The Closing Institute Monthly Coaching Call

January, 2021

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Jenna: Just working [crosstalk]

Host: Just working, selling some implants.

Jenna: Yep.

Host: Cool. Hey, good job on the video. We are going to go over that today but that was a pretty interesting one. That was good. Done a lot of things with it. That was awesome. You keeping Connelly in line over there or what?

Jenna: Yeah, he is sitting next to me.

Dr. Connelly: I am right in here but I will not say anything.

Jenna: Yeah, we cannot talk about [inaudible].

Host: Guys, I am just giving it a couple of seconds here because people are just coming in right now as we are speaking.

[Background talking]

Host: Hey, Jenna, I got a question. That deal, do they come in for an implant consultation or are they in for something else and she just needs a lot of work?

Jenna: I think she possibly came in for a two-minute consultation. I know she just needed a lot of work but I think after looking at her [inaudible] with this, I think it could just be a better solution.

Host: Yeah, then you have seen it tooth by tooth and all that stuff?

Jenna: Yeah.

Host: Okay, cool. Yeah, I got that feeling that she did not actually come in specifically for it. So that is why it is an interesting one here. I am going to go ahead and pull this up. But guys, we have got a video from Jenna or Dr. Connelly’s office. It is a little bit different because she did not actually come in for the implant consultation. She came in for something else and ended up needing a lot of work and was in treatment planning it right there. So, Jenna is doing the financial side of the treatment plan. So you can kind of watch her going back and forth on this close. It is a pretty interesting one, I got some really good feedback for it. She did a lot of things really well here, too. So, I am going to go ahead and share my screen so we can get to it. This video is a little bit longer. So I will just be jumping around to some different parts with you.

Jenna: Yeah, I think when I left the room, they were kind of arguing a little bit in it, too.

Host: What were they arguing about?

Jenna: I think he really wanted her to get it, but she was like, “No, we need to buy a house and that is first.”

Host: Yeah, they did mention that a couple of times. Okay, guys, the audio is a little airy on this. Dr. Connelly is like yelling directly into a microphone here but as soon as he is out of there, the audio cleans up. So I am going to start it and kind of hop around a little bit. This was a pretty interesting one. Again, you guys, you know, there is a chat function. So anything that comes up, if you want me to address something directly, I am going to go ahead and mute everybody. But just type right into that chat function and then I will unmute everyone when the video is done, okay?

Dr. Connelly: Options you know that. It is anywhere from low end to just tapping them out, dentures all the way up through adding some implants so that the denture is supported on it. That clips right in so instead of having to use glue and stuff like that.

Host: Guys, you are seeing that is Dr. Connelly just talking right now. So he is actually in the room, you just cannot see him. You cannot see him on camera. So he is just giving them a little bit of information here and then Jenna kind of takes over.

Dr. Connelly: You just clip into full fixed where anything–

Female client: I was going to say because when I talked to you when I was here, you said you do not really like the denture idea. You would rather do the–

Male client: The implant.

Dr. Connelly: At your age because you are going to a lot of bone. That is what [crosstalk]

Female client: Yeah, I know I [inaudible] to see them so much.

Dr. Connelly: Yeah, it does. That is what ends up happening. Just you can show that what happens.

Female client: I know I am older and I do not want to look–

Dr. Connelly: Yeah. You want something that looks good so you can smile and so that you can eat things like that, right?

Female client: Okay, I have a question. The snap-ins and the permanents, what is the difference? What is the–?

Jenna: I will go over that.

Dr. Connelly: Yeah, just [inaudible] The big thing here is a lot of times, people really want to get fixed dentures, the fixed teeth, because they were the most [inaudible] The big thing that gets in the way usually finances, right Jenna? It is usually the finances. So they may settle for the general type of exact[?] numbers. But that is the big difference, the price difference.

Female client: Well, I am sure it is a big–

Dr. Connelly: It makes a huge difference. Now, well, you said that the chief[?] experience, right? We are having a hard time when you said [inaudible] going to become. [inaudible] provide you probably ninety-five percent plus the value that you always have to choose.

Host: Guys, I am going to bring something up here. This was kind of a constant theme throughout the video that I think you are going to see. But keep this in mind, okay? If you are in a situation where they have a lot of bone loss and they are going to need some work, keep in mind that even if they go with a removable, even if they go with the snap-in denture, it is going to be much better than what they have right now. Really try to be careful selling one over another to the point where they do not want anything else before you know that they can buy it. Does that make sense? My position would be look, the most important thing is that we take some type of action. We need to take some type of action to stop the progression of bone loss and get you back in a situation where we can build from. Right now, it is a situation that is deteriorating. So no matter what route we end up going, all of those full arch options, any of these full arch options are going to put you in a considerably better position than you are in right now. So the most important thing is not necessarily which one exactly we do, the most important thing is that we do something because I do not know.

Host: If we go in too hard on fixed or too hard on zirconia, before we have qualified or have done anything, especially with a patient that did not come in specifically seeking dental implants. Those can be a little bit more tricky because they come in for an exam, you do an exam then they need all of this work. But you have no idea about finances and they were not really in the buying cycle, to begin with. So it is a little bit more delicate. But the last thing that you want to do is oversell the fixed or the zirconia. And then if you cannot get them financed, it is so hard to fall back on the removable because they already have it in their head that it is no good or that they just absolutely do not want it. But what they really do not want is to just continue losing their teeth with nothing else. I would much rather be in a removable. I would much rather be in a snap-in than be in a situation where my teeth are falling out. So kind of keep that in mind when you guys are doing consultations because there is what they need. There is the clinical situation then there is what they want in terms of an outcome. And then there is what they can actually buy. So all of those things play a huge role in determining what the recommendation and what they are ultimately going to end up with will be.

Dr. Connelly: So that is good. They are the closest thing to real as possible. Then the zirconia, you still have a tooth and you have implants in the bone so it helps to preserve the bone from going away like Jenna will talk to you about. And instead of using glue on all that stuff, it can snap right in. That provides a lot of retention.

Female client: What I was talking to him about on the way here is if you are snapping them in, stuff probably get stuck and you start to clean on more, probably?

Dr. Connelly: Yeah, right.

Female client: That is what I am worried about.

Dr. Connelly: They all require a cleaning, right?

Female client: Yeah, all of them are [crosstalk]

Dr. Connelly: Right. So that is not a big thing. It is just you will pay if you can afford it, go with the fixed denture, the fixed implants. Then the next best thing is the implant-supported denture thing. They will be really pleased with the [inaudible]

Female client: Okay. Well, she might be able to answer those or [inaudible]

Dr. Connelly: Sure, if you have the money, the price gets right. But I just wanted to give you an overview of what all that is and where you might be because our biggest thing is we want to make sure that we are customizing the treatment plan so that you meet your goals. That is what we want to do. That is our objective, okay? All right, so I will throw out stuff like that and she will show a lot of clinical stuff. What she cannot answer, I can. The nice thing is that I do a lot of IV sedation here, I do a lot of surgery here. We do the teeth here too. So one is a place that you are going to [crosstalk] Yeah, that is where the sedation really comes in. You find that everybody is in it.

