someone walks in the door. What I’m going to do, literally, depends on what is most important to you and-and, and what your current condition is.

The high-end cosmetic—guys, they already have this. This is a.. this is a result of having the models and having standardized pricing. It’s almost brainwashed you guys into thinking like the prefabricated builder as opposed to the custom builder or the architect, which is your doctors that specialize in complex occlusal cases, big restorative cases, full mouth reconstruction, big cosmetic cases, plastic surgeons. You know what I mean? Because it takes so long to work the case op, you know. What you’re going to do can just vary so much from one person to another, that all this stuff happens naturally. I need you guys to get back to that. It doesn’t matter that, hey, all-on-for is all-on-for. I don’t want the patient to think that. I want them to think, I’m fully going to customize this for them and I’m going to reach if.. all-on-for is the treatment plan, we’re going to get there because of what the patient said. In terms of aesthetics, in terms of function, in terms of longevity because if they tell me hey, I want the best function that I can get, I want the best aesthetics that I can get, but I’m gonna be honest with you I don’t have an endless budget here, right?

So if I need something.. I need something that’s gonna be as affordable as possible, replace the teeth that are missing, and just get me in a better posi–I’m just not in the position where I have unlimited money, I’m not in a position where I can get a loan. So I need you to kind of work with me on this. Well, you’re not gonna just present 60 Grand. You know what I mean? It doesn’t make sense. You’re going to listen to ‘em, we-we’re gonna do whatever we can do to help that.. to help that particular patient,. But I really believe that just because it.. because we have the pre.. because we have the bundles, because we standardized pricing, and because 99.9% of these patients, when you look at the CT you can put them in a box, like hey Bam Isabel High Fastball, this is gonna be an all-on-for done because that happens over and over and over you, guys, stop asking all the questions about the function, about the aesthetics, and the problem with that is that it makes you treatment focused and then they’re going to be treatment focused.

They can’t be treatment for they have to be outcome focused. Right? That way they will let you guys determine what the treatments gnna be. Once you determine what the treatment is going to be, they go, oh this makes perfect sense. I can see why–okay, they want to do.. I know it’s an all-on-for but the doctor said, I got enough bone to do six. He knows I want this to last, you know, as I want functions really important to me, actually I should just gonna put on 6. Right, even though it’s an all-in for just because there’s room so added stability. Okay.

So this entire treatment plan makes total sense based on what I want. Cool. We’re on the same page. Then you get to the close. We’re closing on one thing. There’s not two options in their mind. If you talk about two options or three options and you present price, they’re thinking, okay, what’s the price of the other one, I wanna compare. What’s the price of the third one? I wanna compare. It doesn’t matter what the price is because that ain’t gonna get you what you want. So who cares? It’s irrelevant. Does that makes sense guys.

Female 4: Yeah. Can I jump in and say something?

Bart: Yes, ma’am.

Female 4: So I used to work for a cosmetic dentist in New York City, a very prestigious practice. And with that, all we had to do was dig, dig, dig, and ask. So we knew from beginning to end of what the patient’s was looking for, uh, it was never like an intrusive conversation, it has to come natural but getting all the information you can possibly need and then having that to circle back when it comes to closing a sending a treatment plan, that’s the way to go about it. But you have to ask the questions you can’t be nervous, It’s a conversation. They-They’re there for a reason and you want them to open up and divulge really what their insecurities are. We have to also get them to like us. So that’s important and kind of reading body language.

Bart: Well in trust and trust like why are they worried about the treatment?

Female 4: Yep.

Bart: They shouldn’t have to worry about that, I’m gonna worry about that, right? I’m the doctor, I’m going to take care of the treatment. You know what I’m saying? The treatment just gets you from here to here. I need to be worried about getting you here and this is the point. This is what’s going to change your life. This is what you want. I need to be clear on what that is. And then I’m going to handle the rest. I got you. You know what I’m saying? That-that’s exactly the relationship I have with all of your doctors when they deal with me. If there is gonna be an issue, I never just start throwing out things that we can do. That’s craziness. You know what I mean?