Female client: I probably [inaudible] I do not know.

Jenna: Great for you. I mean, we use it on basically all these cases and it has worked really well. Since you are taking it in and out constantly.

Female client: Things start getting screwed over.

Jenna: Yeah, exactly. So we do like to make patients aware of that. It is pretty inexpensive to get the already[?] replaced, but we just like to let you guys know, at least, so you are not like, “Oh, I just got these biases[?].” We are now ready. So and that is an option as well. This is the molar. We also do these for the upper but we typically do for implants for the upper for these. So there is that option. Then moving on to this one, this is the fixed option. It does not come in and out. This is the one that the doctor said. It is the best representation of your natural teeth.

Female client: Pictures, it is gorgeous.

Jenna: Yeah, and I will show you some before and after photos as well of some of our patients. But it is really nice because this one, a lot of patients do not realize that your palate has a lot of taste buds up there. With the upper denture or even a snap-in for the upper, your palate is covered. So I mean, some patients have issues with gagging and just not being able to enjoy the taste, but it just really not.

Female client: I am a bad gagger. So I do not even know.

Male client: All of these, these are all implanted in the bone, right?

Female client: Yeah.

Jenna: The implants?

Female client: Yes.

Male client: So we will be dealing with this in the future.

Female client: Well, no. If you do the regular teeth like those ones, it does not let your bone do that, right?

Jenna: No. So, the implants kind of known[?] that there. I mean, it is kind of like teeth in your mouth. So it knows that there is something in.

Jenna: I do not want to look like a movie star.

Jenna: We have had their permission to show you these too. These are patients that we have done in our office. This is I mean, the day of surgery. We extracted all of his teeth. He did this option and these are just the temporaries and they are still beautiful.

Female client: They are.

Jenna: You will be able to pick the color of your teeth, the shape of your teeth to whatever you would like. A lot of people like the whiter, I mean, since it is going to be there your whole life.

Female client: That is whiter.

Jenna: Yeah. We do have some patients who are like, “Oh, I do not…”

Host: Guys, we see how good that is to have those photos ready. You can have photos printed out like that or you can have them on an iPad or in a binder, however you want to present them, it does not matter. But I heard her say that Dr. Connelly had already shown her pictures which leads me to believe that he also has some in the operatory that he has already shown her. So, to be able to have these right there and show them, “Hey, this is what you look like the first day when you get the temporary. This is what the zirconia looks like,” is huge because obviously, they are thinking, “Wow, that looks really good. I am going to look really good,” and they start to get excited about. It starts to kind of increase that emotion that gets them to pull the trigger. So it is a really good idea to have photos like that to show them other patients that have gone through the same thing. So it is a really good thing.

Jenna: To look like a movie star, I just kind of want to look a little bit more natural so they do a little darker on the shade. So we leave that all to you. So if you like to show those. Did you have any questions for me so far? I am talking about a lot.

Female client: No, I do not think so.

Jenna: Okay.

Female client: Yeah. I mean, honestly, I do not want any of them. I do not. But I am worried about the percentage of what I have to down and what I have to pay monthly because you said that two[?] payments. But then again, it is like if you have to pay a certain amount before he will do anything, then how would I be dealing until I can get it done? That is what I am worried about.

Jenna: So what are you looking to spend? I mean, we do have monthly payments but you are going to spend like two-thousand, five-thousand?

Female client: If it is a low enough payment, it just depends on how much I have done beforehand because I have a bad tooth. I do not want that one constructed until we do this. But it is really bad so I am worried about that in the process. But I do not know. I do not mind making a monthly payment even if it is a lot of money.

Jenna: Okay and what would your monthly payment be that you feel comfortable with?

Female client: I do not know. What do you think about that, like a monthly payment?

Male client: I did not know [inaudible]

Female client: That is why I know you do not. I deal with those.

Jenna: Yeah. We just like to know beforehand so we can kind of because there are different options that we can look at or that you can choose.

Male client: Where are you leaning towards? You are leaning toward this, right?

Female client: That or the snap-ins. I know the price for this but I do not know what of the snap-ins.

Male client: What are the prices of these?

Jenna: Well, we are going to talk about that in a second and it is like [crosstalk]

Male client: Because that will determine if you say this or that. I do not care about the price. To me [inaudible].

Female client: No, and see, I do not really care about the overprice because eventually, I can have that paid off. But like he is saying, it just depends on the full price because that matters how much I need to pay more.

Jenna: Okay, there is the monthly payment options with some of the financing options that we offer. I mean, would you be comfortable with three hundred dollars a month, two hundred dollars?

Female client: Three hundred dollars is a little higher. I am trying to buy a house. Yeah, in the next year, we are trying to buy a house and we have to put all the money we can away.

Host: So if she is a double arch candidate, it is going to be more than three. So I would personally like when you are going to ballpark if you are talking about monthly payments, which is kind of– The problem tied on monthly payments at this point, we do not know if she is going to be financed or not. But I am trying to figure out is does she have any money. Can she put any money down at all or is this entire deal contingent on her getting financing right now? If I am going to ballpark her on monthly payments, given that she needs both arches, I am probably going to start at seven hundred, a thousand, eight-fifty, what would work? I am going to start high, right? Because when you said three hundred, she is like that would probably be a little high, that means she can definitely do three hundred. It was not like an absolute no. I would rather get an absolute no than like, that is probably a little high. Now she is kind of negotiating back and forth. But you can tell by the way she said it, she can easily pay three hundred dollars.

Host: Obviously, she is going to try to get it, she wants to get it for as low a number as possible because she has got this impending large purchase on her mind right now which is the house. So what we have to do is basically sell her on the idea that she can do something here that is going to save her money down the road with her teeth, give her a better quality of life, and still get the house. So that is kind of what we are selling, what we are negotiating here. But once you start at three hundred, if financing comes back and she is at five-sixty a month, that is going to be a tough one, right? So what if you say three hundred and she says, “Yeah if you can get it 300, let us do it.” But we are submitting now that is going to be fifty-grand, fifty-five grand, forty-eight grand, it is not going to come back at three. So we kind of just put ourselves in a position where we are going to have an issue even if they do get approved, right?

Host: So when we are ballparking always try to ballpark high. Then if she says something like, “Oh my god, eight hundred a month? Oh my god, no. That is going to be my mortgage payment. That is not even close.” “Okay, so give me an idea, would we half that, something like four hundred? What could you do? We will make it easy.” It is always easy to come down, it is very hard to go up, right? If they do get you down to four hundred or three hundred or two-fifty, then you know that double arch is out. So you are immediately thinking, okay, is this a situation where we can just start with one, right? When she smiles, she shows the upper. So is there a way that we can just start with one? But you know in your head already the odds of closing her on two, even if she gets approved, are slim to none, right? So it is just deductive reasoning based on what she is saying and what she is most likely to buy here.

Female client: Okay. To do that, I do not know.

Jenna: You can definitely take a look at some of our financing options.

Female client: Is this through you guys or are you talking about financing through a bank?

Jenna: So there is a couple of different programs we work with. One of them is called “Proceed Finance” and that one goes through your credit score.

Female client: Yeah, it will not. That is the problem.

Host: Okay. Here is another thing. We are going to get into this whole financing conversation but we have not really presented a price yet, at all. So we have not talked about a price for any of them. We have not really zoned in on what is the actual recommendation going to be? Dr. Connelly made a recommendation but the interesting part about how he made the recommendation, he recommended the full arch fix was zirconia but he had a caveat in there. The caveat was almost everybody wants this, the only reason they do not go with it is because of money. The fact that he said it kind of leads me to believe that maybe she had already brought that up to him, previously, or it sounded like something told him that they are not going to be able to afford it. So it almost felt to me that he was preempting that. I could be completely wrong. But just the way that he made his recommendation, it was not like “Based on what you are telling me that you want, if you want to be able to eat, you want something with the best aesthetics, something that is going to last long term, low maintenance, you want all of those things, without question, the best option for you, what you are going to want is this. You are going to want fixed for dental implants, fixed prosthetics zirconia. No question, that is going to give you all those things.” Right? I did not hear that kind of certainty. I just heard “That is the best but some people do not do it because of the price and da da da da.” So maybe he already knew that is what was coming.

Host: Right now you can tell she is really concerned with price. So what I try to do is kind of hone in on, alright, what are we going to be selling here? Am I going to be selling fixed, zirconia, double arch? Am I going to be selling synced? Just one arch? Are we going to scale in, do both arches at scale in? Am I going to back off to a removable? In order to know that, I kind of have to know what ballpark she is in as far as pricing. And sometimes I will go through and just do a quick ballpark on pricing for all of them. If I am getting this feeling like money is going to be an issue, then I might say something like “Look, based on the situation that you are in, you are in a situation where your teeth are deteriorating and the bones deteriorating so the most important thing is that we stop that. We extract the teeth that need to be extracted, we preserve as much of the bone as we possibly can and we stop the progression of the bone deterioration. That is the most important thing is that we end up doing something there. Are we in agreement?” They will say yeah. So, “Having said that, you are going to be a really good candidate or you are a really good candidate for some type of full arch option. Now we have got three kinds of full arch options, we have got four different options available, okay? So there is a couple of different pieces in this equation that is going to decide which one you ultimately end up with, okay? One is what you want in terms of clinical outcome. The second is what you can actually purchase or what you want to purchase, what is affordable for you. Those are the two things. Any option, you are already ten times better off. Okay, so the most important thing is getting you on one of these. But let me go through the options, the pros, and cons and I will give you a ballpark price, right? And then we can kind of figure out what the best route to go is here. Because if we can do both the top and the bottom right now, that is the best. If we have to do one or the other or we have to do a different type of material, it all just depends on what you are comfortable paying for, what is affordable for you, and what you want.” And I will kind of preempt that I will go, “The first one is the denture. This is with nothing, this is where you are going to end up if we do not do anything. Let us kind of take this off the table for right now because we obviously want to get you in dental implants. The denture will not do anything to prevent the bone from eroding. So this is not going to solve anything. Implant-supported dentures, this is where it is locked down, blah, blah, blah, da da da da. This is going to average–” Jenna, what do you guys charge him for that? For the removal? You got to unmute.

Jenna: For which option were you asking?

Host: The implant-supported denture.

Jenna: For upper and lower?

Host: No, just one. Always quote one arch, guys. That is another thing. You will always quote one arch at a time and then just double it if it is two. Always one arch.

Jenna: Okay, so, for the overdenture for the upper I believe it is around twelve thousand.

Host: Okay, for the lower what is it?

Jenna: Nine thousand. It is different because we do four implants on the upper and then two on the lower.

Host: Cool. So nine to twelve, right? Say this is this, here are the pros, here are the cons, and you got to sell it too. You want to make it sound really good because there may be a very good chance that that is all they can buy. So you do not want to diminish it in any way, shape, or form. You want it to make it sound like, “Hey, this is a very good solution. Years passed, this thing did not exist, people were stuck with dentures, it was miserable. So and that is going to run about nine to twelve thousand per arch. Okay, then the next solution, the next option is this.” It is basically the PMMA, right? Is that what you are selling, the PMMA with four implants? So the temporary, right?

Jenna: We just go right to the zirconia, the doctor said.

Host: No, that is the zirconia. I am talking about what is the middle option where you have the acrylic teeth but it is fixed.

Man 1: We have not been doing that.

Host: But you pitched it here. You gave this person three options. We gave him removable, we gave him this scaled option where you can just get the temporary and then upgrade later, and then you got the zirconia.

Jenna: For the fixed option you are talking about now then?

Host: Yeah.

Man 1: Nineteen thousand.

Jenna: I believe it is ten thousand. Then once they want zirconia, it is another ten thousand.

Host: It is ten thousand dollars? Then why even sell the removable, right? That pricing does not make any sense because if you are retailing the zirconia fixed for twenty to twenty-three thousand, something like that?

Man 1: Yes.

Host: Then that scaled in option needs to be fourteen to sixteen-five, it needs to be in that ballpark. Probably fifteen grand if you are going to sell the removable at nine to twelve, right? Why would they buy a removable for nine to twelve when they can get that for ten? So you want the pricing to be tiered to hit people on different budgets. So, I will go to the second one and say, “Look, this is another option, a lot of people will do this, they will go ahead and get four implants, have the denture or the PMMA or whatever you are going to fix to the implants and this starts about fifteen to sixteen thousand dollars per arch. Then you have your zirconia, this is twenty-two to twenty-four thousand dollars per arch.” I will get a reaction. I want to get a reaction because I am trying to narrow it down. I hate when I have to, well, I will not do it. But it is not good when you are making a generalized pitch. Do you know what I mean? I do not have something specific to sell. I do not know what they can buy and I do not know what they will buy. So I do not have anything to really anchor on. It is a lot of generalizations there. I want to take something off the table. I want them to tell me like, “Oh, well, that one, I definitely do not want that.” I want them to say something like, “Twenty-three thousand dollars per arch hold on. So you are telling me that is forty-six grand? Well, that is not even possible. So yeah, I want that. But that is just not at all feasible, at all doable.” I want that because now I know, okay, that is done. Now, here I am with these two things. Do you know what I mean? So I am trying to remove that from the equation. So sometimes before you get into the financing, when you are going through the options, just give them a quick ballpark and you can learn a lot based on their reaction. As you saw, the man here reacted much differently than she did. His attitude is, “Well, it is what it is, you have to do it.” With twenty grand or it is fifteen and those were the two numbers that he said so I instantly know, well, okay, fifteen to twenty, we got at least that. So you are at least in this type of a treatment, one arch. No problem because he already said that number. So if he said, “Look, if it is twenty grand, it is twenty grand.” That is what he said. So you got twenty basic right now. That makes sense, guys?

Host: Okay, I am going to keep going.

Male client: At any time [inaudible] you run your credit, it is instantly denied because [crosstalk]

Female client: That is what we are fixing right now.

Jenna: Yeah. I have had many patients come in here and that is an issue for them as well.

Female client: Yeah. That is what we are fixing right now so that we can buy a house.