That’s not gonna make them feel comfortable. That’s not gonna make them feel like I know what I’m doing. That’s not gonna make them feel like hey. all right Bart’s got this, this makes sense. No, you’re going to immediately reset and try to figure out hey, where are the areas of attrition where we going wrong? Right? What are we trying to accomplish and what time frame and then I figure it out and then I tell them. You know what I’m saying? Same exact relationship with you guys and the patients. And the patients won’t have questions. They won’t question treatments and if they do it’s price driven, and even if it is price driven, you’re still not even going to talk about another option until we confirm that, hey this.. the treatments the treatment because of the price the treatments the treatment because we’re trying.. because we’re tryna give you the things that are most important to you.

This is the look, this is the field, this is the function, everything that you said, right or we clear. Now having said that, if this is impossible, if you’re saying I can’t afford, it’s not pot. I can’t do it. There’s just no way, you’re a candidate. It’s not like that’s the only thing you’re a candidate for, that’s just the fastest most predictable way to get you everything that you said you wanted, right? Having said that, financially if it’s impossible, let’s figure out what is possible and then I can start talking about how can I get you as close to this as possible and when we start talking about what to expect at what dollar amount. We got to help me out with the dollar amount here, you know what I mean? So it all happens naturally, but this is like the thought of the year and this is going to help you guys so much. I can’t even tell you. Everyone’s worried about the script, you worried about the anchors, you’re worried about what you’re saying, saying the right things and remembering stuff and we’re forgetting like the big picture.

It’s custom. You’re not selling prefabricated homes. You’re a custom architect, act like that. Ask the questions what they want. Be super clear on your head about what they want. Allow them to tell you the whole story. Sometimes if you got somebody that’s willing to open up, sometimes like hey, let’s start from the beginning. Okay. So you’ve had this for how many years? How do we.. how do we get to this point? Did it just happen like one by one did you change dentist? You had a bad experience? Just kinda like, fill me in, take me from start to finish so I can fully understand where you are. And connect with them, connect with them then get to the next part but under no circumstances, is it ever really gonna be relevant to address a treatment at all ever, ever, ever in the first 10?

They will bring it up all the time the first 10. Especially when there is second or third opinion. That doesn’t matter because we’re going to immediately redirect and get their focus back on it, right? That’s where kinda like the training and that’s where a lot of the training the coaching as the come in. Is in those situations, but none of the training coaching, none of scripting, it doesn’t matter. If everyone’s not on the same page with the x plus y equals z, what we’re trying to do? I’m trying to solve a problem and that problem remains unsolvable until the patient gives me this information, that information. Makes sense?

And nobody be scared to do the videos. You can’t be as shark and be scared about that. Like get the videos done. If you’ve been on for more than a month and you haven’t sent over a video, that’s weird. Like what are you doing? You can come telling.. I promise you, you cannot get better if you don’t do it. Because you—guys, I can’t sit in the consult with you. You know what I mean. In sales, that’s what would normally happen. You guys come here, you work with me. Okay, you’re on the phone with the doctor, I’m sitting with you. I’m right there. We go out to a doctor someone’s riding with you so they can give you coaching and they can give you feedback in real-time. I can’t see what you’re doing unless you video it.

You can’t see what you’re doing unless you video it. So that’s why I appreciate the video from Hailey so much, you can tell she wasn’t comfortable with it yet, but she was trying her best to hit the anchor points and do it. That’s where everybody has to start. That shows encourage and that shows somebody that wants to improve. Okay, so you’re in the program, hit the record button. It ain’t no big deal. Not just going to happen, I haven’t seen trust me. I’ve messed it up way more than you guys will ever mess it up. If I could even.. if I had a month to tell you about all my screw-ups, with selling and in speaking with people, I would not have enough time. Couple years, maybe. Okay.

There’s nothing you can do that’s gonna surprise me anything. It doesn’t matter. If you look bad. I don’t care. All I care, you guys are gonna improve, record them, send it in, we’ll jump on the phone, you know, and let’s start to nail this and if you guys haven’t had your meeting with your doctor, get back, have the meeting, establish the goals, how many consultations you need to hit the goals, how many leads the patient advocate needs to hit the consultations, and how many surgical days every month do you have scheduled? And make sure it all makes sense. Mathematically, it’s possible. Please do that. Okay. You good?

Leslie: Good. All good.

Bart: All right, that’s good. Let’s go close some arches.

Leslie: Let’s do it!

Bart: All right, guys. All right, talk later.

Lisandra Maisonet: See you on Friday.

Leslie: Thank you.

Bart: Alright. Ba-bye.


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