Male client: [inaudible] She does not want it.

Female client: Yeah.

Male client: It sucks.

Jenna: But then the other one does go on [inaudible].

Host: Okay. Did you catch that? They just told you their credit is terrible. So they are like, yeah, financing, that is not going to happen. We are going to get declined immediately, that is what we are working on. Now you know more than ever that you have to quote the main fee because they are going to have to put money down or they are going to have to pay in cash. So go ahead and give them the fees at this point, give them the ballparks. The good thing is they do have a backup, they do have a secondary source of financing through compassionate finance that obviously everyone is approved but they are going to have to put money down for that. So now the question is, what can they put down?

Jenna: So you have a good relationship with your bank, you pay your bills on time, all that kind of stuff. There is that option as well. They are both soft hits, credit or[?].

Male client: Yeah, that is fine.

Jenna: So it is not going to be hard, it is not going to affect your credit score. So we can apply for one of them first, and see if it would be approved, and then go from there. Then if not, we will just move on to the next one.

Female client: Okay, so what about the insurance? Covers nothing, right? Okay. That is what I was curious about. But what if I am doing it on my own? Let us just say, if I have to pay it all? I thought he said no. Because I have been taking years. Yeah, no, I am buying a house, I cannot, I am not getting a house for teeth. I am just not.

Male client: Which one do you want more?

Female client: I have to, we have to, yeah, we have to get a house.

Male client: That is pretty good [inaudible] option.

Female client: [crosstalk] with no teeth.

Jenna: So there also are other options with these two. So we could potentially start you out and I mean, even a denture and you can always do…

Host: Okay, guys, this is a really good place here to say something like, look, it does not have to be a this or that situation. You want your house, you need your house, I want you to get the house too, right? But you also want your teeth, you do not want to lose bone to where the situation is just worse and worse and worse and ends up costing you more money and a heck of a lot of frustration. You are not going to be happy with the teeth without the house. You are not going to be happy sitting in a house with no teeth. Drink in your meal FM blender. So let us find a way that we can do both. That is what I want to do. So it is telling me if you are buying the house, what is the most that you could put down on a treatment, and what type of payment could you make? Tell me what you can do and then I will back into what will be best for that dollar amount. Let us figure out a way that you can get both. There is no reason why you should walk out of here and not get anything done. That is crazy. Let us figure this out, you will get your house, you will get your teeth, we will be done. Fair enough, right? That will work. Plus, you just kind of level with them and get to it, you know what I mean? Get right to it.

Jenna: Eventually to something like this or we can even start with the overdenture and I mean, you are going to have a couple of implants already in there for the lower. For the upper, if you want with the overdenture, you have four implants. That is how much is needed for this one. So the only difference really is the material. Obviously, that you do not have this palate. So you could start out in something like this and then you can buy a house or…

Female client: It will cost more.

Jenna: It would but [inaudible] Yes. Well, it would not cost more. Because this cost less than this one. It will just kind of be breaking up the finances for you a little bit.

Female client: So eventually, I would still have to pay for that. Do you know what I mean?

Jenna: Yeah, eventually.

Female client: So if we were here like [crosstalk]

Jenna: Then we also do another option here. Like I said, there are so many different ways we can work with you and so many different options. There are just so many ways we can go.

Host: She does not necessarily have to pay for the zirconia eventually, right? What she may have to do eventually is replace the prosthetic. That is what she will have to do eventually, but what she is saying is, “No matter what, this is not a long term solution for me.” But that is not true because it really can be. I have been in situations where it is kind of a situation like this. They really want the fix. They want the zirconia, they just cannot buy it. They are not qualified to buy it. I cannot get them financed. They do not have enough money. So you kind of back into it, they are like, “Yeah, but I do not know if it is not going to last and blah, blah, blah.” They are not thinking it is ten times better than what they have. So sometimes I will say, “Look, here is something we can do that is going to give you more time and probably give you peace of mind. I know, once you get in it, you are going to be really happy that you did it, as opposed to doing nothing and you can always upgrade in the future. But I also do not want you to look and go, man, I am going to throw away nine to twelve thousand. That is not the case.” Sometimes what you guys can do and this is like an extra, this is something that you can throw in that makes people feel better. Sometimes you tell them, “Look, what we can do. Because the main difference here is just the material of the teeth. The acrylic teeth are going to wear at a faster rate, okay? They are also lighter. They are very comfortable. They are very easy on the implants, not as hard as zirconia. But they will wear at a faster pace. So they could chip or they could crack. They can wear down and will wear down at a faster rate than zirconia. But what about if we do this? What if we just print two sets right off the bat and I will just give you two for the same price? So if they start wearing or you get a chip or get a crack in it, do not worry about it. We already have another set printed and boom put them in. So we are just giving you two sets instead of the one.” Sometimes you can do little things, how much does it cost you to give them an extra set? Does not cost anything for these PMMAs? So that is something else that you can do if for some reason it is they keep selling themselves out of it because that is what I keep hearing from her. She is selling herself out of that and into the fixed but everything that is coming out of her mouth is saying that she cannot buy the fixed. So what I have to do is get her to start to sell herself the removable. I need to get her saying things like, “Oh, well. Really? Okay, well, I guess I probably can eat pretty much the same foods. Okay, well, yeah, it is still going to look pretty good. Well, if I have two sets, that is going to give me twice as long for the same money and I can always upgrade later in the financial situation.” So I need to get her selling herself into it right now. She is selling herself into an option out of one side of her mouth, and on the other side of her mouth, she is telling me she cannot buy it. Again, she cannot afford it and she cannot get financing. So I have to kind of switch that here.

Jenna: This option right here if you wanted to go with the [inaudible]. I mean, it was just out of your financial range, we could always do the temporary and you could finance for this. And in eighteen to twenty-four months, once you do get it paid down, you could move on to getting a zirconia, eighteen to twenty-four months later. I mean, you saw how beautiful just the temporaries are. They look pretty good.

Female client: Right.

Host: Okay and one more comment here just on this whole setup. So if they come into the consultation room getting ready to do a treatment plan, if I am going to go through three or four options, I am only doing that because they said something letting me believe finances were going to be a concern. If they have not said anything and I already got that from Connelly anyway. But let us say that they had never said financing was an issue and they are like, “Okay, this makes sense. Yeah, no, I definitely do not want any more bone loss. I definitely want to do something. What can we do? What is going to give me the best outcome and all that stuff?” Then you just make your presentation, you make your recommendation and that is it. That is what you go with. You are presenting zirconia. There is no reason to triage, they have not said anything about it. So you are presenting that option. Once you present the option, give a price. If you get an objection, you fall back to the financing, right? That is how you get it done. If you get an objection to the price and the financing and they are just saying, “No, it is not that I cannot. It is not getting to a payment, it is the principal amount that is too much for me. I just do not want to pay that much,” then you can fall back to change in the treatment plan and go in a different direction. But if they say things that lead you to believe that money is their biggest concern and that is going to be the biggest factor that it did not do anything, then you start off exactly like she did with the different options on the table and you are into your triage. Say, “Look, all these options are going to be great for you based on where you are, they are all going to put you in a significantly better spot and they will all stop the deterioration of the bone, okay? So, any of these are going to be good. Let us go through it because they all have different pros and cons and they all have different price points. So, let us figure out what you are comfortable with and what you want. Here is this, it ranges from nine to twelve. Here is this it ranges from fourteen to sixteen. Here is this, it ranges from twenty-two to twenty-four per arch. What are your thoughts?” And I am trying to eliminate at least one of them, hopefully, two, makes sense, guys? But if they do not give you any financial, if they do not say anything that leads you to believe that they need to be triaged, go in with a primary treatment plan recommendation and sell it. Just sell it. I am not going to pitch three things, right? If I can help it, I am going to pitch one thing. The only reason I pitched three is because they told me, “Oh, God, how much is that going to be? I do not have much money here.” Because I do not want to pitch something they clearly cannot afford. Makes sense?

Jenna: So there is that option as well. I mean, you can kind of see if you could potentially get financed. And we can always change the total amount.

Female client: Okay.

Jenna: So, I mean, if we put in twenty thousand, and it is going to be more or you want less, I can easily change that amount and it will give you the different monthly payment options.

Female client: Okay. And what is the price difference between those two?

Jenna: I will move on with that right now. All right, I kind of worked this up a little bit before you came in because we have built a demo. It is not something I can just put on the computer and it will show me.

Female client: Yes, right.

Jenna: Since we do participate with them. So, this is just a bunch of kind of.. it is probably not going to make sense to you.

Female client: Okay.

Jenna: So, you get a thousand dollars with your insurance, there is a fifty dollar deductible every year so you will have to pay the fifty dollars. So, potentially, it is maybe nine hundred and fifty dollars that you would get from your insurance.

Female client: Okay.

Jenna: With all of the extractions that are in here, that total is going to be three thousand and five hundred and thirty dollars.

Female client: Okay.

Jenna: For all the extractions.

Female client: That is all my teeth, right?

Jenna: Yes.

Female client: Okay, I did not know. Because I did not take X-rays.

Jenna: Yes.

Female client: Okay.

Jenna: So then I kind of have that as a base point. And I am going forward with other options. So, if we were shooting for the best of the best, this is a zirconium one is for upper and lower arch, all the extractions, all of that is forty-seven thousand nine hundred and sixteen dollars. Now if you were to go with doing this temporary and then, later on, financing for the zirconium, it would be cheaper than that. But if you want, we can go and see what is your financing options are going to be and then from there.

Female client: Yes, you have to–

Jenna: And then–

Host: Jenna, just remember, she already said “terrible credit”. Do you know what I mean? So, “terrible credit”, it is going to be more like, all right, this is going to be somebody that we are probably going to run through a compassionate. So, I need to know how much cash she can pay me today. Does she have two grand? Does she have ten grand? Does she have five grand? And based on what that number is, that is going to dictate the treatment? It is going to dictate the treatment recommendation. Whether she starts with one arch or whether she does a removable for both, whatever it is, that is going to be most likely the biggest determining factor.

Female client: Got to try the one from the bank because the other one is not going to work.

Jenna: Okay.

Female client: I mean, really, there is no way it would work because I am still going through the middle of fixing stuff.

Jenna: Yes, okay.

Female client: And I stay home. So my credits do not matter at this point until it is fixed.

Jenna: Okay. So, did you want me to at least try since it is a soft hit and see if it is an option for you?

Female client: I mean, you can try on both.

Jenna: Okay. Great. So I am just going to–

Host: And one other thing also to keep in mind, Jenna. We want to try to always have more of an assumptive tone. Do not ask for permission to do things, right? Like, “Hey, okay, well, do you want me to try this?” or, “Hey, do you want me to go through pricing? Or do you want me to–” just say, “All right, here it is not going to hurt anything to try. So, I will go ahead and put it through both. Cool? Let us go.” Then bam, just do it. Whatever it is, if you ever catch yourself like, “Well, would you like to see financing for that? Or would you like me to go over to find it? No. Okay, well, let us do this here. Let me go through some financing options with you and I will give you all the information,” and just bam. Just an assumptive tone and they will follow you. Try not to ask for permission.

Jenna: For the [inaudible] and just do forty-thousand until–

Female client: Will they come back and, let us say they will say less than that, will they come back and say?

Jenna: So then, do you guys pay them?

Female client: That is what I am trying to figure out. Is that just rent, though?

Jenna: Yes, yes. It is not like utilities are–

Jenna: Oh, you will be able to know right now.

Female client: Oh, okay.

Jenna: Percent and if you did not want to lower this monthly payment cost–

Host: So, they got declined from the proceeds[?]. So, she is putting them through a compassionate which is basically in-house financing.

Jenna: It does look like you were approved, which was good, just got approved. This cross-section here.

Jenna: And if you did not want to lower this monthly payment cost, you would have to make a better down payment.

Female client: So, I cannot hit on a month, there is no way.

Jenna: I mean, did you–

Female client: It would cost completely off like I would not even–

Host: The amount was like twelve grand, it was like eleven thousand and change, it was what the down payment came out to and that is for the zirconia upper and lower, just for like forty-seven thousand, something like that. So, you are saying, “Got you approved, here is your monthly payment. It requires an eleven thousand dollar or a twelve thousand dollar down payment. And she is saying that is impossible.”

Jenna: Would you want me to? I mean, I do not know what you plan, if the down payment would be feasible for you, or?

Female client: Well, definitely not even close to that and I–

Jenna: Okay. Could you–?

Male client: Maybe we can get along here too.

Female client: No, no, I cannot.

Jenna: Did you want me to work with the down payment a little bit and see if you put more down, if we could get it lower? Or did you want a totally different option?

Female client: The down payment itself, I am going to have to make payments on twelve thousand dollars?

Male client: Yes.

Female client: I do not just have that sitting, I do not know if you can see my bank account but I do not have that just sitting in there.

Jenna: Okay, did you–

Female client: So, I do not know.

Jenna: So, this one is for the zirconia all import? Did you want me to look into just doing the temporary and then eighteen to twenty-four months later doing the zirconia and see where that is at? Or did you want me to–

Host: So she is saying she cannot do twelve. So what are we going to say? If you cannot do twelve, what can you do? What can you put down? Can you put eight? Can you put down six? Get me in the ballpark because just none of this matters. If it is not feasible, then let us forget about this option, let us go with something that you can do. So, what is going to make this easy for you? What can you put down here, can you put down six? Half? Can you put down five? And you have to keep going until you get a number, you have to, because what is it Jenna, compassionate? Is that thirty percent that they have to put down? You are muted.

Jenna: Yes. Am I good now?

Host: Yes.

Jenna: It is twenty-five.

Host: Twenty-five percent they have to put down, okay.

Jenna: Yes.

Host: Okay so, basically she can put down five, that is twenty thousand, right? If she can put down five, we can get her for twenty thousand and get her done for that. Okay so that is it, right? Nothing else really matters, she did not get approved through proceed[?]. The question is how much money does she have? What can she put down? It is not just what she has in the bank, what do you have with credit cards, whatever, what can you do? Can you do two thousand? Two thousand dollars is going to be eight. So, she can do three, that is twelve so she can start with one arch removable for that. Whatever it is, I am triaging like crazy right now, because the call lasts about another thirty minutes. With me, this would last maybe another five max. In the next minute to two minutes, I am going to know what she can put down and what exactly we are going to sell here and then just move on. We are going to move on, get it processed, and show her how it is a win. So, even with, let us say it is ten, twelve thousand dollars, it is still ten, twelve thousand dollars, you still want them to leave excited about it. You do not want them to leave feeling defeated. That is where you have to be careful pitching all of these different options and kind of angling in on zirconia too early. You want to make them feel like, “Hey, this is still going to be great. Here is what we can do for the lower, here is what we can do for the upper.” Whatever it is, we have to make it sound like a win and we have to make it to where she wants it. So, it is one of those situations where they need to want what they can buy. Does not matter if they want something if they cannot buy it.

Female client: I do not want those roots.


Female client: What I do not understand is this snap-on, because this is snap too, right?

Jenna: Well, these ones are fixed.

Male client: [inaudible]

Jenna: It is the same material as the snappy dentures and those last patients.

Host: We are kind of going back and forth in the process. So, ideally, and this will just save time and it is just a much easier way to communicate, when you go through the option, go through the option, right? Talk about the removable, here are the pros and cons, here is the price point, here is what you need to know, here is why it is good for you. Here is the next option, pro, and cons, price point, here is why it is good for you. Here is the next one, pros, and cons, price point. Go through all of that, all at one time and then remove one from the equation, figure out what it is that you are going to sell, what price point she is going to be in, and then deal with the financing. Financing does not come through, you go with secondary, with compassionate, and it is all about a question of what she can put down that is going to determine the loan and that is it. You can save yourself a lot of time, kind of going back and answering more questions. Just take a little bit more time on the front end and explain all of them, give the pricing, because we are just triaging. If I am giving the pricing to this person, and they are like, “Hold on the cheapest option is nine? There is no way I can do nine, I can do nine hundred. I thought my insurance was going to cover all of that. I thought I could pay with Medicaid. I cannot do any of this,” then at least I triaged the patient and give them a different path to go in and moving on.

Female client: I do not know what is the price because I do not know.

Jenna: Which ones?

Female client: The price of this one going down to this.

Jenna: Let me get something.

Host: Okay. They still do not know the gross–

Jenna: [crosstalk] this was.

Host: That is an “Oh.” I mean, it is less than half, it is pretty significant.

Jenna: For the temporary and then later on to the zirconia were priced at twenty-seven thousand and one hundred and fifty-six dollars.

Female client: That is half, is it not?

Jenna: That is because these zirconium teeth, like I said, one of these teeth are about one thousand dollars. And there is ten, that is about then thousand dollars per arch.

Female client: I am just worried about the care of these.

Jenna: Of the temporary ones?

Female client: Yes. Like being because they are plastic and also snapping. Those are the ones that snap around.

Jenna: No, those are the ones that are fixed.

Female client: So, these ones are still fixed, okay.

Jenna: Yes.

Female client: But they still look really real.

Jenna: Yes. And like I said, I mean, those ones do not even look as real as these ones.

Host: That is when you are making ground because she is going, “Well, those look really real.” She is starting to kind of sell herself into it, which is a really good sign. It is amazing, once people know the price is, what they will convince themselves of. “Yes, I really want this one,” then they see that one is half and they are like, “Shit, that one is actually really really good too.” They will start really kind of selling themselves.

Female client: Yes, it is not like I needed an implant for that one.

Jenna: Okay.

Male client: [inaudible] in the dental order.

Female client: Yes, yes, that is very sad.

Male client: You are just going to see what is going to happen next year?

Female client: Are you guys still able to do your surgeries?

Jenna: But they definitely should last. There is another option the doctor does like to do here. I know that you really do not want dentures. However, a lot of patients have issues with the denture on the lower because it does move on your tongue on it, it does not stay in place. So, one treatment plan that the doctor recommends and a lot of people love is doing a fixed for the lower and then doing an upper denture for now. So, that is another way that I could figure in for you, price-wise. I know that you do not want dentures but it is something later on that once you pay this off, you could move on to doing either an upper denture or something like this later on, and that will break up the finances too.

Female client: Will that make me gag, though?

Man 2: [inaudible]

Host: Jenna, did she ever say what she can actually pay? She cannot do eleven or twelve. But does she ever say, “I can do this much down?”

Jenna: Now that I am remembering. I think her main priority was just the house, she just kept saying that.

Host: Yes. Anytime you guys get that say, “I want you to have the house too, tell me how we can do both. You are going to buy the house and you cannot do twelve I got it. What can you do?” And the call just cannot move forward until you get that, right? Because even what you are saying, these are all really good ideas that would make complete sense to say and make a recommendation, if that actually fit within her budget, because the last thing I want to do is make another recommendation, give her another payment and her telling me again, “No, I cannot do that either.” Right? Because then I just wasted all the time explaining it. It is just time and energy. So, once they say, “Oh, no, that is too much.” Literally, the consultation cannot go forward with a second recommendation until I have some type of a reference point and what is going to be feasible for them, what are they qualified to buy. And if they are fixated on something, tell them you are on their team. Say, “I want you to have the house too but also, I do not want you to start losing bone, losing teeth, not be able to eat, not wanting to smile, covering your teeth. I mean, it is terrible, once they start going, they start going. And you are definitely to that point, as you can see with the teeth that needed to be extracted. So, I do not want you to not get the house and I do not want you to be in that situation either, so let us do both, right? So, you cannot do twelve, so what can you do?” and just do not move on until you get it. Because if she says I can do five, immediately that is twenty grand. If you can do a denture on the upper and an overdenture on the lower which you can easily do for twenty then you are even going to come in under the five. And that is what you are selling and then you are making that sound like the bomb, right? We are going to really sell it hard because she just told me that she can afford it. I know I have an option to get her financed for it with that down payment that. The down payment is going to be less than what she just committed to, the last piece of the puzzle. I do not want to make her think that it is like leftovers, I do not want to make her think it is the stepchild, I want her to think that she is going to be happy with it and that it is considerably better than the alternative of doing nothing. Meaning that it is the absolute best that you can do for that dollar amount.

Male client: She cannot brush, yes, chew a popsicle.

Female client: No, I did hear that and I will not be able to do anything because your insurance is good for cleanings and that is it, it is not good for–

Female client: That is not an option.

Male client: They are giving you an option of what?

Female client: Nobody came down off that.

Male client: I mean what you are wanting. Their option is–

Male client: That is what their options are.

Female client: No, I cannot do that. That would be seven notes[?] in a month. No, I cannot do it. If I did that, we have nothing. [inaudible] nothing.

Male client: Sell your computer.

Female client: I had to sell everything to get it.

Male client: The computer paid off.

Female client: Exactly, exactly.

Host: So, another thing to kind of keep in mind, right? I mean the guy wants her to have it but in her head, she is like, “There is no way I can do it,” and the only reason she is thinking that way is her level of urgency is not high enough. She is not in enough pain and she is not scared enough right now. The very first thing that we have to do is gain an agreement that doing nothing is a really bad idea, right? Because I have to put some urgency in her. Because if she does not agree with that, that waiting is bad, then I have no urgency, it is going to be hard to close on anything. And it is going to be hard to get her to agree that she can afford anything because she really does not want any of the options. So, what I am trying to do is sell something that she does not want. She is fairly complacent and she is not going to help me find any solution for her. So, the very first thing, you guys, there is no sale that is going to happen without urgency. If they are complacent, you are done. And that is the advantage of having somebody that called in and came in specifically for a dental implant consultation because they clearly have urgency because it was their idea to be there. They called you so they have already taken action. So there is obviously something urgent causing them to take action. In a lot of cases, you already have it. But the patients that come in for a consultation unrelated to it and now you are treatment planning dental implants or perio, anything like that, different types of surgeries, anything like that, the very first thing that has to happen, we have to gain agreement that doing nothing is a bad idea. We have to gain agreement that we have to do something. We have to gain an agreement that it is important to stop the progression of the bone loss. We have to gain agreement that this is only going to get worse and more expensive. I have got to sell that. If I do not sell that and they do not have urgency, then my job is damn near impossible. It really, really is.

Host: Because you can see, in her mind, she is closed off to it right now. He is like, “So what, I could do this, I could do that.” Her mind is just like, “No, I cannot do it, I cannot do it, I cannot do it.” Right? If she is thinking, “Man, in a year, I will not be able to eat. Oh my God, I am going to lose my front teeth soon.” And those are all ways to create urgency and say, “Look, the last thing you want to do is wait, here is what happens the bone. But also, if you look at number eight, if you look at number nine, if you look at your front teeth over here, you see this, this is the bone, where the bone is supposed to be. This is where the bone is. To say that you are going to lose these teeth is an understatement. It is just how soon are you going to lose them. And it is going to be soon, right? That is why so many of them are already in bad shape. So, the best thing that we can do is figure out a way to extract the teeth that are hopeless and then come up with some type of solution so that your jaw bone does not deteriorate. You have got a lot of advantages being here at this early stage. There are some people that come to us and they waited for years, they do not have any bone, we do not even have enough bone to place the implants anymore. We do not even have enough. So, we have to send them to somebody else that is going to place an implant way up here in their head. I mean and some of them just are not candidates anymore. And they are going to live with dentures and are going to have that sunk in. That is the thing that we really need to stop.” And I got to sell them. That is the main thing that is missing here is the urgency. I think, Jenna, you did an awesome job, getting into the price. You did not seem like you shied away from it. You asked her right at the beginning, “Well, okay, what is your budget?”

Host: But just keep in mind two different types of presentations, there is a triage presentation and then there is your primary treatment plan. The triage presentation means I do not have a primary because I do not know if they are qualified. And the reason why I do not know if they are qualified, they just told me that finances are a huge concern. So, now I have to give them a couple of different options at a couple of different price points to zone in on what they are qualified for if anything, and if it is nothing, I got to get them out of here quick because I am wasting my time. And if it is ten thousand then I am going to sell ten thousand. If it is fifteen I am going to sell fifteen. If it is thirty, I will sell thirty. But that is the triage presentation, you want to do that quick, fast, and in a hurry, and if they do not say anything like that, then the treatment plan should be an exact mirror of their description of what the clinical outcome should be for them. And that is more like the doctor’s part, saying, “Well, we have got this. Here is the situation, blah, blah, blah. Here is why this is bad, here is why this is good. Here is what we can do. It all kind of depends on what you want. We have got different options and what do you want? How important is aesthetics to you, the way your teeth look? How important is function to you? How important is low maintenance to you?” And based on their answers that is where he is getting his primary recommendation from, “Okay, well if you want the best aesthetics and you want the highest function and the lowest maintenance, something that is going to really last a long time, by far, this is what you want period.” And that is a recommendation with one hundred percent certainty and that is what you are pitching, that is what you are pricing. And you do not talk about anything else unless you get an objection to the price or they cannot get financing or something that leads you to change the plan, okay? So this was kind of a hybrid between the two but that is the rule of thumb, guys. If they do not give you a price, if they do not bring up price, then go on with your primary recommendation with a hundred percent certainty. If they do, then go into a triage presentation. Either way, it does not matter but you are going to shave off, we could shave off forty, forty-five minutes here, for sure. And close them, close them on something. I think that they were there to buy something. I think we probably could have created the urgency with her and then he is going to be the one to push her. That was your race in the hole because he was agreeing with you and he had some urgency, he was like whatever. As soon as I heard him say, “Well, look if it is twenty grand, it is twenty grand. If it is fifteen grand, it is fifteen grand, this is what it is. You got to do it either way.” Soon, as I hear that, okay, we can do something here, might not be able to do fifty, but I am going to get her for fifteen or twenty.

Host: I am going to stop sharing here, guys. Back to the main. Okay, can you unmute everybody? In case you have questions here? Guys, anyone has any questions on the video? I think it was kind of interesting because most of the videos that we do, mostly consultations we are seeing and critique are people that showed up specifically for a dental implant consultation. This one was not. You guys have had any questions related to that consultation or any type of situations that have come up in the last month?

Elizabeth: Can you hear me?

Host: Yes. I hear you.

Elizabeth: It is Elizabeth.

Host: Hey.

Elizabeth: Hey. So, a question, is it better to break down the price like we are already talking, they want the all-on-four, is it better to break down the price and surgery this, that, versus everything included and it has a warranty, this is an investment you are making? Do I drop the full price at one or do I break it down step by step?

Host: Is it a triage or primary presentation?

Elizabeth: Primary presentation, we are talking only all-on-four.

Host: Yes, then you are going to go through the bundle, you are going to break it all down, you are going to show them retail, then you are going to show them what you are actually going to sell it at, then you are going to hit them with a warranty. So that is going through the regular close[?] where you want to show them that it is worth more than what you are charging, right? So, that is when you go through the bundle that we made and you are going item by item and going to include this, this, this, “This going to take care of you for the next year and a half. There is no more money in your pocket. This should last for the rest of your life. We do not cut any corners here. All included. This is about for one arch, it is about thirty-two thousand dollars’ worth of treatment. Now, the fact that it includes so much of this, we actually save some money on the prosthetic, we save some money on the implants, and we save some money on the time because we have got this system refined so much. So, what Dr. Connelly likes to do is actually pass those savings on to you so let me show you what you are going to get at no additional charge when you move forward.” And then boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, then you show them it is worth thirty-two but you are getting an eight thousand discount right now.

Elizabeth: Okay. And then also, when we mentioned price, they obviously have seen the commercials of ClearChoice and all of that, and they are like, “Oh, well they do it for this, or I have heard of this.” And I am not afraid to talk in regards to why our price is what it is, the materials that we use. I told them, I get into everything, “When you think implants, you think Straumann. That is what we use,” and everything like that. So, is that not a good thing to do? I mean, it seems to work but I do not know if I should– I justify the price because of the material and the warranty and the team that is doing it. It is all in one office, you are sleeping through the whole procedure, just everything.

Host: It is it is usually not going to be that effective to handle it that way. Because if they are going to start comparing it, usually what they are doing is they are taking your price and they are just seeing that it is retail. So, what they are telling you that, “Hey, I have seen it over here and I have seen it over there and seen over there.” What they are saying is that you are not giving me a very good deal and I know I can get the same thing for less. That is kind of what they are saying, that is why that close, if it is a primary recommendation, they have not said anything about price, the way that you orchestrate that close is super important. I have to show them that they are paying less than what it is worth, you have to show that to them in writing. This is thirty-two thousand dollars because we are using Straumann because of our systems, because of the level of experience, because of this sedation, because we include a warranty that would normally be five thousand dollars that we are including here that takes care of you for the next ten years. Because we include all these things, it is thirty-two. And we do not cut any corners, right? So that is thirty-two thousand. Now, because we do the volume, because of the experience, because of the systems, the technology or whatever the hell you want to say, we are actually able to save you some money. So, thirty-two, although that is what it is worth, that is what it cost, that is actually not what you are going to pay. Let me show you what you are actually going to pay, “boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.” So what I am doing is I am going on offense, I do not want to play defense with somebody telling me, “Hey Host[?], I have been to this doctor’s practice and they gave me this price. And I have seen this on TV and I have seen that on the internet.” I want to go on offense showing them that this is the best possible deal that you get, this is an unbelievable deal. And what I am saying is, “This is the best deal you are going to get. And if someone else has given you a lower price, it is because they are cutting corners.” That is what I am saying without saying it. That is the question I want to put in their mind like, “Well, if this other guy is selling it at seventeen-five, he is saying it is the same thing. If it is worth thirty-two, there is no way it could be the same thing. There is no way.” So, I am trying to put doubt in their mind and it does not matter if I charge more. I will charge more and close more if I show them that they are getting a better deal. But you have to play offense there. If you are playing defense, once they start hitting you with it is not that good of a deal and then we start using features and benefits to create value, that does not work very often, it does not.

Elizabeth: Yes, I am taking away the value because I have to justify it so much.

Host: Yes and you are justifying with features and benefits. I would not justify with features and benefits if they did hit me with “Well, I have seen this and I have seen that.” I might justify it with strategy instead of things like implants or this or that because you could get into a conversation with somebody and they are like, “Well, I have never heard of Straumann but they said that they are using Novaloc,” you know what I mean? And you just do not know what they had, what kind of conversation, how in-depth they went to that treatment plan. To me, it is completely irrelevant because I just have to show them that they are getting a huge discount here. And I have to put doubt in their mind over there. That is it. So, I might use a strategy and say, “Listen to the most important thing.” This is what people miss, right? Sometimes they will go to a practice and they will come here and they will bring in and they will say, “Look, I got the same thing for sixteen-five.” But I look at it and, “Oh, that is interesting that doctor has only done fifteen of these cases in his life. He should be paying you to do the damn case at that rate.” Right? So sometimes yes, you got it for sixteen five, they have never done that case before. So, basically, it is practice, for real practice. And then you have got other situations where it is sixteen five, and it is not even a final. Sometimes you have got cases where it is fourteen thousand, they think it is the same thing, they are using many dental implants. Sometimes they think it is Zirconia, it is plastic or it is a PMMA. So, there are so many different variations and it can be very confusing because everyone calls it all-on-four but our philosophy here is “Let us do this once.” Let us do this once, let us not make a mistake where we say, “Hey, we save four thousand dollars upfront and then the implants are failing two months later or the prosthetic cracks in half and you are coming in buying a brand new prosthetic, you have to get the implants removed, replaced. The whole point of doing this in the first place is to have something that is going to function, that is going to look amazing, that is going to make you look younger, feel younger, increase your quality of life, and be there for the rest of your life. If it does not do that, it is not worth anything, right?” and I would kind of use that route. I would go strategy and just stay away from the implant thing and I am just going to de-credit them and give them five or six different scenarios where they might see prices lower but why things might not be as they seem, whether it is the doctor is not as good or whether they think it is an all-on-four. It just says all the teeth are on four implants, it did not say what kind of teeth they are. It does not say what the process is going to be, certainly does not say what kind of implants they are. It does not say anything like that. So as long as all the teeth are going on four, some type of implants, you can call it all on four, does that make sense?

Elizabeth: Yes. Perfect.

Host: Really, really, really good question though. And if it is a triage situation, then it is totally different because I am not going through the itemized close because I do not know if they can afford it. And the reason why I do not know if they can afford it is they already told me that price is a huge issue. So, now I just go through the strategy is always the same, “Oh, look, you are a good candidate for some type of option. And we have got three, four different options would be good. All the different price points, all the different pros, and cons, let us kind of go through it and see where you are most comfortable here, okay? Let us do it.” Boom, boom, boom, boom, I go through them, both the price or a ballpark, the pros and cons, and try to take one or two or three of them off the table, and see what their reaction is, and then see what they can actually buy. And then whatever they can buy, then you are going all in and make sure that they want it and they do not feel that is leftovers, something that is not going to be any good. And always maintaining in your mind, does this person have urgency? If you guys and ever feel like you are losing the urgency or this person is getting into the mindset where everything is negative, everything is like “no, no, no, no, no,” you know immediately that I have got to do something to snap them out of this. I need to tell them that, “Hey if we do not end up doing anything, that is definitely an option. But it is not going to be a good one. Right? What is going to happen in the future is pretty self-explanatory at this point. Here is what you are looking at, ‘boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.’ And all of that, only equals more money, or more frustration. That is it, so, let us figure out whatever you can do, right? I am going to put you in the best, that is it. The main thing is that we stop this progression, blah, blah, blah.” But anytime you guys feel like you are losing the urgency, go back and create it. You cannot sell to a person that is complacent. Does that make sense?

Host: Cool, all right, there was one more question, is compassion in-house financing that we can offer in the office[?] as well? Sure, sure, it basically syncs up with their bank account. So, the second that their paycheck comes in their fees are deducted, whenever that is. They have software that automatically does that. And you are charging interest but you guys collect the interest. I like it for multi-implant cases because you are going to cover your costs right up front with the twenty-five or thirty percent down, whatever you want. And the lower the credit score, the higher you charge, you can charge whatever you want. The system is super flexible but you cover your costs with the upfront and you are charging seven or with percent or nine, ten percent. It just depends on what their credit is. The system will kind of automatically do it. Anybody can do that, make sense?

Host: Okay, cool. Any other questions, guys? If not, I will let you go. But if you have another question, I am here. Anything else? No? Okay good. Jenna, really, really good job. Really, really, really good job on that presentation. You were not afraid to get in there. You did a lot of things right. I think we just have it a little bit more structured where you go in order. Do not hop around so much and it will definitely cut time in half and you will make their decision-making process so much more simple and so much easier. So, good job, guys. If you have anything that comes to mind later, you have questions, just send them in to us or give us a call. We are looking, we are looking forward to it. Keep on working. Doing good. All right, catch you later, guys.


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